Provides a shortcut to copy permalink in their online Git repositories from inside IDE.


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Copy Git Link

Build Version Downloads

Provides a shortcut to copy permalink in their online Git repositories from inside IDE.

Works with:

  • GitHub
  • GitLab
  • Bitbucket


Select the code you want to copy the permalink to, and click "Copy permalink" from the context menu. The permalink will be saved to the clipboard.

And, Click "Copy permalink as MD" to copy the link in Markdown format.


  • Using IDE built-in plugin system:

    Settings/Preferences > Plugins > Marketplace > Search for "Copy Git Link" > Install Plugin

  • Manually:

    Download the latest release and install it manually using Settings/Preferences > Plugins > ⚙️ > Install plugin from disk...

Plugin based on the IntelliJ Platform Plugin Template.

  • Android Studio Arctic Fox (2020.3.1) support

    Android Studio Arctic Fox (2020.3.1) support

    Hi. Thank you for developing an awesome plugin!

    I'm an Android developer. I use Android Studio and I want to use this copy-git-link plugin.

    But Android Studio is based on old IntelliJ platform. For example, the latest stable release "Android Studio Arctic Fox (2020.3.1) Patch 3" is based on 203.7717.56. (ref: )

    Can you change pluginSinceBuild to 203? I checked that it works on "Android Studio Arctic Fox (2020.3.1) Patch 3" with changed pluginSinceBuild version.

    opened by mallowlabs 11
  • Allow branch-link

    Allow branch-link

    Instead of

    Allow copying the link with the branch name instead of the blob SHA1

    While this isn't a permalink it'd still be really useful!

    opened by guy4261 4
  • Incompatibility with 223.* IDEs

    Incompatibility with 223.* IDEs

    I got the following message with PyCharm 2022.3 (or CLion 2022.3):

    Plugin 'Copy Git Link' (version '0.3.5') is not compatible with the current version of the IDE, because it requires build 222.* or older but the current build is PY-223.7571.203

    opened by tocic 3
  • fix: wrong URL on Windows

    fix: wrong URL on Windows

    🎯 Purpose

    • Copied URL is wrong on Windows.
      • for example:
    • This PR will fix it

    👓 Strategy

    • The reason is the path separator.
      • virtualFile.path
        • -> C:/Users/mallowlabs/git/copy-git-link/src/main/kotlin/com/github/kawamataryo/copygitlink/gitlink/GitLink.kt (slash-separated)
      • repo.toString()
        • -> C:\Users\mallowlabs\git\copy-git-link (backslash-separated)
    • So I use repo?.root?.path
      • -> C:/Users/mallowlabs/git/copy-git-link(slash-separated)

    ✔️ Tested

    • Copied URL on Windows is correct.
    • Copied URL on macOS is correct.
    • Copied URL in git submodule is correct.
    opened by mallowlabs 3
  • Feature reuqest: clear token/username when the origin has it (e.g.

    Feature reuqest: clear token/username when the origin has it (e.g.

    The username is often added to the local repo config when developing with multiple organizations/accounts. This should better not be exposed in the links, especially that the username can also be used in GiHub to pass personal access tokens.

    opened by zlamma 1
  • モジュールの場合 GitHub リンクにローカルパスが含まれる問題を解決

    モジュールの場合 GitHub リンクにローカルパスが含まれる問題を解決


    複数の Git リポジトリで構成されるプロジェクトの場合、Copy Git Link で取得した GitHub リンクにローカルパスが含まれる問題を解決しました。


    1. Run IDE for UI Tests を実行
    2. File > New > Project
    3. 任意の空のディレクトリを選択して Empty Project を作成
    4. 作成した Empty Project を開く
    5. File > New > Module from Existing Sources
    6. 任意の Git プロジェクトを選択
    7. 追加したモジュールの任意のファイルで Copy Git Link を実行


    Run IDE for UI Tests で動かして動作確認済みです。

    • プロジェクトのトップ = Git リポジトリのトップの構成でも GitHub リンクが取得できること
    • モジュールのファイルで GitHub リンクが取得できること
    • 複数モジュールで構成されるプロジェクトでも GitHub リンクが取得できること


    • repo.toString() よりもいい感じにローカルの Git リポジトリのフルパスを取得できる方法があればそちらを採用したいです
      • ログ出力しながら動かして、 repo.toString() でたまたま欲しい文字列が取得できたというレベルなので 😓
    opened by y-u-t-a 1
  • Please support custom domainnames

    Please support custom domainnames

    Some git repo's of me are hosted on Gitlab with custom domains like: Currently, the plugin doesn't detect it and thus automatically falls back to for the domainname. Would be nice if the plugin finds the correct domain from the git repo's data in the project.

    See the regex here: I would like to propose the following regex: .*(?:@|\/\/)(.[^:\/]*).([^\.]+)\.git

    And the return value here:

    opened by vince-streamhpc 0
  • Port misplaced

    Port misplaced

    My git repo has nonstandard port:

    	url = ssh://

    Generated link has port here:

    and does not open.

    Working address:

    Please consider removing "/port"?

    opened by neopaf 0
  • No alternative to https

    No alternative to https

    Hi! Thank you for this awesome plugin, it's something that I have wanted to found many years.

    Unfortunately, I'm working with self-hosted Gitlab now, which located in private network and resolved by ip. So the resource doesn't available by https, only by http.

    Could you fix your plugin so that it can work correctly with addresses like$repositoryPath/...?

    Thanks in advance!

    opened by kalbas 0
  • BeatBucket URL is wrong

    BeatBucket URL is wrong

    Hi, is there a way to configure it somewhere, or fix :)

    BeatBucket link created by the plugin (ACTUAL): https://%CORPORATE.URL.CZ%/7999/av/%REPO_NAME%/blob/8374yruryg4/%REPO_PATH%/NegativeTest.php#L67

    Actually working URL (EXPECTED): https:/%CORPORATE.URL.CZ%/projects/av/repos/%REPO_NAME%/browse/%REPO_PATH%/NegativeTest.php?until=8374yruryg4#L67

    opened by Artem-Rya-from-Avito 0
  •  Feature reuqest: Links to files and folders when right-clicked in the 'Project' view

    Feature reuqest: Links to files and folders when right-clicked in the 'Project' view

    Hi. Thank you for developing this excellent and easy-to-use plugin.

    Just one feature seems missing, that is: getting the links for just the files or folders when right-clicked in the 'Project' view (so, without any line of code highlighted).

    I hope this is sufficient description but I am happy to elaborate if need be.

    Thank you for considering!

    opened by zlamma 1
  • Permalink starts with https://null/null if project imported from https git url.

    Permalink starts with https://null/null if project imported from https git url.


    At some point in time, I've started to get https://null/null/blob/.... links. Looks like something happens with my repo value as it returns from GitRepositoryManager.getInstance(project).getRepositoryForFileQuick(virtualFile) so repo?.remotes?.first()?.firstUrl doesn't match to the regexp .*(?:@|\\/\\/)(.[^:\\/]*).([^\\.]+)\\.git.

    IntelliJ IDEA 2021.2.4 (Ultimate Edition) Build #IU-212.5712.43, built on December 21, 2021 Licensed to ООО «ЯНДЕКС»

    Runtime version: 11.0.13+8-b1504.49 x86_64 VM: OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM by JetBrains s.r.o. macOS 10.15.7 GC: G1 Young Generation, G1 Old Generation Memory: 4096M Cores: 12 Registry: scala.erase.compiler.process.jdk.once=false Non-Bundled Plugins: com.ultrahob.zerolength.plugin2 (0.93), mobi.hsz.idea.gitignore (4.3.0), com.github.kawamataryo.copygithublink (0.3.1), com.vexus2.intellij.openingithub (1.0.6), org.jetbrains.plugins.hocon (2021.1.0), String Manipulation (, org.jetbrains.kotlin (212-1.6.10-release-923-IJ5457.46), org.intellij.scala (2021.2.30), zio.intellij.zio-intellij (2021.2.14.0), izhangzhihao.rainbow.brackets (6.21), (2022., (0.3) Kotlin: 212-1.6.10-release-923-IJ5457.46

    opened by vladvershinin 4
  • Wrong path resolution on Windows with MSYS

    Wrong path resolution on Windows with MSYS

    Currently resolves as https://[projectpath]/blob/[hash][absolute disk path]#L[num]

    For example https://.../1fdcb4b82a1348992c6d59048d2f6a94820dae3bD:/projects/folder/subfolder/conf.json#L11

    Need as with dash and relative path https://[projectpath]/-/blob/[hash]/[RELATIVE project path]#L[num]

    opened by Delagen 0
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