api.video is the video infrastructure for product builders. Lightning fast video APIs for integrating, scaling, and managing on-demand & low latency live streaming features in your app.
The normal videoview on Android is very costly in terms of performance. Also, due to the video resolution ratio and apk size, most developers don't want to include videos in the project. With this library, developers will have a performance-friendly video background with a few lines of code.
Madman (Media ads manager) is a high performance alternative to Google's standard IMA android SDK. If you have your own VAST server and want to render video ads and have full control over the UI, then this library is for you.
ExoPlayer is an application level media player for Android. It provides an alternative to Android’s MediaPlayer API for playing audio and video both locally and over the Internet. ExoPlayer supports features not currently supported by Android’s MediaPlayer API, including DASH and SmoothStreaming adaptive playbacks.