5479 Repositories
Android android-fbdownload Libraries
I'm leraning Android with Kotlin!
AndroidJourney A simple repo with some of my code during learning Android with Kotlin. But...why? Because I would like to learn it. Something new, oth
Android app to fetch closed pull request of any public repo
Pullr Android app to fetch closed pull request of any public repo 🌟 Features Co
Android app for gerber viewing
Gerber Viewer Simple Android application for Gerber files viewing How to use Just add gerber file (one or more) from your device with "+" button and s
Strongly typed SQL in Kotlin
Kuery - strongly typed SQL in Kotlin The library is a strongly typed alternative to plain text SQL. The main goal of this project is to make database-
Minimalist dependency injection library for Kotlin.
Kapsule Minimalist dependency injection library for Kotlin. Why create another dependency injection library? Here are the objectives pursued by Kapsul
Library for creating blur effects under Android UI elements
BlurTutorial Meet BlurTutorial, an Android-based library made by Cleveroad Hurry to check our newest library that helps to blur the background in Andr
Deep AR android APP (Augmented reality) with face recognition and filters
quickstart-android-java To run the example Go to https://developer.deepar.ai, sign up, create the project and the Android app, copy the license key an
Common preference/settings Composables for Jetpack Compose.
ComposePrefs ComposePrefs is a preferences library for Jetpack Compose which makes it easy to implement preferences/settings in your Compose Android a
Android app to show my clone of the Tesla website.
TeslaRoadster Android app to show my clone of the Tesla website. Shows ability to use HTML5 in Android Apps Shows how drawer is implemented Shows embe
Animated dark mode toggle button with Android & Pure Java. ☕
Dark-Toggle-Button Animated dark mode toggle button for Android Java. ☕ converted from kotlin to Java 201 lines: DarkToggleButton.java Android Demo In
Make your device sip only small amounts of battery when not in use.
trickle Make your device sip only small amounts of battery when not in use. What Automatically place your device into battery-saver mode when the scre
Android Sample Kotlin+ MVVM + Coroutines + Retrofit +Hilt+ Junit + Mockito
NTimes AppSample NY Times Most Popular Articles simple app to hit the NY Times Most Popular Articles API and show a list of articles, that shows detai
Android app to fetch closed pull request of any public repo
Pullr Android app to fetch closed pull request of any public repo 🌟 Features Co
An Android app that calculates BMI values and results by entering your height and weight
BMICalculator BMI 지수는 소수 한자리까지만 출력됨 BMI 결과의 색상은 하단 이미지뷰의 체형별 결과값의 색상과 같음 참고했던 링크
Mobile App that shows Random Products in a Nested Recyclerview for Android [Kotlin] Developer Role at Edvora
EdvoraAndroidTest An simple Android App for Edvora Android Assessment. It consum
Android SMS receiver with firestore and Jetpack compose
Android SMS Receiver Android SMS receiver with firestore and Jetpack compose App
Simple android application that consumes Rick and Morty API to display characters,episodes,Location
Rick and Morty Compose An android app built using Kotlin that consumes Rick and
An observables framework for Kotlin
Snail-Kotlin 🐌 A lightweight observables framework, also available in Swift Download You can download a jar from GitHub's releases page. Jitpack allp
Spotify Web API wrapper for Kotlin, Java, JS, and Native
Spotify Web API wrapper for Kotlin, Java, JS, and Native - Targets JVM, Android, JS (browser), Native (Desktop), and Apple tvOS/iOS. Includes a Spotify Web Playback SDK wrapper for Kotlin/JS, and a spotify-auth wrapper for Kotlin/Android.
Kotlin port of OpenGL Mathematics (GLM), a header only C++ mathematics library for graphics software based on the OpenGL Shading Language (GLSL) specifications.
This is the Kotlin port of OpenGL Mathematics (GLM), written by g-truc (repository), a header only C++ mathematics library for graphics software based
Write your asynchronous Network / IO call painlessly in Kotlin !!
Asynkio : Write asynced IO/ Network calls painlessly on android ⚠️ Warning ⚠️ This library is no longer being maintained. Please make your code to use
Portable Game Window for Kotlin for JVM, Android and HTML5
Korui With Korui you can create your UI once, and run it in HTML5, Java AWT and Android. Support korgw If you like korgw, or want your company logo he
A Gradle plugin to apply ktfmt to your builds, and reformat you Kotlin source code like a glimpse 🧹🐘
ktfmt-gradle 🧹 🐘 A wrapper to apply ktfmt to your Gradle builds, and reformat you Kotlin source code like a glimpse. How to use 👣 ktfmt-gradle is d
Zotero In Your Pocket (Android App)
PocketZotero The project aims for providing a simple Android application to read the offline local Zotero databases. The idea is to ignore Zotero Clou
An android app using Mongodb for logistics tracking system.
DeliveryGo An android application for logistics tracking. Used technology Kotlin: In this project kotlin is used to code the full application on Andro
Encrypted overlay filesystems implementation for Android.
DroidFS DroidFS is an alternative way to use encrypted overlay filesystems on Android that uses its own internal file explorer instead of mounting vir
STG mobile game made in Android
Neon Info This project is STG mobile game made in Android. It is a fun project I
The Sleep tracker app for lesson 6 of the Udacity: Developing Android Apps with Kotlin Course
App Architecture-Presistence This is the Sleep tracker app for lesson 6 of the U
String obfuscator for Android applications
Paranoid String obfuscator for Android applications. Usage In order to make Para
Android App using Kotlin, MVVM, ViewModel, LiveData, Coroutines, Room and DataBinding
Words Android App using Kotlin, MVVM, ViewModel, LiveData, Coroutines, Room and
Cinema App for Android
cinema-app Small app for Android which you can use to find a film based on your
An android app that shows you nearby food places
FoodNow An android app that shows you nearby food places Features include Search
A full fledge radio player plugin for android and ios
Flutter radio plugin handles a single streaming media preciously. This plugin wa
An application used to view StackOverflow questions
Questionnaire Play Store Link Download APK Questionnaire is an Android applicati
xCloud player for Google Chromecast with Google TV
XCTV Player An awesome Microsoft xCloud player for Google Chromecast with Google
MVVM Android Studio Kotlin Project Dog Images
MVVM Android Studio Kotlin Project Dog Images This project implement: MVVM Retro
Android Fading (Circle/ Custom Corner) Image
Android Fading (Circle/ Custom Corner) Image Implementation add maven { url 'https://jitpack.io' } to build.gradle in your project: allprojects {
SmartLens uses Google's ML Kit for Barcode scanning, Face recognition, Text recognition, and Image labeling.
SmartLens SmartLens uses Google's ML Kit for Barcode scanning, Face recognition, Text recognition, and Image labeling. 📷 Screen Shots 🔥 Features It
Android App that communicates with a back-end server to display different One Piece characters
About This project is an Android App that communicates with a back-end server to display different One Piece characters. It's roughly based on this co
Meu segundo aplicativo Android, a ideia desse é tornar mais fácil para pessoas idosas utilizarem um smartphone.
KeepItSimple Meu segundo aplicativo Android, a ideia desse é tornar mais fácil para pessoas idosas utilizarem um smartphone. Para isso, o aplicativo c
SayHi! is an instant messaging app that allows users to send text messages to other people using the app
SayHi SayHi! is an instant messaging app that allows users to send text messages to other people using the app 📷 Screen Shots 🔥 Features OTP Verific
A type-safe implementation for collections that cannot be empty. Life is too short for emptiness-checks!
NonEmptyCollections Making the world a little more type-safe 🌍 🏆 Reduce the need for emptiness checks and reduce unsafe APIs with NonEmptyCollection
AR-based library for Android which is capable of detecting faces and overlaying images above the user’s head
ARFaceDetection Meet ARFaceDetection by Cleveroad We’re glad to share with you our latest AR-based library for Android. It’s designed with ARCore tech
Kotlin DSL for Litho ComponentLayout Builders.
Litho Kotlin Kotlin DSL for Litho Component.Builders. Usage Import Copy Litho.kt into your project under com/makeramen/litho. Add any definitions for
A simple Kotlin library to Query over Json Data.
kotlin-jsonq A simple Kotlin library to Query over JSON Data Installation Gradle, allprojects { repositories { ... maven { url "ht
Library for using Crontab-like syntax in scheduling of some Kotlin Coroutines tasks to do from time to time
krontab Library was created to give oppotunity to launch some things from time to time according to some schedule in runtime of applications. How to u
Mathematical expression engine written in Kotlin, running on JVM.
KFormula ภาษาไทย Mathematical expression engine written in Kotlin, running on JVM. With KFormula, you can parse simple mathematical expression text an
iOS-like Android wheel picker for React Native
react-native-wheel-picker React Native picker library based on Android WheelPicker and native iOS picker Installation npm install react-native-wheel-p
This is my first ever android app , It is a simple calculator for all android phones , download and install the apk to try out.
This is my 1st ever android application , It's a basic calculator that can do basic operations like + , - , * , / , ^(exponent) , and square root It a
Use your old Android device as an OctoPrint server.
Use your old Android device as an OctoPrint server.
App for searching unsplash photos library with query.
android-imagesearch-app App for searching unsplash photos library with query. Used API for images: Unsplash Libraries used in the project: Paging 3 fo
Gender Checker app built using Kotlin, MVVM, Genderize.io API. Take this as a reference for MVVM and Genderize.io API 🚀
Gender-Checker 👀 Gender Checker app built using Kotlin, MVVM, Genderize.io API Enter a name and the app will guess the gender 🤩 ✨ Highligts: API : G
Android Clone Coding Project #11 알람
Android Clone Coding Project #11 알람 지정된 시간에 알람이 울리게 할 수 있음 지정된 시간 이후에는 매일 같은 시간에 반복되게 알람이 울리게 할 수 있음 결과화면 Screenshot1 Screenshot2 배운 내용 정리 AlarmManage
This is a sample Android project that presents a modern approach to Android application development.
Movies It is a sample app that shows information about movies and series. The goal is build a scalable, maintainable and testable app, implementing go
An attendance recorder app for teachers. Its a part of Android Study Jams 2021 @ GDSC-NITA
Attendance-Pad An attendance recorder app for teachers, build for Android using Kotlin. This project is a part of Andoird Study Jams 2021 @ GDSC-NITA.
Project with AIDL, LifecycleService, CustomView
Digital Speedometer Project, where speed values are generated in background in the Service (SpeedValuesService). Then values are sent to Activity (Mai
These files are included in an Android Studio Project for a Magic the Gathering Life Counter app. The app was written in Kotlin.
Magic-Life-Counter These files were created in Android Studio using Kotlin. Usage This app was made to keep track of life totals while playing the tra
Android library for Tesla Authentication based on Tesla JSON API (Unofficial)
TeslaAndroidAuth Lightweight Android library for Tesla SSO Authentication based
Guardian News App For Android
Guardian News App Main points covered: Production quality MVP example (Not a lar
How to build an Android application using the Uncle Bob's Clean Architecture approach
MVI-Clean-Architecture This is a sample app & basic code that demonstrate how to
Simple bottom navigation with side navigation drawer using Jetpack navigation UI made in Kotlin
BottomNavWithSideNavApp simple bottom navigation with side navigation drawer usi
Retrofit Flow Call Adapter Factory For Android
Summary Android Retrofit FlowCallAdapterFactory Retrofit 2 CallAdapter.Factory f
A demo app using Jetpack Compose and Hilt based on modern Android tech stacks
Rick & Morty APP RickAndMorty is a small demo application based on modern Androi
Kotlin implementation of WalletConnect v2 protocol for Android applications
WalletConnect V2 - Kotlin Kotlin implementation of WalletConnect v2 protocol for
A simple diary app for android
mydiario_capstone My diario is a simple diary app which allows users to create a
Some helpful kotlin coroutines manager classes and extensions CoroutinesManager
Kotlin Coroutines Manager Some helpful kotlin coroutines manager classes and extensions. You can turn every function into coroutine function with powe
Retos semanales de la comunidad MoureDev para practicar Kotlin & Android
Code Weekly Challenge Kotlin/Android 2022 Proyecto de retos semanales de la comunidad MoureDev para practicar Kotlin y Android. Existen repositorios d
Automatic Blue Archive (Global) decensorer
Cunny Archive Automatic Blue Archive decensor patch Works with both Android 10+ (using scoped storage) and older Android versions (using legacy storag
An easy-to-use Android library that will help you to take screenshots of specif views of your app and save them to external storage (Including API 29 Q+ with Scope Storage)
🇺🇸 English | 🇧🇷 Português (pt-br) 🇺🇸 English: An easy to use Library that will help you to take screenshots 📸 of the views in your app Step 1.
light-weight KOtlin Dependency Injection (KODI)
KODI KOtlin Dependency Injection (KODI) This is simple and useful dependency injection framework for work with your regular projects. It use standart
ProgressDialog Library for Android
ProgressDialog A simple android library to show and hide a ProgressDialog. Gradle repositories { ... maven { url 'https://jitpack.io' } } dep
Lightweight logging library for Kotlin/Multiplatform. Supports Android, iOS, JavaScript and plain JVM environments.
Log4K Lightweight logging library for Kotlin/Multiplatform. Supports Android, iOS, JavaScript and plain JVM environments. Download Artifacts are publi
A powerful in-process event dispatcher based on Kotlin and Coroutines.
KEvent A powerful in-process event dispatcher based on Kotlin and Coroutines. Feature List Implement publish–subscribe pattern Tiny (52.8kb jar) and s
An Android app that pulls the credit score information from a given endpoint and displays the records as a donut view
ClearScoreTest This is an Android app that pulls the credit score information fr
An Android / Wear OS app built with Jetpack Compose to search for definitions of English words
EnglishDictionary A simple Android / Wear OS app built with Jetpack Compose to s
Hands-on experiments to demonstrate the exploitability of insecure TLS configurations in Android apps
Containerized Demo for Insecure TLS Certificate Checking in Android Overview Thi
A lightweight eventbus library for android, simplifies communication between Activities, Fragments, Threads, Services, etc.
AndroidEventBus This is an EventBus library for Android. It simplifies the communication between Activities, Fragments, Threads, Services, etc. and lo
Create an awesome About Page for your Android App in 2 minutes
Android About Page Create an awesome About Page for your Android App in 2 minutes This library allows to generate beautiful About Pages with less effo
Icons, Borders, Radius ... for Android buttons
⚠️ This library was made years ago when it wasn't that easy to customize Android buttons like today. I highly recommend you to use Material Design but
Scaloid makes your Android code easy to understand and maintain.
Simpler Android Scaloid is a library that simplifies your Android code. It makes your code easy to understand and maintain by leveraging Scala languag
📚 Sample Android Components Architecture on a modular word focused on the scalability, testability and maintainability written in Kotlin, following best practices using Jetpack.
Android Components Architecture in a Modular Word Android Components Architecture in a Modular Word is a sample project that presents modern, 2020 app
Xamarin.Android provides open-source bindings of the Android SDK for use with .NET managed languages such as C#
Xamarin.Android Xamarin.Android provides open-source bindings of the Android SDK for use with .NET managed languages such as C#. Build Status Platform
Android library which makes playing with sensor events & detecting gestures a breeze.
Sensey Android library which makes playing with sensor events & detecting gestures a breeze. The library is built for simplicity and ease of use. It e
On-device wake word detection powered by deep learning.
Porcupine Made in Vancouver, Canada by Picovoice Porcupine is a highly-accurate and lightweight wake word engine. It enables building always-listening
Android Library for making animated tutorials inside your app
##SlidingTutorial Cleveroad introduces Sliding Tutorial Library for Android Hey guys, hope you haven’t started developing a tutorial for your Android
Open-source XMPP client for Android
Xabber - XMPP client for Android Open source Jabber (XMPP) client with multi-account support, clean and simple interface. Being both free (as in freed
A modular and portable open source XMPP client library written in Java for Android and Java (SE) VMs
Smack About Smack is an open-source, highly modular, easy to use, XMPP client library written in Java for Java SE compatible JVMs and Android. Being a
A modular and portable open source XMPP client library written in Java for Android and Java (SE) VMs
Smack About Smack is an open-source, highly modular, easy to use, XMPP client library written in Java for Java SE compatible JVMs and Android. Being a
Volley is an HTTP library that makes networking for Android apps easier and, most importantly, faster.
Volley Volley is an HTTP library that makes networking for Android apps easier and, most importantly, faster. For more information about Volley and ho
🚀 Native iOS- and Android- Apps with JavaScript
Titanium Welcome to the Titanium open source project. Titanium provides a mature platform for developers to build completely native cross-platform mob
Android USB host serial driver library for CDC, FTDI, Arduino and other devices.
usb-serial-for-android This is a driver library for communication with Arduinos and other USB serial hardware on Android, using the Android USB Host M
Android Library to rapidly develop attractive and insightful charts in android applications.
williamchart Williamchart is an Android Library to rapidly implement attractive and insightful charts in android applications. Note: WilliamChart v3 h
Apache Cordova Android
Cordova Android Cordova Android is an Android application library that allows for Cordova-based projects to be built for the Android Platform. Cordova
MVP Android Example
androidmvp MVP Android Example used to explain how to use this pattern in our Android apps. This code was created to support an article explanation: A
NativeScript empowers you to access native platform APIs from JavaScript directly. Angular, Capacitor, Ionic, React, Svelte, Vue and you name it compatible.
NativeScript empowers you to access native APIs from JavaScript directly. The framework currently provides iOS and Android runtimes for rich mobile de
Android智能下拉刷新框架-SmartRefreshLayout English | 中文 SmartRefreshLayout以打造一个强大,稳定,成熟的下拉刷新框架为目标,并集成各种的炫酷、多样、实用、美观的Header和Footer。 正如名字所说,SmartRefreshLayout是一
Android/iOS video player based on FFmpeg n3.4, with MediaCodec, VideoToolbox support.
ijkplayer Platform Build Status Android iOS Video player based on ffplay Download Android: Gradle # required allprojects { repositories {
A powerful cross-platform UI toolkit for building native-quality iOS, Android, and Progressive Web Apps with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
Ionic Ionic is an open source app development toolkit for building modern, fast, top-quality cross-platform native and Progressive Web Apps from a sin
Android ConstraintLayout Assessment for kotlin
layouts Android ConstraintsLayout Assessment Initial Figma Design Completed Andr
Android Camper parking app written in kotlin for assignment 2 of Mobile App Development
Technical Report Splash view Application shows a splash screen when opened. The