214 Repositories
Android 3d-game-engine Libraries
Wordle game clone written in Kotlin & using Compose UI Toolkit.
Wordle Compose Wordle game clone written in Kotlin & using Compose UI Toolkit. Screenshots Compose for Desktop Main screens Playing Victory End of gam
Android Game App made with kotlin. Allows to play online on the same network!
Reversi - Kotlin/Android Project made for Arquiteturas Móveis at ISEC 2021/2022 Notes Build gradle to run app or install the 'reversi.apk' directly on
A complete library to build Android apps with a built-in theme engine.
Dynamic Support A complete library to build apps for Android 4.0 (API 14) and above with a built-in theme engine. It is built on top of the latest app
Android app that allows you to draw anything and turn it into a jigsaw puzzle.
Android-Jigsaw-Puzzle Like to draw? Like to solve jigsaw puzzles? Try JigDraw! This is an Android app where a user draws something and use it to gener
Simple 2D platform game.
FloreProject Simple 2D platform game. Supported platforms OS Support Android ❌ Not playable Windows ✅ Full support Linux ✅ Full support MacOS ✅ Full s
Fifteen is a puzzle game created using Jetpack Compose for Android.
Fifteen / Jetpack Compose Fifteen is a puzzle game created using Jetpack Compose for Android. The goal of the game is to arrange the knuckles in ascen
SMBClone - SMD clone custom game engine. (Desktop + Android)
SMBClone Simple crossplatform game engine for like SMB game! Supported platforms
MapDB combines embedded database engine and Java collections.
MapDB: database engine MapDB combines embedded database engine and Java collections. It is free under Apache 2 license. MapDB is flexible and can be u
FXGL - JavaFX Game Development Framework
About JavaFX Game Development Framework Why FXGL? No installation or setup required "Out of the box": Java 8-17, Win/Mac/Linux/Android 8+/iOS 11.0+/We
Documentation Engine for Kotlin
Dokka Dokka is a documentation engine for Kotlin, performing the same function as javadoc for Java. Just like Kotlin itself, Dokka fully supports mixe
Kotlin extensions for the libGDX game framework
Kotlin extensions for libGDX. Introduction KTX is a Kotlin game framework built on libGDX. It aims to make libGDX as Kotlin-friendly as possible witho
KorGE Game Engine. Multiplatform Kotlin Game Engine
KorGE Multiplatform Kotlin Game Engine Support korge If you like korge, or want your company logo here, please consider becoming a patreon sponsor ★,
Zircon is an extensible and user-friendly, multiplatform tile engine.
Zircon - A user-friendly Tile Engine & Text GUI Need info? Check the Docs | or Create an issue | Check our project Board | Ask us on Discord | Support
Primitive OpenGL (ES) based graphics library and engine for Android development.
Parrot Primitive OpenGL (ES) based graphics library and engine for Android development. Parrot makes Android core graphics simpler, giving you the fea
JVM game engine based on Swing/JavaFX.
FriceEngine CI status Travis CI AppVeyor CircleCI CodeShip An easy, light, native game engine running on JVM. Why easy? A flappy bird game uses just 5
A Tetris game written in Kotlin using JOGL.
A Fast Tetris Game Written in Kotlin Using JOGL. Note: This game is unfinished. Controls Arrow Key Left / Right - Move the tetromino along the x-axis
Portable Game Window for Kotlin for JVM, Android and HTML5
Korui With Korui you can create your UI once, and run it in HTML5, Java AWT and Android. Support korgw If you like korgw, or want your company logo he
STG mobile game made in Android
Neon Info This project is STG mobile game made in Android. It is a fun project I
Bigger Number Game With Kotlin
Bigger Number App Vaidansh Bhardwaj Bigger Number App (aka "Cal Admission Test")
xCloud player for Google Chromecast with Google TV
XCTV Player An awesome Microsoft xCloud player for Google Chromecast with Google
Thelema - 3D graphics engine, written in Kotlin. Based on sources of libGDX.
Thelema Engine Thelema is multiplatform 3d graphics engine on Kotlin. It was based on libGDX sources and completely redesigned. Download Enter your cr
Mathematical expression engine written in Kotlin, running on JVM.
KFormula ภาษาไทย Mathematical expression engine written in Kotlin, running on JVM. With KFormula, you can parse simple mathematical expression text an
Zero-overhead 2D rendering library for JOGL using Kotlin
JOGL2D Zero-overhead 2D rendering library for JOGL This library is licensed under Apache License 2.0. JOGL2D is an open source Kotlin library that pro
🎮 A Gomoku game implementation created with libGDX
Gomoku 🎮 A Gomoku game implementation created with libGDX Context This project was implemented during a module of my software engineering studies. Wi
Html templating library for kotlin
h Html templating library for kotlin. Get started Download Download the latest release. (View releases) Clone the repo for the source code git clone h
Test the shape of your functions!
🧪 This library is experimental! Its API is not stabilized yet, and writing tests is still a bit tedious. Use at your own risk. Looking forward to you
AKotlin guess the word game in kotlin
GUESS THE WORD KOTLIN App Content appContent.mp4
Godot Android Text to Speech plugin for Godot Engine 3.4 or higher
Godot Android Text to Speech This is a Android plugin for Godot Engine 3.4 or higher. This plugin supports: Text to speech in different locale Setup C
Stop crashes from closing your game
CrashPatch Discord server (CLICK HERE TO GET SUPPORT) CrashPatch is a Minecraft
TicTacToe Game Built With Kotlin
🎲 TicTacToe/Kotlin.... 🔥 TicTacToe-Kotlin- , , , , , , ,
Godot's AdMob Plugin for Android (3.2.2+) using GitHub Actions for CI/CD. Working on Standard and Mono Godot versions.
Godot AdMob Android A Godot's plugin for Android of AdMob. About • Installation • Docs • Downloads About This repository is for a Godot Engine Plugin
A manga series about a card game, written and illustrated by Kazuki Takahashi
Yu-Gi-Oh É uma série de mangá sobre um jogo de cartas, escrito e ilustrado por Kazuki Takahashi. A série foi originalmente publicada pela editora Shue
Flappy Bird game built with Jetpack Compose & Jetpack Splash Screen
Flappy Bird by Compose 📜 Description Flappy Bird game built with Jetpack Compose & Jetpack Splash Screen. 💡 Motivation and Context All UI built with
This game teases your memory power....
MemoryGame This is a game which streches your memory capacity. This game has 2 activities startActivity & mainActivity. The startActivity helps you to
A complete rewrite from scratch of the old iOS game "Heavy MACH: Defense"
Heavy MACH: Defense is a game where you need to create an army of machines in order to defend your castle from the enemy castle, in a side-scroller st
Api Rest Card Game made in Kotlin with Ktor
ApiRest-CardGame "Card Game API" is a project made in Kotlin with Ktor. The API allows you to manage a simple card game deck (shuffle, take a card, pu
Image Processing Engine with GUI
Image Processing Engine with GUI Imperial College London Department of Computing Third Year Software Engineer Group Project Supervisor: Dr. Pancham Sh
A server which delivers the game cache files to an end-user.
RuneTopic Js5 Server A server which delivers the game cache files to an end-user. Setup Guide You can host a js5 server with Docker or with your local
The RuneTopic game server implementation that hosts and processes a game world.
RuneTopic Game Server The RuneTopic game server implementation that hosts and processes a game world. Setup Guide You can host a game server with Dock
RPG written in Kotlin using Korge engine
TheAlchemist RPG written in Kotlin using the Korge engine Based on the template https://github.com/korlibs/korge-starter-kit-rpg, this is a simple pix
Kotlin Spring Boot on GCP App Engine Standard
Kotlin Spring Boot on GCP App Engine Standard Deploy locally git clone https://github.com/mvladoi/sinch-task.git cd springboot mvn spring-boot:run 7
Terminal Game. Black and White have only pawns. White wins if their pawn moved to 8th line. Black wins if their pawn moves to 1st line. If black or white haven't any move, then no one wins(stalemate))
Only-Pawns-Chess Terminal game for 2 players Regular chess but all sides have only pawns Rules This game extend all the rules of regular chess but it
A backend implementation for connecting users to a generic card game.
A multiplayer service which will connect users for generic card games. Uses restful principals to accept incoming data and uses a websocket layer to manage keeping player clients up to date.
Simple lemonade game app for "gabut" people (maybe)
Project: Lemonade App - Starter Code Starter code for the first independent project for Android Basics in Kotlin Introduction This is the starter code
Single player game app that displays scrambled words
Unscramble App Single player game app that displays scrambled words. To play the game, player has to make a word using all the letters in the displaye
Breakout clone built with Compose
breakout-compose The classic Breakout game built with Jetpack Compose ✨ Demo JoyuyNijH2vgqgDy.mp4 🦿 Prerequisites Java 8 or above ⌨️ Usage Clone the
A libktx game built during a tutorial (see README)
DarkMatter (Clone) Based on a tutorial series by @Quillraven on https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=25_xCStxi9g&list=PLTKHCDn5RKK-8lZmjZoG4rFywN_SLbZR8&in
A single player game app that displays scrambled words
Unscramble App Starter code for Android Basics codelab - Store the data in a ViewModel Unscramble is a single player game app that displays scrambled
iSmart Android Library, Used in the game below
iSmart Android Library, Used in the game below Source | XO Challenge Game(Link Soon) I made this library long time ago (between 2013 until 2016) It wi
Object declarations Board game basics Game
Object-declarations-Board-game-basics-Game You want to create a game and you decided to store the playing field in a PlayingField singleton. Inside th
A simulation of the famous battleship board game
battleships A simulation of the famous battleship board game A quick intro to the Kotlin syntax Function/Method syntax fun hello(param1: String): Stri
Korjector is a KorGE game engine-based multiplatform client for Projector.
Korjector is a KorGE game engine-based multiplatform client for Projector. An internal JetBrains Hackathon 2021 project to demonstrate that a Projector client can be created in less than 48 hours for any OS that supports decent canvas 2D API.
A lightweight game used to study activity lifecycle
DessertClicker - Code Code for Android Basics Codelab. Introduction DessertClicker is a game about making desserts. Press the button, make a dessert,
Spooky house game with monsters and sounds
SHGWMAS Spooky house game with monsters and sounds INSTRUCTIONS to play the game you must: have a brain downloaded the world + jar from the releases t
Android game to beat a Halloween Monster named Marnus! :)
RandomNumberGame I am developing a simple game to fight against the Halloween Monster Marnus for Halloween Pumpkins .Let's see who wins more Pumpkins
A GoBang game built with Compose Multiplatform
cmp-gobang English | 中文介绍 A GoBang game built with Compose Multiplatform How to run config Host address add the IP of desktop into server_host/ of s
This project provides declarative camunda delegates for Spring based application
camunda-delegator-lib Features Declarative style for delegate code Generated delegates documentation and templates for camunda modeler(this feature is
simple game implements with kotlin and jetpack.(covered by unit test)
Simple Spy Game: Source Code 🚨 Published version 🚨 This repository contains a detailed game app that implements simple game using Koin, Room, Corout
Game to unscramble words
Game - Unscrable de words App developed during the Navigation module from Google Developer courses. How does it work You have 10 scrambled words that
A small project demonstrates how to manipulate to TenIO framework.
TenIO Common Module TenIO is an open-source project to create multiplayer online games that includes a java NIO (Non-blocking I/O) based server specif
Tic Tac Toe game using Test Driven Development
Tic Tac Toe About this Kata This short and simple Kata should be performed using Test Driven Development (TDD). Rules The rules are described below :
Rock paper scissors game for Android built with Kotlin
Android-rock-paper-scissors Rock paper scissors game for Android built with Kotlin It's a pretty basic app. I built it to get more practice with kotli
A tool translate a apk file to stantard android project include so hook api and il2cpp c++ scaffolding when apk is a unity il2cpp game. Write code on a apk file elegantly.
FakerAndroid (FakerAndroid.jar or FakerAndroid-AS) A tool translate a apk file to stantard android project include so hook api and il2cpp c++ scaffold
A sample skeleton backend app built using Spring Boot kotlin, Expedia Kotlin Graphql, Reactive Web that can be deployed to Google App Engine Flexible environmennt
spring-kotlin-gql-gae This is a sample skeleton of a backend app that was built using: Spring Boot(Kotlin) Reactive Web Sprinng Data R2DBC with MYSQL
Chrome's Dino T-Rex game developed in Jetpack Compose
Chrome's Dino T-Rex game developed in Jetpack Compose
Android Chinese TTS Engine Base On Tensorflow TTS , use for TfLite Models Test。安卓离线中文TTS引擎,在TensorflowTTS基础上开发,用于TfLite模型测试。
Chinese TTS TF Lite 介绍 使用Kotlin + JetPack Compose + Tensorflow Lite开发的TTS引擎,可以完全离线使用。 可选两种模型:FastSpeech和Tacotron,这两种模型均来自TensorFlowTTS 文字转拼音方法来自:Tenso
Air Hockey Multiplayer Game in Jetpack Compose
Air Hockey Compose classic Air Hockey game created using Jetpack Compose (Work in progress) Game Modes Single Player Two Player (not yet implemented)
The Xlite Game Server.
Xlite 2.0 Xlite is a modular kotlin based RSPS. The goal of Xlite 2.0 is to provide the community with a stable and powerful sandbox to experiment wit
ByteLegend is a free, opensource MMORPG game where you acquire realworld high-paying programming skills.
Enjoy programming while playing a game.
Experience Minecraft in a different way
tesseract Experience Minecraft in a different way. Tesseract is a server software for Minecraft: Bedrock Edition. But it uses a different concept then
🎮 A basic game template for Compose for Desktop
compose-desktop-game-template Game Template - Compose for Desktop ✨ Demo ✍️ Author 👤 theapache64 Twitter: @theapache64 Email: theapache64@gmail.com F
The QuickJS embeddable Javascript engine packaged for Android and the JVM
The QuickJS embeddable Javascript engine packaged for Android and the JVM
A simple Snake game implemented using Compose for Desktop
A simple Snake game implemented using Compose for Desktop
The Xlite Game Server.
Xlite 2.0 Xlite is a modular kotlin based RSPS. The goal of Xlite 2.0 is to provide the community with a stable and powerful sandbox to experiment wit
The second iteration of the Xlite game.
Xlite 2.0 Xlite is a modular kotlin based RSPS. The goal of Xlite 2.0 is to provide the community with a stable and powerful sandbox to experiment wit
Flappy Bird game
Flappy Bird by Compose 📜 Description Flappy Bird game built with Jetpack Compose. 💡 Motivation and Context All UI built with Jeptack Compose Images
🧱 A tetris game fully built using Jetpack Compose
A tetris game fully built using Jetpack Compose, almost all UI elements are created by code, including the following app icon, which is also generated by Composable with @Preview.
Pacman Created in JetpackCompose
Pacman Compose This Pacman style game is entirely created using Jetpack Compose, still currently a work-in progress. Demo Technology used All UI creat
a bitcoin key collision game for android
BitteryApp BitteryApp is an opensource bitcoin key collision game for Android. How to Build BitteryApp source code build in chromium building environm
A simple Snake game implemented using Compose for Desktop
CompoSnake A simple Snake game implemented using Compose for Desktop. Run: ./gradlew run Author Twitter: @arkann1985 If you like this project you can
Simple space game, built with Compose for Desktop!
Asteroids, built with Compose for Desktop Want to learn how I built it? Read the two-part article in which I describe the most interesting parts of th
Android Kotlin: Matching Kitties: A Game Inspired by Cats
Android Kotlin: Matching Kitties: A Game Inspired by Cats A kotlin based Android memory game Screenshots | | | | | | | | | Viewing the App You can clo
A Sudoku game for Android & Desktop written with Jetpack Compose Multiplatform
🚀 Compose Arcade A sample Kotlin Multiplatform Compose Sudoku app for Android & Desktop. Most code is shared between Android & Desktop using Kotlin M
Basic template to create a game using minigdx
MiniGDX Game Template Create your first game using miniGDX by clicking the "Use this Template" button above. The game will be configured for: the JVM
This app is a single word scrambler app. The app displays one scramble word at a time, and the player has to guess the word using all the letters from the scrambled word. The player scores points if the word is correct, otherwise the player can play any number of times. There are 10 words per game.
Unscramble App Starter code for Android Basics codelab - Store the data in a ViewModel Unscramble is a single player game app that displays scrambled
In-game editor for item NBT
Building Gradle - Dependency Management The GradleWrapper in included in this project. On Windows: gradlew.bat clean build On MacOS/Linux: ./gradlew
Experimental multiplayer game
Enjoy retro games? Enjoy multiplayer games? Ever wanted to play one retro game against a different game in real time?
Our maze game is an 2d-animation game developed using android studio.
Our maze game is an 2d-animation game developed using android studio. The game consists of a ball and a board with a hole in the center of it. We are using accelerometer as controller to guide ball towards the hole. T
QRGame - storage a game inside a qr code
QRGame Can we storage a game inside a qr code? Yes! At least in theory. That was the question that started that entire project. QRGame is an Android p
Game made with Korge (Kotlin Multiplatform game engine)
MolesAttack Kotlin Multiplatform Game Play Html/js: https://feliperce.github.io/MolesAttack-Distribution/ Jar: https://feliperce.github.io/MolesAttack
The app has got fullscreen Turkey map via Huawei Map. App selects random province and shows it borders on the map than user will try to guess the provinces name.
Il Bil App Introduction I will introduce you to how to implement Account Kit, Map Kit, Game Service. About the game: The app has got fullscreen Turkey
Google Play game services - Android samples
Google Play game services - Android Samples Copyright (C) 2014 Google Inc. Contents These are the Android samples for Google Play game services. Colle
Qiscus provide everything you need to power up your app with chats. And it's now made simple.
Introduction Qiscus Chat SDK (Software Development Kit) is a product provided by Qiscus that enables you to embed an in-app chat/chat feature in your
A layout engine for Android that decouples layouts from the View containers that manage scrolling and view recycling. FreeFlow makes it really easy to create custom layouts and beautiful transition animations as data and layouts change
FreeFlow is no longer under development We are no longer working on FreeFlow and have moved to RecyclerViews for similar functionality. Thanks for all
Cocos2d-x is a suite of open-source, cross-platform, game-development tools used by millions of developers all over the world.
cocos2d-x Win32 Others cocos2d-x is a multi-platform framework for building 2d games, interactive books, demos and other graphical applications. It is
Easy SharedPreference Engine foR ANDROid
esperandro Easy SharedPreference Engine foR ANDROid What? esperandro makes it simple to use SharedPreferences in a nicer and less error-prone way. Wit
Sample project created to show some of the best Android practices to work in the Android UI Layer. The UI layer of this project has been implemented using MVP or MVVM (without binding engine) to show how this patterns works. This project is used during the talk "EffectiveAndroidUI".
Effective Android UI Sample project created to reinforce some of the main concepts described in the tech talk "Effective Android UI". In this reposito
Analyze any Android/Java based app or game
ClassyShark Introduction ClassyShark is a standalone binary inspection tool for Android developers. It can reliably browse any Android executable and
Gradle Script plugin to generate documentation by Dokka documentation engine in Javadoc or other formats for Java, Kotlin, Android and non-Android projects. It's very easy, you don't need to add to dependencies section additional classpath or think about compatibility issues, you don't need additional repositories also.
EasyDokkaPlugin Gradle Script plugin to generate documentation by Dokka documentation engine in Javadoc or other formats for Java, Kotlin, Android and
A cross-platform Java game Engine (Framework) , support JavaFX / Android / IOS / HTML5 / Linux / MAC / Windows
Loon Game Engine (Java Game Framework) EN / KR Free Game Resources Links Download Loon Game Engine Only Android-studio Template : androidstudio-templa