148 Repositories
Android firebase-firestore Libraries
🪐 Modern Android development with Hilt, Coroutines, Flow, JetPack(ViewModel) based on MVVM architecture.
Ceres 🪐 Modern Android development with Hilt, Coroutines, Flow, JetPack(ViewModel) based on MVVM architecture. Download Gradle Add the dependency bel
Bego Chat is chat application in Kotlin and Firebase with the following features: last seen , user status like typing ,online and last seen with MVVM pattern and clean architecture
Compose ChatApp(Bego Chat) Bego Chat is Compose chat application in Kotlin and Firebase with the following features: sending all file types and abilit
Shit Chat is a realtime chat application made with Kotlin.
Shit Chat Shit Chat is a realtime chat application made with Kotlin. Screeshots : Login UI Sign Up UI User List UI Chat UI Features Store Chat on Fire
Sample project displaying process of OTP validation using firebase
OTP-Validation-using-firebase Sample project displaying process of OTP validation using firebase Screenshots Concepts used Integrated Firebase sdk for
E-Commerce application with MVVM & Clean Arch - Hilt - Coroutines - Retrofit - Firebase - Room DB.
E-Commerce-App E-Commerce application with MVVM & Clean Arch - Hilt - Coroutines - Retrofit - Firebase - Room DB. API Link Project Features MVVM with
This is a food donation android application designed to reduce food wastage by donating excess food to poor or needy people. Based on Kotlin and currently under development
FOODONOR This is a food donation android application designed to reduce food wastage by donating excess food to poor or needy people. Based on Kotlin
An app to search nearby businesses on Google Maps & Add Grocery Items to List!
GoStore: Internship Program Project A mobile app is built where the user can search for his nearby locations based on his requirement. Whenever the us
Android app using Kotlin to manage to-do notes with firebase as backend service
TO-DO Manager TO-DO Manager is a simple note management app. Unlike other apps, TO-DO Manager is free and open source. You can access your nots from a
An e-commercial application built as a technological demonstration.
Overview An e-commercial application built as a technological demonstration. The purpose of this app is to get an experience from creatinig architectu
A simple, secure and instant messaging app. It's cloudbased and free.
Hasten A simple, secure and instant messaging application. It's cloudbased and free. Notice I'm probably at school right now and can't do much 😔 . I'
Is a new version of code for my (Social media app) with Clean Architecture
Is a new version of code for my Social media app with Clean Architecture. I used most of Clean code tips with android, SOLID principles and design-patterns..
Android & iPhone payments apps built w/ SwiftUI & Jetpack Compose
Android & iPhone payments apps built w/ SwiftUI & Jetpack Compose, the apps persist data locally w/ SQLDelight and Remote w/ Firebase., Payments w/ Stripe and are architected to emphasize code sharing
Facebook clone built using Jetpack Compose, Firebase Authentication and Firebase Firestore.
facebook-compose Facebook clone built using Jetpack Compose, Firebase Authentication and Firebase Firestore. Setup Create a Firebase project and add t
michat - The Kotlin Android application using Google Firebase
michat The Kotlin Android application using Google Firebase View here. Contents General Info Technologies Used Project Status Room for Improvemen
Firebase with MVVM is a series of videos in which you will learn how to implement firebase with MVVM along with UI designs, GitHub branches, merging, and resolving conflicts.
In this project we will learn about Firebase Implementation with MVVM Architecture. It is a basic level Course and will go with project based approach so can understand better that how the things are working.
Order Food Application Build With Kotlin MVVM (Model - View - ViewModel)
Kotlin Order Food Application Build With Kotlin MVVM (Model - View - ViewModel) Clean Architecture, MSSQL API, Beautiful Design UI, Smooth Animations Using Tools And Components Supported By Google And By Most Of The Android Development Community
A ToDo application that I used Firebase Authentication and Firestore.
ToDoApp With the To-Do Application, you can create notes to your list, update them or delete them. You can change its colors as you like and mark it e
This project is for training purposes in Android with Kotlin Course.
fullAndroidCourseClassC This project is for training purposes in Android with Kotlin Course. `//Dependencies dependencies { //Kotlin implementation "o
UpSchool Capstone Project - Course selling application with MVVM, LiveData, DataBinding, Retrofit, Room Database, Navigation Component, Adapter, Firebase Auth, Picasso, Lottie
UpSchool Capstone Project - Course selling application with MVVM (Model, View, ViewModel), LiveData, DataBinding, Retrofit, Room Database, Navigation Component(NavGraph, BottomNav), Adapter, Firebase Auth, Picasso, Lottie
It's a simple app written in Kotlin that shows a simple solution for how to save an image into Firebase Storage, save the URL in Firestore, and read it back using Jetpack Compose.
It's a simple app written in Kotlin that shows a simple solution for how to save an image into Firebase Storage, save the URL in Firestore, and read it back using Jetpack Compose.
Task Manager feat. real-time competitive system and user engagement
Dira Что из себя представляет Dira? Android-приложение Directa (сокр. Dira) - это планер, который способен улучшить жизнь пользователей. Он позволяет
Simple Notes app, MVVM with Google Architectural components Room database, LiveData and ViewModel. Written in Kotlin using androidx libraries
Simple Notes app, MVVM with Google Architectural components Room database, LiveData and ViewModel. Written in Kotlin using androidx libraries. Implemented Firebase Auth and Database, and used Room database
Quiz Zone is a simple ✅ Quiz Android application 📱 using Firbase Firestore Database and Material Design.
Quiz Zone Quiz Zone is a simple ✅ Quiz Android application 📱 using Firbase Firestore Database and Material Design. You can Install and test Quiz Zone
WriterAI is an AI-based content writing tool
WriterAI is an AI-based content writing tool that can turn your unstructured text into engaging content and generate up to 5 different paragraphs with an input of just 5 words! Using the power of artificial intelligence, this tool helps you write an engaging piece of content and end up with something professional. You can use it for writing emails, blogs, articles, letters, thesis and even e-books! It is completely free to use and open-source :)
PPNS(public-push-notification-service) for android SDK
Public Push Notification Service - PPNS What is PPNS? It's a cross-platform messaging solution that lets you reliably send messages for free. Inspired
Android plugin to publish bundles and apks to Firebase App Distribution with changelogs
build-publish-plugin A configurable plugin to generate changelogs from tags and publish results into Firebase App Distribution and send changelog to T
Face Detection using CameraX and MlKit (without Firebase)
# # Face Detection using CameraX and MlKit (without Firebase) This is a sample app 📱 built to demonstrate use of MLKit Face detection . Dedicated to
FaceTimeClone app that implements Coroutines , mvvm architecture , clean architecture , navigation component , hilt , etc.... using kotlin language
This repository contains a FaceTimeClone app that implements Coroutines , mvvm architecture , clean architecture , navigation component , hilt , etc.... using kotlin language
An instant messaging and audio-video calling app
Babble Babble is a chatting and calling application for anyone with an Android phone and an Internet connection. Just sign up using your phone number
Android Application for a user’s favorite Movies, TV shows and Anime while keeping up to date with the latest releases.
Android Application for a user’s favorite Movies, TV shows and Anime while keeping up to date with the latest releases.
Real life Kotlin Multiplatform project with an iOS application developed in Swift with SwiftUI, an Android application developed in Kotlin with Jetpack Compose and a backed in Kotlin hosted on AppEngine.
Conferences4Hall Real life Kotlin Multiplatform project with an iOS application developed in Swift with SwiftUI, an Android application developed in K
Push Notifications Android
Push Notifications Android This repository shows how to use Huawei or Google services for Push-notification in different flavors. Preparations You nee
simple-flank is a Gradle plugin to use Flank in Android projects with no configuration needed
simple-flank simple-flank is a new gradle plugin with a clear focus: make the setup as simple as possible. Applied to any application or library modul
A fully functional social media app built with Kotlin (Android Studio) with multiple features
A social media app built with Kotlin (Android Studio) with multiple features 👉 If you like this repo, give it a star ✨ and share 👨🏻💻 it to your f
FirebaseSignInWithGoogle app it's written in Kotlin and shows a simple solution for implementing Firebase Authentication with Google, using Jetpack Compose on Android.
FirebaseSignInWithGoogle It's an app built with Kotlin that shows how to authenticate users with Firebase using Android Architecture Components and th
To learn how to build an e-commerce app for Android using the Firestore database from Google Firebase Technology
It is an adjustable e-commerce application that you can use to create your own online store or use it as a template to create an e-commerce app for your client. In this app we are covering such topics as Firebase basics how to upload and download data to and from an online database Displaying Images from the Cloud Creating User Profiles Uploading and displaying Products Building a Cart System Selecting images from your phone
A sample Android app that demonstrates how to use Firebase Authentication, Crashlytics, Cloud Firestore and Hilt with Jetpack Compose UI
showcase.mp4 Make it So This is a sample Android app that demonstrates how to use Firebase Authentication, Crashlytics, Cloud Firestore and Hilt with
Pling is a mobile project management application
Pling is a mobile project management application. This application was developed as part of the “Embedded Interface Programming” course. Pling should include all the necessary and minimal features for planning a project, such as creating a project, adding tasks and monitoring progress.
Book selling application with MVVM (Model, View, ViewModel)
Book selling application with MVVM (Model, View, ViewModel), LiveData, DataBinding, Retrofit, Room Database, Navigation Component(NavGraph, BottomNav), ViewPager2 in TabLayout, SearchView, Vertical Adapter(BestSellers) and Horizontal Adapter(All Books) with ConcatAdapter for Main Screen, Firebase Auth, SearchView in Adapter, Picasso, Lottie, Animated Svg for Splash
Firebase Authentication and realtime database implementation in Android Kotlin
Androidfirebaseauthentication Firebase is Google’s mobile platform that helps you develop high-quality apps and provides hosted backend services such
Post It is the android App for uploading posts and liking them using Firebase and FireStore.
Post-it Post It is the android App for uploading posts and liking them using Firebase and FireStore. This app also uses DAO, RecycleView, Coroutines a
A complete app that demonstrate how to build an Android application using the Uncle Bob's Clean Architecture approach
📷 Blog taking application utilizing Ktor REST-API and following modern practices: Kotlin, Coroutines, Flows, Channels, Room, Work Manager, Navigation Component, MVI, Clean Architecture, Modularization, Dagger Hilt, Tests...
An e-commerce mobile application built using Android Studio + Java + Firebase.
E-Commerce An e-commerce mobile application built using Android Studio + Java + Firebase. Login for : nisa@gmail.com 123456 Screenshots of the app : L
Chat App is built to demonstrate a simple end-to-end chat encryption using RSA and AES algorithms
End-to-End Encrypted Chat 🔒 Chat App is built to demonstrate a simple end-to-end chat encryption using RSA and AES algorithms Built With ⚒️ Jetpack C
A clone of Instagram I made with Firebase.
InstagramClone In this project, I made an Instagram clone. I used firebase auth, firestore database and storage, I wrote it according to mvvm architec
Quizzify - Play unlimited quizzes with your friends for free🔥.
Quizzify - Play unlimited quizzes with your friends for free🔥. Quizzify is built using Kotlin and follows all modern android Development practices and hence is a good learning resource for beginners
Advanced Android Weather App using MVVM Architecture Sample (ViewModel + LiveData + Kotlin + volley) = Weather App
Advanced Android Weather App using MVVM Architecture Sample (ViewModel + LiveData + Kotlin + volley) = Weather App Video Weather.-.HD.720p.mov Introdu
A Simple Blog App using Jetpack Compose, Flow, Navigation Compose, Room and Firebase
BlogCompose A Simple Blog App using Jetpack Compose, Flow, Navigation Compose, Room and Firebase Instructions Download your Firebase configuration fil
Simple Login using firebase and compose views
SimpleLogin Project name: SimpleLogin Android Develop in android over MVVM, Kotlin, Compose. Package Structure com.anelcc.SimpleLogin # Root Pack
A console-based productivity app involving both To-Do Lists and Goal tracking
This is a console-based productivity app involving both To-Do Lists and Goal tracking. It allows users to create To-Dos, check them off, and filter the display between complete/incomplete items
⚡️ Firebase plugins for Capacitor. Supports Android, iOS and the web
Capacitor Firebase ⚡️ Firebase plugins for Capacitor. Supports Android, iOS and the web. Maintainers Maintainer GitHub Social Robin Genz robingenz @ro
A simple video calling application uses Firebase database and WebRTC API that enables you Peer-to-Peer Full-HD video and audio connection.
A simple video calling application uses Firebase database and WebRTC API that enables you Peer-to-Peer Full-HD video and audio connection.
A simple real-time chatting application using android
In this project we have created a simple real-time chatting application using android. In this project we can chat with a registered user in the app. We can also set profile photo, about, name. After chatting with registered user we can also logout from the app and we can login, whenever we want .
An open-source Android app for locating your group's people privately using Facebook Login, Google Maps API and Firebase
An open-source Android app for locating your group's people privately using Facebook Login, Google Maps API and Firebase
An IoT based automatic alerting device that consists of laser and a precise Light Dependent Resistor to detect the laser which is employed to constantly monitor the fluid level
An IoT based automatic alerting device that consists of laser and a precise Light Dependent Resistor to detect the laser which is employed to constantly monitor the fluid level. When the fluid level is below the critical level which will be defined by laser, it will alert the patient through buzzer, nurses and doctors through mobile app and the …
HairBook - App for booking hair appointments for hair salons with a booking view for the customer and appointments view for the hairdresser
HairBook App for booking hair appointments for hair salons with a booking view f
Login-and-Signup - Simple Login-and-Signup with authentication using Firebase API
Simple Login-and-Signup with authentication using Firebase API. Log in Sign Up
Firebase-Chat-App-Final - An android real-time chat application implemented using firebase
Firebase-Chat-App-Final An android real-time chat application implemented using
Android Data Managment System Android UI - Kotlin- Firebase
DataManagmentSystem Data Managment System Android UI - Kotlin- Firebase Android Data Managment System App Design And Kotlin with Firebase The project
MusicX is a music player app made using Jetpack Compose and follows Material 3 guidelines
MusicX MusicX is a music player app made using Jetpack Compose and follows Material 3 guidelines. Application Install You can Install and test latest
The application uses Firebase Authentication and Realtime Database services
This is a Chik-Chika. Chick-Chicka is android app, which is based on popular social network - Twitter. The application uses Firebase Authentication and Realtime Database services.
eduJam is an university app, which will help you with all of your university work*
eduJam - Your one-stop to any university work eduJam is an university app, which will help you with all of your university work. It has features which
Android Open-Source Telematics App with Firebase© integration
Android Open-Source Telematics App with Firebase© integration Description This Telematics App is developed by Damoov and is distributed free of charge
Firebase Android client of the a multi device game
Warning: This project is unmaintained and uses a deprecated SDK. You should use the new Firebase Android SDK for your project. Cloud Cup Android clien
Google Santa Tracker for Android 🎅 🤶
Google Santa Tracker for Android 🎅 🤶 About Google Santa Tracker app for Android is an educational and entertaining tradition that brings joy to mill
FirebaseAuthentication - Login/Register Android Application using Firebase Authentication
FireBaseAuthentication This is a Firebase Authentication Application which will
Movies App by MVVM, Coroutines, Retrofit,, Navigation Component, ExoPlayer, Coil and Firebase
Show-Time Movies App by MVVM, Coroutines, Retrofit, Navigation Component, ExoPlayer, Coil and Firebase Screens Home Movies Details Movies List Person
YourStore app made in Kotlin for Local e-commerce. made during ASJ, Developer Students Club, BIT Mesra
Android-Study-Jams YourStore , Vocal for Local Problem Statement: Over past two years, local businesses have faced lot of troubles due to Covid-19 and
This app includes Implementation of Huawei and Google Kits in a single codebase using Build Variants. 🗺 📩
Build Variant App 🗾 📦 📱 Build variant is a feature of Android Studio to create a project which can be build in different versions. By using Build V
Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) Wrapper for Android
Pushmanager Pushmanager is a small wrapper for FCM (Firebase Cloud Messageing) and your app needs just a few methods to interact with it. Installation
Aplikasi Android "CafeApp With SQLite" untuk memenuhi salah satu syarat Ujian Akhir Semester mata kuliah Praktikum Pengembangan Aplikasi Mobile UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung.
CafeApp With SQLite Muhamad Taopik (1197050081) Untuk memenuhi syarat salah satu tugas ujian akhir semester mata kuliah Praktikum Pengembangan Aplikas
Wallpaper is a Wallpaper and ringtone Application which allows user to set and download Wallpaper or ringtone.
Wallpaper Wallpaper is a Wallpaper and ringtone Application which allows user to set and download Wallpaper or ringtone. Account Activity Home Fragmen
Send push notification from server to mobile application.
Firebase Push Notification Tutorial How Firebase Push Notification works? Firebase serves as a module between your server and the devices that will be
Face Detector Using Firebase ML Kit
Face Detector (Using Firebase ML Kit) Detects Facial Expression ------ Overlays
HostelMate - A Need For Hosteler (An Android App that helps students to find the best resource like hostels and tiffin centers etc.)
Android-Study-Jams-Hostel-Mate HostelMate - A Need For Hosteler (An Android App that helps students to find the best resource like hostels and tiffin
PhoneAuthentication - Firebase Phone Authentication For Android
PhoneAuthentication Firebase Phone Authentication. Android Clean Architecture us
Note taking application using Kotlin and Firebase Realtime Database.
Notes-Firebase-Kotlin Note taking application using Kotlin and Firebase Realtime Database. Features:- 1.Signup With Google 2.Create Note 3.Update Note
CatatanKu-SimpleNoteApp - CatatanKu helps to create your notes. You can edit and delete notes too. All Changes in database is pushed to Firebase Realtime Database
🗒 CatatanKu CatatanKu helps to create your notes. You can edit and delete notes
Crunch-Mobile - A Food Delivery Mobile App which uses Modern App Architecture Pattern, Firebase And a Simple Restful Api
Crunch-Mobile This is a Food Delivery Mobile App which uses Modern App Architect
DBMS Project Using Firebase
Booklets-DBMS-Android-Project User view A one-in-all tool that finds you what you're looking for. The app features a home screen that displays books o
Simple access to Firebase Realtime Database.
FbRemoteDb Simple access to Firebase Realtime Database. Everything is inside a Bucket, there you can store your items. This is for simplifying the acc
Android SMS receiver with firestore and Jetpack compose
Android SMS Receiver Android SMS receiver with firestore and Jetpack compose App
SayHi! is an instant messaging app that allows users to send text messages to other people using the app
SayHi SayHi! is an instant messaging app that allows users to send text messages to other people using the app 📷 Screen Shots 🔥 Features OTP Verific
Google map location tracker uploading current to realtime database and displaying location information from firebase realtime.
WEEK-8-SQ009-ANDROID LOCATION - GROUP WORK (2) Problem Description Track your partner(s). Implementation 1: You are to build a map application to show
E-commerce android app using firebase and kotlin
RSHLN_App e-commerce android app using firebase and kotlin. Images -
FriendlyChat starts in Firebase Android Codelab
FriendlyChat FriendlyChat starts in Firebase Android Codelab. The goal is to create an app to share message among friends using Firebase. I will be st
An Android app that lets you download free children's books in different languages from non-profit publisher Book Dash
Bookdash Android Check out the blog post here: http://riggaroo.co.za/book-dash-android-app/ Download the app: https://play.google.com/store/apps/detai
Simple Android app during a coding night. Just Learning Firebase and Android
KUI-App Simple Android app during a coding night. Just Learning Firebase and Android What we learned: Some basics of Android Basic setup of Firebase:
Firebase Cloud Firestore Android
Firebase Cloud Firestore Android 📜 Description Android app built to demonstrate on how to build RecyclerView using Cloud Firestore with Collections,
Simple habit tracker app for Android
Habito Description Habito is a simple Android app that helps you create and maintain good habits. Habito can help you gain insight and motivation with
A Modular Firebase plugin (Android) for godot
GDFirebase GDFirebase is a Modular Godot Plugin for using Firebase Depends on Godot game engine: git clone https://github.com/godotengine/godot Avail
Source code of the official StudyBuddy web client.
StudyBuddy-web This repository contains the source code of the web client, available here. Native apps For a native version of the application, see th
Robot Scouter Easy, efficient, and collaborative FIRST robot scouting
Robot Scouter Easy, efficient, and collaborative FIRST robot scouting Robot Scouter is an open-source Android app with three core goals: to make FIRST
Projeto de Prova Semestral. Aplicativo Android com login e registro utilizando Firebase Authentication e consumo de API com Retrofit.
Ocean-Tech-Android Projeto de Prova Semestral. Aplicativo Android com login e cadastro utilizando Firebase Authentication e consumo de API com Retrofi
Firebase Authentication plugin for Ktor framework.
Firebase Authentication is a Ktor plugin which verifies requests authorized by a Firebase Auth Id Token.
Tork is a quiz Application done in android
Tork(Quiz game app) A simple mini quiz game app about programming languages. About The app is a sample quiz with integration of Firebase. The categori
Group Messaging Chat (Discord Clone :eyes:) App Using Firebase Cloud-Firestore following MVVM Architecture
Nit Talk Nit Talk is a Group Chat Messaging (Discord Clone) App based on Modern Android Application tech-stacks and MVVM architecture. Techs Used 💻 K
Official Appwrite Kotlin SDK 💙🧡
Appwrite Kotlin SDK This SDK is compatible with Appwrite server version 0.11.x. For older versions, please check previous releases. This is the Kotlin
SlushFlicks has been built upon public APIs from IMDB.
SlushFlicks SlushFlicks has been built upon public APIs from IMDB. This application helps users to view trending, popular, upcoming and top-rated movi
An Android app built with Kotlin, to help students at Kibabii University make monthly class welfare contributions
An Android app built with Kotlin, to help students at Kibabii University make monthly class welfare contributions. It is built with the MVVM pattern and the latest Jetpack components. Firebase as the backend