110 Repositories
Android theme-engine Libraries
My own approach to what I think an Android MVVM project with Clean Architecture should look like with Dagger-Hilt as Dependency Injector engine
MVVM Project Hilt Introducción Este proyecto es mi visión particular, ni mejor ni peor (sólo una más) que cualquier otra aproximación a lo que yo enti
Candroid Browser is a replacement web browser for Candroid. It is designed to replace the AOSP browser, but not Google Chrome. It will be based on a privacy friendly WebKit engine fork.
Candroid Browser Candroid Browser is a replacement web browser for Candroid. It is designed to replace the AOSP browser, but not Google Chrome. It wil
Simple example how you can use dynamic color image vector in your app.
Dynamic Color ImageVector Simple example how you can use dynamic color image vector in your app. How to use 1. Create a xml image vector The content o
Material You interface with dynamic theme support for your Android projects
Material You Sample Material You interface with dynamic theme support for your Android projects Requirements Android Studio Chipmunk 2021.2.1 or highe
A beautiful Fashion Store like Android App Mock built on Jetpack Compose with compose navigation, hilt, dark theme support and google's app architecture found on uplabs Here
A beautiful Fashion Store like Android App Mock built on Jetpack Compose with compose navigation, hilt, dark theme support and google's app architecture found on uplabs Here
EduApp is a mini e-learning platform based on udemy's public api. It has 4 main navigation destinations (Home, Search, Wishlist, Cart). Users can search courses from different categories and get real-time results from the api using Chips for a smooth filtering experience. It has different theme for dark mode.
EduApp EduApp is a mini e-learning platform based on udemy's public api. It has 4 main navigation destinations (Home, Search, Wishlist, Cart). Users c
To Do List App is built in Kotlin using Material 3, Data Binding, Navigation Component Graphs, Room persistence library, Kotlin coroutines, LiveData, Dagger Hilt, and Notifications following MVVM Architecture.
ToDoListApp ToDoList App demonstrates modern Android development with Hilt, Coroutines, LiveData, Jetpack (Room, ViewModel), and Material 3 Design bas
XCore is a Open-Source , simple and lightweight API & Template for Android Apps.
XCore XCore is a Open-Source , simple and lightweight API & Template for Android Apps. Support XCore is compatible with Android Studio & Sketchware Pr
Project about changing Themes in Android app. 💡🔦🗽 ( Dark & Light) Mode. 💫
Dark 😴 Mode 👀 App 📱 You will be able to change the theme within the application. You can customize your phone by choosing the Light ☀️ or Dark 🌙 t
A Hello World and Template for the KorGe game engine
Korge Hello World and Template This is a Hello World and Template for the KorGe game engine. Using gradle with kotlin-dsl. You can open this project i
Material Design 3 Theme Engine for Android
A Material Design 3 Theme Engine for Android This library allows you to set Material 3 themes to your app. You can also manage dark mode and dynamic c
Dark theme for JetBrains IDEs :]
🌟 Hoshi Theme Dark theme for JetBrains IDEs. :] Screenshots Installation Using IDE built-in plugin system: Settings/Preferences Plugins Marketpla
Aether - anti-aliased UI engine designed for Minecraft, and general LWJGL
README WIP SOME THINGS MIGHT BE INACCURATE Aether UI Aether is anti-aliased UI engine designed for Minecraft, and general LWJGL. It is compatible with
fusion4j - declarative rendering language for the JVM based on Neos.Fusion
fusion4j - declarative rendering language for the JVM based on Neos.Fusion Supports the Neos Fusion syntax/semantic as described in the official Neos
Android Play Games Services plugin for Godot Game Engine
Google Play Games Services Plugin for Godot This is an Android Play Games Services plugin for Godot Game Engine 3.4.2 Supported features: Sign-in/Sign
A gradle plugin that generates Material Design 3 theme for Android projects.
Same as Google's Material Theme Builder, but as a gradle plugin.
OTH themes for JetBrains. Dark and light themes using Open Template Hub's color palette.
Open Template Hub - IntelliJ Theme Plugin v1 OTH themes for JetBrains. Dark and light themes using Open Template Hub's color palette. After installing
OTH themes for JetBrains. Dark and light themes using Open Template Hub's color palette.
Open Template Hub - IntelliJ Platform Theme v1 OTH themes for JetBrains. Dark and light themes using Open Template Hub's color palette. After installi
GithubUserApps is an application that can Search and Displaying the details of a User github
GithubUserApps is an application that can Search and Displaying the details of a User github. this apps is written in Kotlin with MVVM Architecture, RXJava3, Kotlin Coroutines, ROOM Database, Retrofit, and Data Store Preferences to saving the Dark/Light Theme Key-Value.
An experiment with cellular automata; Functional mod for Rem's Engine.
Cellular Automata This is an experiment with cellular automata. A functional mod for Rem's Engine. When experimenting, I found the Sierpinski Triangle
📱 Android client app for the AryKey 🔑
Android application that prepares an hardware device via USB serial port with a specific password generated deterministically based on three (3) inputs: the App we want to Unlock, the User ID used for login (typically an email address) and the PIN (6 numeric digits) we want to associate with previous inputs.
A Multiplatform Compose Theme for your Compose app
A Multiplatform Compose Theme for your Compose app
BlackBox - a virtual engine, it can clone and run virtual application on Android
BlackBox is a virtual engine, it can clone and run virtual application on Android, users don't have to install APK file to run the application on devices. BlackBox control all virtual applications, so you can do anything you want by using BlackBox.
Paper-ui - A Multiplatform Compose Theme for your Compose app
paper-ui (WIP) Screen.Recording.2022-02-13.at.8.14.45.PM.mov A Multiplatform Com
🧠 Soothing pastel theme for JetBrains IDEs
Catppuccin for JetBrains IDEs Installation
An Android project to showcase a multi-brand design system.
Table of contents Introduction Structure Architecture Implementation Testing Roadmap Introduction This is an Android showcase project based on Pokémon
RemsEngine - OpenSource Kotlin/OpenGL/ECS based game engine
Game Engine: Rem's Engine Parallel to this video editor, I am developing my own
Theme for VSCode and JetBrains IDEs, based on morhetz/gruvbox but with a plainer color palette for syntax highlighting.
gruvbox-plain Theme for VSCode and JetBrains IDEs, based on morhetz/gruvbox but with a plainer color palette for syntax highlighting. Syntax Colors gr
(almost) Mono theme for IntelliJ
AlmostMonoTheme Template ToDo list Create a new IntelliJ Platform Plugin Template project. Get familiar with the template documentation. Verify the pl
Catppuccin-jetbrains - Vibrant pastel theme for JetBrains IDEs
🧠 Vibrant pastel theme for JetBrains IDEs Usage Grab the latest jar from the re
DroidFish is a feature-rich graphical chess user interface, combined with the very strong Stockfish chess engine.
Introduction DroidFish is a feature-rich graphical chess user interface, combined with the very strong Stockfish chess engine. DroidFish is primarily
Minetest is an open source voxel game engine with easy modding and game creation
Minetest Minetest is a free open-source voxel game engine with easy modding and game creation. Copyright (C) 2010-2020 Perttu Ahola celeron55@gmail.co
JetBrains theme of Material Theme
Material Theme UI for JetBrains (Archived) This is a port of the famous Material Theme for JetBrains IDEs, allowing a total customization of the IDE i
ChroMATERIAL is a color scheme that expresses the chromatic nature of Material Design within JetBrain IDEs and Android Studio
ChroMATERIAL is a color scheme that expresses the chromatic nature of Material Design within JetBrain IDEs and Android Studio. In particular, ChroMATERIAL focuses on syntax highlighting of code within the IDE's code editor.
Old-school 3D shooter for android. Wolf-like engine, but *not* raycasting.
Gloomy Dungeons 2 is also opensourced! Check it out - https://github.com/restorer/gloomy-dungeons-2 What is it? It is old-school 3d shooter, indie gam
A port of Stratagus real-time strategy gaming engine for Android.
A port of Stratagus real-time strategy gaming engine for Android.
A LibGDX and Kotlin Mobile Game Example
Splinter Sweets - A LibGDX and Kotlin Mobile Game Example This is an example of building a mobile game app using the libGDX game development framework
A complete library to build Android apps with a built-in theme engine.
Dynamic Support A complete library to build apps for Android 4.0 (API 14) and above with a built-in theme engine. It is built on top of the latest app
SMBClone - SMD clone custom game engine. (Desktop + Android)
SMBClone Simple crossplatform game engine for like SMB game! Supported platforms
Hanyang-ktheme-android - Kakaotalk theme with Ha-nyang and other characters from Hanyang University
한양대 ERICA 카카오톡 테마 한양대 ERICA의 캐릭터(하냥이/하이비비)를 사용한 카카오톡 테마의 Android 버전입니다. 캐릭터의 저작권은 한양대 ERICA에 있습니다. 정보 원저작자 : 한양대 ERICA 대외협력팀 작업자 : 이정인 (컴퓨터전공 17) 카카오톡
MapDB combines embedded database engine and Java collections.
MapDB: database engine MapDB combines embedded database engine and Java collections. It is free under Apache 2 license. MapDB is flexible and can be u
FXGL - JavaFX Game Development Framework
About JavaFX Game Development Framework Why FXGL? No installation or setup required "Out of the box": Java 8-17, Win/Mac/Linux/Android 8+/iOS 11.0+/We
Documentation Engine for Kotlin
Dokka Dokka is a documentation engine for Kotlin, performing the same function as javadoc for Java. Just like Kotlin itself, Dokka fully supports mixe
Kotlin extensions for the libGDX game framework
Kotlin extensions for libGDX. Introduction KTX is a Kotlin game framework built on libGDX. It aims to make libGDX as Kotlin-friendly as possible witho
KorGE Game Engine. Multiplatform Kotlin Game Engine
KorGE Multiplatform Kotlin Game Engine Support korge If you like korge, or want your company logo here, please consider becoming a patreon sponsor ★,
Zircon is an extensible and user-friendly, multiplatform tile engine.
Zircon - A user-friendly Tile Engine & Text GUI Need info? Check the Docs | or Create an issue | Check our project Board | Ask us on Discord | Support
Primitive OpenGL (ES) based graphics library and engine for Android development.
Parrot Primitive OpenGL (ES) based graphics library and engine for Android development. Parrot makes Android core graphics simpler, giving you the fea
JVM game engine based on Swing/JavaFX.
FriceEngine CI status Travis CI AppVeyor CircleCI CodeShip An easy, light, native game engine running on JVM. Why easy? A flappy bird game uses just 5
Thelema - 3D graphics engine, written in Kotlin. Based on sources of libGDX.
Thelema Engine Thelema is multiplatform 3d graphics engine on Kotlin. It was based on libGDX sources and completely redesigned. Download Enter your cr
Mathematical expression engine written in Kotlin, running on JVM.
KFormula ภาษาไทย Mathematical expression engine written in Kotlin, running on JVM. With KFormula, you can parse simple mathematical expression text an
Html templating library for kotlin
h Html templating library for kotlin. Get started Download Download the latest release. (View releases) Clone the repo for the source code git clone h
Godot Android Text to Speech plugin for Godot Engine 3.4 or higher
Godot Android Text to Speech This is a Android plugin for Godot Engine 3.4 or higher. This plugin supports: Text to speech in different locale Setup C
Godot's AdMob Plugin for Android (3.2.2+) using GitHub Actions for CI/CD. Working on Standard and Mono Godot versions.
Godot AdMob Android A Godot's plugin for Android of AdMob. About • Installation • Docs • Downloads About This repository is for a Godot Engine Plugin
Jet-CoinList is a simple app based on Jetpack Compose, modern tech-stack and Clean Architecture.
Jet-CoinList is a simple app based on Jetpack Compose, modern tech-stack and Clean Architecture. The project is quite simple which shows the list of crypto currencies and their general info details gets from API.
Soho vibes for IntelliJ
Rosé Pine for IntelliJ All natural pine, faux fur and a bit of soho vibes for the classy minimalist Usage Open IntelliJ (or other JetBrains IDE). Open
Image Processing Engine with GUI
Image Processing Engine with GUI Imperial College London Department of Computing Third Year Software Engineer Group Project Supervisor: Dr. Pancham Sh
RPG written in Kotlin using Korge engine
TheAlchemist RPG written in Kotlin using the Korge engine Based on the template https://github.com/korlibs/korge-starter-kit-rpg, this is a simple pix
Kotlin Spring Boot on GCP App Engine Standard
Kotlin Spring Boot on GCP App Engine Standard Deploy locally git clone https://github.com/mvladoi/sinch-task.git cd springboot mvn spring-boot:run 7
GitHub IntelliJ IDEs theme pack
GitHub-theme-pack Template ToDo list Create a new IntelliJ Platform Plugin Template project. Get familiar with the template documentation. Verify the
CoinList is a simple app based on Jetpack Compose, modern tech-stack and Clean Architecture.
CoinList is a simple app based on Jetpack Compose, modern tech-stack and Clean Architecture. The project is quite simple which shows the list of crypto currencies and their general info details gets from API.
Korjector is a KorGE game engine-based multiplatform client for Projector.
Korjector is a KorGE game engine-based multiplatform client for Projector. An internal JetBrains Hackathon 2021 project to demonstrate that a Projector client can be created in less than 48 hours for any OS that supports decent canvas 2D API.
Android app that show the palette of material theme based on your wallpaper
Material-You-Palette Android app that show the palette of material theme based on your wallpaper Show color blocks and names in on color Few Samples W
JetBrains style controls and UI for Compose Desktop
JetBrains UI Kit for Compose Desktop JetBrains style controls and UI for Compose Desktop. Quick Start 1. Add dependency dependencies { implementat
A weird launcher inspired in windows phone's ui
Slab launcher A weird launcher inspired in windows phone's ui Contribute Code You can contribute to this repo, or to one of these libraries: android.l
Material You Theme for Frames Dashboard
Material You Theme for Frames Dashboard Frames Dashboard Copy everything into your Frames project, edit colors, corner radius... Use compileSdk = 31 V
This project provides declarative camunda delegates for Spring based application
camunda-delegator-lib Features Declarative style for delegate code Generated delegates documentation and templates for camunda modeler(this feature is
🐶 Beautiful Puppy adoption app with Jetpack Compose #AndroidDevChallenge
Wiggles 🐶 Beautiful Puppy adoption app built to Demonstrate the Jetpack Compose UI for Android Dev Challenge Made with love ❤️ by Spikeysanju Try lat
A flexible theme provider for Jetpack Compose. Supports dynamic theme changes and saving theme preference.
JetTheme JetTheme is a flexible theme provider for Jetpack Compose. Change the theme and recompose the UI dynamically. Save theme preference to local
A library that enables reuse of Material themes defined in XML for theming in Jetpack Compose.
MDC-Android Compose Theme Adapter A library that enables reuse of Material Components for Android XML themes for theming in Jetpack Compose. The basis
A sample skeleton backend app built using Spring Boot kotlin, Expedia Kotlin Graphql, Reactive Web that can be deployed to Google App Engine Flexible environmennt
spring-kotlin-gql-gae This is a sample skeleton of a backend app that was built using: Spring Boot(Kotlin) Reactive Web Sprinng Data R2DBC with MYSQL
Android Chinese TTS Engine Base On Tensorflow TTS , use for TfLite Models Test。安卓离线中文TTS引擎,在TensorflowTTS基础上开发,用于TfLite模型测试。
Chinese TTS TF Lite 介绍 使用Kotlin + JetPack Compose + Tensorflow Lite开发的TTS引擎,可以完全离线使用。 可选两种模型:FastSpeech和Tacotron,这两种模型均来自TensorFlowTTS 文字转拼音方法来自:Tenso
A Jetpack Compose Note writing application with Windows 97 theme
Compose-windows97 A Jetpack Compose Note writing application with Windows 97 theme Inspiration Recent tweet from Marton Braun and Website 98.js Hangin
Experience Minecraft in a different way
tesseract Experience Minecraft in a different way. Tesseract is a server software for Minecraft: Bedrock Edition. But it uses a different concept then
create your custom themes and change them dynamically with ripple animation
Android Animated Theme Manager create your custom themes and change them dynamically with ripple animation Features support java and kotlin projects.
The QuickJS embeddable Javascript engine packaged for Android and the JVM
The QuickJS embeddable Javascript engine packaged for Android and the JVM
Android Multi Theme Switch Library ,use kotlin language ,coroutine ,and so on ...
Magic Mistletoe Android多主题(换肤)切换框架 背景 时隔四年,在网易换肤之前的思路下,做了几点改进,现在完全通过反射创建View,并且在SkinLoadManager中提供一个configCustomAttrs以支持自定义View的属性插队替换 摈弃了之前的AsyncTask
MacOS theme for JetBrains Compose UI framework
MacOS theme for Compose Multiplatform MacOS theme written in Compose UI. Create native looking UIs for Mac using Compose UI. Share your UI code to run
Color Picker — beautiful library for Android
Color Picker — beautiful library for Android Features Simple dialog builder ARGB, RGB & HSV color models Dark theme support Sliders with gradient back
Basic template to create a game using minigdx
MiniGDX Game Template Create your first game using miniGDX by clicking the "Use this Template" button above. The game will be configured for: the JVM
Android Material Design Theme UI and Tool Library. Support: 4.0.3~O
GitHub OSChina 中文 English Genius-Android Genius-Android: by Material Design style and some commonly used packages. Starting in 2015, The divided into
Game made with Korge (Kotlin Multiplatform game engine)
MolesAttack Kotlin Multiplatform Game Play Html/js: https://feliperce.github.io/MolesAttack-Distribution/ Jar: https://feliperce.github.io/MolesAttack
Qiscus provide everything you need to power up your app with chats. And it's now made simple.
Introduction Qiscus Chat SDK (Software Development Kit) is a product provided by Qiscus that enables you to embed an in-app chat/chat feature in your
A set of lint rules to check for common mistakes when styling and theming on Android
A set of lint rules to check for common mistakes when styling and theming on Android
A layout engine for Android that decouples layouts from the View containers that manage scrolling and view recycling. FreeFlow makes it really easy to create custom layouts and beautiful transition animations as data and layouts change
FreeFlow is no longer under development We are no longer working on FreeFlow and have moved to RecyclerViews for similar functionality. Thanks for all
Cocos2d-x is a suite of open-source, cross-platform, game-development tools used by millions of developers all over the world.
cocos2d-x Win32 Others cocos2d-x is a multi-platform framework for building 2d games, interactive books, demos and other graphical applications. It is
Easy SharedPreference Engine foR ANDROid
esperandro Easy SharedPreference Engine foR ANDROid What? esperandro makes it simple to use SharedPreferences in a nicer and less error-prone way. Wit
Sample project created to show some of the best Android practices to work in the Android UI Layer. The UI layer of this project has been implemented using MVP or MVVM (without binding engine) to show how this patterns works. This project is used during the talk "EffectiveAndroidUI".
Effective Android UI Sample project created to reinforce some of the main concepts described in the tech talk "Effective Android UI". In this reposito
This is a work-in-progress (🔧️) ultraviolet index viewer app for demonstrating Instant Apps + Kotlin + Dagger + MVP
UV Index A simple ultraviolet index viewer app for demonstrating: Instant Apps + Kotlin + Dagger + MVP Built With Weatherbit as weather API Android In
Gradle Script plugin to generate documentation by Dokka documentation engine in Javadoc or other formats for Java, Kotlin, Android and non-Android projects. It's very easy, you don't need to add to dependencies section additional classpath or think about compatibility issues, you don't need additional repositories also.
EasyDokkaPlugin Gradle Script plugin to generate documentation by Dokka documentation engine in Javadoc or other formats for Java, Kotlin, Android and
Showcase of the new AppCompat 21, which includes new Material Theme, working in pre-21 devices.
MaterialEverywhere (deprecated) This example is deprecated, I recommend taking a look at MaterializeYourApp repository. Showcase of the new AppCompat
The flexible, easy to use, all in one drawer library for your Android project. Now brand new with material 2 design.
MaterialDrawer ... the flexible, easy to use, all in one drawer library for your Android project. What's included 🚀 • Setup 🛠️ • Migration Guide 🧬
This is a work-in-progress (🔧️) ultraviolet index viewer app for demonstrating Instant Apps + Kotlin + Dagger + MVP
UV Index A simple ultraviolet index viewer app for demonstrating: Instant Apps + Kotlin + Dagger + MVP Built With Weatherbit as weather API Android In
A small customizable library useful to handle an gallery image pick action built-in your app. :sunrise_over_mountains::stars:
Louvre A small customizable image picker. Useful to handle an gallery image pick action built-in your app. *Images from Google Image Search Installati
A cross-platform Java game Engine (Framework) , support JavaFX / Android / IOS / HTML5 / Linux / MAC / Windows
Loon Game Engine (Java Game Framework) EN / KR Free Game Resources Links Download Loon Game Engine Only Android-studio Template : androidstudio-templa
a 2d Java physics engine, native java port of the C++ physics engines Box2D and LiquidFun
jbox2d Please see the project's BountySource page to vote on issues that matter to you. Commenting/voting on issues helps me prioritize the small amou
2D physics engine for games
LiquidFun Version 1.1.0 Welcome to LiquidFun! LiquidFun is a 2D physics engine for games. Go to our landing page to browse our documentation and see s
Free Android 2D OpenGL Game Engine
AndEngine Donations While developing AndEngine was a lot of fun, it also also consumed many(!) months of my life. It actually continues to cost me a s
Cocos2d-x is a suite of open-source, cross-platform, game-development tools used by millions of developers all over the world.
cocos2d-x Win32 Others cocos2d-x is a multi-platform framework for building 2d games, interactive books, demos and other graphical applications. It is
📱 An Android Library for 💫fluid, 😍beautiful, 🎨custom Dialogs.
Aesthetic Dialogs for Android 📱 📱 Android Library for 💫 fluid, 😍 beautiful, 🎨 custom Dialogs. Table of Contents: Introduction Types of Dialog Dar
Bringing the best of the web to Android!
Android Geocities Theme Bringing the best of the web to native! Features 🚧 Cool "under construction" views 👍 ImageViews have their images replaced w