UNofficial Opengl SDK

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How to retrieve it:

You can find all the instructions by mary


This is kind of a small suite, born and shaped around GL, it includes the gln dependencies, such as unsigned support, glm and gli. Its main usage is basically as wrapper for the lwjgl glfw binding.

A kind of a gln for glfw. So, code more compact, type-safe, clear and intuitive. You can have up and running a whole gl clear example in just a couple of lines:


val window = GlfwWindow(1280, 720, "OpenGL example").apply {
glClearColor(1f, 0f, 0f, 0f)

window.loop {

One cool feature is that it supports multiple listeners of the same type, like CharCallback:

var charCallback: CharCallbackT? = null
   get() = charCallbacks.getOrfirst(defaultKey)
   set(value) {
       charCallbacks[defaultKey] = value
       field = value
val charCallbacks = sortedMapOf<String, CharCallbackT>()
val nCharCallback = GLFWCharCallbackI { _, codePoint -> charCallbacks.values.forEach { it(codePoint) } }

nCharCallback where n stays for native is the only and real callback

charCallback is just a comfortable interface to automatically set/get a single callback

charCallbacks is the SortedMap containing all the current callbacks

I've been chosen that so they can be easier ordered, the default callback has always this key:

val defaultKey = "0 - default"

I actually asked for this multi-callback in the native glfw, but in the meanwhile we can already use it. And this is also faster because it's all on the jvm!

Plus some other small utils like:

  • methods for allocating very easily many different type of buffers from a lot of different data type, such as different arrays and so on
  • an cap class for a deep and complete resume about a machine opengl capabilities
  • matrixStack for glm
  • glsl utils (to refresh)
  • an experimental kotlin stlib on intBuffers. So that you can for example textureName.forEach(::glDestroyTexture)
  • mousePole, an util for camera management
  • and attempt to port stb completely on jvm (unfinished)
  • timer util

And lately it also includes a counterpart of gln for vulkan, vkk, plus an util for making short-live allocations easy and free, kool.

Don't hesitate to contribute to the project by submitting issues or pull requests for bugs and features. Any feedback is welcome at


  • Improve API clarity

    Improve API clarity

    Renamed properties so they don't sound like actions, renamed methods so they sound like actions, and converted callback properties to methods to enable proper overloading.

    opened by pakdev 12
  • Goals of the project [Question]

    Goals of the project [Question]

    I'm curious about the goals of the project, more about if in the future it will support other than JVM or at least if its planned.

    I know that right now Kotlin native its not worth it, so if later on the project could migrate in some way to support both JVM and Native.

    Btw according to their blog Kotlin 1.2 will support multi-platform projects.


    opened by norman784 3
  • [Request] Improve comparisons for MouseButton

    [Request] Improve comparisons for MouseButton

    The provided MouseButton enum is very useful, however has some problems.

    Multiple mouse buttons are defined for the same underlying id (e.g. 1 and LEFT both have the same id of 0).

    This means the following expression will evaluate to false: MouseButton.of(0) == MouseButton.LEFT.

    Potential solution: Remove enum types 1, 2, 3, LAST. This would break backwards compatibility.

    Perhaps there is another solution that doesnt break backwards compatibility?

    Sadly its not possible to override Enum.equals which would probably be the best solution.

    opened by x4e 1
  • Example project setup and showcase of features

    Example project setup and showcase of features


    I tried to test this SDK with Intellij IDEA community edition and Gradle, but I could not get it to run. I tried adding Gradle dependencies such as glm, jogl, and jogamp with no luck. The example given in the Readme was unable to import the gl calls and trying to open just the glfw window crashed with an error about glm library and classpaths.

    It would be good to have an example project or tutorial clarifying what are the required steps and dependencies needed to get this running and to showcase why this SDK is worth using.

    opened by kaphula 9
  • Dependency and Release rework

    Dependency and Release rework

    Right now the inter project dependencies of kotlin-graphics look like this: dependencies_current I think it would be better if we change it to something like this: Dependencies_goal That way it's much easier to pull updates from let's say kool into gln. Instead of pushing an update to first kool, then glm, gli and then being able to use it in gln.

    Together with this, we should start to only depend on either SNAPSHOT builds or actual releases, with releases only depending on release versions. That way we get a far more stable and reproducible build environment. I'm not 100% sure how well jitpack and gradle work with SNAPSHOTs, but I think it's worth trying. I will start creating separate branches where I try the new dependency scheme. We can then periodically merge the current changes into there to ensure that everything works and decide at a later point if we want to switch completely or leave it as it is right now.

    This issue is meant to be here for tracking the progress and issues with this change.

    This will also implement the changes for kotlin-graphics/assimp#22 and might let us go back to a stable lwjgl relases (kotlin-graphics/assimp#21) for all projects except vkk which uses experimental features. @elect86 Do you know exactly why we switched to lwjgl-3.2.2-SNAPSHOT?

    opened by Wasabi375 1
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