MVVM for Android



MVVM for Android

What's New

  • Pre Compiled version available on root directory
  • for activity/application template code generation

Quick start

  • Download android-binding-version.jar and place under lib of your project
  • Unzip to root directory of your project
  • run the wizard.xml to generate application and activity codes

Markup Demo

  • Under Demo/MarkupDemoICS folder
  • The best way to start learning the framework!
  • Add MIT License to Repository

    Add MIT License to Repository

    On Google Code, this project is listed as having a MIT license. Without a LICENSE file checked into the repository, or it being mentioned in the README, it's hard to tell if it's still under the MIT license.

    I'd gladly submit a pull request, but I'm unsure of who the copyright should belong to.


    opened by sghill 5
  • added Android Spinner support with SpinnerViewProvider

    added Android Spinner support with SpinnerViewProvider

    I added Spinner "entries" property support as I wanted to be able to give entries for a Spinner from my ViewModels.


    public IObservableCollection testList = new ArrayListObservable( String.class, new String[] {new String("A"), new String("C")} );


    opened by kosiara 1
  • NullPointerException on Android 4.3 (binding:selectedObject on AdapterView)

    NullPointerException on Android 4.3 (binding:selectedObject on AdapterView)

    NullPointerException on Android 4.3 if

    "binding:itemSource="" and "binding:selectedObject=""

    are used together on an AdapterView.

    opened by dommel81 0
  • fixed to don't notify observer objects that have been collected by GC

    fixed to don't notify observer objects that have been collected by GC

    In rare cases, when a value is set to an observable object, NullPointerException occurs.

    In the WeakList#toArray method, itemArray[i].get() may return null if the GC is executed between A and B.

    public Object[] toArray() {
        WeakReference<E>[] itemArray = items.toArray(new WeakReference[0]); // (A)
        int len = itemArray.length;
        Object[] eArray = new Object[len];
        for(int i=0; i<len; i++){  // (B)
          eArray[i] = itemArray[i].get();  // may return null
        return eArray;
    opened by eji 0
  • ClassCastException: cannot be cast to gueei.binding.ViewFactory

    ClassCastException: cannot be cast to gueei.binding.ViewFactory

    has custom bindable lib -

    package gueei.binding;
    import android.content.Context;
    import android.util.AttributeSet;
    import android.view.LayoutInflater;
    import android.view.View;
    import android.view.LayoutInflater.Factory;
    import java.util.ArrayList;
    public class ViewFactory implements import android.view.LayoutInflater.Factory; {

    Here my snippet:

    import gueei.binding.Binder;
    import gueei.binding.Binder.InflateResult;
    import gueei.binding.ViewFactory;
    LayoutInflater layoutInflater = LayoutInflater.from(context)
            LayoutInflater.Factory layoutInflaterFactory = layoutInflater
            ViewFactory bindingViewFactory = null;
            if (!(layoutInflaterFactory instanceof FragmentActivity)) {
                bindingViewFactory = (ViewFactory) layoutInflaterFactory;
            if (bindingViewFactory == null) {
                bindingViewFactory = new ViewFactory(layoutInflater);

    And when I use my code work fine.

    But now I upgrade android project to use;

    and as result in line:

    bindingViewFactory = (ViewFactory) layoutInflaterFactory; I has runtime error:

     Process: com.myproject.tango.debug, PID: 10249
     java.lang.ClassCastException: cannot be cast to gueei.binding.ViewFactory
        at com.myproject.binding.widget.BindableWidgetHelper.bindv4Fragment(
        at com.myproject.commons.LayoutService.addView(
        at com.myproject.commons.LayoutService.addBody(
        at com.myproject.tango.widget.banner.BannerFragment.prepareChild(
        at com.myproject.commons.roots.RootFragment.onCreateView(
        at com.myproject.tango.widget.banner.BannerFragment_.onCreateView(
    opened by alexei-28 1
  • How use this lib via gradle?

    How use this lib via gradle?

    I migrate my android project from Eclipse to Android Studio. In Eclipse I use lib androidbinding.jar And it's work fine. Nice.

    But now on Android Studio I use gradle to load all libs. How I can load lib AndroidBindingvia gradle?

    opened by alexei-28 1
  • android-binding-v0.6-build718.jar embeds android-support-v4...

    android-binding-v0.6-build718.jar embeds android-support-v4...

    The built JAR file provided in the root of this enlistment embeds instead of references Google's android-support-v4 library (as opposed to the earlier released android-binding-v30-0.52.jar which does not). This difference makes it difficult to build a project that references both the android-bindings JAR and the app compat library ( due to duplicate errors raised during DEX-ing. BTW, I noticed that the ".fatjar" file under androidbindingv30 does attempt to exclude android-support-v4: excludes=<jar|android-support-v4.jar>;<jar|annotations.jar> but for some reason this didn't seem to stick...

    Could you update the published binary to not include the external bits?

    opened by CosminRadu 2
  • Support of FragmentActivity

    Support of FragmentActivity

    Hi @gueei ,

    I like your project and it saves me time. Thanks for that.

    I was wondering if you are planning to add support for FragmentActivities. I need them for my project. If you don't have the time or don't want to implement it, please let me know. With some instructions I can try to implement this if you want.

    Very nice project, keep up the good work :+1:

    opened by arnoldpistorius 0
  • Culd not find class problem

    Culd not find class problem


    I tryed to use your library in my project, and all was fine. But when i sturt to use BindableLinearLayout I give the next runtime errors:

    10-21 15:27:31.111: W/dalvikvm(15077): Link of class 'Lgueei/binding/v30/viewAttributes/absListView/MultiChoiceMode;' failed 10-21 15:27:31.111: E/dalvikvm(15077): Could not find class 'gueei.binding.v30.viewAttributes.absListView.MultiChoiceMode', referenced from method gueei.binding.v30.bindingProviders.ListViewProviderV30.createAttributeForView 10-21 15:27:31.121: W/dalvikvm(15077): VFY: unable to resolve new-instance 648 (Lgueei/binding/v30/viewAttributes/absListView/MultiChoiceMode;) in Lgueei/binding/v30/bindingProviders/ListViewProviderV30; 10-21 15:27:31.121: W/dalvikvm(15077): Link of class 'Lgueei/binding/v30/viewAttributes/absListView/ModalCheckedItemPositions;' failed 10-21 15:27:31.121: E/dalvikvm(15077): Could not find class 'gueei.binding.v30.viewAttributes.absListView.ModalCheckedItemPositions', referenced from method gueei.binding.v30.bindingProviders.ListViewProviderV30.createAttributeForView 10-21 15:27:31.121: W/dalvikvm(15077): VFY: unable to resolve new-instance 645 (Lgueei/binding/v30/viewAttributes/absListView/ModalCheckedItemPositions;) in Lgueei/binding/v30/bindingProviders/ListViewProviderV30; 10-21 15:27:31.121: W/dalvikvm(15077): Link of class 'Lgueei/binding/v30/viewAttributes/OnAttachViewAttributeV30;' failed 10-21 15:27:31.121: E/dalvikvm(15077): Could not find class 'gueei.binding.v30.viewAttributes.OnAttachViewAttributeV30', referenced from method gueei.binding.v30.bindingProviders.ViewProviderV30.createAttributeForView 10-21 15:27:31.121: W/dalvikvm(15077): VFY: unable to resolve new-instance 641 (Lgueei/binding/v30/viewAttributes/OnAttachViewAttributeV30;) in Lgueei/binding/v30/bindingProviders/ViewProviderV30; 10-21 15:27:31.121: W/dalvikvm(15077): Link of class 'Lgueei/binding/v30/viewAttributes/OnDetachViewAttributeV30;' failed 10-21 15:27:31.121: E/dalvikvm(15077): Could not find class 'gueei.binding.v30.viewAttributes.OnDetachViewAttributeV30', referenced from method gueei.binding.v30.bindingProviders.ViewProviderV30.createAttributeForView 10-21 15:27:31.121: W/dalvikvm(15077): VFY: unable to resolve new-instance 642 (Lgueei/binding/v30/viewAttributes/OnDetachViewAttributeV30;) in Lgueei/binding/v30/bindingProviders/ViewProviderV30; 10-21 15:27:31.141: W/dalvikvm(15077): VFY: unable to resolve virtual method 3874: Lgueei/binding/v30/app/BindingActivityV30;.getActionBar ()Landroid/app/ActionBar; 10-21 15:27:31.161: W/dalvikvm(15077): VFY: unable to resolve virtual method 3879: Lgueei/binding/v30/app/BindingActivityV30;.invalidateOptionsMenu ()V 10-21 15:27:31.171: W/dalvikvm(15077): threadid=1: thread exiting with uncaught exception (group=0x40020ac0) 10-21 15:27:31.181: E/AndroidRuntime(15077): FATAL EXCEPTION: main 10-21 15:27:31.181: E/AndroidRuntime(15077): java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to start activity ComponentInfo{com.alexdov.carprods/com.alexdov.carprods.MainActivity}: android.view.InflateException: Binary XML file line #10: Error inflating class binding.BindableLinearLayout 10-21 15:27:31.181: E/AndroidRuntime(15077): at 10-21 15:27:31.181: E/AndroidRuntime(15077): at 10-21 15:27:31.181: E/AndroidRuntime(15077): at$2300( 10-21 15:27:31.181: E/AndroidRuntime(15077): at$H.handleMessage( 10-21 15:27:31.181: E/AndroidRuntime(15077): at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage( 10-21 15:27:31.181: E/AndroidRuntime(15077): at android.os.Looper.loop( 10-21 15:27:31.181: E/AndroidRuntime(15077): at 10-21 15:27:31.181: E/AndroidRuntime(15077): at java.lang.reflect.Method.invokeNative(Native Method) 10-21 15:27:31.181: E/AndroidRuntime(15077): at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( 10-21 15:27:31.181: E/AndroidRuntime(15077): at$ 10-21 15:27:31.181: E/AndroidRuntime(15077): at 10-21 15:27:31.181: E/AndroidRuntime(15077): at dalvik.system.NativeStart.main(Native Method) 10-21 15:27:31.181: E/AndroidRuntime(15077): Caused by: android.view.InflateException: Binary XML file line #10: Error inflating class binding.BindableLinearLayout 10-21 15:27:31.181: E/AndroidRuntime(15077): at android.view.LayoutInflater.createViewFromTag( 10-21 15:27:31.181: E/AndroidRuntime(15077): at android.view.LayoutInflater.rInflate( 10-21 15:27:31.181: E/AndroidRuntime(15077): at android.view.LayoutInflater.inflate( 10-21 15:27:31.181: E/AndroidRuntime(15077): at android.view.LayoutInflater.inflate( 10-21 15:27:31.181: E/AndroidRuntime(15077): at android.view.LayoutInflater.inflate( 10-21 15:27:31.181: E/AndroidRuntime(15077): at 10-21 15:27:31.181: E/AndroidRuntime(15077): at 10-21 15:27:31.181: E/AndroidRuntime(15077): at com.alexdov.carprods.MainActivity.onCreate( 10-21 15:27:31.181: E/AndroidRuntime(15077): at 10-21 15:27:31.181: E/AndroidRuntime(15077): at 10-21 15:27:31.181: E/AndroidRuntime(15077): ... 11 more 10-21 15:27:31.181: E/AndroidRuntime(15077): Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: binding.BindableLinearLayout in loader dalvik.system.PathClassLoader[/data/app/com.alexdov.carprods-2.apk] 10-21 15:27:31.181: E/AndroidRuntime(15077): at dalvik.system.PathClassLoader.findClass( 10-21 15:27:31.181: E/AndroidRuntime(15077): at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass( 10-21 15:27:31.181: E/AndroidRuntime(15077): at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass( 10-21 15:27:31.181: E/AndroidRuntime(15077): at android.view.LayoutInflater.createView( 10-21 15:27:31.181: E/AndroidRuntime(15077): at android.view.LayoutInflater.createViewFromTag( 10-21 15:27:31.181: E/AndroidRuntime(15077): ... 20 more Can you help me? Regards Alexey Dovgan.

    opened by AlexDovgan 1
  • Still alive?

    Still alive?

    Hi, there!

    Are you still supporting and developing this library? Because I found a few places with getting-started tutorials and I can see they must be old or something because using the current jar is published here (BTW: is that library compiled with the last codebase?) things seem to be different...


    opened by supermarcos 7
Andy Tsui
Andy Tsui
MVVM for Android

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