Charts/graphs library for Android compatible with API 8+, several chart types with support for scaling, scrolling and animations

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Charts android chart

HelloCharts for Android

Charting library for Android compatible with API 8+(Android 2.2). Works best when hardware acceleration is available, so API 14+(Android 4.0) is recommended. Apache License 2.0.

Android Arsenal Coverity Scan Build Status Maven Central Release


  • Line chart(cubic lines, filled lines, scattered points)
  • Column chart(grouped, stacked, negative values)
  • Pie chart
  • Bubble chart
  • Combo chart(columns/lines)
  • Preview charts(for column chart and line chart)
  • Zoom(pinch to zoom, double tap zoom), scroll and fling
  • Custom and auto-generated axes(top, bottom, left, right, inside)
  • Animations

Screens and Demos

  • Code of a demo application is in hellocharts-samples directory, requires appcompat v21.
  • The demo app is also ready for download on Google Play.
  • Short video is available on YouTube.

Download and Import

Android Studio/Gradle

  • Maven Central/jCenter, add dependency to your build.gradle:
		compile 'com.github.lecho:hellocharts-library:1.5.8@aar'
  •, add repositiory and dependency to your build.gradle:
   repositories {
       maven {
           url ""
   dependencies {
       compile 'com.github.lecho:hellocharts-android:v1.5.8'


  • Download the latest release jar file.
  • Copy hellocharts-library-<version>.jar into the libs folder of your application project.


Every chart view can be defined in layout xml file:

       android:layout_height="match_parent" />

or created in code and added to layout later:

   LineChartView chart = new LineChartView(context);

Use methods from *Chart classes to define chart behaviour, example methods:

   Chart.setInteractive(boolean isInteractive);
   Chart.setZoomType(ZoomType zoomType);
   Chart.setContainerScrollEnabled(boolean isEnabled, ContainerScrollType type);

Use methods from data models to define how chart looks like, example methods:

   ChartData.setAxisXBottom(Axis axisX);
   ColumnChartData.setStacked(boolean isStacked);
   Line.setStrokeWidth(int strokeWidthDp);

Every chart has its own method to set chart data and its own data model, example for line chart:

   List<PointValue> values = new ArrayList<PointValue>();
   values.add(new PointValue(0, 2));
   values.add(new PointValue(1, 4));
   values.add(new PointValue(2, 3));
   values.add(new PointValue(3, 4));

   //In most cased you can call data model methods in builder-pattern-like manner.
   Line line = new Line(values).setColor(Color.BLUE).setCubic(true);
   List<Line> lines = new ArrayList<Line>();

   LineChartData data = new LineChartData();

   LineChartView chart = new LineChartView(context);

After the chart data has been set you can still modify its attributes but right after that you should call set*ChartData() method again to let chart recalculate and redraw data. There is also an option to use copy constructor for deep copy of chart data. You can safely modify copy in other threads and pass it to set*ChartData() method later.


Yes:) If you found a bug, have an idea how to improve library or have a question, please create new issue or comment existing one. If you would like to contribute code fork the repository and send a pull request.


Copyright 2014 Leszek Wach

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.

 HelloCharts library uses code from InteractiveChart sample available 
 on Android Developers page:
  • Out Of Memory Error Since hellocharts used

    Out Of Memory Error Since hellocharts used


    I'm french, so sorry for my bad english...

    I'm an Android developer and, in my app, i recently add hellocharts to replace another old chart library. It's a very beautiful lib, and i congratulate developers :-)

    But I've a problem since i imported this solution in my fragments of an activity...

    Now i often have Out Of Memory Errors that make my app crash. When i see the error log I see each time :

    " java.lang.OutOfMemoryError at Method) ... at lecho.lib.hellocharts.renderer.LineChartRenderer.initDataMeasuremetns("

    and i don't know what to do in my onStop() or onDestroy() functions to make it disappear... I tried to use chart.destroyDrawingCache() function but it seems to be useless.... Could you help me please?

    Thank you very much!


    opened by sol4ris2048 16
  • View Axis data

    View Axis data

    thanks for the help. the viewport thing help me to show more of the graph.

    But my 1st problem was that i was not able to see the value of the graph

    //values of the axeY
    List<AxisValue> axisValuesForY = new ArrayList<AxisValue>();
    for (int i = 1; i < 100; i +=10){
        axisValuesForX.add(new AxisValue(i));
    Axis axeX = new Axis(axisValuesForX);
    Axis axeY = new Axis(axisValuesForY);

    i've done this and nothing show's up on the axeY neither for X. Plus i've put this.


    and only day is displayed

    opened by thomaslc66 15
  • help with multiple lines

    help with multiple lines


    i'm using your library but i have some problem with multiple lines.

    1. it's possible to create two different lines using differents axis without using scale and range?

    2. i use that code:

    ArrayList axisValues = new ArrayList(); for (float i = 0; i < maxTime; i += 1000) { axisValues.add(new AxisValue(i, moreWorkouts .formatMinutes((long) i))); } Axis tempoAxis = new Axis(axisValues) .setMaxLabelChars(5) .setTextColor(Color.RED) .setHasSeparationLine(false) .setFormatter( new HeightValueFormater(scale, sub, 1, null, null));

    where formatMinutes create char in format hh:mm. By this the formatter look not work and the value of axis result not scaled.

    1. it's possible to have dinamically decimal number using setFormatter for axis right, like axis without setFormatter.

    sorry for my english. thanks a lot. nicholas

    opened by Lemen47Nic 13
  • How to use AxisValueFormatter() and SimpleLineChartValueFormatter()

    How to use AxisValueFormatter() and SimpleLineChartValueFormatter()

    The looked in to the sample app and couldn't find a self-explanatory usage of the classes AxisValueFormatter() and SimpleLineChartValueFormatter(). Would be great if you could give some explanation of these classes, their methods and how to use them.

    I'm seeking to format my chart's axis values extensively... so in dire need of this. Thanks!

    opened by hfahmy 11
  • Legend and title - ability to set chart title and legend

    Legend and title - ability to set chart title and legend

    I don't know if this already exists, or if this should be part of the charts, but I thought I'd suggest these anyway in case it makes sense:

    • The ability to set a title that appears somewhere in the LineChart area. Something like chart.setTitle
    • The ability to show a legend (eg when using multiple line) indicating what the different line colors mean. I suppose this could be derived from something like Line.setName.

    Anyway, thanks for all the work on this chart, it's very nice and easy to use. The structure of the charts has been well thought out.

    opened by mendhak 11
  • One option for label 45º.

    One option for label 45º.

    I thought of creating an option for the label is printed in 45º, or the user's choice. As you can see in the picture, the data may be confusing in some cases. What do you think?

    Before screenshot_2014-12-24-09-42-32 - before

    After screenshot_2014-12-24-09-40-54 - after

    Something like this:

        private void drawAxisHorizontalLabels(Canvas canvas, Axis axis, int position) {
            final Rect contentRectMargins = chart.getChartComputator().getContentRectWithMargins();
            for (int valueToDrawIndex = 0; valueToDrawIndex < axisValuesToDrawNumTab[position]; ++valueToDrawIndex) {
                int charsNumber = 0;
                if (axis.isAutoGenerated()) {
                    final float value = axisAutoValuesToDrawTab[position][valueToDrawIndex];
                    charsNumber = axis.getFormatter().formatValueForAutoGeneratedAxis(labelBuffer, value,
                } else {
                    AxisValue axisValue = axisValuesToDrawTab[position][valueToDrawIndex];
                    charsNumber = axis.getFormatter().formatValueForManualAxis(labelBuffer, axisValue);
      ; // here
                canvas.rotate(degrees ,axisRawValuesTab[position][valueToDrawIndex], axisFixedCoordinateTab[position]); // here
                canvas.drawText(labelBuffer, labelBuffer.length - charsNumber, charsNumber,
                        axisRawValuesTab[position][valueToDrawIndex], axisFixedCoordinateTab[position],
                canvas.restore(); // here
            // Drawing axis name
            if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(axis.getName())) {
                canvas.drawText(axis.getName(), contentRectMargins.centerX(), axisNameBaselineTab[position],
    opened by douglasjunior 10
  • setAutoGenerated(true) with Date values

    setAutoGenerated(true) with Date values

    I want to show a set of dates in the X Axis that can adjust the visible range (show/hide) based on zoom level (like the integers when setAutoGenerated(true) is set). How can I do it?

    opened by jaichandra 8
  • Question about label

    Question about label

    I wanna show this effect: chart but in my codes , the effect like this: chart2 is there some thing wrong ? how can I get that . and can I make the "日期" from center to the left position .

    opened by yfsyyy 7
  • Is there a way to limit the Lines of YAxis in LineChartView ?

    Is there a way to limit the Lines of YAxis in LineChartView ?

    Hello Guys!

    My Input values are from 0 to 6 and the Lines the YAxis are displaying are 0, 0.3, 0.6, 0.9 .... 5.1, 5.4, 5.7. just like in the picture below: device-2015-09-14-012016

    Is there are way to limit it to 5 lines + offset like in the picture below? assuming that the data is 0 to 6


    Additonal question: Can I make the style of the line dashed?

    opened by raquezha 6
  • divide by zero in lecho.lib.hellocharts.renderer.AxesRenderer.prepareCustomAxis

    divide by zero in lecho.lib.hellocharts.renderer.AxesRenderer.prepareCustomAxis

    Hi, I get java.lang.ArithmeticException: divide by zero in lecho.lib.hellocharts.renderer.AxesRenderer.prepareCustomAxis This exception occurs when I have only one value for LineChartData. My point data looks like this: PointValue [x=1.4261441E12, y=64.0] where 'x' is timestamp. I want to show day of week on x axis, so I add also a list of AxisValue where AxisValue [label=[T,h,u], value=1.426144100352E12] Then:

    lineChartData = new LineChartData(); Axis axis = new Axis(axisLabels).setHasLines(true); axis.setMaxLabelChars(100); lineChartData.setAxisXBottom(axis); //! THIS LINE CAUSE AN EXCEPTION lineChartData.setAxisYLeft(new Axis().setHasLines(true)); lineChartData.setLines(graphLines);

    Removing lineChartData.setAxisXBottom(axis); line resolve the problem, but custom x axis label don't work in this case

    opened by kitolog 6
  • How to use hellocharts as an external offline lib or jar?

    How to use hellocharts as an external offline lib or jar?

    I have alot of trouble with using this library as an offline external lib. Whatever I try to do in Android Studio everything fails. Is it possible to import it is a jar and add it as a library in Android Studio?

    opened by Muddz 5
  • library configuration

    library configuration

    I couldn't configured library in my project. I had done in my way what I have to do and also followed your instructions in your readme file. Please help me. Thanks

    opened by tejagalande 0
  • Unsupported Modules Detected

    Unsupported Modules Detected

    I'm getting this error when I sync after adding the dependency.

    7:07 PM Unsupported Modules Detected: Compilation is not supported for following modules: App Name. Unfortunately you can't have non-Gradle Java modules and Android-Gradle modules in one project.

    opened by qayyumabro 0
  • About the problem that the y-axis is not displayed.

    About the problem that the y-axis is not displayed.

    My x-axis is displayed normally, but the y-axis is not displayed. How can I solve this? Where is the root of the problem?? This is my email: [email protected] && [email protected] I am very grateful to you for solving this problem for me Here is my code ↓:

    ` List axisX = new ArrayList<>(); for(int index = 0; index < GPST.size(); index++) axisX.add(new AxisValue(index).setLabel(GPST.get(index)));

                        List<AxisValue> axisY = new ArrayList<>();
                        for(int index = 0; index < Dist.size(); index++) {
                            axisY.add(new AxisValue(index).setLabel(Dist.get(index)));
                        // This is Y axis
                        Axis axis1 = new Axis();
                        // This is Y axis
                        Axis axis2 = new Axis();


    opened by YongfaWang 0
  • 关于一个点问题(已解决)


    关于一个点不显示问题,网上找了很多方案,大致都是说要去改源码的,但我觉得比较麻烦,说下我的解决方法: 我是判断如果我的列表只有一个值的话,就动态给添加一个空数据元素(value为负数),这样相当于是两个点,而第二个点的值是负数,那就会把第二个点绘制到x轴的下面,这样就看不到了,也就是默认显示了一个点带一根线,然后动态判断把这个线设置成白色即可 a855ff66768075231cba7b5bbc543f9 微信截图_20210612163019


    opened by xcode126 0
  • Horizontal spacing between points

    Horizontal spacing between points

    I have a line chart filled with 432 points. The graph looks very cluttered and I was wondering if it is possible to set a horizontal distance between each point. halp As you can see above the points are very close together (and for some reason the y axis has multiple points for the same number)

    opened by Cyber-cp 0
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