3148 Repositories
Android Otp-Demo---Kotlin Libraries
Aplicação Micronaut GRPC utilizando Kotlin e arquitetura Hexagonal
micronaut-grpc-demo Aplicação Micronaut GRPC utilizando Kotlin e arquitetura Hexagonal #Baixando e configurando um container Postgres: Postgres: docke
A search in the GitHub api and lists the most starred repositories in Kotlin
Description: This simple app provides a search in the GitHub api and lists the most starred repositories in the Kotlin language, it has infinite listi
An implementation of MediatR on JVM for Spring using Kotlin coroutines
Kpring MediatR In this project, an attempt has been made to implement the mediator pattern on the JVM with simplicity using Kotlin with native corouti
An application that calculates the amount of a potential tip to a service that we were satisfied with.
Project: Tip Time App The 4th project of Kotlin on Android Studio Basics course. Introduction In this project we will create an interactive applicatio
A kotlin drawing application for all ages
DrawingApp An android drawing application for all ages. It comes with 5 different brush sizes, includes color picker using Spectrum library, undo and
An Open-Source repository that contains all the Android Dev and Kotlin concepts and several projects on android ranging in difficulty making this repo completely beginner-friendly.
An Open-Source repository that contains all the Android Dev and Kotlin concepts and several projects on android ranging in difficulty making this repo completely beginner-friendly. The main aim of this repository is to help students who are learning Android Development or preparing for an Android Developer role-based job.
Android Library to create Lottie animation view dialog easily with a lot of customization
Android Library to create Lottie animation view dialog easily with a lot of customization
A Kotlin coroutines wrapper for IndexedDB.
Kotlin IndexedDB A wrapper around IndexedDB which allows for access from Kotlin/JS code using suspend blocks and linear, non-callback based control fl
Yelp Clone App Using Kotlin
Yelp Clone Jingxi (Harvey) Cai Yelp clone displays a list of search results from the Yelp API and displays the results in a scrollable list. Time spen
A Kotlin library used to analyse discrete Markov chains, in order to generate plausible sequences
Markov Markov is a Kotlin library used to analyse discrete Markov chains, in order to generate plausible sequences. Using This project is still under
KSP extension for the kotlin-maven-plugin
kotlin-maven-symbol-processing Extension for the kotlin-maven-plugin to support Kotlin Symbol Processing (KSP). Usage To use this extension, add the d
🧶 Full-fledged Kotlin client for MikaBot/cluster-operator as a separate package
🧶 Eri Full-fledged Kotlin client for MikaBot/cluster-operator as a separate package Usage Connecting to operator fun main(args: ArrayString) {
Demo Spting REST Service on Kotlin. Works with PostgreSQL via Spring Data. Data initialization provided by liquibase
Spring Boot REST API with Kotlin Spring Boot REST API service. Spring Data with PostgreSQL. Data initialization with Liquibase. Swagger UI Reference D
Team management service is a production ready and fully tested service that can be used as a template for a microservices development.
team-mgmt-service Description Team management service is a production ready and fully tested service that can be used as a template for a microservice
API for accessing magtu pairs.
Magtu pairs api. What does it do? Provides easy access to parsed pairs. Makes possible to create your own bot implementations. How to use? Do a reques
A Kotlin Multiplatform and Compose template that allows you to easily set up your project targeting: Android, Desktop, and Web
A Kotlin Multiplatform and Compose template that allows you to easily set up your project targeting: Android, Desktop, and Web
AsukaBot - A simple Kotlin Discord Bot
The Discord bot of the serber, a private Discord server. Asuka is a Discord But running on the JDA API but made in kotlin.
Easy Note: Building a Notes app using MVVM, JetPack Compose with a clean multi-module architecture approach.
Easy Note Easy Note: Notes app using JetPack Compose and MVVM with a clean architecture approach. This app shows the usage of the new Navigation Archi
Displayin 3D models (.glTF, .glb) in an android app
3D Model Presenting in Android This is a sample android app to present any 3D model with .glb or .glTF extension by using one of 2 easy ways. Aim of t
Exercises for Functional Programming learning in Kotlin with Arrow
Exercises for Functional Programming in Kotlin with Arrow-kt Exercises and practice code for Functional Programming learning in Kotlin with Arrow Requ
Code for the Advanced Android Kotlin Testing Codelab 5.1-5.3
TO-DO Notes - Code for 5.1-5.3 Testing Codelab Code for the Advanced Android Kotlin Testing Codelab 5.1-5.3 Introduction TO-DO Notes is an app where y
Building Web Applications with React and Kotlin JS Hands-On Lab
Building Web Applications with React and Kotlin JS Hands-On Lab This repository is the code corresponding to the hands-on lab Building Web Application
Provides Ktor Server libs for building awesome Kotlin plugins which needs to provide builtin HTTP servers
Ktor Plugin Provides Ktor Server libs for building awesome Kotlin plugins which needs to provide builtin HTTP servers. Requires: https://github.com/Po
Starter code for Android Kotlin Fundamentals Codelab 7.1 RecyclerView Fundamentals
TrackMySleepQuality with RecyclerView - Starter Code for 7.1 Starter code for Android Kotlin Fundamentals Codelab 7.1 RecyclerView Fundamentals Introd
Reddit App Built Using Kotlin
Reddit App Setup Build the project gets top post from reddit and displays different media(GIF.VIDEO,IMAGE). Enable user to add/remove a post to favour
Text Recognizer App Using the ML Kit
Features Detects text in images Using the ML Kit Text Recognition API Uses the CameraX to show a viewfinder and display the camera preview Provides a
Feature toggle library for Android
FeatureToggle Feature toggle library for Android. Overview FeatureToggle library allows to configure features of Android application in runtime using
Android Kotlin Completed Training Applications.
Android Kotlin Completed Training Applications. This Repo is used to track a series of Android Kotlin apps I've created based on Google & Udacity trai
A Gradle plugin to ease testing in Kotlin Multiplatform projects.
Multiplatform Testing Plugin A Gradle plugin for easy testing of Kotlin Multiplatform projects in your CI pipeline. Support for testing android() targ
ShopApp - A Native Android Shop app with kotlin
A Native Android Shop app. Light Theme Dark Theme I've used: Kotlin The MVVM architecture pattern Jetpack Compose Hilt for dependency injectio
Glue QA Tech Challenge with kotlin
Glue QA Tech Challenge Summary For this challenge, we have prepared an app that tells you whether you are legally allowed to drink in the UK based on
Simple Kotlin localization library.
Simple Kotlin localization library.
Firestore Kotlin Client with strict (and relaxed) type-system.
Firestore Kotlin Client with strict (and relaxed) type-system.
Parking APP on Kotlin lang
Parksharing Parking APP on Kotlin lang Parksharing is a smarter way to park. Easily pay for street, lot, or garage parking right from your mobile devi
RSocket, WebFlux, Reactor, Kotlin, Coroutines
RSocket messaging services communication RSocket, WebFlux, Reactor, Kotlin, Coroutines edge-service -~- web-service -~- coroutines-service -~- r
Weather App using Retrofit Kotlin Android
NewsFeed Built an Android App which displays current weather and weather forecast of a selected city to the user. Features Coroutines Hilt JSON Parsin
Spring-Boot Kotlin template for new microservices
kotlin-ms-template Spring-Boot Kotlin template for new microservices REST and GRPC ready Kafka producer/consumer ready Logs in JSON Format Base ready
Set projects versions based on git tags and following semantic versioning
SemVer Gradle Plugin Set projects versions based on git tags and following semantic versioning. Inspired on Reckon but centered on supporting multi-pr
A simple utility Compose to add customizable buttons when swiping the card in an easy way.
Swipeable-Card A simple utility Compose to add customizable buttons when swiping the card in an easy way. Import: This library is available as a gradl
Starter code for the third independent project for Android Basics in Kotlin
Lunch Tray - Starter Code Starter code for the third independent project for Android Basics in Kotlin Introduction This is the starter code for the Lu
The goal of the KaMP Kit is to facilitate your evaluation of Kotlin Multiplatform
KaMP Kit Welcome to the KaMP Kit! About Goal The goal of the KaMP Kit is to facilitate your evaluation of Kotlin Multiplatform (aka KMP). It is a coll
🍣✨ Simple Ktor server to handle GitHub - YouTrack, usually for YouTrack Standalone.
🍣 sushi Simple Ktor server to handle GitHub Issues to YouTrack, usually for YouTrack Standalone. Why? There is not really a definite way to handle Gi
This repository stores the code for the open-sourced donation app that we built for the @AndronixApp
This repository stores the code for the open-sourced donation app that we built for the [Andronix App](https://andronix.app). What Tech has been used?
Kotlin Programming Fundamentals - Assessment
Kotlin Programming Fundamentals - Assessment É hora de vermos o quanto você aprendeu sobre Kotlin e Programação Orientada a Objetos Parte 1: Entendend
Android Trivia Starter With Kotlin
AndroidTriviaFragment - solution code This app is the solution code for Android Kotlin Fundamentals codelab 3.1: Create and add a fragment. The app is
Beautifully designed Pokémon Database app for Android based on PokéAPI and powered by Kotlin.
PokéFacts PokéFacts is an open-source Pokémon Database app for Android based on PokéAPI and powered by Kotlin. The app allows users to view Pokémons,
Spotify Demo Desktop app using Jetpack compose
Compose Spotify Desktop Declarative UI A Spotify demo app for desktop using Jetpack Compose UI toolkit Demo Home Search & Detail Jetpack Compose Jetpa
📊 A Minimal Expense Tracker App built to demonstrate the use of modern android architecture component with MVVM Architecture
Expenso 📊 A Simple Expense Tracker App 📱 built to demonstrate the use of modern android architecture component with MVVM Architecture 🏗 . Made with
Sleek dialogs and bottom-sheets for quick use in your app
⭐ Offers a range of beautiful sheets (dialogs & bottom sheets) for quick use in your project. Includes many ways to customize sheets.
Weather App With Jetpack Compose
Weather-App-With-Compose In this repository i made weather app with using Jetpack Compose. Datas is coming from internet. You can look in here. Librar
A simple Kotlin multi-platform abstraction around the javax.inject annotations.
Inject A simple Kotlin multi-platform abstraction around the javax.inject annotations. This allows using the annotations in Kotlin common code so that
First submission in Belajar Fundamental Aplikasi Android Class from Dicoding Indonesia
Github User App (Submission 1) Before I explain how this application works and submission checklist, I want to say thank you to Dicoding Indonesia for
Android UI component to validate passwords.
PasswordValidationView Android UI component that validates passwords. All design credits goes to Piotr Sliwa And inspired by this design Demo Setup Ad
Wheel Picker With Kotlin
WheelPicker Including in your project Gradle Add below codes to your project build.gradle file. buildscript { repositories { mavenCentral(
🔥Simple quote app using MVVM, Retrofit, Coroutines and Dagger Hilt 💉
🔥 simple quote app using MVVM, Retrofit, Coroutines and Dagger Hilt 💉 quote.mp4 📚 knowledges and technologies ViewBinding Retrofit Coroutines MVVM
An app which displays questions from Stack Exchange from it's api. Can search questions with tags as well. Uses MVVM architecture, dependency injection, coroutines, retrofit2 for network calls
Stack Exchange app What the app does? Shows a list of trending questions from stack exchange api Can search for the desires question. Can add tags to
A Good Scanner Built With Kotlin
GoodScanner TODO OpenCV Android 프로젝트에 설치 https://webnautes.tistory.com/923 Gaussian Blurring 과 같은 기술을 이용하여 Image의 noise 제거 OpenCV를 이용한 Document Edge D
🦄 Android Pokedex-AR using ARCore, Sceneform, Hilt, Coroutines, Flow, Jetpack based on MVVM architecture.
Pokedex-AR Pokedex-AR is a small demo application based on AR, modern Android application tech-stacks, and MVVM architecture. This project focuses on
D-KMP Architecture official sample: it uses a shared KMP ViewModel and Navigation for Compose and SwiftUI apps.
D-KMP architecture - official sample This is the official sample of the D-KMP architecture, presenting a simple master/detail app, for Android, iOS an
🛡️ Android security (camera/microphone dots indicators) app using Hilt, Animations, Coroutines, Material, StateFlow, Jetpack based on MVVM architecture.
🛡️ Android security app using Hilt, Animations, Coroutines, Material, StateFlow, Jetpack (Room, ViewModel, Paging, Security, Biometrics, Start-up) based on MVVM architecture.
Bu repositorie Google'ın tamamıyla ücretsiz olarak sunduğu Android Kotlin Fundamentals dokümantasyonunun Türkçeye çevrilmiş halidir.
Android-Kotlin-Fundamentals | Türkçe Dokümantasyon Çevirisi Bu repositorie Google'ın tamamıyla ücretsiz olarak sunduğu Android Kotlin Fundamentals dok
Spring for Kotlin Example
Spring for Kotlin Example This project is for studying the spring using by kotlin. Required docker-compose Running project docker-compose -f docker-co
Gradle plugin to ease Kotlin IR plugin development and usage in multimodule gradle projects
Gradle plugin to ease Kotlin IR plugin development and usage in multimodule gradle projects. Former: kotlin-ir-plugin-adapter-gradle
Example project for using the Selenium toolkit with Kotlin, Maven, TestNg and the config is managed via a property file.
Selenium-Java-Toolkit-TestNg-Playground This is the sample-Project and show you how to use the Selenium-Toolkit. The Selenium-Toolkit is a Java based
Bar Service Kotlin Client
A simple starter service client written in Kotlin against generated models (protos)A simple starter service client written in Kotlin against generated models (protos)
io.github.jakob.AgonesClient - Kotlin client library for sdk.proto
io.github.jakob.AgonesClient - Kotlin client library for sdk.proto Requires Kotlin 1.3.41 Gradle 4.9 Build First, create the gradle wrapper script: gr
ZoomableComposeImage - A zoomable image for jetpack compose
ZoomableComposeImage - A zoomable image for jetpack compose
A repo to experiment with Continuation R, A implementations in Kotlin
A repo to experiment with Continuation R, A implementations in Kotlin
A Kotlin Multiplatform Project using TMDB Api. Currently supports Android,iOS,Desktop and web platforms
A Kotlin Multiplatform Project using TMDB Api(https://www.themoviedb.org/). Currently this project is implemented in following platforms Andr
Simple app to locally track your public transport trips.
ÖffiTracker Simple app to locally track your public transport trips. License Copyright 2021 Patrick Löwenstein Licensed under the Apache License, Ver
TunePlayer is a basic music player app aimed at showing how MusicServiceCompat and MusicBrowerCompat can be used to build a music playback service
TunePlayer TunePlayer is a basic music player app aimed at showing how MusicServiceCompat and MusicBrowerCompat can be used to build a music playback
Desenvolvimento de uma API utilizando SpringBoot + Kotlin com o intuito de cadastro de Vingadores.
Avengers API - Curso de introdução á Arquitetura Hexagonal com Spring Boot e Kotlin Desenvolvimento de uma API utilizando SpringBoot + Kotlin com o in
Color.kt is a modern color science library for Kotlin Multiplatform and Java.
Color.kt is a modern color science library for Kotlin Multiplatform and Java. It includes modern perceptually-uniform color spaces and color
Criando um App de Lembretes e Tarefas com Kotlin
LAB - Criando um app de lembretes e tarefas com Kotlin. O curso pode ser acessado na plataforma da Digital Innovation One. Sobre o Autor Sou um desenv
Migrating from one PostgreSQL to another via S3
Migrating from one PostgreSQL to another via S3 In one terminal start initial setup. ./gradlew buildDockerImage docker-compose up --build dbmig-s3 dbm
Make your IDE play Wilhelm Scream effect when you are using unsafe !! operator in Kotlin
Make your IDE play Wilhelm Scream effect when you are using unsafe !! operator in Kotlin
In this Repo i create public apis to serve apps, like muslim apps using Spring, kotlin, and microservices
spring-freelance-apis-kotlin In this Repo i create public apis to serve apps, like muslim apps using Spring, kotlin, and microservices This repo for l
Text to Speech Project for Spring Boot and Kotlin, Auth Server, Python with Fast API (gTTS)
TTS-App Text to Speech Project for Spring Boot and Kotlin, Auth Server, Python with Fast API (gTTS) Python의 gTTS lib를 활용하여 텍스트를 음성으로 변환하는 서비스를 구현해봅니다.
Basic app to use different type of observables StateFlow, Flow, SharedFlow, LiveData, State, Channel...
stateflow-flow-sharedflow-livedata Basic app to use different type of observables StateFlow, Flow, SharedFlow, LiveData, State, Channel... StateFlow,
A collection of code generators powered by ksp.
AutoKsp A collection of code generators powered by ksp. status: working in progress Projects AutoGradlePlugin - Generate gradle plugin properties file
Basic Kotlin project with a Gradle script written in Kotlin.
Mars Rover Problem Basic Kotlin project with a Gradle script written in Kotlin. Definition A squad of robotic rovers are to be landed by NASA on a pla
Simple blockchain example written in Kotlin
Blockchain in Kotlin This is a plain example how Cryptographic blockchains work by constructing a blockchain containing three blocks. Once constructed
High performance and fully asynchronous pulsar client with Kotlin and Vert.x
pulsarkt High performance pulsar client with Kotlin and Vert.x Features Basic Producer/Consumer API Partitioned topics Batching Chunking Compression T
Alert Dialog - You can use this extension instead of creating a separate Alert Dialog for each Activity or Fragment.
We show a warning message (Alert Dialog) to the user in many parts of our applications. You can use this extension instead of creating a separate Alert Dialog for each Activity or Fragment. Thanks to this extension, you can create a Dialog and call it in the Activity or Fragment you want and customize the component you want.
Fotos de marte - Ejercicio unidad 4 (Android Basics with Kotlin)
MarsPhotos - Starter Code Starter code for Android Basics in Kotlin. Introduction Using this stater code you will create MarsPhotos is a demo app that
Coroutine for Bukkit
Heartbeat Coroutines 두근두근 ❤️ 코루틴 Coroutine for Paper Features Bukkit의 mainHeartBeat(GameLoop)에서 dispatch되는 Coroutine JavaPlugin 생명주기의 CoroutineScope 유
Phone booking system with kotlin
phone-booking-system Too lazy to introspect openapi? No worries, basic CURLs below; however, one needs to start the docker-compose file located in the
Udacity Free course: Developing Android Apps with Kotlin
Room - SleepQualityTracker app This is the toy app for Lesson 6 of the Android App Development in Kotlin course on Udacity. SleepQualityTracker The Sl
Inventory Maker With Kotlin
InventoryMaker Make Inventory Easily Not Hard! Not Tested Version TODO Test class Sample : JavaPlugin() { override fun onEnable() { events
Boring trading log to track yearly profits and current portfolio.
Boring trading log to track yearly profits and current portfolio. May be useful for tax reports. It should be able to import Coinbase and Binance repo
Spring & Kotlin equivalent to original CraftMania's TypeScript CraftAPI.
KotlinCraftAPI This project is Spring & Kotlin equivalent to original CraftMania's TypeScript CraftAPI. This project was created solely to study Sprin
Basic RestAPI to practice my skills working with Spring/Kotlin/Gradle
Dining Review API Dining Review API is a basic RestAPI roughly based on the requirements given in a Milestone project in the Building REST APIs with J
A toolkit for ebooks, audiobooks and comics written in Kotlin
Readium Kotlin Toolkit Readium Mobile is a toolkit for ebooks, audiobooks and comics written in Swift & Kotlin. This toolkit is a modular project, whi
FirestoreCleanArchitectureApp is an app built with Kotlin and Firestore that displays data in real-time using the MVVM Architecture Pattern. For the UI it uses Jetpack Compose, Android's modern toolkit for building native UI.
FirestoreCleanArchitectureApp FirestoreCleanArchitectureApp is an app built with Kotlin and Cloud Firestore that displays data in real-time using Andr
Improved project template for Android Studio
Improved project template for Android Studio Unfortunately the default Android Studio template has a lot of unnecessary stuff that has to be removed e
MarsRealEstate is a simple demo app using ViewModel & LiveData with Retrofit, Glide and Moshi in Kotlin.
Android-NASA-Real-Estate-Mars Is Android app that uses Kotlin and MVVM architecture is a simple app that uses Coroutines, LiveData with Retrofit, Glid
Starter code for the second independent project for Android Basics in Kotlin
Dogglers - Starter Code Starter code for the second independent project for Android Basics in Kotlin. Introduction This is the starter code for the Do
Kotlin Based Spring Boot ETL project
Adverity ETL REST API (AERA) A simple ETL Spring Boot application with H2. This API provides the following basics functionalities: Endpoint that retur
A Simple Calculator developed in Kotlin
Calculator developed in Kotlin This was my first contact with mobile programming using Kotlin. The calc is basic, but it was the first project I did.
Repo: Programming problems with solutions in Kotlin to help avid Kotlin learners to get a strong hold on Kotlin programming.
Kotlin_practice_problems Repo: Programming problems with solutions in Kotlin to help avid Kotlin learners to get a strong hold on Kotlin programming.