Utility tool to make you a computer ninja.


Cmd Window

Never spend 6 minutes doing something by hand when you can spend 6 hours failing to automate it - Zhuowej Zhang

What is this about?

This tool will make you a computer ninja. Its main goal is to integrate few well known tools like AutoHotkey, Selenium and Kotlin libraries into one interface which you quickly orchestrate with Kotlin scripts.

It aims to minimise the time for development feedback of your scripts mainly by hot-reloading changes in a running environment rather than restarting the application all the time.

It can automate everything you do on your PC. You can:

  • launch any program
  • open any predefined folder
  • automate mouse and keyboard input (and much more) with AutoHotkey integration
  • automate browser with Selenium

You have to be a bit of a ninja already since you have to know something about Kotlin to use it. Not much but still... For now there is also a possibility to use Clojure as a scripting language if this is your jam.

How does this work?

You press Ctrl+Space and small input window appears on your screen. Type in the command, press enter and your code will magically do stuff.

Where do commands come from? They come from you! You write them in kotlin scripts. You can make them as simple as just running simple Autohotkey command like api.ahk("Run notepad")" or as complicated as a whole program. Choice is yours.


After you build and install (instructions below). It's just a matter of creating a configuration file and your Bootstrap.kts file.

The configuration file should be located in: C:\Users\YOUR_USER_NAME\AppData\Roaming\cmd-window\config.properties. And its contents should be very simple:


The scriptsDir should point to a place that contains Bootstrap.kts - this script will be executed after starting cmd-window.

Within the script there is an api variable that contains the reference to [ScriptApi](https://github.com/marad/cmd-window/blob/main/src/main/kotlin/gh/marad/cmdwindow/ScriptApi.kt) class that serves as a bridge between the scripts and the hosts. It's API will probably change in the future, but it is what it is for now.

How do I use it?

Just edit the Bootstrap.kts you've set up in the previous section. Then invoke the r command to reload the script.

Simple 'hello world' command look like this:

api.registerCommand("hello", "this shows hello") {
    api.guiMessage("Hello world!", "Hello!")

You could also open some folders with AutoHotkey:

api.registerCommand("down", "Open downloads folder") {
    api.ahk("run C:\\Users\\%A_Username%\\Downloads")

api.registerCommand("rec", "Open recycle bin") {
    api.ahk("run ::{645FF040-5081-101B-9F08-00AA002F954E}")

or even make a simple command to insert your email since it's too much writing, right?

api.registerCommand("@", "insert email address") {
    api.ahk("Send your@email.com")

Built-in commands

Right now there are just a few:

  • r reloads the Bootstrap.kts file
  • ? shows a window that lists all available commands
  • exit will exit cmd-window app (how unexpected)

Building and installing

In build.gradle.kts there is a task installDist. You'll probably want to edit the destination path where you want cmd-window to be installed on your disk. You can place it wherever you want.

Additional resources

  • This will help you judge if something is worth automating at all ;)

I'd like to help!

Great! If you spot some bugs or have an idea or even need some help setting this stuff up just post an issue. You can also submit a pull request.

I appreciate any help here because this would mean that this is also useful to you!

  • Update compose-jb and drop deprecated APIs

    Update compose-jb and drop deprecated APIs

    Right now cmd-window uses old and deprecated API of compose-jb. Tutorials and examples for the new API can be found at https://github.com/JetBrains/compose-jb

    opened by marad 1
  • Publish the code to GitHub

    Publish the code to GitHub

    I'm using the tool for some time. I'd like to publish it to github, for others to use.

    • [x] Move non-universal builtin commands out to scripts
    • [x] Remove hosts specific code and any local paths
    opened by marad 1
  • Add descriptive README

    Add descriptive README

    Need to have info on

    • what is the purpose and what is included
    • how does that even work
    • how to build, and install the tool
    • how to create the first script
    opened by marad 0
  • Make the script API uniform and easier to use

    Make the script API uniform and easier to use

    I think it could be better to just provide simple functions like ahk or registerCommand instead of having to use the api object.

    It could also be beneficial if all the functions had the same argument order. Right now some of them has "message" as the first one and others have "title" as the first one.

    opened by marad 0
  • Add a way to persist data between script reloads

    Add a way to persist data between script reloads

    Right now reloading scripts will simply throw away everything created within the scripts. Sometimes it might be useful to save some data so that it will be available also after scripts are reloaded.

    This can be especially useful when developing a script using selenium. Storing the driver could save a lot of time.

    opened by marad 0
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