Wallpaper is a Wallpaper and ringtone Application which allows user to set and download Wallpaper or ringtone.
Account Activity![]() |
Home Fragment![]() |
Ringtone Fragment![]() |
Uses Firebase Firestore, Google authentication
Clean and Simple Material UI.
Low APK Size (only 3MB).
Following libraries and tools were used in development ->
Firebase - Firebase for server side backend
Firebase Authentication-To authenticate user using Email and Google Providers
Firebase Cloud Firestore-To Store list of Favourite Wallpaper by user -
Kotlin Coroutines - For asynchronous and more..
Glide -To load Wallpaper from url
PhotoView-TO Load Large Image of Wallpaper Which allow user to Zoom in and Zoom out
Volley TO Fetch data from Wallpaper api
okhttps To fetch data from music api
Api's used:Api's used in this Application:
Pexels Apip-Provide Json Response which include list of Curated Pictures and Searched Pictures
iTunes Search Api-To get Json Response of Search song which includes Preview url which used as Ringtone in this Application