Calendar - A component for compose desktop

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Date & Time calendar




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  • DayPicker的动画
  • 月份选择器错误提示
  • 点击非本月的时间会跳到上个月


  • 年月份的滚动选择


日历选择器目前有分为两部分:DayPicker 和 MonthPicker




fun DayPicker(
    modifier: Modifier = Modifier,
    state: CalendarState,
    fromSunday: Boolean = true, // 每周是否从周日开始
    contentColor: Color,
    primaryColor: Color,
    hoverColor: Color,
    content: @Composable DayPickerScope.() -> Unit



interface DayPickerScope {
    val isSelected: Boolean
    val isHover: Boolean
    val date: LocalDate


            state = state,
            contentColor = Color.Black,
            primaryColor = Color(0xFFFEA52C),
            hoverColor = Color(0xFFE3E3E3),
                text = "${date.dayOfMonth}", style = androidx.compose.ui.text.TextStyle(
                    fontWeight = FontWeight(600),
                    fontSize = 18.sp,
                modifier = Modifier.height(30.dp)
            Text(text = "${date.month}")


fun MonthPicker(
    modifier: Modifier = Modifier,
    state: CalendarState,
    contentColor: Color,
    primaryColor: Color,
    hoverColor: Color,
    errorColor: Color,


    val state:CalendarState = rememberCalendarState()

    Column {
            state = state,
            contentColor = Color.Black,
            primaryColor = Color(0xFFFEA52C),
            hoverColor = Color(0xFFE3E3E3),
            errorColor = Color(0xFFFF6175),
            state = state,
            contentColor = Color.Black,
            primaryColor = Color(0xFFFEA52C),
            hoverColor = Color(0xFFE3E3E3),
                text = "${date.dayOfMonth}", style = androidx.compose.ui.text.TextStyle(
                    fontWeight = FontWeight(600),
                    fontSize = 18.sp,
                modifier = Modifier.height(30.dp)
            Text(text = "${date.month}")
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