Choose Your Movie
The Movie Database sitesinden çekilen güncel filmlerin listelendiği ve filmlerin detaylarına erişildiği mobil uygulamadır.
Kullanılan Kütüphaneler
- Retrofit
- Glide
- Navigation
Movies-Streaming-Android-App An Android application which shows Popular, New Movies, Top Rated movies and all the details of any movie like- Cast, Rev
Movies App An Android app consuming MovieDb API to display list of movies, built with Compose, MVVM pattern as well as Architecture Components. Min Ap
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IMDB-CLONE A simple imdb clone using KOTLIN,MVVM with searching and bookmarking ability with offline caching ability Libraries used:- Kotlin Coroutine
MyMovie Movies App with themovie db Using MVVM Architecture Data Binding Live Binding Room Persistance Dagger for dependency Injection Retrofit2 Glide
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FitMate Do you feel lazy and uninterested when there’s no one for you to work out with? Do you fail to keep a track of your workouts and need guidance
movies-sample-app This is an Android app which fetches a sample movies list to display. Built using Kotlin and latest Android tech stack, with an appr
Simple Android movies app using MVVM clean architecture.
Flickwatcher Flickwatcher for Android lets you see today's latest trending movies! Cool Dependencies: Jetpack Compose Accompanist-Coil Kotlin Coroutin
Qhala Interview ?? ?? This is an Interview Tech challenge by Qhala I used TMDB API to solve this challenge. Screenshots Movies Movie Detail Prerequisi
Pop Flix PopFlix is a gorgeous client application for TMDb on Android, built using Kotlin. Architecture and Tech-stack Built on MVVM architecture patt
CloudStream-3 DOWNLOAD: Discord: Features: AdFree, No ads whatsoever No
Flick An android app built using Kotlin that consumes TMDB API to display current trending, upcoming and popular movies ?? .It has been built followin
New version of my Android app that shows you popular movies using API. Using Modern Android Develpment skills like Kotlin, Room, Retrofit, Hilt, coroutines, Flow and Jetpack Compose.