Free Public Transport Assistant without Ads or Tracking



The public transport companion that respects your privacy and your freedom. Transportr is a non-profit app developed by people around the world to make using public transport as easy as possible wherever you are.

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Please visit the website for more information!

If you find any issues with this app, please report them at the issue tracker. Contributions are both encouraged and appreciated. If you like to contribute please check the website for more information.

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Pre-releases and beta versions for advanced users are available via a special F-Droid repository.


Building From Source

If you want to start working on Transportr and if you haven't done already, you should familiarize yourself with Android development and set up a development environment.

The next step is to clone the source code repository.

$ git clone

If you don't want to use an IDE like Android Studio, you can build Transportr on the command line as follows.

$ cd Transportr
$ ./gradlew assembleRelease


GNU GPLv3 Image

This program is Free Software: You can use, study share and improve it at your will. Specifically you can redistribute and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

  • Add quickhome widget

    Add quickhome widget

    Since this is easier here for you to comment, I create a PR in succession to #71. I have got it more or less working. The graphical design of the widget is still to be done but apart from that all functionality should be basically there. I still have problems to properly populate the form after setting the HOME-location, but the standard usecase (searching with a set HOME-location) seems to work.

    I am happy about every form of feedback, feel free to tear my PR apart ;-)

    opened by patkan 34
  • Provide More Donation Options

    Provide More Donation Options

    Hi grote, I really like this app and I'm so happy, that there is an oss public transport app, so I would like to invite you for a beer - but I don't use flickr. Is there an other option to send you some money? For me it would be easy to use either paypal, send you a "snail mail" letter with money, Euro bank transfer or an posteo voucher. Maybe we also could see each other when I will be next time in Berlin - but I don't know if I will be there this year. Which way would you prefer? You can contact me under the following mail adress: Regards dktzde

    enhancement 🏗️ 
    opened by dktzde 29
  • Privacy Mode: Option to disable storing any history

    Privacy Mode: Option to disable storing any history

    It would be nice to have a "private querying" toggle in the settings, to prevent any history from being stored. Like "private browsing" in Firefox.

    enhancement 🏗️ beginner job 🔰 unresolved 🤛 
    opened by infozsoda 27
  • Drawing errors after going back from trip detail screen with Android 7

    Drawing errors after going back from trip detail screen with Android 7

    Thank you for this awesome app :) I am using a moto g 2014 thea with cm 14.1. The issue is as follows: If I search for a train connection, it shows me the overview of all found train connections. When I click for detailed view, everything works fine as well. But going back to the overview of found train connections, it will show me only the previous selected one and also those new ones you get, when you pull the screen up or down to get earlier or later connections. This I could reproduce for Deutsche Bahn and BVG, and I guess, also with other networks. I had the feeling, that in previous versions of the app the bug did not appear, but tried it with Version 1.1.4 and Version 1.1.6, which both of them behave the same way.


    bug 🐞 needs info ℹ️ 
    opened by maninthemiddle01 26
  • Sorting algorithm for location search

    Sorting algorithm for location search

    I'm living in Germany, using the VGS provider. I've always noticed that location search results were mindboggingly bad-sorted, that's because the API of my provider doesn't sort the results (e.g. when you searched for Town Hall, the result you actually expected was 15th place in the list, altough it is a literal match). This also introduces sorting by non-literal matches, using the Levenshtein distance. There is still much room for improvement in the search feature (caching, lazy evaluation, better sorting algorithms) but for people using providers that don't sort this is a huge improvement.

    Technical: When collecting search suggestions, each station is added to a hashmap with a corresponding score (type Double, between 1 and 0). When displaying the new Data, the list is sorted by the updated scores.

    opened by greshake 24
  • Order regions by continents

    Order regions by continents

    This PR adds the ordering of transport network regions into continents and therefore an easier way of picking the requested region as suggested here by @grote.

    It is already working on my personal phone, here some screenshots: screenshots

    Before merging it in, I think we should discuss the following points:

    • Should the continents present little icons at the left, something like this (see also their Terms of Use? Should they be in SVG or PNG format?
    • As almost all Regions represent countries, shouldn't we rename them in code to Country?
    • The continent list item design is, as for now, almost identical to (because copied of) the region's design. Any ideas on how to improve the distinction are very welcome!
    • Should we use the Wikipedia definition where Central America is part of North America or should we separate it as another subcontinent of America as defined in Ibero-America?
    • I think it would be necessary to translate the continent names in the respective strings.xml
    cla-signed ✔️ 
    opened by ialokim 22
  • Not showing journey path on map for Nicaragua network

    Not showing journey path on map for Nicaragua network

    Describe the bug Not sure since when this is happening, but Transportr apparently does not show the journey paths following the roads for Nicaragua anymore, although the data is provided by Navitia.

    To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

    1. Select Nicaragua as network provider
    2. Search for a trip from COTRAN Sur to Mercado Mayoreo
    3. Only see a path linking the two stops together instead of following the road.

    Expected behavior The journey path should follow the road as provided by Navitia. I know this has worked some time before in Transportr, not sure when it stopped and what changed back then.

    Screenshots As shown in Transportr: transportr_1 As provided by Navitia (see Navitia playground): transportr_2

    Versions (please complete the following information):

    • Transportr Version: 2.0.5
    bug 🐞 needs info ℹ️ 
    opened by ialokim 21
  • This guy ripped off the app without crediting

    This guy ripped off the app without crediting

    Hi, I didn't read all GPL 3 license, but from what I know, this is unacceptable. This guy used the app code as it is but added ads, and removed any credit or mention of original. He also duplicated it for each country...

    beginner job 🔰 
    opened by itzikiap 21
  • Add Bordeaux, France (via adding fr-sw of navitia API)

    Add Bordeaux, France (via adding fr-sw of navitia API)

    Hi, Could you please add fr-sw navitia API region to your app?

    A betatest of the app using the new Navitia API without region splitting would also be awesome to be able to plan correctly trips with intercity trains (cf Navitia team email from a few days ago)

    Thanks for looking at this!

    enhancement 🏗️ beginner job 🔰 coverage 🗺️ 
    opened by kalon33 20
  • Direction search usability

    Direction search usability

    Please reduce the clicks needed to adjust the search parameters in the direction search.

    A bit of back story... I have been using this app since its first release on F-Droid when it was called Liberario. I love the app and a big thanks to grote and all the contributors! :blush:

    My first reaction to the new GUI of version 2 was that I did not like it and I found #462 very quickly. However, I am aware that most GUI changes do not resonate well in the beginning, so I refrained from commenting and kept using the app.

    In the last few weeks I had to travel more often. Although I knew the city, I did not know the public transport lines beyond the central area and hence, used the app extensively. The GUI has not grown on me. ort163's comment about its usability is spot on.

    I finally decided to create a new ticket, because of this comment in the issue mentioned above (and got convinced to do it now, because it will get a nice number :wink:):

    This are all for the directions search mask and should be a dedicated ticket I think.

    Bringing back the GUI of version 1 would be an improvement because of the following reasons:

    • Setting the time and arr/dep should be considered as a basic functionality and should be very visible.
      • For example, if you go to a location, you maybe need to set a specific arrival time.
      • If you go home on the other hand, you want to depart now.
      • So you may have to change those parameters for every new search.
    • Better visibility should reduce the number of clicks needed and hence, improve the overall user experience.
    • The display of the parameters is neither confusing or distracting, nor using up too much screen space.

    Of course, we can only speculate about the usefulness for the majority of users. Unless there is a poll. However, the reactions to #462 indicate that there is significant interest. I propose that the reactions to this post should be considered as a primary source when evaluating the usefulness.

    • [x] I am aware that Transportr is mostly developed by one person in their unpaid spare time.
    • [ ] I can help myself to get this feature implemented or know someone who wants to do it.

    I hope I could address all the topics in the feature request template.

    opened by adrium 19
  • Add support for Montreal (and other cities in Quebec)

    Add support for Montreal (and other cities in Quebec)

    It looks to me that Montreal and quite a few other cities in the province of Quebec in Canada are on Navitia:

    Having Montreal support would be great. Having all the cities supported by Navitia in Quebec would simply be awesome.

    enhancement 🏗️ upstream 🏞️ beginner job 🔰 coverage 🗺️ 
    opened by baldurmen 19
  • App no longer work in Germany`s Transport Network

    App no longer work in Germany`s Transport Network "VRS"

    The search for a current connection appears to the following error message:

    Unable to resolve host "": No address associated with hostname Cause: Method)

    --> no DNS resolution of "".

    in other transport networks the app works!

    To Reproduce Setttings > Network > Select Germany > VRS Search a connection

    Versions: Transportr Version: 7.0.4 Device: BQ Aquarius X pro Android Version: 11

    bug 🐞 
    opened by ping4711 0
  • App no longer working in Belgium

    App no longer working in Belgium

    Describe the bug Searching the map no longer works in Belgium, and attempting to find directions between favorites results in an error message

    To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

    1. Setttings > Network > Select Belgium
    2. Try typing anything in the search bar, eg Brussels-South, it gives no result

    Versions (please complete the following information):

    • Transportr Version: 2.1.4
    • Device: Samsung Galaxy A10
    • Android Version: 11
    bug 🐞 
    opened by thebluetrains 1
  • New Release 2.1.5

    New Release 2.1.5

    Acknowledgments Please check the following boxes with an x if they apply:

    • [X] The feature I want to propose would be useful for the majority of users, not only for me personally.
    • [X] I am aware that Transportr is mostly developed by one person in their unpaid spare time.
    • [X] I can help myself to get this feature implemented or know someone who wants to do it.
    • [X] If I want to add support for a new region or country, I checked that this is already available in public-transport-enabler and know the process described on the Transportr homepage.

    Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe. With the current Release the issue with the app not finding a calendar application still exists, although it was fixed in July.

    Describe the solution you'd like A new minor Release (2.1.5) could include the two fixes, that were available in the master branch for quite some time.

    Describe alternatives you've considered I considered to build the app myself and install it, but this wouldn't solve the problem for anyone else.

    Additional context

    enhancement 🏗️ 
    opened by 1Maxnet1 0
  • Show Walkingroute if it's shorter than with public transport

    Show Walkingroute if it's shorter than with public transport

    Acknowledgments Please check the following boxes with an x if they apply:

    • [x] The feature I want to propose would be useful for the majority of users, not only for me personally.
    • [x] I am aware that Transportr is mostly developed by one person in their unpaid spare time.
    • [x] Maybe I can help myself to get this feature implemented or know someone who wants to do it.

    I would love to have feature that shows me a walkingroute if its shorter than the bus/train route. I saw this #752 but for me there is never a walkingroute shown. So is this a feature that has to be implemented in my region? (Germany)

    enhancement 🏗️ 
    opened by Thorgrimson 0
  • 2.1.4(Nov 8, 2021)

  • 2.1.3(Aug 23, 2021)

  • 2.1.2(May 26, 2021)

  • 2.1.1(Dec 27, 2020)

  • 2.1.0(Aug 5, 2020)

  • 2.0.8(Jan 6, 2020)

    • Fix bug where the app would crash after updating

    • Added data source for Czechia (Thanks Ondra!)

    • Display standard fares for trip results (Thanks Mikolai!)

    • Better error handling in case of failing trip queries (Thanks Mikolai!)

    • New translation: Danish (Thanks Daniel!)

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    Transportr-2.0.8.apk(19.43 MB)
  • 2.0.6(Jun 13, 2019)

  • 2.0.5(Jan 24, 2019)

  • 2.0.3(Nov 25, 2018)

    • Add launcher shortcut for directions search
    • Show swap location button in directions search (Thanks ByteHamster!)
    • Don't show search results over lockscreen anymore
    • Add Persian translation (Thanks Reza!)
    • Add Chinese (Taiwan) translation (Thanks Gerrit!)
    • Fix home and work location input in dark theme
    • Disable Android's auto-fill feature for location views
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    Transportr-2.0.3.apk(19.34 MB)
  • 2.0.2(Jul 29, 2018)

    • Added data source for Hungary (Thanks Balázs!)
    • Added data source for Municipal Transports of Poland (Thanks Michel!)
    • Fix data source for Finland (Thanks Adrian!)
    • New translation: Greek (Thanks Vangelis!)
    • Improve location auto-completion list (Thanks Sylvia!)
    • Fix crash when adding trip to calendar without calendar installed
    • Fix crash when sharing an intermediate stop without arrival time
    • Fix crash related to setting home or work location
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    Transportr-2.0.2.apk(18.99 MB)
  • 2.0.1(Jul 19, 2018)

  • 2.0.0(Jul 13, 2018)

    • New Design and complete code rewrite
    • Shiny new map given a more prominent place
    • Current location is used by default
    • Trip overview shows warning icon if there is a problem
    • Add your "Work" place
    • Addresses will be saved
    • Round icon for new Android versions
    • Added New York, California, Ghana and Costa Rica
    • New translation: Russian
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    Transportr-2.0.0.apk(18.92 MB)
  • 1.1.9(Feb 17, 2018)

  • 1.1.8(Apr 2, 2017)

  • 1.1.7(Feb 3, 2017)

    • New setting: Add "Get me home" shortcut to launcher (Thanks Patrick!)
    • Added Oregon, USA (Thanks craftguy!)
    • Added (Thanks full-duplex!)
    • Added Mittelthüringen, Germany (Thanks Andreas!)
    • New logos for MET, SYDNEY and DSB (Thanks André!)
    • Fixed Android 7.1 issue when returning to directions list
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    Transportr-1.1.7.apk(4.89 MB)
  • 1.1.6(Dec 25, 2016)

    • Fixed some German and Austrian networks
    • Improved trip icons on map for some devices
    • Fixed center on trip when viewing trip on map
    • Fixed bug where sometimes "now" and "today" where not respected
    • New translation: Hungarian (Thanks András!)
    • Removed San Francisco and Jerusalem
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    Transportr-1.1.6.apk(4.71 MB)
  • 1.1.5(Oct 23, 2016)

    • Added France North West (Thanks Patrick!)
    • Reduce amount of scrolling needed to load more information
    • Use TODAY and NOW when searching for directions unless changed
    • Improved departure layout and show long line names
    • Added help screens
    • Reduced size of the app
    • Updated and improved network provider list (Thanks Patrick!)
    • New translation: Czech (Thanks Miloš!)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    Transportr-1.1.5.apk(4.63 MB)
  • 1.1.4(Sep 4, 2016)

    • Added France North East (Thanks Stéphane!)
    • Added Chicago (Thanks Andreas!)
    • Added emoticon flags for some countries
    • New translation: Esperanto (Thanks Verdulo!)
    • Complete Spanish translation (Thanks acuccaro!)
    • Complete Polish translation (Thanks Verdulo!)
    • Fix white dialogs in dark theme
    • Remember when all products have ben re-selected (Thanks schachmat!)
    • Allow OK, Cancel, Yes and No to be translated in all languages (Thanks kas70!)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    Transportr-1.1.4.apk(5.83 MB)
  • 1.1.3(Jul 1, 2016)

  • 1.1.2(Jun 16, 2016)

    • New product icons that are now shown for all lines
    • Add button to map that shows current position and follows it
    • New product icons - They shown for all lines and have a selection dialog
    • "Get Location from Map" now zooms in to your area
    • Turn off GPS when leaving map and turn it back on when you return
    • Show the name instead of the destination for lines of selected networks
    • Added Tamil translation (Thanks Prasanna!)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    Transportr-1.1.2.apk(5.52 MB)
  • 1.1.1(May 23, 2016)

    • Support via/intermediate locations for direction search
    • Show little graphics for favourite and recent trips to better highlight new via locations
    • Allow to navigate trip results and map without entering lockscreen PIN.
    • Do not show keyboard and location list on startup
    • Add setting for whether app should always exit when pressing back in start screen
    • Return 10 instead of 5 nearby stations and improve their display
    • Better icons to symbolize start and final station of a trip on the map
    • Fix bug where the navigation drawer selection did not update when pressing back button
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    Transportr-1.1.1.apk(5.46 MB)
  • 1.1.0(May 14, 2016)

    • Added Quebec, Canada (Thanks Chimo!)
    • Many changes under the hood that improve performance, memory usage and new multi-window mode
    • Add animation when changing pages and opening dialogs
    • Modern UI for built-in map
    • Improvements for location auto-completion
    • Improvements for networks provided by
    • Add more and better logos (Thanks André and Vincent!)
    • Small visual improvements
    • Remove Salzburg and Schleswig-Holstein (require API authorization now)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    Transportr-1.1.0.apk(5.87 MB)
  • 1.0.6(Mar 4, 2016)

    • Added Ontario, Canada (Thanks Chimo!)
    • Added Catalan translation (Thanks el_libre!)
    • Added Polish translation (Thanks Daniel!)
    • Improve start screen for devices with small screens
    • Improve usability for network provider selection
    • Do not remove other location when choosing "To here" or "From here"
    • Fix rare crash when reloading trip
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    Transportr-1.0.6.apk(5.00 MB)
  • 1.0.5(Feb 14, 2016)

    • Entire trips can now be shown on the map
    • Major improvements when auto-completing entered locations
    • Long click on the map to find directions or stations from that location
    • Added map button that zooms map to show all stations
    • Click on departure now searches for this trip
    • Added logo for MVV, INVG and VVM network (Thanks Hartmut!)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    Transportr-1.0.5.apk(4.97 MB)
  • 1.0.4(Jan 31, 2016)

    • You can now optimize the directions for certain criteria
    • You can now also set your preferred walking speed in the settings
    • Add experimental support for Florianópolis, Brazil
    • Only show departures from given station, not also from stations in the area
    • Fix some issues with networks provided by
    • Fix exotic bug when turning phone and closing physical keyboard at the same time
    • Added logo for VRN and VVS network (Thanks Robert!)
    • Added logo for BSVAG and NASA network (Thanks 0x11de784a!)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    Transportr-1.0.4.apk(4.80 MB)
  • 1.0.2(Jan 10, 2016)

    • Added Italy (Thanks Antonio!)
    • Added South West of France (Thanks Nicolas!)
    • New setting to change app language
    • Include updated delays when exporting/sharing trips
    • Shorten long location names in the middle, not at the end
    • Show toolbar icons in white even on old devices
    • Fix issues with KVV, AVV and VMS networks
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    Transportr-1.0.2.apk(4.77 MB)
  • 1.0.1(Dec 6, 2015)

  • 1.0.0(Nov 29, 2015)

    • Renamed app from Liberario to Transportr
    • New Logo
    • New user interface in material design with navigation drawer
    • Lots of new features like trip refresh, favorites on start screen, interactions with stations on the map and many more
    • Trips can now be favorited directly from the search results
    • Fix VRR transport network. Thanks Andreas!
    • Add icon for GVH provider. Thanks to Sebastian!
    • Added logo for Melbourne provider. Thanks to Peter!
    • Added Norwegian Bokmål translation. Thanks to Allan Nordhøy!
    • Added Basque translation. Thanks to Aitor Beriain!
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    Transportr-1.0.0.apk(4.55 MB)
Torsten Grote
Free Software developer and activist interested in topics of technology-enabled social and political change.
Torsten Grote
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