A Popover Controller for Android Tablets. It's an easy solution to simulate an iOS UIPopoverController

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UI/UX PopoverView


A Popover Controller for Android Tablets. It's an easy solution to simulate an iOS UIPopoverController Base example 9patch image comes from http://android9patch.blogspot.com.es/ :)

Showing a popover controller is as easy as this

//get root layout
RelativeLayout rootView = (RelativeLayout)findViewById(R.id.rootLayout);
PopoverView popoverView = new PopoverView(this, R.layout.popover_showed_view);
popoverView.setContentSizeForViewInPopover(new Point(320, 340));
popoverView.showPopoverFromRectInViewGroup(rootView, PopoverView.getFrameForView(v), PopoverView.PopoverArrowDirectionAny, true);

You can set more things as well, such as the drawable arrows or the drawable background of the popover view, as well as the fade time It also has an interface to notice when the popover appears or dismiss.

Screenshot 1 Screenshot 2 Screenshot 3

  • Button Event handler in popover not working

    Button Event handler in popover not working


    I have defined in my popover view a button and defined a click handler for it.
    The click handler does not trigger.

    RelativeLayout rootView = (RelativeLayout)findViewById(R.id.rootLayout);

        PopoverView popoverView = new PopoverView(this, R.layout.popover_showed_view);
        popoverView.setContentSizeForViewInPopover(new Point(320, 340));
        View popoverViewReference = getLayoutInflater().inflate(R.layout.popover_showed_view, null);    
        if( popoverViewReference != null)
            btn_popoverSearch = (Button) popoverViewReference.findViewById(R.id.btn_test);
            btn_popoverSearch.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() 
                public void onClick(View v) 
                                      //handler code here
        popoverView.showPopoverFromRectInViewGroup(rootView, PopoverView.getFrameForView(v), PopoverView.PopoverArrowDirectionAny, true);

    The btn_popoverSearch is found and is not null but the event handler is not called. Any suggestions? Thanks a lot.

    opened by flaviusdemian 4
  • ViewPager in popoverview

    ViewPager in popoverview

    is this possible - ViewPager with multiple fragments within the popoverview? pretty much this example in a popover, nothing more complex than this.


    I have tried to take the example and add to the popoverview. unsuccessful. still a bit new to android. how would i go about doing this?

    this would be a great addition to the popoverview

    thanks and keep up the good work :)

    opened by aperritano 4
  • WebViewCoreThread fatal exception

    WebViewCoreThread fatal exception

    I would like to thank you for this solution, it is very helpful. I'm trying to integrate this solution in my project, but I'm still new to android, what I'm trying to do is to run the following function from the webview class I have, and its triggered by a button. The problem is when it reaches popoverView.showPopoverFromRectInViewGroup it gives WebViewCoreThread fatal exception. android.view.ViewRootImpl$CalledFromWrongThreadException: Only the original thread that created a view hierarchy can touch its views. NB: I have changed the textWebView in popover_showed_view into a webview cause I have html content to show. public void openPopOverWithContent(String content, Rect displayR) { PopoverView popoverView = new PopoverView(context, R.layout.popover_showed_view); popoverView.setContentSizeForViewInPopover(new Point(320, 340)); popoverView.setDelegate(this); myWebView.getSettings().setJavaScriptEnabled(true); myWebView.loadDataWithBaseURL(null, "hello", "text/html", "utf-8", null);

        Rect viewRect = new Rect(300, 300, 300, 320);
        popoverView.showPopoverFromRectInViewGroup(this, viewRect, PopoverView.PopoverArrowDirectionAny, true); 

    Thanx in advance

    opened by coder4567 4
  • popover position

    popover position

    hey, previous issue solved, thank you for your hint,

    I have a new problem, I'm using the popover to pop after a selection on a webview is made. When I load the html on the webview I scroll through it horizontally, when the pop over is used to pop on the first page there's no problem and the popover position is exactly where I clicked, but the problem is that when I scroll to another, the popover still pops on the first page of the webview. would you kindly look into it and let me know what I'm doing wrong. Thank u.

    opened by coder4567 2
  • PopoverView from an ActionBar MenuItem

    PopoverView from an ActionBar MenuItem

    My apologies for being a little vague in this first question, but I am not very far along.

    I would like to display the PopoverView from an ActionBar MenuItem, and am not getting the desired results. I am using the ActionBarSherlock library.

    Here is a snippet of code where I am attempting to set up the PopoverView.

        public boolean onOptionsItemSelected(MenuItem item) {
            if (item.getItemId() == android.R.id.home) {
            } else if (item.getItemId() == R.id.action_notifications) {         
                PopoverView popoverView = new PopoverView(this, R.layout.popover_notifications_view);
                RelativeLayout rootView = (RelativeLayout)findViewById(R.id.rootLayout);
                popoverView.setContentSizeForViewInPopover(new Point(640, 680));
                View v = (View)findViewById(R.id.action_notifications);
                popoverView.showPopoverFromRectInViewGroup(rootView, PopoverView.getFrameForView(v), PopoverView.PopoverArrowDirectionAny, true);
            return super.onOptionsItemSelected(item);

    I feel like the view used for PopoverView.getFrameForView(v) is wrong. I'm trying to reference the globe item in the screenshot. I am getting the PopoverView underneath the ActionBar like this:


    Any direction or sample would be very much appreciated. Jeremy

    opened by jeremymedford 1
  • How to set click event on textview in popover

    How to set click event on textview in popover

    I am many textview in popover view. But i am not able to get click event on textview.

    I did get any idea to how to get click event on textview which was in popover view.

    Thanks in advance.

    opened by kantilalrathod 0
  • IllegalStateException: The specified child already has a parent. You must call removeView() on the child's parent first

    IllegalStateException: The specified child already has a parent. You must call removeView() on the child's parent first

    I got few doubts:

    I got IllegalStateException on line 307( popoverview,java), when I tried to attach a view to popover view inside the popoverview.java class.

    Also when we add characters it's working fine on tablets, but when it comes to phones, its get truncated. Is there any method like wrap content, provided by android?

    This should be handled inside the library or is it open to developer for handling that scebnario. Everything excepts works fine for this library.

    java.lang.IllegalStateException: The specified child already has a parent. You must call removeView() on the child's parent first.

    opened by SanalVarghese 0
  • Is there any option to set the width and heigh like wrap_content

    Is there any option to set the width and heigh like wrap_content

    I am showing a text content for different language in popover view. for English the size I set is ok, but for other languages the text are truncated

    Is there any option to set the width and heigh like wrap_content

    opened by Thamizhan 2
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