sample codebase for E2E testing with Jest, Appium and WebDriverIO for Android and iOS


E2E testing for React Native with Jest, Appium and WebDriverIO (iOS and Android)

Contributions Welcome

In this repo you will find a sample project to showcase how to do E2E testing with Jest + Appium + WebDriverIO for Android and iOS on react-native.

It's a bit janky but it serves the purpose of showcasing how to a basic setup needs to be correctly wired.

How to use

First off, make sure that your setup works with Appium. You can follow their getting started guide for that.

You want to make sure, in particular, to have it installed locally via npm install -g appium, and that both npx appium-doctor --android and npx appium-doctor --ios give you a

Once you have done that, you can get the repo locally via the classic git clone command (I prefer SSH over HTTP for cloning, but you do you).

Then you can navigate right into the codebase via cd react-native-e2e-jest-appium-webdriverio, followed by a yarn install command to install all the necessary dependencies.

After this, run the app on the Android emulator/ iOS simulator via yarn android/yarn ios - you need to do this at least once (for simplicity sake, we want the app to be already installed on the simulator/emulator before testing).

Once the app is on the emulator/simulator and Metro is running, you can open a new terminal window and start the Appium server via appium.

With the server is running, you can use the commands test:e2e:android and test:e2e:ios to try out the E2E loop, or use test:e2e:all to run both one after the other.

A note on setup

Please make sure that your local emulator/simulator config matches the e2e section of the package.json or it will fail 'cause it won't be able to connect to the platform.

Notes on E2E: how does it work?

I'll try to keep it simple and to walk through all the main concepts and hacks that make it all work.

The basic premise is that this is, from Appium's perspective, just a project like any other: the app it needs to test is a black box, and it gets to communicate with it via webdriverIO's client.

Via the command test:e2e:android we start the testing, that starts up the basicE2E.test.js script - this file gets via an helper script e2e-config.js which platform to test (passed as an ENV variable, E2E_DEVICE during the yarn command, check test:e2e:android in package.json) and goes into the package.json, section e2e, and uses those info the beforeAll to stand up the webdriverIO client.

Then the actual testing is done by using as "communication point" to invoke the native components this following pattern client.$('~<string>') (the ~ is intentional, and important!). The <string> here is what we setup in App.js, and it should be just the accessibilityID option (that RN passes back to the native component) but actually we need to use a bit of a workaround script called testProps (at the top of App.js) to tailor this use for iOS/Android and for the Text component. (huge props to Slav Kurochkin for finding this out and explaining it in this article)

This way we can interact with all the elements on screen that have their string setup as props via {...testProps(<string>)}.

If this isn't clear enough or you'd like a blogpost on this subject, feel free to open an issue or talk to me over on Twitter.

Inspiration and resources

Getting this together was quite a bit of work because there aren't many resources around that walk you through the entire setup for React Native Android/iOS - I pieced this sample app together by following and taking bit and pieces from multiple places. In no particular order:

I was also inspired by a few repos and how they dealt with similar configs:


Contributions are more than welcome! (as already mentioned, code is janky and could use a bit more polish)

Check CONTRIBUTING for more.

License & CoC

This repo is MIT licensed and follows the Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct.

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