JSI Benchmarking on Android at Myntra

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What is JSI?

It's an interface which enables JavaScript (whether it's JSC or Hermes) to communicate with native (C++) and vice versa.

Hence using this we can eliminate the bridge. Instead we can take the following route.

Android : Java <-> JNI <-> JSI <-> Javascript.
iOS : ObjC <-> JSI <-> Javascript.

Benchmarking JSI

  1. RN version: 0.63.4
  2. NDK Version: 22.0.x
  3. CMake Version: 3.10.x
  4. Test Device : Samsung S10


  1. Get String from KV store:
    1. Android Shared Prefs over JSI
    2. Async Storage
    3. Android Shared Pref over Bridge
  2. Retrieve a Java String
    1. JSI
    2. Bridge
  3. Retrieve a Java Object
    1. JSI
    2. Bridge
  4. Query 100 Rows from Table
    1. JSI
    2. Bridge


  1. Get a JSON string of 212148 characters from KV Store

    1. JSI (Async - Spawn a thread on Java)= ~ 5 MS (Min 2 MS - Max 8 MS)
    2. JSI (Sync)= ~ 2 MS (Min 1 MS - Max 3 MS)
    3. Async Storage = ~ 22 MS (Min 12 - Max 35 MS))
    4. Bridge = ~ 14 MS (Min 8 MS - Max 20 MS)
  2. Get a Java String to JS through JNI and JSI

    1. JSI = <= 1 MS (Min 0 MS - Max 1 MS)
    2. Bridge = ~ 8 MS (Min 6 MS - Max 15 MS)
  3. Get a Java Object (Two String properties) to JS through JNI and JSI

    1. JSI = <= 1 MS (Min 0 MS - Max 1 MS)
    2. Bridge = ~ 14 MS (Min 10 MS - Max 18 MS)
  4. Query 100 rows of students in a class table - (Query time is ~ 5-10 MS)

    1. JSI = ~ 15 MS (Min 10 MS - Max 20 MS ) - Cursor iteration on Java.
    2. JSI = ~ 22 MS (Min 15 MS - Max 30 MS) - Cursor iteration on JS.
    3. Bridge = ~ 45 MS (Min 30 MS - Max 60 MS)



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