144 Repositories
Android audio-player Libraries
Odyssey music player
Odyssey This whole project is licensed under the GPLv3 or later license (see LICENSE) Screenshots Please check out the Frequently Asked Questions This
🎶🎼 Very slim music player 👨🎤 100% made in Italy 🍕🌳🌞🍝🌄
Source code for the Android music player Music Player GO
Lightweight and Material designed Music Player
Music Player Lightweight and Material designed Music Player Based on Phonograph Features: Settings: Active tabs management Themes: Light, Dark, Black
Best material design music player for Android
Metro Material Design music player for Android music lovers Table of contents Downloads Differences between Metro and RetroMusicPlayer Screenshots App
Fermata Media Player is a free, open source audio and video player with a simple and intuitive interface.
Fermata Media Player About Fermata Media Player is a free, open source audio and video player with a simple and intuitive interface. It is focused on
Simple and lightweight, yet polished and powerful Android video player based on ExoPlayer
Just (Video) Player Android video player based on ExoPlayer It uses ExoPlayer's extension-ffmpeg with all its audio formats enabled (it can handle eve
NOVA is an open source video player for Android
NOVA: opeN sOurce Video plAyer Overview NOVA is an open source video player for Android. It consists in a fork of the original Archos Video Player Com
mpv-android is a video player for Android based on libmpv.
mpv-android is a video player for Android based on libmpv.
【 🐟 摸鱼专用】上班偷偷看视频 📺 而不会被老板打 🔨 的IDE插件,适配JetBrains全家桶 博客详情: 敬请期待。。。 插件起源: 去年在新电脑上看视频的时候,在触摸板上做了一个缩放的手势把程序列表Call出来了: 我那时候是纯黑色的壁纸,再加上视频也刚好播放到白色衣服人物在黑夜中的
android video player base on ijkplayer
GiraffePlayer NOTE:this project is no longer update please using improved GiraffePlayer2 ,for flutter please visit GPlayer out of the box android vide
Android/iOS video player based on FFmpeg n3.4, with MediaCodec, VideoToolbox support.
ijkplayer Platform Build Status Android iOS Video player based on ffplay Download Android: Gradle # required allprojects { repositories {
A radio player mobile application which streams audio from Radio Sai Global Harmony.
A radio player mobile application which streams audio from Radio Sai Global Harmony.
A elegant and light weight music player for android
A elegant and light weight music player for android
Convert audio files inside your Android app easily. Supported formats: AAC, MP3, M4A, WMA, WAV and FLAC.
AndroidAudioConverter Convert audio files inside your Android app easily. This is a wrapper of FFmpeg-Android-Java lib. Supported formats: AAC MP3 M4A
Cache support for any video player with help of single line
Video cache support for Android Table of Content Why AndroidVideoCache? Features Get started Recipes Disk cache limit Listen caching progress Providin
Lightweight audiowave progressbar for Android
Audiogram Super lightweight audiowave progressbar written in Kotlin Getting started Add to your root build.gradle: allprojects { repositories {
A better Android VideoView with more Media Controller customization. 一个更好用的Android VideoView
Android UniversalVideoView 中文版说明请点击这里 UniversalVideoView is a Android widget helps playing video easier, which is similar with the Android system nati
Free p2p cdn android github sdk to reduce video streaming costs of live and on demand video using webrtc by upto 90% and improve scalability by 6x - 🚀 Vadootv 🚀
Android p2p cdn sdk to distribute load and reduce costs(https://peervadoo.com) Vadootv is a p2p sdk integration to reduce your video streaming costs b
Yet another android custom progress view for your music player
MaskProgressView Yet another android custom progress view for your music player Demo Youtube Video Link Usage co.mobiwise.library.MaskProgressView
Custom android music player view.
InteractivePlayerView Custom android music player view. Screen Check it on youtube Usage(XML) Define it in your xml file. co.mobiwise.library.Intera
AudioPlayerView is an Android view that loads audio from an url and have basic playback tools.
AudioPlayerView AudioPlayerView is an Android view that loads audio from an url and have basic playback tools. It makes use of the Android MediaPlayer
Cache support for any video player with help of single line
Video cache support for Android Table of Content Why AndroidVideoCache? Features Get started Recipes Disk cache limit Listen caching progress Providin
Mirror of https://git.ffmpeg.org/ffmpeg.git
FFmpeg README FFmpeg is a collection of libraries and tools to process multimedia content such as audio, video, subtitles and related metadata. Librar
YouTube Player library for Android and Chromecast, stable and customizable.
android-youtube-player android-youtube-player is a stable and customizable open source YouTube player for Android. It provides a simple View that can
Subclass of ImageView that 'morphs' into a circle shape and can rotates. Useful to be used as album cover in Music apps. :dvd::notes:
Music Cover View A Subclass of ImageView that 'morphs' into a circle shape and can rotates. Useful to be used as album cover in Music apps. It's used
Android has a built in microphone through which you can capture audio and store it , or play it in your phone. There are many ways to do that but with this dialog you can do all thats with only one dialog.
# Media Recorder Dialog  .
HoldingButton Button which is visible while user holds it. Main use case is controlling audio recording state (like in Telegram, Viber, VK). Getting s
With MVVM Architecture pattern using Android Architecture Components This is a sample app demonstrating Youtube player animation using constraint layout
Youtube UI/UX Animation This is a sample app demonstrating Youtube UX/UI animation using ConstraintLayout.It implements the Keyframe Animation feature
From UI Proposal to Code :notes::arrow_forward:
Music Player: From UI Proposal to Code This is a prototype made for the article. This is not a real music player and don't expect it is. Some develope
:sound: [Android Library] Easily generate pure audio tone of any frequency in android
Android library to easily generate audio tone in android. Generating pure tone of an specific frequency was never that easy. ZenTone does all the heav
Minimalistic audiobook player
Voice This is my digital playground where I am learning. I'm integrating and validating new technologies and ideas here, playing around with new UI /
From UI Proposal to Code :notes::arrow_forward:
Music Player: From UI Proposal to Code This is a prototype made for the article. This is not a real music player and don't expect it is. Some develope
A Free, Fully Fledged, Open-Source Music Player for Android
Turtle Player Free, Fully Fledged & Open-Source. The Music Player for Android. Turtle Player is designed to be a fun and unique app for playing your m
Vanilla Music Player for Android (abandoned). Visit https://github.com/vanilla-music/vanilla for an actively developed fork
Translating You can help translate here. If your language isn't on the list, open an issue and I can add it. Building To build you will need: A Java c
Minimalistic audiobook player
Voice This is my digital playground where I am learning. I'm integrating and validating new technologies and ideas here, playing around with new UI /
DMPLayer is an Android music player prototype
DMPlayer DMPLayer is an Android music player prototype #License Copyright 2015 dibakar.ece@gmail.com Dibakar Mistry Licensed under the Apache License,
A Music Player for android that renders beautiful DNA(Visualization) of the currently playing music.
MusicDNA - A Music Player like no other A Music Player for android that makes use of the Visualizer Class for rendering a beautiful DNA (Visualization
Horizon - Simple visual equaliser for Android
Horizon - Simple visual equaliser for Android This project aims to provide pretty cool equaliser for any Android audio project. Made in [Yalantis] (ht
A player/ recorder visualizer with the swipe to seek functionality.
iiVisu A player/ recorder visualizer with the swipe to seek functionality. Demo Setup Step 1. Add the JitPack repository to your build file Add it in
Android has a built in microphone through which you can capture audio and store it , or play it in your phone. There are many ways to do that but with this dialog you can do all thats with only one dialog.
# Media Recorder Dialog  ![](https://img.shields.io/badge/Android-CustomView-blue.sv
Custom Android view with video player, loader and placeholder image
VideoPlayerView Custom Android view with video player, loader and placeholder image. To stay up-to-date with news about the library Usage Here is an e
Android/iOS video player based on FFmpeg n3.4, with MediaCodec, VideoToolbox support.
ijkplayer Platform Build Status Android iOS Video player based on ffplay Download Android: Gradle # required allprojects { repositories {
An extensible media player for Android
ExoPlayer ExoPlayer is an application level media player for Android. It provides an alternative to Android’s MediaPlayer API for playing audio and vi