🗂 Yet Another One Way to Handle Your Dockerfiles with Kotlin


🐳 Dokker

The Kotlin DSL to generate your project Dockerfiles with Kotlin.


The library is created with one purpose: allow easy generation of multiple Dockerfiles with Kotlin. Check out the example below:

val aptPackages = listOf(
val environment = mapOf(
    "PYTHON_VERSION" to "3.9.6"
val ignores = listOf(
val resources = listOf(
val project = dokker(resources = resources, ignores = ignores) {
            "maintainer" to "viktor@tiulp.in"
    kopy(listOf(".python_version"), "/tmp")
            "echo ${envBraces("PYTHON_VERSION")}"
    comment("We did it!")

With the above code, you can generate a project like this.


Feel free to extend the Dokker with anything you want : create an issue or send a pull request!

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