19 Repositories
Android lua-mirai Libraries
A mirai chatbot plugin based on OpenAI GPT-3 API
Mirai OpenAI GPT-3 ChatBot Plugin This is a Mirai ChatBot plugin based on OpenAI GPT-3 API. Installation Download the JAR file from https://github.com
LuaBox Helper for call lua scripts on Kotlin
LuaBox Helper for call lua scripts on Kotlin! Big thanks to Luaj library! 1. Create a class for working with LuaBox: class ScriptCore: LuaBox( pat
A Mirai-Console Plugin
MuteGames 一个以 Mirai-Console 为基础开发并为了满足群友PVP需求和抖M需求开发的禁言游戏集合 开始使用 插件需要以 Mirai-Console 为基础,你可以下载 MCL 作为你的Mirai插件载入器 与此同时,本插件需要 Mirai 官方插件 chat-command 使
A Minecraft server implementation for SuCraft.
Suki A fork of Mirai Made for the server SuCraft: sucraft.org Features Fork of Mirai for the best performance, notably: Fork of Pufferfish for the bes
Convert lua to make it human-readable and remove obfuscation.
Muna Convert lua to make it human-readable and remove obfuscation. Based on luaj parser and lua formatter. Before function L1_1(A0_2, A1_2) local L2
Based on mirai, a fast simple bot for maimai DX
maimai-bot 一个基于 mirai 和 舞萌 DX 查分器 编写的 maimai DX QQ 机器人插件。
McMotd - Mirai Plugin for fetching motd from minecraft servers
Mirai-wiki 基于mirai的Minecraft服务器信息查询插件 关于Linux运行环境 如果你正在使用Linux而不是Windows来运行Mirai
Mirai-device-generator - Mirai Device Generator with kotlin
Mirai Device Generator Mirai DeviceInfo 生成器 作为插件运行时会提供 BotConfigurationAlterer 服
Minetest is an open source voxel game engine with easy modding and game creation
Minetest Minetest is a free open-source voxel game engine with easy modding and game creation. Copyright (C) 2010-2020 Perttu Ahola celeron55@gmail.co
Throw your friends out!
ThrowIt-Mirai 丢人插件 简单高效的 “丢人” 插件 把你的群友丢出去吧 使用方法: 将插件置于plugin目录下, 并安装chat-command插件 使用插件需要权限 pers.moe.throwit-mirai:command.丢 perm permit m* pers.moe.t
Let me see who didn't complete the brackets
mirai-autocomplete-brackets 让我看看谁没有补全括号? 简介 mirai-autocomplete-brackets 基于 Mirai Console 插件模板开发,根据群聊内的消息,自动补全其括号,为强迫症患者与编译器提供便利。例如: Usr: 我觉得今天挺冷的( Bot
一个简单的每日新闻速报/动画速报 mirai-console 插件
Mirai News Reporter 一个简单的每日新闻速报/番剧速报 mirai-console 插件 项目地址: https://github.com/LinHeLurking/mirai-news-reporter 功能 爬取知乎的一个每日新闻页面, 以图片形式分享. 向机器人说 "今日新闻
LuaMirai安卓客户端,基于Jetpack Compose构建
LuaMirai For Android LuaMirai安卓客户端,基于Jetpack Compose构建。 下载 App Center https://install.appcenter.ms/users/ooooonly/apps/luamirai/distribution_groups/pu
mirai-console 插件开发计划
Debug Helper 基于 Mirai Console 的RSS订阅插件 机器人会在触发上线事件后向群聊发送上线卡片消息 有好友申请和加群申请时,会记录事件信息,并联系机器人所有者 指令 注意: 使用前请确保可以 在聊天环境执行指令 ...中的是指令名,由空格隔开表示或,选择其中任一名称都可
A Mirai console plugin that can provide osu!std players some appropriate beatmap (WIP)
OsuMapSuggester A mirai-console plugin that can provide osu!std players some appropriate beatmap. (WIP) Features It can analyze player's aim, speed an
A QQ bot based on Mirai.
Chii A QQ bot based on Mirai. 个人使用, 仅供娱乐. Building from Source $ git clone https://github.com/MaxXSoft/Chii.git $ cd Chii $ gradle run License Copyri
Cocos2d-x is a suite of open-source, cross-platform, game-development tools used by millions of developers all over the world.
cocos2d-x Win32 Others cocos2d-x is a multi-platform framework for building 2d games, interactive books, demos and other graphical applications. It is
xLua is a lua programming solution for C# ( Unity, .Net, Mono) , it supports android, ios, windows, linux, osx, etc.
(English Documents Available) C#下Lua编程支持 xLua为Unity、 .Net、 Mono等C#环境增加Lua脚本编程的能力,借助xLua,这些Lua代码可以方便的和C#相互调用。 xLua的突破 xLua在功能、性能、易用性都有不少突破,这几方面分别最具代表性的
Cocos2d-x is a suite of open-source, cross-platform, game-development tools used by millions of developers all over the world.
cocos2d-x Win32 Others cocos2d-x is a multi-platform framework for building 2d games, interactive books, demos and other graphical applications. It is