An Android transformation library providing a variety of image transformations for Coil, Glide, Picasso, and Fresco.


What is Transformers?

An Android transformation library providing a variety of image transformations for Coil, Glide, Picasso, and Fresco.

Part of the sample

Glide Transformations, Picasso Transformations, Fresco Processors are deprecated.
Development will stop soon.. For an up-to-date version, please use this.



  • Android 5.0+ Lollipop (API level 21)

Gradle settings

repositories {

This Transformer is NOT using because make the APK file too big.

For Coil

dependencies {
  implementation 'jp.wasabeef.transformers:coil:1.0.3'
  // Use the GPU Filters 
  implementation 'jp.wasabeef.transformers:coil-gpu:1.0.3'
imageView.load(IMAGE_URL) {
    RoundedCornersTransformation(radius = 120, cornerType = CornerType.DIAGONAL_FROM_TOP_LEFT)

For Glide

dependencies {
  implementation 'jp.wasabeef.transformers:glide:1.0.3'
  // Use the GPU Filters 
  implementation 'jp.wasabeef.transformers:glide-gpu:1.0.3'
        BlurTransformation(context, 15, sampling = 1)

For Picasso

dependencies {
  implementation 'jp.wasabeef.transformers:picasso:1.0.3'
  // Use the GPU Filters 
  implementation 'jp.wasabeef.transformers:picasso-gpu:1.0.3'
      BlurTransformation(context, 25, sampling = 4)

For Fresco

dependencies {
  implementation 'jp.wasabeef.transformers:fresco:1.0.3'
  // Use the GPU Filters 
  implementation 'jp.wasabeef.transformers:fresco-gpu:1.0.3'
val request: ImageRequest =
  .setPostprocessor(BlurPostprocessor(context, 25, 4))

holder.image.controller = Fresco.newDraweeControllerBuilder()

With Jetpack Compose

Use Composable Images when using with Jetpack Compose.

  model = IMAGE_URL,
  modifier = Modifier.preferredWidth(120.dp),
  options = RequestOptions().transform(
    BlurTransformation(context, radius = 25, sampling = 4)

Sample transformations

Original Mask NinePatchMask CropTop
CropCenter CropBottom CropCenterRatio16x9 CropCenterRatio4x3
CropTopRatio16x9 CropBottomRatio4x3 CropSquare CropCircle
CropCircleWithBorder ColorFilter Grayscale RoundedCorners
RoundedCornersTopLeft RSGaussianBlurLight RSGaussianBlurDeep StackBlurLight

coil, glide, picasso

  • BlurTransformation
  • ColorFilterTransformation
  • CropCenterBottomTransformation
  • CropCenterTopTransformation
  • CropCenterTransformation
  • CropCircleTransformation
  • CropCircleWithBorderTransformation
  • CropSquareTransformation
  • CropTransformation
  • GrayscaleTransformation
  • MaskTransformation
  • RoundedCornersTransformation


  • BlurPostprocessor
  • ColorFilterPostprocessor
  • CombinePostProcessors
  • GrayscalePostprocessor
  • MaskPostprocessor

Sample transformations with GPUImage

We recommend that you have a ToneCurve file, as you can apply any filters you like.

Original Sepia Contrast Invert
PixelLight PixelDeep Sketch Swirl
Brightness Kuawahara Vignette ZoomBlur
WhiteBalance Halftone Sharpness Toon

coil-gpu, glide-gpu, picasso-gpu

  • BrightnessFilterTransformation
  • ContrastFilterTransformation
  • HalftoneFilterTransformation
  • InvertFilterTransformation
  • KuwaharaFilterTransformation
  • PixelationFilterTransformation
  • SepiaFilterTransformation
  • SharpenFilterTransformation
  • SketchFilterTransformation
  • SwirlFilterTransformation
  • ToneCurveFilterTransformation
  • ToonFilterTransformation
  • VignetteFilterTransformation
  • WhiteBalanceFilterTransformation
  • ZoomBlurFilterTransformation


  • BrightnessFilterPostprocessor
  • ContrastFilterPostprocessor
  • HalftoneFilterPostprocessor
  • InvertFilterPostprocessor
  • KuwaharaFilterPostprocessor
  • PixelationFilterPostprocessor
  • SepiaFilterPostprocessor
  • SharpenFilterPostprocessor
  • SketchFilterPostprocessor
  • SwirlFilterPostprocessor
  • ToneCurveFilterPostprocessor
  • ToonFilterPostprocessor
  • VignetteFilterPostprocessor
  • WhiteBalanceFilterPostprocessor
  • ZoomBlurFilterPostprocessor



Things you will need

$ npm install


$ ./gradlew assemble


$ ./gradlew ktlint

Publishing to Maven Central

$ ./gradlew clean build publish
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  • Transformer is not compatible with coil 2.0

    Transformer is not compatible with coil 2.0

    Coil will make a big breaking change in 2.0. Now, many Transformation for Coil, including BlurTransformation, throw an AbstractMethodError and do not work with Coil 2.0.

    At least the following two changes are required.

    • Transformation.key is replaced withTransformation.cacheKey.
    • BitmapPool andPoolableViewTarget have been removed from the library.

    Since Coil 2.0 is alpha, it may changes until the stable release.

    Can I make a Pull Request?

    opened by Mori-Atsushi 2
  • Update coil 2.0.0-rc01

    Update coil 2.0.0-rc01

    fix #7

    What does this change?

    Update coil 2.0.0-rc01 and fix to build.

    • Transformation.key is replaced with Transformation.cacheKey.
    • BitmapPool and PoolableViewTarget have been removed from the library.
    • Update compileSdk/targetSdk 31

    By using SDK 31, renderscript is deprecated. Therefore, I temporarily excluded the allWarningsAsErrors setting.

    opened by Mori-Atsushi 1
  • Problems encountered using glide transformation

    Problems encountered using glide transformation

    Thank you for the glide transformation library, I encountered a tough problem when using the glide blur transformation method, if you have time, can you tell me what is the reason...Thanks a million!!

    Here is the stack trace:

    11-30 19:29:17.687: A/DEBUG(20661): *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
    11-30 19:29:17.687: A/DEBUG(20661): Build fingerprint: 'google/redfin_64/redfin:13/TP1A.220624.014/8819323:userdebug/dev-keys'
    11-30 19:29:17.687: A/DEBUG(20661): Revision: 'MP1.0'
    11-30 19:29:17.687: A/DEBUG(20661): ABI: 'arm64'
    11-30 19:29:17.687: A/DEBUG(20661): Timestamp: 2022-11-30 19:29:16.492229176-0800
    11-30 19:29:17.687: A/DEBUG(20661): Process uptime: 9s
    11-30 19:29:17.688: A/DEBUG(20661): Cmdline: xxxx.xxxx.xxxx
    11-30 19:29:17.688: A/DEBUG(20661): pid: 19825, tid: 20637, name: glide-source-th  >>> xxxx.xxxx.xxxx <<<
    11-30 19:29:17.688: A/DEBUG(20661): uid: 10264
    11-30 19:29:17.688: A/DEBUG(20661): signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1 (SEGV_MAPERR), fault addr 0x0000000000000000
    11-30 19:29:17.688: A/DEBUG(20661): Cause: null pointer dereference
    11-30 19:29:17.688: A/DEBUG(20661):     x0  0000000000000000  x1  0000000000000000  x2  00000070171132c4  x3  0000000000000004
    11-30 19:29:17.688: A/DEBUG(20661):     x4  0000000000000004  x5  0000000000000000  x6  ff7b7070ff7b7070  x7  ff7b706fff7b7070
    11-30 19:29:17.688: A/DEBUG(20661):     x8  0000006f6622b53c  x9  a834832689f6064a  x10 0000000000000000  x11 0000000000000665
    11-30 19:29:17.688: A/DEBUG(20661):     x12 0000000080d95f72  x13 ff7b706fff7b7070  x14 0000000000000001  x15 b4000070157b7044
    11-30 19:29:17.688: A/DEBUG(20661):     x16 0000006f67ba9c40  x17 0000006f67b99fe4  x18 0000007016f3c000  x19 0000007017114000
    11-30 19:29:17.688: A/DEBUG(20661):     x20 b4000071acedc6c0  x21 b4000071acedcc20  x22 0000007017113318  x23 b4000071acedcc50
    11-30 19:29:17.688: A/DEBUG(20661):     x24 0000000000000001  x25 00000000ffffffff  x26 0000000000000000  x27 0000000000000008
    11-30 19:29:17.688: A/DEBUG(20661):     x28 0000006f67baaea0  x29 00000070171132d0
    11-30 19:29:17.688: A/DEBUG(20661):     lr  0000006f67b9a02c  sp  00000070171132c0  pc  0000006f6622b54c  pst 0000000020000000
    11-30 19:29:17.688: A/DEBUG(20661): backtrace:
    11-30 19:29:17.688: A/DEBUG(20661):       #00 pc 000000000001e54c  /apex/ (rsdScriptSetGlobalVar(android::renderscript::Context const*, android::renderscript::Script const*, unsigned int, void*, unsigned long)+16) (BuildId: cfdd713285af66dd4339fd9a98e84678)
    11-30 19:29:17.688: A/DEBUG(20661):       #01 pc 000000000003c028  /apex/ (android::renderscript::rsi_ScriptSetVarF(android::renderscript::Context*, void*, unsigned int, float)+68) (BuildId: e5e4d6e722fa1a66ebc31128336a8992)
    11-30 19:29:17.688: A/DEBUG(20661):       #02 pc 00000000000427ac  /apex/ (android::renderscript::ThreadIO::playCoreCommands(android::renderscript::Context*, int)+364) (BuildId: e5e4d6e722fa1a66ebc31128336a8992)
    11-30 19:29:17.688: A/DEBUG(20661):       #03 pc 000000000002c47c  /apex/ (android::renderscript::Context::threadProc(void*)+2340) (BuildId: e5e4d6e722fa1a66ebc31128336a8992)
    11-30 19:29:17.688: I/A(5937): #shareData for GellerAiAiDataShare_shareData_GELLER_CONFIG with pending task count: 0
    11-30 19:29:17.688: A/DEBUG(20661):       #04 pc 00000000000b62b8  /apex/ (__pthread_start(void*)+208) (BuildId: 058e3ec96fa600fb840a6a6956c6b64e)
    11-30 19:29:17.688: A/DEBUG(20661):       #05 pc 0000000000052fb8  /apex/ (__start_thread+64) (BuildId: 058e3ec96fa600fb840a6a6956c6b64e)
    opened by ihgoo 0
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