A simple calendar with events, customizable widgets and no ads.


Simple Calendar


A simple calendar with events and a customizable widget.

A simple calendar with optional CalDAV synchronization. You can easily create recurring events and setup reminders, it can also display week numbers.

Contains a monthly view and an event list widget where you can customize the color of the text, as well as the alpha and the color of the background.

Contains no ads or unnecessary permissions. It is fully opensource, provides customizable colors.

The Storage permission is needed only for exporting or importing events from .ics files.

The Contacts permission is used only at importing contact birthdays and anniversaries.

This app is just one piece of a bigger series of apps. You can find the rest of them at https://www.simplemobiletools.com

Get it on Google Play Get it on F-Droid

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  • Security warning that app is trying to generate too many alarms

    Security warning that app is trying to generate too many alarms

    I am running 6.7.2 from f-droid.

    Today, I started seeing pretty much consistently an error message from android about the app with uid 10249 generating too many alarms. See screenshot: Screenshot_20191213-160942_Calendar

    It's really annoying to have a toast warning on the screen almost all the time. Even a reboot did not fix the issue. And I don't even use alarms / reminders that much...

    opened by madduck 85
  • Constant high CPU load

    Constant high CPU load


    I have a similar situation as #1110, but as this was fixed in 6.13, I guess this is a new issue. I'm seeing a constant CPU usage by com.simplemobiletools.calendar.pro between 50% and 150% in top (via termux). In addition, com.android.providers.calendar and system_server also seem unusually high. I have some calendars synced with DavX5 and some with Etesync. I suspect that something triggers sync too often, but I'm not sure about that.

    I will send you the logcat logs via email as I'm not sure I can sanitize them enough for the open internet.

    App version: 6.15.4 Android version: 8.0.0

    opened by frainz-de 29
  • Added calendar entries disappear

    Added calendar entries disappear

    Since a few days (probably since the update from 3.3.x to 3.4.1), all calendar entries I add through Simple Calendar magically disappear after a few minutes. First, the new added entry appears in the calendar, then after a few minutes it vanishes.

    My current wild guess is that new entries aren't added to the remote CalDAV calender and a background synchronization task overwrites the local calendar, removing the local-only calendar entry that had been created before. But that's totally uneducated, I didn't look into debugging this yet.

    I'm running Simple Calendar 3.4.1 from F-Droid on a LineageOS 14.1 device and I use CalDAV calendars from a Nextcloud instance (synchronized via DAVdroid) as backend.

    I didn't change anything in my setup recently, neither in the Calendar settings, nor in the DAVdroid settings. CalDAV synchronization is enabled in the Simple Calendar settings.

    I'm happy to provide additional information it you give me further advice.

    opened by mejo- 28
  • CalDAV sync is broken

    CalDAV sync is broken

    After updating from 2.9.2 to 2.10.0 I can no longer select any calendars with CalDAV, it just simply lists none. Reverting to 2.9.2 fixes this issue, please see screen shot below of 2.10.0 failing to find any calenders.


    opened by konomikitten 26
  • Week View Freezes on App re-open

    Week View Freezes on App re-open

    When I close and reopen the app while it's on week view, the week view freezes completely. Doesn't happen everytime, more like 1 in 10 reopens or so. It appears only the week view is frozen though, switching to other views works, but returning to weekly view doesn't fix it. All other functions of the app aren't affected.

    opened by cankaratepe23 24
  • Frequent CPU spikes lead to battery drain

    Frequent CPU spikes lead to battery drain

    As mentioned in https://github.com/SimpleMobileTools/Simple-Calendar/issues/861, there seems to be something that triggers Simple Calendar (and Calendar Storage) to both spike CPU usage simultaneously and continuously (every few seconds). In my setup I have 2 accounts enabled (Google and Exchange). The CPU spike can start occurring almost immediately after installing the app and enabling CalDAV, or randomly within an hour of installing the app.

    Logcat shows the following trace simultaneously with the CPU spikes:

    04-06 23:28:11.391 E/DatabaseUtils(12831): Writing exception to parcel
    04-06 23:28:11.391 E/DatabaseUtils(12831): java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Color type: 0 and index -1 does not exist for account.
    04-06 23:28:11.391 E/DatabaseUtils(12831):      at com.android.providers.calendar.CalendarProvider2.verifyColorExists(CalendarProvider2.java:4488)
    04-06 23:28:11.391 E/DatabaseUtils(12831):      at com.android.providers.calendar.CalendarProvider2.updateInTransactionInner(CalendarProvider2.java:4285)
    04-06 23:28:11.391 E/DatabaseUtils(12831):      at com.android.providers.calendar.CalendarProvider2.updateInTransaction(CalendarProvider2.java:4185)
    04-06 23:28:11.391 E/DatabaseUtils(12831):      at com.android.providers.calendar.SQLiteContentProvider.update(SQLiteContentProvider.java:155)
    04-06 23:28:11.391 E/DatabaseUtils(12831):      at com.android.providers.calendar.CalendarProvider2.update(CalendarProvider2.java:2299)
    04-06 23:28:11.391 E/DatabaseUtils(12831):      at android.content.ContentProvider$Transport.update(ContentProvider.java:420)
    04-06 23:28:11.391 E/DatabaseUtils(12831):      at android.content.ContentProviderNative.onTransact(ContentProviderNative.java:215)
    04-06 23:28:11.391 E/DatabaseUtils(12831):      at android.os.Binder.execTransactInternal(Binder.java:1021)
    04-06 23:28:11.391 E/DatabaseUtils(12831):      at android.os.Binder.execTransact(Binder.java:994)


    opened by Valentin-N 22
  • [Feature Request] Repeat/recurring event option

    [Feature Request] Repeat/recurring event option

    There are various types of events that people might want to have recur at a given interval (weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, quarterly, yearly), such as birthdays, bill pay reminders, etc.

    On the edit event screen this could be added after the reminder option.

    feature request 
    opened by picklecat 20
  • Added during day reminder for all-day events

    Added during day reminder for all-day events

    I added support for the user to create a reminder for a specific time, during the day of an all-day event. Also added this option to birthdays and anniversaries.

    opened by correia55 18
  • Feature request: Location/place in event entry

    Feature request: Location/place in event entry

    Adding a place/location input field for the event (local and caldav) would be nice. A first version could only allow free text without any geo data. CalDAV also supports this.

    feature request 
    opened by ghost 18
  • Simple Calendar crashes constantly

    Simple Calendar crashes constantly

    About every 3-5 minutes the app crashes with an error message: "Unfortunately Calendar has stopped." Then it usually restarts and repeats. I tried restarting the app and phone to no avail.

    opened by ghost 18
  • All day events are created on the correct day, but are moved to the next day after sync.

    All day events are created on the correct day, but are moved to the next day after sync.

    Thank you for your very hard work on this project. I've used it for years and have noticed an issue that has been occurring for a long time.

    Syncing via DAVx5 to Nextcloud.

    Create an event on this app, set for all day... for instance on 12/7. When exported, you see it looks correct:

    PRODID:-//Simple Mobile Tools//NONSGML Event Calendar//EN
    SUMMARY:Tues 7 test

    The event is displayed (normally) on the day it was created until DAVx5 performs a sync operation. At this point, in all clients the event is moved to the day after its originally scheduled date (moved from tues to wed in this case). Export shows that DTSTART and DTEND are now one day later each:

    PRODID:-//Simple Mobile Tools//NONSGML Event Calendar//EN
    SUMMARY:Tues 7 test

    As an example, I downloaded Etar, which handles all day events differently. The way Etar handles it works great in all clients before and after sync. Exports from the Etar app of events created in Etar are shown below.

    Before sync:

    SUMMARY:Sun 14 test

    After sync:

    SUMMARY:Sun 14 test

    And a similar event created in Etar, synced, then exported from Simple-Calendar:

    PRODID:-//Simple Mobile Tools//NONSGML Event Calendar//EN
    SUMMARY:Tues 16 test

    NOTE: The LAST-MODIFIED dates in each of the post-sync Simple-Calendar exports are epoch time. This is kind of weird.

    The reason I am creating this issue here is that other clients (Etar) don't seem to have this problem.

    Thanks again, I love the Simple Mobile Tools suite!

    opened by tnyeanderson 17
  • Translations update from Hosted Weblate

    Translations update from Hosted Weblate

    opened by weblate 0
  • set to use Default Alarm, but actually uses Notification sound

    set to use Default Alarm, but actually uses Notification sound

    On my new Google Pixel 6a, I put the same settings as on my previous phone. But now Simple Calendar uses my Notification sound, when it's supposed to be using the Alarm sound, which is what is set in the Calendar Settings.

    What am I doing wrong? Any ideas? Thanks!

    opened by ReaderGuy42 2
  • [Request] Specify exact date/time for reminder

    [Request] Specify exact date/time for reminder

    Currently it's only possible to specify minutes/hours/days (when entering a custom value) before event start for reminders. As usually I prefer to have a notifaction say one or two days before an event at a specific time I currently have to calculate hours manually for when to set the notification. While this works it would be more handy if I could specify an exact date and time for a notification instead.

    Thanks for considering and the Simple Mobile Tools in general (I much appreciate the no tracking and no ads policy).

    feature request 
    opened by nofishonfriday 0
  • Add Belgium holidays in English

    Add Belgium holidays in English

    There is already the Belgian holidays in Dutch but it would be nice to have them in French aswell.

    I don't mind adding this myself if you can point me to the file I need to modify :)

    feature request 
    opened by cacharle 6
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