Allows usage of iCalendar files with the Android calendar provider


Development tests Documentation


ical4android is a library for Android that brings together iCalendar and Android. It's a framework for

  • parsing and generating iCalendar resources (using ical4j) from/into data classes that are compatible with the Android Calendar Provider and third-party task providers,
  • accessing the Android Calendar Provider (and third-party task providers) over a unified API.

It has been primarily developed for:

and is currently used as git submodule.

Generated KDoc:

For questions, suggestions etc. use Github discussions. We're happy about contributions! In case of bigger changes, please let us know in the discussions before. Then make the changes in your own repository and send a pull request.

This software is not affiliated to, nor has it been authorized, sponsored or otherwise approved by Google LLC. Android is a trademark of Google LLC.

How to use

You can use ical4android as a git submodule or using

allprojects {
    repositories {
        maven { url '' }
dependencies {
    implementation 'com.github.bitfireAT:ical4android:
    '        // see tags for latest version, like 1.0, or use the latest commit ID from main branch
    //implementation 'com.github.bitfireAT:ical4android:main-SNAPSHOT'  // use it only for testing because it doesn't generate reproducible builds



bitfire web engineering GmbH
Florastraße 27
2540 Bad Vöslau, AUSTRIA


Copyright (C) Ricki Hirner and contributors.

This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under the conditions of the GNU GPL v3.

  • CI tests fail at testLargeTransactionManyRows

    CI tests fail at testLargeTransactionManyRows


    > Task :packageDebugAndroidTest
    > Task :createDebugAndroidTestApkListingFileRedirect
    [EmulatorConsole]: Failed to start Emulator console for 5554
    > Task :connectedDebugAndroidTest
    additionalTestOutput is not supported on this device running API level 28 because the additional test output directory could not be found
    Starting 400 tests on emulator-5554 - 9
    at.bitfire.ical4android.AndroidEventTest > testLargeTransactionManyRows[emulator-5554 - 9] FAILED 
    Tests on emulator-5554 - 9 failed: There was 1 failure(s).
    Test results saved as file:/__w/ical4android/ical4android/build/outputs/androidTest-results/connected/test-result.pb. Inspect these results in Android Studio by selecting Run > Import Tests From File from the menu bar and importing test-result.pb.

    Since the commit on 26 May 2022:

    Maybe this is not even related to the changes of the commit.

    opened by rfc2822 8
  • Not syncing VTODO with Tasks application

    Not syncing VTODO with Tasks application

    Hi there. I'm currently facing a problem in which the tasks are not being synced with server and local application (Tasks). The platforms I'm using are:

    1. NextCloud server (I've tested The Good Cloud & Qloud providers),
    2. DAVx5 for synchronizing tasks,
    3. Tasks application as a client to see the tasks. All the synchronization works fine when I log in to my account for the first time using DAVx5. It syncs the task data, and Tasks would show them with the latest changes. But when I make any changes in the web service, then clicking on sync button inside DAVx5, and navigating to Tasks application, nothing is updated. The problem persists vise versa. Like, if I make any changes using Tasks and clicking on DAVx5's sync button , nothing would change in web service.

    I tried changing service provider but the problem was still existing, so it is NOT the server. I tried using Jtx Board to see if the problem exists. Surprisingly, the tasks were updating after any changes. So I am not completely sure if it's Tasks application's bug or DAVx5's. But I'm sure the synchronization between these two, are working fine for the first time and are not working perfectly for the afterward changes.

    opened by MohammadFakhraee 5



    using ICSx⁵ I got the following exception

    length=0; index=0
    java.lang.StringIndexOutOfBoundsException: length=0; index=0
    	at java.lang.String.charAt(Native Method)
    	at at.bitfire.ical4android.Css3Color$Companion.colorFromString(Css3Color.kt:178)
    	at at.bitfire.icsdroid.ui.AddCalendarValidationFragment$ValidationModel$initialize$downloader$1.onSuccess(AddCalendarValidationFragment.kt:126)
    	at at.bitfire.icsdroid.CalendarFetcher.fetchNetwork$icsx5_62_2_0_2_standardRelease(CalendarFetcher.kt:155)

    which I think might come from the line X-APPLE-CALENDAR-COLOR: (value is empty) in my ics-file.

    I suspect that Color.parseColor(…) not only throws IllegalArgumentException as caught in Css3Color line 189, but also StringIndexOutOfBoundsException for empty strings.

    If necessary I will try to assemble a minimum working example.

    Greetings Nmxcgeo

    opened by nmxcgeo 4
  • reduce number of rows in testLargeTransactionManyRows (closes bitfireAT/ical4android#42)

    reduce number of rows in testLargeTransactionManyRows (closes bitfireAT/ical4android#42)

    In accumulation with all other tests testLargeTransactionManyRows exceeds the threshold of android binders we may send to the system ~(running the test solely on its own is not a problem)~.

    Without diving deeper into Android Binders and said threshold, reducing the amount of rows (attendees in testLargeTransactionManyRows) by a thousand seems to let the sending of bindings to the system stay below unknown threshold, ensuring all tests pass.

    opened by sunkup 4
  • Accept tasks with DUE=DTSTART

    Accept tasks with DUE=DTSTART

    See bitfireAT/davx5-ose#243. Proposed solution:

    As the DUE>DTSTART constraint is enforced by OpenTasks (which is not recommended anymore), we could drop DTSTARTs that are >= DUE only when OpenTasks is the tasks backend. So if jtx Board and accept tasks with DTSTART=DUE, we could sync such tasks to those backends as they are. Then everything including the alarms should be retained. For OpenTasks, we keep everything as it is because it's legacy code and will be removed sooner or later anyway.

    Also relevant for @TechbeeAT @patrickunterwegs (jtx Board UI changes for DTSTART=DUE as discussed in chat).

    opened by rfc2822 3
  • Fix color parsing for empty strings

    Fix color parsing for empty strings

    This fixes an ICSx⁵ crash which I and some friends observed on a publicly shared Nextcloud calendar.

    Stack trace of the crash (provided in-app):

    length=0; index=0
    java.lang.StringIndexOutOfBoundsException: length=0; index=0
    	at java.lang.String.charAt(Native Method)
    	at at.bitfire.ical4android.Css3Color$Companion.colorFromString(Css3Color.kt:178)
    	at at.bitfire.icsdroid.ui.AddCalendarValidationFragment$ValidationModel$initialize$downloader$1.onSuccess(AddCalendarValidationFragment.kt:126)
    	at at.bitfire.icsdroid.CalendarFetcher.fetchNetwork$icsx5_62_2_0_2_standardRelease(CalendarFetcher.kt:155)

    The problem seems to be an empty string for the color in the ICS file:

    X-WR-CALNAME:Nextcloudcalendarname (nextcloudusername)

    Disclaimer: I am not a kotlin or java programmer. Please let me know if the double catch clause is bad style, so that I can do it differently.

    opened by jomority 2
  • Drop RULES with UNTIL before DTSTART

    Drop RULES with UNTIL before DTSTART

    From time to time, events with an RRULE whose UNTIL is before the DTSTART of the event appear, like:

    DTSTART: 2022/05/31 13:00 RRULE: … UNTIL 2022/05/31 12:59

    Such events are invalid and sometimes cause problems when they're uploaded again to the server (because the server reject them, which is OK).

    Thus such RRULEs should be dropped, both when they're received from the server and when they're found in the calendar provider.

    opened by rfc2822 2
  • Couldn't parse iCalendar / Unparseable date:

    Couldn't parse iCalendar / Unparseable date: ":20220331T084614Z"

    Caused by: java.text.ParseException: Unparseable date: ":20220331T084614Z"

    • All my events are unable to be parsed.
    • My calendar provider is
    • Happend in ICSx5 app
    • Side note: My calendar URL does not end on .ics (unlike the example URL). Dunno if this could be a problem.

    Event example:


    Full stack trace:

    at.bitfire.ical4android.InvalidCalendarException: Couldn't parse iCalendar
     at at.bitfire.ical4android.ICalendar$Companion.fromReader(ICalendar.kt:81)
     at at.bitfire.ical4android.Event$Companion.eventsFromReader(Event.kt:81)
     at at.bitfire.icsdroid.ui.AddCalendarValidationFragment$ValidationModel$initialize$downloader$1.onSuccess(AddCalendarValidationFragment.kt:115)
     at at.bitfire.icsdroid.CalendarFetcher.fetchLocal$icsx5_62_2_0_2_standardRelease(CalendarFetcher.kt:114)
    Caused by: Error at line 63:Unparseable date: ":20220331T084614Z"
     at at.bitfire.ical4android.ICalendar$Companion.fromReader(ICalendar.kt:79)
     ... 5 more
    Caused by: java.text.ParseException: Unparseable date: ":20220331T084614Z"
     at java.text.DateFormat.parse(
     at net.fortuna.ical4j.model.DateTime.setTime(
     at net.fortuna.ical4j.model.DateTime.<init>(
     ... 8 more

    Any help appreciated :)

    opened by paulHempel 2
  • Tasks: add tasks app package to PRODID

    Tasks: add tasks app package to PRODID

    Currently, we're adding the mutators (the calendar apps that edited an event) to the PRODID like this:

    # VEVENT
    PRODID:DAVx5/ ical4j/3.2.5 (org.withouthat.acalendarplus)

    There's no equivalent for tasks and journals. I suggest to add the package name of the used tasks backend to the PRODID like this:

    # VTODO
    PRODID:DAVx5/ ical4j/3.2.5 (
    opened by rfc2822 0
  • Better separation of AndroidEvent <-> (iCalendar) Event

    Better separation of AndroidEvent <-> (iCalendar) Event

    ical4j comes with a time zone database that is used for its calculations and for instance to generate VTIMEZONEs which are then exported.

    However, Java/Android has its own database (which is used by the calendar provider and the ZoneId, java.util.TimeZone classes). We always need to know which times with time zone are in the "ical4j namespace" and which ones are in "Android namespace".

    There should be a proper separation and it should be documented and enforced.

    opened by rfc2822 3
  • Android always expects RRULE UNTIL to be in UTC format

    Android always expects RRULE UNTIL to be in UTC format

    Currently, we insert RRULE with UNTIL as it comes from the event (as defined in RFC 5445).

    However, some code parts of the Android calendar provider seem to always expect UNTIL to be in UTC format, as specified in the obsolete RFC 2445.

    So RRULE UNTIL should always be converted to UTC before inserting it into the calendar provider. Not doing so might result in losing the last occurrence.

    Side note: ical4j parses UNTIL in the system default timezone and not in the DTSTART timezone. This may cause further problems…

    opened by rfc2822 1
  • Tests should work under every system time zone

    Tests should work under every system time zone

    I noticed some tests fail when run in certain time zones. This is due to flipping dates when time of a DateTime object is close to midnight. For now I found the following tests fail with time zone America/New_York:

    • [ ] testRecurrenceSetsToAndroidString_TimeAlthoughAllDay
    • [ ] testRecurrenceSetsToAndroidString_Date
    • [ ] testHasUntilBeforeDtStart_DtStartDate_RRuleUntil_TimeBeforeDtStart_noTimezone
    opened by sunkup 0
  • recurrenceSetsToAndroidString, androidStringToRecurrenceSet: handle multiple entries separated by newline

    recurrenceSetsToAndroidString, androidStringToRecurrenceSet: handle multiple entries separated by newline

    • [ ] Check whether Android can have multiple entries in the recurrence set columns (RDATE, …), possibly with different time zones.
    • [ ] Handle these cases accordingly in recurrenceSetsToAndroidString
    • [ ] and androidStringToRecurrenceSet
    opened by rfc2822 0
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