Float Label Edit Texts for Android


Floating Label Edit Text for Android

Float label for Android

For more info, see this blog post.

Salient features

  1. Simple and clean library (open up the source to see for yourself!)
  2. Ability to stretch EditText width to full/half screen
  3. Hides input for password fields too, but shows labels
  4. Customizable attributes for textSize, hint color (focused/unfocused)
  5. Custom Espresso test matcher for your testing needs!
  6. Maven repo (coming soon...)

Goals for this project

Having goals for a project, keep a quality check and help with learning. Since I intended this to be a community project, the goals are aligned, keeping that fact in mind. The goals for this project are as follows:

  1. Code should be ridiculously readable. Must read as fluently as pseudocode.
  2. Code must be tested
  3. Git commits should be clean and legible. Try to follow AngularJs commit types.
  4. Super DRY code! You cannot have two sets of lines repeating within the same file.


1. Overriding the onFocusChangeListener for the EditText

If you're setting an onFocusChange listener directly on the EditText, you might lose the color changes on the hint when changing focus. You probably want to add a TextChangeListener instead.



  1. Matt D.Smith for coming up with the concept
  2. Wedding Party for being an amazing organization and encourgaing such indulgences


  1. Kaushik Gopal
  2. Reza - Gravity support
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    It would be nice to be able to set a style for the embedded EditText (as well as TextView) in the xml.

    I would also suggest using FrameLayout instead of LinearLayout to have the Label in front of the EditText. The reason is styling the EditText background. Don't know if you had a reason (except the parent LinearLayout) to order them like that.

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  • Change code formatting and fixed bug with the sample app

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    I've changed the code style to be a little more in-line with the Google AOSP code style guidelines. More specifcally, I've changed it so all lines are less than 100 characters as outlined here: https://source.android.com/source/code-style.html#limit-line-length

    I have also fixed an issue with the sample app where the centre gravity field had no hint defined within the XML.

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  • Add Gravity support for floating label

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  • Setting dimension of containing EditText to match the parent's dimension.

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    This pull request includes a few things:

    • Setting dimension of containing EditText to match the parent's dimension
      • This way the width is not limited to either half or full, the user can set any arbitrary width to the FloatLabelEditText view and the containing EditText's dimens will match that.
    • Support for maxLength
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  • v_1_2(Apr 26, 2014)

    • Added an Espresso matcher, so you can quickly get hold of the EditText field when doing UI testing. An example of this would look like:

          onView(withFloatLabelHint("Email address")).perform(typeText("jingjing@bing.com"));
    • Added Gravity support (center and right align your hints!) . Many thanks to @moallemi for incorporating this.

    • Float labels can now have password hidden text

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
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