15 Repositories
Android delete Libraries
App for creating alarm reminders which delete themselves automatically after firing.
About The use case for this app is creating reminders which are only relevant once in a time and they don't repeat such as reminders to go to the trai
Wiped is a wiping app that helps you to delete a file permanently from your device
Wiped Wiped is a wiping app that helps you to delete a file permanently from your device. How Is It Done? Did you know that when you delete a file in
ShopKeeper - A simple android app for sellers. The seller can add, edit and delete products that are bought by customers
ShopKeeper - A simple android app for sellers. The seller can add, edit and delete products that are bought by customers
CatatanKu-SimpleNoteApp - CatatanKu helps to create your notes. You can edit and delete notes too. All Changes in database is pushed to Firebase Realtime Database
🗒 CatatanKu CatatanKu helps to create your notes. You can edit and delete notes
Repository ini berguna untuk menyimpan kode yang dibutuhkan untuk membuat sebuah Aplikasi Android yang bisa melakukan Create, Read, Update, dan Delete sederhana ke dalam Database.
AndroidCRUD Repository ini berguna untuk menyimpan kode yang dibutuhkan untuk membuat sebuah Aplikasi Android yang bisa melakukan Create, Read, Update
Note app that allows user to save/edit/delete/search any type of notes and view them in a list
NoteApp Note app that allows user to save/edit/delete/search any type of notes a
An android app that lets users select duplicates from their contact list and delete them.
[Deprecated] Carbon Contacts An android app that lets users select duplicates from their contact list and delete them. Lists all duplicate contacts in
The app helps add , update, delete task
Task-Keeper The app helps add , update, delete task laguage used Kotlin The next Update jetpack-compose to showcase the use of all this features for n
App demonstrates how to use Room to save, read, update, and delete inventory items in a SQLite database.
Inventory - Solution Code Solution code for Android Basics in Kotlin. Codelab: Android Jetpack - Room. Introduction This app is an Inventory tracking
This is An Android Project. in which we use SqLite Database. We perform Insert,delete,update and Show The existing data. operations using SqLite.
SqLite Database Keywords : SqLite, Android, Database This is An Android Project. in which we use SqLite Database. We perform Insert,delete,update and
An app to manage posts such as create, update, show the post list and detail also delete the post.
Otopost An app to manage posts such as create, update, show the post list and detail also delete the post. Minimum Requirements Software Android Studi
A simple ToDo app to demonstrate the use of Realm Database in android to perform some basic CRUD operations like Create, Update and Delete.
Creating a Realm Model Class @RealmClass open class Note() : RealmModel { @PrimaryKey var id: String = "" @Required var title: String
Desenvolvimento de um CRUD sabendo lidar com requisições GET, POST, PUT e DELETE. E CAMADA DE PERSISTENCIA
API-REST-com-Kotlin-e-Spring-Boot Aprendemos nesse projeto: Parte 1 - DESENVOLVIMENTO WEB 1- Criação de classes de domínio que representam os recursos
Compose RevealSwipe
RevealSwipe Current Compose Version: 1.0.0-beta09 Compose RevealSwipe Swipable in both directions Add to your project Add actual RevealSwipe library:
Maetrial Design Delete Concept Implement
MaterialDeleteLayout 说明 早上逛github的时候,发现ParticleLayout这个开源项目,觉得这个创意还可以... 从说明中又点进去看IOS的效果,也从那里看到了原设计图... 原设计图是这样子的: IOS的效果是这样的: 那一刻感觉android的效果lower了好多