AnyChart Android Chart is an amazing data visualization library for easily creating interactive charts in Android apps. It runs on API 19+ (Android 4.4) and features dozens of built-in chart types.


AnyChart - Robust JavaScript/HTML5 Chart library for any project

AnyChart for Android


AnyChart Android Charts is an amazing data visualization library for easily creating interactive charts in Android apps. It runs on API 19+ (Android 4.4) and features dozens of built-in chart types.

Check out getting started.



Add this to the root build.gradle at the end of repositories (WARNING: Make sure you add this under allprojects not under buildscript):

allprojects {
        repositories {
                maven { url '' }

Add the dependency to the project build.gradle:

dependencies {
        implementation 'com.github.AnyChart:AnyChart-Android:1.1.2'


Copy AAR file into the libs folder of the application project.

If you are using Android Studio:

  1. Right click on a project and choose "Open Module Settings".
  2. Click the plus button in the top left to add a new module.
  3. Choose "Import .JAR or .AAR Package".
  4. Find the AAR file.
  5. In the app's module click on the dependencies tab and add the new module as a dependency.

Chart Types

AnyChart product family includes scores of chart types and we're constantly adding new ones.

Pie Chart

Pie Chart - AnyChart Sample app / Code Snippet

Column Chart

Column Chart - AnyChart Sample app / Code Snippet

Line Chart

Line Chart - AnyChart Sample app / Code Snippet

Venn Diagram

Venn Diagram - AnyChart Sample app / Code Snippet

Radar Chart

Radar Chart - AnyChart Sample app / Code Snippet

Tag Cloud

Tag Cloud - AnyChart Sample app / Code Snippet

Heat Map Chart

Heat Map Chart - AnyChart Sample app / Code Snippet

Waterfall Chart

Waterfall Chart - AnyChart Sample app / Code Snippet

Tree Map Chart

Tree Map Chart - AnyChart Sample app / Code Snippet

Scatter Chart

Scatter Chart - AnyChart Sample app / Code Snippet

Resource Chart

Resource Chart - AnyChart Sample app / Code Snippet

Range Chart

Range Chart - AnyChart Sample app / Code Snippet

Vertical Chart

Vertical Chart - AnyChart Sample app / Code Snippet

Funnel Chart

Funnel Chart - AnyChart Sample app / Code Snippet

Pert Chart

Pert Chart - AnyChart Sample app / Code Snippet

Polar Chart

Polar Chart - AnyChart Sample app / Code Snippet

Pyramid Chart

Pyramid Chart - AnyChart Sample app / Code Snippet

Bubble Chart

Bubble Chart - AnyChart Sample app / Code Snippet

Area Chart

Area Chart - AnyChart Sample app / Code Snippet

Bar Chart

Bar Chart - AnyChart Sample app / Code Snippet

Box Chart

Box Chart - AnyChart Sample app / Code Snippet

Mosaic Chart

Mosaic Chart - AnyChart Sample app / Code Snippet

Mekko Chart

Mekko Chart - AnyChart Sample app / Code Snippet

3D Bar Chart

3D Bar Chart - AnyChart Sample app / Code Snippet

3D Column Chart

3D Column Chart - AnyChart Sample app / Code Snippet

3D Area Chart

3D Area Chart - AnyChart Sample app / Code Snippet

Circular Gauge

Circular Gauge Sample app / Code Snippet

Pareto Chart

Pareto Chart - AnyChart Sample app / Code Snippet

Combined Chart

Combined Chart - AnyChart Sample app / Code Snippet

Quadrant Chart

Quadrant Chart - AnyChart Sample app / Code Snippet

Hilo Chart

Hilo Chart - AnyChart Sample app / Code Snippet

OHLC Chart

OHLC Chart - AnyChart Sample app / Code Snippet

Bubble Map

Bubble Map - AnyChart Sample app / Code Snippet

Choropleth Map

Choropleth Map - AnyChart Sample app / Code Snippet

Point Map

Point Map - AnyChart Sample app / Code Snippet

Connector Map

Connector Map - AnyChart Sample app / Code Snippet

Sunburst Chart

Sunburst Chart - AnyChart Sample app / Code Snippet


Thermometer - AnyChart Sample app / Code Snippet

Linear Color Scale

Linear Color Scale - AnyChart Sample app / Code Snippet

Wind Speed Chart

Wind Speed - AnyChart Sample app / Code Snippet

Wind Direction

Wind Direction - AnyChart Sample app / Code Snippet




© - JavaScript charts. All rights reserved.

  • Unable to create Map after updating from 0.30 to 1.0.8 version.

    Unable to create Map after updating from 0.30 to 1.0.8 version.

    I recently changed the version of the library. And also changed the code accordingly.

    I was able to display the map in the last version. But in this version it is empty. I don't understand where am i doing wrong. Here is the code:

     Map map =;
      //  map.removeSeriesAt(0);
        //  chartRegionView.removeViewAt(0);
        if (AxesTrackApplication.getThemenew(context) == 0) {
                    .fill("#385454", 1)
        } else {
                    .fill("#78B3C0", 1)
        Marker series = map.marker(getDataMap());
                .padding(8, 13, 10, 13)
                .format("function() {\n" +
                        "            return '<span>' + this.getData('name') + '</span><br/>' +\n" +
                        "              '<span style=\"font-size: 12px; color: #E1E1E1\">City: ' +\n" +
                        "              this.getData('city') + '</span>';\n" +
                        "          }");
        if (AxesTrackApplication.getThemenew(context) == 0) {
            series.stroke("2 #E1E1E1")
                    .fill("#1976d2", 1);
        } else {
            series.stroke("2 #E1E1E1")
                    .fill("#1976d2", 1);
       // map.zoomTo(2, 100, 100);
        LogUtils.debug("DashboardMAp", "Creating chart");
    opened by aadesh0118 16
  • Can't replace data in Pie Chart

    Can't replace data in Pie Chart

    Hi! I'm using the AnyChart trial version and I am trying to implement a PieChart whose data changes when the user selects an option from a dropdown menu. When an option is selected the app calls the server for the new information, but unfortunately the data in my PieChart remains the same.

    Here is the code I'm using:

    ` @Override public void onViewCreated(View view, Bundle savedInstanceState) { .... AnyChartView salesDistributionChart = activity.findViewById(; APIlib.getInstance().setActiveAnyChartView(salesDistributionChart);

    final Pie salesDistributionPie = AnyChart.pie();
        projectsSpinner.setItems(projectList, 0, new SpinnerListener() {
    	public void onItemsSelected(List<KeyPairBoolData> list) {
    		for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) {
    			if (list.get(i).isSelected()) {
    				setupGraphsByProject(list.get(i).getId(), salesDistributionPie);
        protected void setupGraphsByProject(long id, final Pie salesDistributionPie) {
    	Retrofit retrofit = ApiClient.getInstance(activity).getRetrofit();
    	StatisticsService statisticsService = retrofit.create(StatisticsService.class);
    	int agencyId = Integer.parseInt(Storage.getAgencyId(activity));
    	final Integer projectId;
    	if (id > 0) {
    		projectId = (int) id;
    	} else {
    		projectId = null;
    	Call<StatisticsFinancialDetails> financialStatsCall = statisticsService.getFinancialStats(
                financialStatsCall.enqueue(new DefaultApiCallback<StatisticsFinancialDetails>(activity, TAG) {
    		public void onResponseSuccess(final StatisticsFinancialDetails responseBody,
    									  Call<StatisticsFinancialDetails> call, okhttp3.Headers headers) {
                         List<DataEntry> data = new ArrayList<>();
    		data.add(new ValueDataEntry ( activity.getResources().getString(R.string.unscheduled), responseBody.getPayments().getUnscheduledValue()));
    		data.add(new ValueDataEntry ( activity.getResources().getString(R.string.unpaid), responseBody.getPayments().getNotPayedValue()));
    		data.add(new ValueDataEntry ( activity.getResources().getString(R.string.paid), responseBody.getPayments().getPayedValue()));
    		data.add(new ValueDataEntry ( activity.getResources().getString(R.string.available), responseBody.getPayments().getAvailableValue()));
    		data.add(new ValueDataEntry ( activity.getResources().getString(, responseBody.getPayments().getDiscountValue()));


    I have tried to implement the code from here as is, but nothing changes in the chart.

    Any help on this will be very appreciated. Thank you.

    opened by laurachelaru 10
  • App crash in API 25.

    App crash in API 25.

    getting this issue: android.view.InflateException: Binary XML file line #9: Error inflating class com.anychart.AnyChartView

    how to fix this issue?


    opened by iji56 8
  • NullPointerException



    I wanted to say that this library is really great but it suddenly stopped working with the following exception:

    java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'com.anychart.AnyChartView$JsListener com.anychart.AnyChartView.getJsListener()' on a null object reference

    This exception shows up on this line:

    Pie pie = AnyChart.pie();

        java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'com.anychart.AnyChartView$JsListener com.anychart.AnyChartView.getJsListener()' on a null object reference
            at com.anychart.APIlib.addJSLine(
            at com.anychart.charts.Pie.<init>(
            at com.anychart.AnyChart.pie(
            at com.example.fitpoint.ProfileCreationActivity.setUpChart(

    I swear it was working like 3 days ago. Now I have no idea what could possibly cause this.

    opened by ddz95 7
  • Change column colour base on value

    Change column colour base on value

    WhatsApp Image 2019-10-11 at 10 28 57 AM

    As shown in the picture, all columns describe the same type of data. However, I want to change the colour of those columns base on their values. For example, column with value from 1-5 should be blue, 5-10 should be orange, etc

    How would I implement such a feature using AnyChart?

    opened by giangpham96 7
  • Is it possible to import data from a CSV or JSON file into AnyChart Android?

    Is it possible to import data from a CSV or JSON file into AnyChart Android?

    I could only see the documentation referring to JavaScript. I was hoping for an example showing how to import the data then display the data in a chart. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    opened by liamEscher 7
  • How to plot pie chart with changing data on user click?

    How to plot pie chart with changing data on user click?

    I m using the trial version , and trying to plot pie chart.....In my case the data for pie chart changes on user click. Please tell me how to implement this thing. What is happening now is that the first data that i used to set in pie, is getting permanent.....and whatever the data i set for next time does not work with pie chart. The piechart shows the same data of very first time.Please help `

    private void generateGraph(int unmarked,int absent,int present,int latePresent){ // these are absent, present of student Log.e( "unG",unmarked+"" ); Log.e( "abG",absent+"" ); Log.e( "PrG",present+"" ); Log.e( "LpG",latePresent+"" ); final Pie pie = AnyChart.pie();

        pie.setOnClickListener(new ListenersInterface.OnClickListener(new String[]{"x", "value"}) {
            public void onClick(Event event) {
                Toast.makeText(getContext(), event.getData().get("x") + ":" + event.getData().get("value"), Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
        List<DataEntry> data1 = new ArrayList<>();
        data1.add(new ValueDataEntry("Unmarked", unmarked));
        data1.add(new ValueDataEntry("Absent", absent));
        data1.add(new ValueDataEntry("Present", present));
        data1.add(new ValueDataEntry("LatePresent", latePresent));
        pie.title("Attendance Chart ");
                .itemsLayout( LegendLayout.HORIZONTAL)
                .align( Align.CENTER);
    opened by Jeetin9410 7
  •  is it possible to use lists ValueDataEntry extended class?

    is it possible to use lists ValueDataEntry extended class?

    My intenstion is to use dataset that created dynamically, is it possible to use lists ValueDataEntry extended class? like this

    private class CustomDataEntry extends ValueDataEntry {
            CustomDataEntry(String x, List<String> values) {
                super(x, values);

    if possible how? Need mapping pattern for lists?

    opened by bewithdhanu 7
  • change Legend name in Cartesian chart

    change Legend name in Cartesian chart

    Hi @chidori


    How can i change series name in legend and as well as in tooltip. for legend enable i usecartesian.legend().align(Align.CENTER).enabled(true);

    Capture Capture2

    is there any solution for this then help me. Thanks(_).

    opened by GauravCreed 6
  • Linechart doesn't render in Fragment

    Linechart doesn't render in Fragment

    I'm using a TabLayout + ViewPager with two Fragments that should contain an AnyChart. When the Fragment is created I call an Asynctask, that prepares the data for the AnyChart. After the background-task the data should displayed in the AnyChart.

    But i only get this: image

    Instead of something like this: image

    This are the TabLayout + ViewPager:

    public class TemperatureStatisticsFragment extends Fragment {
        public View onCreateView(@NonNull LayoutInflater inflater, @Nullable ViewGroup container, @Nullable Bundle savedInstanceState) {
            return inflater.inflate(R.layout.statistics_temperature_fragment, container, false);
        public void onViewCreated(@NonNull View view, @Nullable Bundle savedInstanceState) {
            super.onViewCreated(view, savedInstanceState);
            Objects.requireNonNull(getActivity()).setTitle("Statistik - Temperatur");
            TabLayout tabLayout = (TabLayout) getActivity().findViewById(;
            final ViewPager viewPager = (ViewPager) getActivity().findViewById(;
            final TemperaturePagerAdapter adapter = new TemperaturePagerAdapter
                    (getActivity().getSupportFragmentManager(), tabLayout.getTabCount());
            viewPager.addOnPageChangeListener(new TabLayout.TabLayoutOnPageChangeListener(tabLayout));
            tabLayout.setOnTabSelectedListener(new TabLayout.OnTabSelectedListener() {
                public void onTabSelected(TabLayout.Tab tab) {
                public void onTabUnselected(TabLayout.Tab tab) {
                public void onTabReselected(TabLayout.Tab tab) {

    Here is one of the Tabs/Fragments that need to display the AnyChart:

    public class TemperatureFragmentTab1 extends Fragment {
        public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container, Bundle savedInstanceState) {
            return inflater.inflate(R.layout.statistics_temperature_fragment_tab_1, container, false);
        public void onViewCreated(@NonNull View view, @Nullable Bundle savedInstanceState) {
            super.onViewCreated(view, savedInstanceState);
            AnyChartView anyChartView = Objects.requireNonNull(getActivity()).findViewById(;
            ProgressBar progressBar = Objects.requireNonNull(getActivity()).findViewById(;
            TextView progressText = getActivity().findViewById(;
            ProgressBar progressSpinner = Objects.requireNonNull(getActivity()).findViewById(;
            new LongOperation(anyChartView, progressSpinner, progressBar, progressText).execute();

    Here is the background task, that prepares the data and draw the AnyChart after finishing that:

    public class LongOperation extends AsyncTask<Void, Integer, List<DataEntry>> {
        private AnyChartView anyChartView;
        private ProgressBar progressSpinner;
        private ProgressBar progressBar;
        private TextView progressText;
        private List<Double> values;
        public LongOperation(AnyChartView anyChartView, ProgressBar progressSpinner, ProgressBar progressBar, TextView progressText) {
            this.anyChartView = anyChartView;
            this.progressSpinner = progressSpinner;
            this.progressBar = progressBar;
            this.progressText = progressText;
        protected void onPreExecute() {
            progressBar.setMax(Device.getDevices().get(0).getRecordsCount()); // hier muss noch - 1 gerechnet werden
            progressText.setText("Loading Resources...");
        protected void onProgressUpdate(Integer... values) {
            progressText.setText("Loading Resources: " + String.valueOf(progressBar.getProgress()) + " / " + String.valueOf(progressBar.getMax()));
        protected List<DataEntry> doInBackground(Void... params) {
            Device device = Device.getDevices().get(0);
            List<DataEntry> data = new ArrayList<>();
            values = new ArrayList<Double>();
            for (int i=0; i < device.getRecordsCount(); i++) {
                double temperature = 0;
                String timestamp = "";
                try {
                    temperature = device.getRecord(i).getDouble("Temperature");
                    timestamp = device.getRecord(i).getString("Timestamp");
                } catch (JSONException e) {
                data.add(new ValueDataEntry(timestamp, temperature));
            return data;
        protected void onPostExecute(List<DataEntry> data) {
            Cartesian line = AnyChart.line();
            // set data into series
            com.anychart.core.cartesian.series.Line series = line.line(data);
            series.tooltip().format("Temperatur: {%value}°C");
            com.anychart.core.axismarkers.Line lineMarkerMin = line.lineMarker(0);
            com.anychart.core.axismarkers.Line lineMarkerMax = line.lineMarker(1);
            Text textMarkerMin = line.textMarker(0);
            textMarkerMin.text("Minimum: " + Double.toString(Statistic.getMinValue(values)) + "°C");
            Text textMarkerMax = line.textMarker(1);
            textMarkerMax.text("Maximum: " + Double.toString(Statistic.getMaxValue(values)) + "°C");
            // disable x axis labels and title adjusting
            line.xAxis(0).title("Gesamte Zeit");
            // adjusting y axis title
            line.yAxis(0).title("Temperatur (in °C)");

    I hope you can help me with that Problem, because I spent hours on this without any clue how to fix it.

    opened by Moritz-David 6
  • is there a callback method to find out that the chart loading and rendering is complete?

    is there a callback method to find out that the chart loading and rendering is complete?

    For large data, the chart rendering takes quite some time. How can we perform tasks with surety that the graph loading is indeed complete?

    I believe if we modify the code a little and provide an interface that could be called from the JsListener in the AnyChartView class, this could be achieved. thoughts?

    opened by ihsanulhaq-saal-ai 6
  • Pie chart is flickering whenever new data is inserted

    Pie chart is flickering whenever new data is inserted

    I want to update the pie chart from the data from a local database whenever I press the button, but whenever I press it the chart is flickering with old and new data. Here's my code.

    pie = AnyChart.pie();
    AnyChartView anyChartView = binding.anyChartView;
    binding.getPieChartBtn.setOnClickListener(v -> {
    //   amountForCategory array is retrieved from database whenever button is clicked
            final int delayMillis = 500;
            final Handler handler = new Handler();
            final Runnable runnable = new Runnable() {
                public void run() {
                    List<DataEntry> data = new ArrayList<>();
                    if(amountForCategory[0]!=0) data.add(new ValueDataEntry("Food", amountForCategory[0]));
                    if(amountForCategory[1]!=0) data.add(new ValueDataEntry("Transportation", amountForCategory[1]));
                    if(amountForCategory[2]!=0) data.add(new ValueDataEntry("Rent", amountForCategory[2]));
                    if(amountForCategory[3]!=0) data.add(new ValueDataEntry("Medicine", amountForCategory[3]));
                    if(amountForCategory[4]!=0) data.add(new ValueDataEntry("Other", amountForCategory[4]));
                    handler.postDelayed(this, delayMillis);
            handler.postDelayed(runnable, delayMillis);
    opened by zaidnaseer 0
  • Cannot resolve symbol 'AnyChartView' in Android Studio version Arctic Fox |2020.3.1 Patch 3

    Cannot resolve symbol 'AnyChartView' in Android Studio version Arctic Fox |2020.3.1 Patch 3

    I can't use the AnyChart library . I always get Cannot resolve symbol 'AnyChartView'

    I added this line in my dependency implementation 'com.github.AnyChart:AnyChart-Android:1.1.2' Also I added this in my gradle file maven { url '' } to be like this

    buildscript {
        repositories {
            maven { url '' }
        dependencies {
            classpath ""
            // NOTE: Do not place your application dependencies here; they belong
            // in the individual module build.gradle files


    opened by AhmedElsayedTaha 0
  • tree chart is showing on activity but not showing in fragment

    tree chart is showing on activity but not showing in fragment

    hello , i am using any chart trial version 1.1.2 this code is working on activity and the chart is showing but when i use exactly same code in a fragment that is inside a viewpager a white screen is showing whit out any chart trial version lable and nothing show up. i have logged data and evry thing is okey . i dont see any log message from any chart in log cat

    if i update library to 1.1.3 or 1.1.4 the chart wont show up even on activity . even with your sample code .

    this is the code that i am using on activity and chart is showing . but on the fragment after getting data from live data i do the same thing and only a white screen is showing

    `class TreeChartActivity : BaseActivityNew() {

    private val marketStatVM by viewModels<MarketStatViewModel>()
    var marketStats = ArrayList<MarketStat>()
    override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
        marketStatVM.irtMarketsLiveData.observe(this) {
            val treeMap: TreeMap = AnyChart.treeMap()
            val data: MutableList<DataEntry> = ArrayList()
            data.add(CustomTreeDataEntry("Markets", "Markets By Value", "Markets"))
            marketStats.forEach {
                val price =formatDoubleNew(it.latest,Precisions.getAmountPreciousByCurrency(it.srcCurrency),DoubleType.AMOUNT,true)
                    it.volumeDst, it.dayChange,getColorByPercent(it.dayChange,
                    ),   price
  , TreeFillingMethod.AS_TABLE)
            treeMap.padding(0, 0, 50.0, 0)
            treeMap.hovered().fill("#bdbdbd", 0.8)
                "function() {\n" +
                        "var name = this.getData('product')\n"+
                        "var price = this.getData('extra')\n"+
                        "var value = this.getData('value')\n"+
                        "var all = name + '-'+price + '-' + value+'%'\n"+
                        "      return all;\n" +
                        "    }"
                ("function() {\n" +
                        "    return this.getData('product');\n" +
                         "  }")
                .titleFormat("function() {\n" +
                        "       return this.getData('extra');\n" +
                        "    }")
                    ("function() {\n" +
                            "       return this.getData('extra');\n" +
                            "    }")
    private fun getColorByPercent(percent:Float) : String{
        when {
            percent < -5 -> {
                return "#BE464E"
            percent < -4 && percent >=-5 ->{
                return "#EE5862"
            percent < -3 && percent >=-4 ->{
                return "#F17981"
            percent < -2 && percent >=-3 ->{
                return "#F49AA0"
            percent < -1 && percent >=-2 ->{
                return "#F8BCC0"
            percent < 0 && percent >=-1 ->{
                return "#FBDDDF"
            percent == 0f -> {
                return "#b3b3be"
            percent > 0 && percent <=1 ->{
                return "#D2F3F1"
            percent > 1 && percent <=2 ->{
                return "#A5E7E3"
            percent > 2 && percent <=3 ->{
                return "#79DCD5"
            percent > 3 && percent <=4 ->{
                return "#4CD0C7"
            percent > 4 && percent <=5 ->{
                return "#20C5BA"
            percent > 5 ->{
                return "#199D94"
            }else-> {
            return "#b3b3be"
    override fun getViewBinding(): ActivityTreeChartBinding {
        return  ActivityTreeChartBinding.inflate(layoutInflater)
    override fun getToolbar(): Toolbar? {
        return null
     class CustomTreeDataEntry : TreeDataEntryCustom {
        internal constructor(
            id: String?,
            parent: String?,
            product: String?,
            size : Number,
            value: Number?,
        ) : super(id, parent,size, value) {
            setValue("product", product)
            setValue("fill", fill)
            setValue("extra", extra)
        internal constructor(id: String?, parent: String?, product: String?) : super(id, parent) {
            setValue("product", product)


    opened by hrgdeveloper 1
  • Build issue: Manifest merger failed with multiple errors

    Build issue: Manifest merger failed with multiple errors

    Hi I got this error in Build log while trying to run the app.


    The dependency used is implementation 'com.github.AnyChart:AnyChart-Android:1.1.2'

    However, it resolved when I upgraded the dependency to implementation 'com.github.AnyChart:AnyChart-Android:1.1.4'

    I just want to post this issue in case someone else encounters the same error.

    The README will need an update mentioning the latest dependency. Please assign the issue to me so I could make a Pull request with the change in README

    opened by venusaim23 0
Robust JavaScript/HTML5 Chart library for any project
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