Free (libre) native Android Ethereum wallet



on Google Play on FDroid


Native Android Ethereum wallet.


Hardware Wallet Support

other Account types

  • Watch only
  • PIN protected
  • Password protected
  • Burner style accounts
  • Key Import ( JSON UTC, RAW and Mnemonics)

Networks (Chains)

  • main, görli, rinkeby, ropsten, kovan, POA, sokol, ETC, xDAI, ...
  • load all chains from
  • DappNode support
  • Testnets with direct link to faucets (on görli and ropsten even auto-fill of address)
  • one flavor contains go-ethereum light client


  • Day/Night mode (Dark mode)
  • display information about Security of the phone
  • Sourcify support
  • display function calls when available from (fallback if contracts are not verified on Sourcify)
  • Keys on your device under your control
  • Tokens (your own ERC-20 compatible or predefined like DAI, Unicorn, OMG, SNT, ZRC, GNO, ..) - add your own in the app or on so everyone can use it
  • display value in fiat like EUR, NZD, USD, .. or MakerDAO DAI


  • ERC-67 / ERC-681 / ERC-1328 URLs (e.g. scanned from QR-Code or via intent)
  • ERC-55 Checksums
  • EIP712 signing
  • EIP155 Transactions


  • WalletConnect 1.0 Support
  • Offline signing (compatible to Parity signing flow)

Find more information on



  • Sign APK with TREZOR

    Sign APK with TREZOR


    • Hardware wallets like the TREZOR can be a great and secure way to sign APKs
    • Currently I am signing WallETH with an old separate offline laptop - but the process is painful (USB stick juggling) and when I am on the road I most of the time do not have this offline laptop with me - this might be bad if e.g. a urgent HotFix is needed
    • Backups of signing keys are important - if you loose your key you are not able to publish an update of the app anymore - usually people do backups of their hardware wallet - so this could also be a good argument for using a HardWare wallet here
    • Signing keys are often not handled with the care they deserve (I have seen companies having them on the CI-Server with the potential of extracting them with a PR ..) If the process is easy with a Hardware wallet perhaps we can convince more people to treat signing keys with more respect

    Bounty acceptance criteria:

    • Deliver a small CLI program that allows to sign APKs with a TREZOR
    • That program should be written in Kotlin or Java - I would prefer Kotlin. Limiting the languages has 2 main reasons: 1) I want to be able to give it a meaningful review 2) Make a potential future reuse in an Android app easier
    • Should not need modifications of the TREZOR firmware (If there are good reasons that this is needed there might be an exemption - e.g. if one would go the extra mile of supporting RSA to lower the minSDK)
    • Support signature scheme v1 and optionally v2 - but at least v1 so we do not have a high impact on the minSDK
    • support to specify a derviation path so different APKs can be signed with different keys


    • here some examples of ECDSA signed apk's:
    • introduction of ECDSA support for signatures in Android:
    • Tweet by prusnak about the possibility of this:
    • APKSigner source:
    enhancement :rocket: Security :policeman: bounty :1st_place_medal: 
    opened by ligi 31
  • gradle witness issue when migrating to AndroidX

    gradle witness issue when migrating to AndroidX

    there is one artifact out of the many that changes it's hash and gradle witness fails.Here the different hashes I got for consequent runs of rm -rf .gradle/caches and calculateChecksums

    +++ b/app/witness.gradle
    @@ -232,7 +232,7 @@ dependencyVerification {
    -        'me.eugeniomarletti.kotlin.metadata:jetified-kotlin-compiler-lite-1.0.3-k-1.2.40:1.0.3-k-1.2.40:jetified-kotlin-compiler-lite-1.0.3-k-1.2.40.jar:98710af0edd21cd9da98a0fd43196227558ce1ada473fef0fe21f96b9d1a5233',
    +        'me.eugeniomarletti.kotlin.metadata:jetified-kotlin-compiler-lite-1.0.3-k-1.2.40:1.0.3-k-1.2.40:jetified-kotlin-compiler-lite-1.0.3-k-1.2.40.jar:db7dd58ec61348ac5188bdb318cb94886a83ff8c8acbe17dff3d3a6475043cf4',
    ✓ ~/g/w/app (ligi_wip *$%) git show HEAD~2                                                                                                                                                                                                                      07:04:12
    commit 184fb29cdfd1d7657f40491ebc5c597f376010ae
    Author: ligi <>
    Date:   Wed Apr 24 06:39:09 2019 +0200
    diff --git a/app/witness.gradle b/app/witness.gradle
    index ed6f90e..7a7f759 100644
    --- a/app/witness.gradle
    +++ b/app/witness.gradle
    @@ -232,7 +232,7 @@ dependencyVerification {
    -        'me.eugeniomarletti.kotlin.metadata:jetified-kotlin-compiler-lite-1.0.3-k-1.2.40:1.0.3-k-1.2.40:jetified-kotlin-compiler-lite-1.0.3-k-1.2.40.jar:f5e799c393fc181ec8d6461cfce06ae7495cfdd1c53091e4b56ff37304937983',
    +        'me.eugeniomarletti.kotlin.metadata:jetified-kotlin-compiler-lite-1.0.3-k-1.2.40:1.0.3-k-1.2.40:jetified-kotlin-compiler-lite-1.0.3-k-1.2.40.jar:98710af0edd21cd9da98a0fd43196227558ce1ada473fef0fe21f96b9d1a5233',
    ✓ ~/g/w/app (ligi_wip *$%) git show HEAD~3                                                                                                                                                                                                                      07:04:13
    commit 14c69a1bb8b18ffc1b79f590e4def38eb6ab2659
    Author: ligi <>
    Date:   Wed Apr 24 06:23:51 2019 +0200
    diff --git a/app/witness.gradle b/app/witness.gradle
    index 89ac0d0..ed6f90e 100644
    --- a/app/witness.gradle
    +++ b/app/witness.gradle
    @@ -232,7 +232,7 @@ dependencyVerification {
    -        'me.eugeniomarletti.kotlin.metadata:jetified-kotlin-compiler-lite-1.0.3-k-1.2.40:1.0.3-k-1.2.40:jetified-kotlin-compiler-lite-1.0.3-k-1.2.40.jar:77324d2151d98ff71c57e210659aaf655e192beeb10cc7fafdc04947dbf1c3db',
    +        'me.eugeniomarletti.kotlin.metadata:jetified-kotlin-compiler-lite-1.0.3-k-1.2.40:1.0.3-k-1.2.40:jetified-kotlin-compiler-lite-1.0.3-k-1.2.40.jar:f5e799c393fc181ec8d6461cfce06ae7495cfdd1c53091e4b56ff37304937983',
    ✓ ~/g/w/app (ligi_wip *$%) git show HEAD~4                                                                                                                                                                                                                      07:04:14
    commit 75c798d2fad9b1c684682ca8eb27be0401fe210b
    Author: ligi <>
    Date:   Wed Apr 24 06:11:27 2019 +0200
    diff --git a/app/witness.gradle b/app/witness.gradle
    index 5d654d2..89ac0d0 100644
    --- a/app/witness.gradle
    +++ b/app/witness.gradle
    @@ -232,7 +232,7 @@ dependencyVerification {
    -        'me.eugeniomarletti.kotlin.metadata:jetified-kotlin-compiler-lite-1.0.3-k-1.2.40:1.0.3-k-1.2.40:jetified-kotlin-compiler-lite-1.0.3-k-1.2.40.jar:a448ca4a386f0a03d45a9819bb54a1fdc4833be0b40270d5ab831ebdf95d9999',
    +        'me.eugeniomarletti.kotlin.metadata:jetified-kotlin-compiler-lite-1.0.3-k-1.2.40:1.0.3-k-1.2.40:jetified-kotlin-compiler-lite-1.0.3-k-1.2.40.jar:77324d2151d98ff71c57e210659aaf655e192beeb10cc7fafdc04947dbf1c3db',

    so we got 4 different hashes for this artifact:

    f5e799c393fc181ec8d6461cfce06ae7495cfdd1c53091e4b56ff37304937983, 98710af0edd21cd9da98a0fd43196227558ce1ada473fef0fe21f96b9d1a5233, db7dd58ec61348ac5188bdb318cb94886a83ff8c8acbe17dff3d3a6475043cf4, 77324d2151d98ff71c57e210659aaf655e192beeb10cc7fafdc04947dbf1c3db

    the artifact was introduced by room:

    |    +--- org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-stdlib:1.2.50
    |    |    +--- org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-stdlib-common:1.2.50
    |    |    \--- org.jetbrains:annotations:13.0
    |    +---
    |    |    \---
    |    +--- com.squareup:javapoet:1.8.0
    |    +--- org.antlr:antlr4:4.5.3
    |    +--- org.xerial:sqlite-jdbc:3.20.1
    |    +--- me.eugeniomarletti.kotlin.metadata:kotlin-metadata:1.4.0
    |    |    +--- org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-stdlib:1.2.40 -> 1.2.50 (*)
    |    |    \--- me.eugeniomarletti.kotlin.metadata:kotlin-compiler-lite:1.0.3-k-1.2.40
    |    |         \--- org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-stdlib:1.2.40 -> 1.2.50 (*)
    Security :policeman: 
    opened by ligi 15
  • Transactions remain pending

    Transactions remain pending

    Walleth version 0.35 Downloaded from Google Play Samsung SM-G935T Android Version 7.0 Testing on the ropsten network

    1. Our POS app displays both address and amount to pay in the QR code in Phone1;
    2. Walleth picks up the correct address and amount to pay (Phone2);
    3. Walleth user taps check button to send payment;
    4. Walleth gets etherscan hash: 0xff8c9684933b40989f48b4efd79acc2ba01a1a66fa18a8cb1862a03aff82cd16
    5. If Walleth user taps three vertical dots in upper-right corner, and selects "Open in EtherScan", etherscan web page comes up;
    6. On the ropsten etherscan web page, it says: Overview Transaction Information {Pending} This TxHash was found in our secondary node and should be picked up by our indexer in a short while.

    It's been 8 hours, and etherscan is still showing the same pending status. This could be an etherscan issue.

    evaluation needed :mag: 
    opened by ctapang 11
  • Add checksum-dependency-plugin for verification of plugin/dependency checksums

    Add checksum-dependency-plugin for verification of plugin/dependency checksums

    checksum-dependency-plugin is a superset of gradle-witness, and it enables to increase the level of security.


    fixes #395

    Note: I have not removed gradle-witness, however it becomes obsolete. Note: <trust-requirement pgp='MODULE' checksum='MODULE' /> could be used to verify checksum always. Current configuration (pgp=GROUP checksum=NONE) uses PGP when available, and resorts to checksum when PGP is missing.

    opened by vlsi 10
  • All transaction have an error -

    All transaction have an error - "Could not relay transaction"

    Hello! WallETH version 0.45.9.

    I send a few transactions And the last 4 transaction has been pending over 2 hour. In this time WallETH make new transaction with error - "Could not relay transaction". And after I could not send any transaction.

    Moreover, the balance decreases!

    opened by sinitcin 9
  • TREZOR One firmware support for 1.10.1

    TREZOR One firmware support for 1.10.1

    I'm not sure if this is simply a matter of adjusting the firmware version check or if there are actual changes that make WallETH incompatible with the latest firmware revisions, but it is currently impossible to add a TREZOR address from a TREZOR One with the latest firmware. The error message is "For Trezor model ONE only Firmware 1.8.X or 1.9.X is supported but found 1.10.1".

    opened by GuizzyQC 8
  • Trezor One support broken

    Trezor One support broken

    Im trying to make transaction but after after confirming it on the trezor, Walleth doesn't do anything - trezor logo is displayed on cellphone but tx isn't broadcasted

    Cellphone Oneplus X (android 6.0 Marshmallow) Trezor firmware: 1.6.1 Issue happens on mainnet

    bug :bug: 
    opened by mcgravier 8
  • Remove junit artifacts from aar

    Remove junit artifacts from aar

    after getting the noGeth flavor to work (which made the apk much smaller) - I looked a bit more what takes space up in the app - big chunk are the classes - but I also discovered there are some junit files in there - not big - but I still do not want this in the apk for users - not yet sure what is pulling this in - I only depend on junit in test configurations

    enhancement :rocket: 
    opened by ligi 8
  • Error while creating a build.

    Error while creating a build.

    Information:Gradle tasks [:app:generateNoGethNoFirebaseForFDroidDebugSources, :app:generateNoGethNoFirebaseForFDroidDebugAndroidTestSources, :app:mockableAndroidJar]
    Error:(37, 5) error: style attribute 'attr/adjustable (aka org.walleth.test:attr/adjustable)' not found.
    Error:(37, 5) error: style attribute 'attr/showSeekBarValue (aka org.walleth.test:attr/showSeekBarValue)' not found.
    Error:(42, 5) error: resource string/v7_preference_on (aka org.walleth.test:string/v7_preference_on) not found.
    Error:(42, 5) error: resource string/v7_preference_off (aka org.walleth.test:string/v7_preference_off) not found.
    Error:(59, 5) error: style attribute 'attr/switchPreferenceStyle (aka org.walleth.test:attr/switchPreferenceStyle)' not found.
    Error:resource style/Preference.Category (aka org.walleth.test:style/Preference.Category) not found.
    Error:resource style/Preference.CheckBoxPreference (aka org.walleth.test:style/Preference.CheckBoxPreference) not found.
    Error:resource style/Preference.DialogPreference.EditTextPreference (aka org.walleth.test:style/Preference.DialogPreference.EditTextPreference) not found.
    Error:resource style/Preference.DialogPreference (aka org.walleth.test:style/Preference.DialogPreference) not found.
    Error:resource style/Preference.DropDown (aka org.walleth.test:style/Preference.DropDown) not found.
    Error:resource style/Preference.Information (aka org.walleth.test:style/Preference.Information) not found.
    Error:resource style/Preference (aka org.walleth.test:style/Preference) not found.
    Error:resource style/Preference.PreferenceScreen (aka org.walleth.test:style/Preference.PreferenceScreen) not found.
    Error:resource style/Preference.SeekBarPreference (aka org.walleth.test:style/Preference.SeekBarPreference) not found.
    Error:resource style/Preference (aka org.walleth.test:style/Preference) not found.
    Error:resource style/Preference.SwitchPreferenceCompat (aka org.walleth.test:style/Preference.SwitchPreferenceCompat) not found.
    Error:resource style/PreferenceFragment (aka org.walleth.test:style/PreferenceFragment) not found.
    Error:resource style/PreferenceFragmentList (aka org.walleth.test:style/PreferenceFragmentList) not found.
    Error:resource style/PreferenceThemeOverlay (aka org.walleth.test:style/PreferenceThemeOverlay) not found.
    Error:(116) style attribute 'attr/adjustable (aka org.walleth.test:attr/adjustable)' not found.
    Error:(117) style attribute 'attr/showSeekBarValue (aka org.walleth.test:attr/showSeekBarValue)' not found.
    Error:(121) resource string/v7_preference_on (aka org.walleth.test:string/v7_preference_on) not found.
    Error:(122) resource string/v7_preference_off (aka org.walleth.test:string/v7_preference_off) not found.
    Error:(138) style attribute 'attr/switchPreferenceStyle (aka org.walleth.test:attr/switchPreferenceStyle)' not found.
    Error:java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: AAPT2 error: check logs for details
    Error:java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: AAPT2 error: check logs for details AAPT2 error: check logs for details
    Error:Execution failed for task ':app:processNoGethNoFirebaseForFDroidDebugAndroidTestResources'.
    > Failed to execute aapt
    Information:BUILD FAILED in 1m 4s
    Information:28 errors
    Information:0 warnings
    Information:See complete output in console
    evaluation needed :mag: needs more info :question: 
    opened by suvDroid 8
  • Support BeerCoin

    Support BeerCoin

    For BeerCoin details see

    Currently, it is not possible to transfer a received BeerCoin to someone else. It would be nice as well to see who owes you a BeerCoin and who you owe a BeerCoin. This could be an example for a plugin mechanism for contracts that require some special UI.

    enhancement :rocket: 
    opened by friedger 7
  • Ledger Nano S support

    Ledger Nano S support

    I think the title is self explanatory. I just ordered a Ledger Nano S, and it would be great if support could be added! Thank you for developing a free alternative!

    enhancement :rocket: bounty :1st_place_medal: 
    opened by Roxxor91 7
  • Editing a Chain's chain-id creates a duplicate Chain

    Editing a Chain's chain-id creates a duplicate Chain


    When editing a Chain's chain-id, then saving, a duplicate Chain is created.

    Observed Behaviour

    1. Open Walleth
    2. Open hamburger menu top left
    3. Tap Chain
    4. Tap the + to create a new Chain
    5. Create a new chain (e.g. use RPC endpoint and name it "Ephemery")


    1. Tap the tick to confirm
    2. Tap the pencil icon to edit the network named "Ephemery"


    1. Increment the chain-id and Network ID by 1


    1. Tap the tick to confirm
    2. Unexpected behaviour: Observe that there are now 2 (two) networks named "Ephemery"


    Expected Behaviour

    At step 10, I would expect there to only be 1 (one) network named "Ephemery"


    Version 0.51.4

    opened by chrishobcroft 0
  • Different address when importing Status Keycard account

    Different address when importing Status Keycard account

    I have created a hardware-bound address using the Status app on a Keycard. I am able to use this address to receive and send funds, and the transactions are displayed in the Status App.

    Next, I paired the very same card to WallETH, however no transaction and funds are shown. In fact, the displayed address is different as well. I sent a bit of money to the displayed address, only for it to never be shown in the WallETH app.

    Am I using the app wrong? Could this be related to the different paths mentioned in #548 ?

    opened by StarGate01 0
  • Stacktrace: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: No static method encodeRLP

    Stacktrace: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: No static method encodeRLP

    Version 0.51.4 on Android 12. A keycard successfully enrolled, but cannot sign transaction. App just crushes. Here is the trace:

    file: /data/user/0/org.walleth/files/0.51.4-1659784793923.tracedroid
    Android Version: 12
    Phone Model: SM-S901E\nTraceDroid Version: 4.1\nStacktrace: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: No static method encodeRLP(Lorg/kethereum/model/Transaction;Lorg/kethereum/model/SignatureData;)[B in class Lorg/kethereum/extensions/transactions/TransactionRLPEncoderKt; or its super classes (declaration of 'org.kethereum.extensions.transactions.TransactionRLPEncoderKt' appears in /data/app/~~Dvv5mZ1kscpHZ8vxIc2aew==/org.walleth-ylhCzh_4aXsZCV-qHesgDw==/base.apk!classes2.dex)
    at org.walleth.khartwarewallet.KHardwareChannel.signTransaction(KHardwareChannel.kt:95)
    at org.walleth.nfc.NFCSignTransactionActivity.afterCorrectPin$WallETH_0_51_4_noGethForFDroidOnlineRelease(NFCSignTransactionActivity.kt:61)
    at org.walleth.nfc.NFCBaseActivityWithPINHandling$onCreate$1$1.invoke(NFCBaseActivityWithPINHandling.kt:50)
    at org.walleth.nfc.NFCBaseActivityWithPINHandling$onCreate$1$1.invoke(NFCBaseActivityWithPINHandling.kt:30)
    at org.walleth.khartwarewallet.KHardwareManager.onCardConnected(KHardwareManager.kt:67)
    at org.walleth.khartwarewallet.KHardwareManager.access$onCardConnected(KHardwareManager.kt:15)
    at org.walleth.khartwarewallet.KHardwareManager$start$1.invokeSuspend(KHardwareManager.kt:51)
    at kotlin.coroutines.jvm.internal.BaseContinuationImpl.resumeWith(ContinuationImpl.kt:33)
    at kotlinx.coroutines.scheduling.CoroutineScheduler.runSafely(CoroutineScheduler.kt:571)
    at kotlinx.coroutines.scheduling.CoroutineScheduler$Worker.executeTask(CoroutineScheduler.kt:750)
    at kotlinx.coroutines.scheduling.CoroutineScheduler$Worker.runWorker(CoroutineScheduler.kt:678)
    at kotlinx.coroutines.scheduling.CoroutineScheduler$
    \nLog:  3 current handler$KillApplicationHandler
    W Problem with JSON from EtherScan: Value Max rate limit reached, please use API Key for higher rate limit at result of type java.lang.String cannot be converted to JSONArray
    W Problem with JSON from EtherScan: Value Max rate limit reached, please use API Key for higher rate limit at result of type java.lang.String cannot be converted to JSONArray
    W Problem with JSON from EtherScan: Value Max rate limit reached, please use API Key for higher rate limit at result of type java.lang.String cannot be converted to JSONArray
    W Problem with JSON from EtherScan: Value Max rate limit reached, please use API Key for higher rate limit at result of type java.lang.String cannot be converted to JSONArray
    W Problem with JSON from EtherScan: Value Max rate limit reached, please use API Key for higher rate limit at result of type java.lang.String cannot be converted to JSONArray
    W Problem with JSON from EtherScan: Value Max rate limit reached, please use API Key for higher rate limit at result of type java.lang.String cannot be converted to JSONArray
    W Problem with JSON from EtherScan: Value Max rate limit reached, please use API Key for higher rate limit at result of type java.lang.String cannot be converted to JSONArray
    W Problem with JSON from EtherScan: Value Max rate limit reached, please use API Key for higher rate limit at result of type java.lang.String cannot be converted to JSONArray
    W Problem with JSON from EtherScan: Value Max rate limit reached, please use API Key for higher rate limit at result of type java.lang.String cannot be converted to JSONArray
    3 Searching Exceptions in: /data/user/0/org.walleth/files
    W Problem with JSON from EtherScan: Value Max rate limit reached, please use API Key for higher rate limit at result of type java.lang.String cannot be converted to JSONArray
    W Problem with JSON from EtherScan: Value Max rate limit reached, please use API Key for higher rate limit at result of type java.lang.String cannot be converted to JSONArray
    W Problem with JSON from EtherScan: Value Max rate limit reached, please use API Key for higher rate limit at result of type java.lang.String cannot be converted to JSONArray
    W Problem with JSON from EtherScan: Value Max rate limit reached, please use API Key for higher rate limit at result of type java.lang.String cannot be converted to JSONArray
    W Problem with JSON from EtherScan: Value Max rate limit reached, please use API Key for higher rate limit at result of type java.lang.String cannot be converted to JSONArray
    W Problem with JSON from EtherScan: Value Max rate limit reached, please use API Key for higher rate limit at result of type java.lang.String cannot be converted to JSONArray
    I setting search term
    I setting search term 2
    I setting search term
    I setting search term 2
    W Problem with JSON from EtherScan: Value Max rate limit reached, please use API Key for higher rate limit at result of type java.lang.String cannot be converted to JSONArray
    W Problem with JSON from EtherScan: Value Max rate limit reached, please use API Key for higher rate limit at result of type java.lang.String cannot be converted to JSONArray
    W Problem with JSON from EtherScan: Value Max rate limit reached, please use API Key for higher rate limit at result of type java.lang.String cannot be converted to JSONArray
    W Problem with JSON from EtherScan: Value Max rate limit reached, please use API Key for higher rate limit at result of type java.lang.String cannot be converted to JSONArray
    W Problem with JSON from EtherScan: Value Max rate limit reached, please use API Key for higher rate limit at result of type java.lang.String cannot be converted to JSONArray
    W Problem with JSON from EtherScan: Value Max rate limit reached, please use API Key for higher rate limit at result of type java.lang.String cannot be converted to JSONArray
    W Problem with JSON from EtherScan: Value Max rate limit reached, please use API Key for higher rate limit at result of type java.lang.String cannot be converted to JSONArray
    W Problem with JSON from EtherScan: Value Max rate limit reached, please use API Key for higher rate limit at result of type java.lang.String cannot be converted to JSONArray
    W Problem with JSON from EtherScan: Value Max rate limit reached, please use API Key for higher rate limit at result of type java.lang.String cannot be converted to JSONArray
    W Problem with JSON from EtherScan: Value Max rate limit reached, please use API Key for higher rate limit at result of type java.lang.String cannot be converted to JSONArray
    W Problem with JSON from EtherScan: Value Max rate limit reached, please use API Key for higher rate limit at result of type java.lang.String cannot be converted to JSONArray
    W Problem with JSON from EtherScan: Value Max rate limit reached, please use API Key for higher rate limit at result of type java.lang.String cannot be converted to JSONArray
    W Problem with JSON from EtherScan: Value Max rate limit reached, please use API Key for higher rate limit at result of type java.lang.String cannot be converted to JSONArray
    W Problem with JSON from EtherScan: Value Max rate limit reached, please use API Key for higher rate limit at result of type java.lang.String cannot be converted to JSONArray
    W Problem with JSON from EtherScan: Value Max rate limit reached, please use API Key for higher rate limit at result of type java.lang.String cannot be converted to JSONArray
    W Problem with JSON from EtherScan: Value Max rate limit reached, please use API Key for higher rate limit at result of type java.lang.String cannot be converted to JSONArray
    3 Writing unhandled exception to: /data/user/0/org.walleth/files/0.51.4-1659784793923.tracedroid
    opened by Artiom-M 0
  • Update to WalletConnect v2

    Update to WalletConnect v2

    How to close this issue:

    This issue can be closed when WallETH is listed here:


    WalletConnect is the first item in WallETH's list of features:


    This issue is to track the research, design and development to update WallETH to version 2 of WalletConnect.

    Proposed Project Scope

    Phase 1: UX Research (optional): understand how users use WallETH today, to connect to WalletConnect.

    Phase 2 (optional): UX Design - design the user experience journey and information architecture for connecting to WalletConnect v2.

    Phase 3: Implement and Test: implement WallETH to connect to WalletConnect v2




    opened by chrishobcroft 0
  • I'm not receiving my last transaction

    I'm not receiving my last transaction

    Hello once again.

    I'm again not receiving my last transaction. It's not getting displayed and my overall funds are not correct. On etherscan i received it 6 and a half days ago.

    I'm running version 0.51.4 on my FP3 with e/OS 1.2. I downloaded the APP from F-Droid.

    Any suggestions what I can do or do you need further information?

    Thank you!

    opened by laleluke 1
The native Android Ethereum wallet
Cosmostation wallet apps are non-custodial tendermint-based wallet that supports Cosmos Network.

Cosmostation wallet apps are non-custodial tendermint-based wallet that supports Cosmos Network.

Cosmostation 44 Dec 21, 2022
Sample crypto wallet for Wallet Link SDK.

DemoWallet This repo is sample app for Wallet Link SDK. WalletLink is an open protocol that lets users connect their mobile wallets to your DApp. With

null 0 Dec 17, 2021
App de test para ingreso a Mercado Libre

Proyecto Mercado Libre Proyecto de prueba para ingreso en Mercado Libre Tabla de contenidos Acerca del projecto Construido con Primeros pasos Pre-requ

null 0 Oct 27, 2021
Copylefted libre software (GPLv3+) card management app

Catima Copylefted libre software (GPLv3+) card management app. Logo by Rose (TangentFoxy) Stores your store loyalty and membership cards on your devic

Catima 402 Jan 4, 2023
EU Digital COVID Certificate Wallet App - Android

This repository contains the source code of the EU Digital COVID Certificate Wallet App for Android.

null 57 Oct 6, 2022
Ergo Wallet for Android, built on top of Ergo Appkit.

Ergo Wallet Android Ergo Wallet for Android, built on top of Ergo Appkit. You need at least Android 7 to run Ergo Wallet. Features: generating wallets

Benjamin Schulte 80 Dec 14, 2022
Ivy Wallet is an Open Source money manager app for android that you can either build or download from Google Play.

Ivy Wallet is an Open Source money manager app for android that you can either build or download from Google Play.

null 727 Dec 26, 2022
The Odysee Android app with wallet functionality

Odysee Android Release To create an APK file which can be installed on real devices, you will need to create a digital signature and then edit app/bui

Odysee 116 Dec 29, 2022
Ergo Wallet for Android

Ergo Wallet Android Official Ergo Wallet for Android (official announcement) Features: generating wallets, restoring wallets in a way compatible to Yo

Ergo 80 Dec 14, 2022
Bitcoin Wallet - a standalone Bitcoin payment app for your Android device

Bitcoin Wallet app for your Android device. Standalone Bitcoin node, no centralized backend required Google Colab

DE MINING 0 Feb 25, 2022
Bitcoin-Wallet-Android Google Colab

Beta channel Run Google Colab In order to receive updates quicke

DE MINING 0 Feb 25, 2022
Lightning Dev Kit Android Demo Wallet

uMlando-wallet Lightning Dev Kit Android Demo Wallet This project uses a .aar package for the Android platforms that provide language bindings for the

Conor Okus 6 Dec 23, 2022
Tonomy ID is the cross-platform mobile wallet (Android and iOS) for public and private EOSIO blockchains

Tonomy ID is the cross-platform mobile wallet (Android and iOS) for public and private EOSIO blockchains. This application allows you to sign transactions on the block chain, share your DID and Verifiable Credentials containing your identity with others in a consensual way and log into web2 and web3 applications. If you lose your phone several mechanisms exist to allow you to recover your account without trusting anyone with custody of your private keys.

null 7 Dec 24, 2022
Nova Wallet Android - Next get mobile app for Polkadot & Kusama ecosystem

Nova Wallet Android is a next gen application for Polkadot & Kusama ecosystem, transparent & community-oriented, focused on convenient UX/UI, fast performance & security.

Novasama Technologies 17 Dec 27, 2022
📲💬 react-native-fontext is a lightweight library to integrate fonts in your React Native application that works seamlessly in android and iOS devices.

React Native Fontext react-native-fontext is a lightweight library to integrate fonts in your React Native application that works seamlessly in androi

mroads 9 Dec 3, 2021
Matomo wrapper for React-Native. Supports Android and iOS. Fixed issues for native platforms build that are present in the official package.

@mccsoft/react-native-matomo Matomo wrapper for React-Native. Supports Android and iOS. Fixed issues for native platforms build that are present in th

MCC Soft 4 Dec 29, 2022
A Python native extension written in Kotlin Native

Kotlin Python Ext This is a proof of concept for a Python extension in Kotlin. It is recommended to read the Official Python C API Documentation befor

Martmists 20 Jun 22, 2022
Native-loader - Safely load native libraries in Java

Native Loader ??️ Safe native loading in Java based off of the native-loader use

Mixtape 1 Oct 19, 2022