An Android chart and graph library

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Charts EazeGraph


EazeGraph is an Android library for creating beautiful and fancy charts. Its main goal was to create a lighweight library which is easy to use and highly customizeable with an "up-to-date"-look.

Currently 4 different chart types are available, which can be viewed below.


This library is not intented for "mathematical" purposes like "achartengine" or "androidplot". It is intented to have a beautiful visual presentation of "user related"-data where only one value is provided and the rest is calculated dynamically.

So for example it's not possible to push 2D-values in the LineChart and let them plot just like in our beloved math lessons.

If you want such functionality either you use one of the libraries I named before or you wait some time until I finished a "mathematical plotting"-chart ;)

Currently BarCharts only support positive values. I will provide this functionality later.

Your Android application should use Android API Level 9 or higher in order to use this library!!!

Chart types

  • Bar Chart

  • Stacked Bar Chart

  • Pie Chart

  • Line Chart


  • 4 different chart types
  • dynamic legend label generation
  • possibility to use your own legend labels
  • animations for every chart
  • touch interaction for PieChart and LineChart
  • various xml attributes for customizing the charts
  • and much more


Examples on how to correctly use these charts are either below or you can view the source of the sample app I provided.

If you want to see the library in action, just download the sample app from the PlayStore:

Including in your project

Add in your android app project folder in the 'build.gradle' under dependencies:

dependencies {
    compile 'com.github.blackfizz:eazegraph:1.2.2@aar'
    compile 'com.nineoldandroids:library:2.4.0'

Or if you want to use my new lightweight library without any interaction some new features then download this:

dependencies {
    compile 'com.github.blackfizz:eazegraph:1.2.5l@aar'
    compile 'com.nineoldandroids:library:2.4.0'

The library uses the nineoldandroids support library to support the animations on older devices. If you already use this library, you don't have to include it. That's it. now you are ready to use the library!


Project setup

Before you use the project please prepare all required settings in a configuration file. There is an example file called contained in the repository which you can copy and rename to

Bar Chart

BarChart mBarChart = (BarChart) findViewById(;

mBarChart.addBar(new BarModel(2.3f, 0xFF123456));
mBarChart.addBar(new BarModel(2.f,  0xFF343456));
mBarChart.addBar(new BarModel(3.3f, 0xFF563456));
mBarChart.addBar(new BarModel(1.1f, 0xFF873F56));
mBarChart.addBar(new BarModel(2.7f, 0xFF56B7F1));
mBarChart.addBar(new BarModel(2.f,  0xFF343456));
mBarChart.addBar(new BarModel(0.4f, 0xFF1FF4AC));
mBarChart.addBar(new BarModel(4.f,  0xFF1BA4E6));


Stacked Bar Chart

StackedBarChart mStackedBarChart = (StackedBarChart) findViewById(;

StackedBarModel s1 = new StackedBarModel("12.4");

s1.addBar(new BarModel(2.3f, 0xFF63CBB0));
s1.addBar(new BarModel(2.3f, 0xFF56B7F1));
s1.addBar(new BarModel(2.3f, 0xFFCDA67F));

StackedBarModel s2 = new StackedBarModel("13.4");
s2.addBar(new BarModel(1.1f, 0xFF63CBB0));
s2.addBar(new BarModel(2.7f, 0xFF56B7F1));
s2.addBar(new BarModel(0.7f, 0xFFCDA67F));

StackedBarModel s3 = new StackedBarModel("14.4");

s3.addBar(new BarModel(2.3f, 0xFF63CBB0));
s3.addBar(new BarModel(2.f, 0xFF56B7F1));
s3.addBar(new BarModel(3.3f, 0xFFCDA67F));

StackedBarModel s4 = new StackedBarModel("15.4");
s4.addBar(new BarModel(1.f, 0xFF63CBB0));
s4.addBar(new BarModel(4.2f, 0xFF56B7F1));
s4.addBar(new BarModel(2.1f, 0xFFCDA67F));




PieChart mPieChart = (PieChart) findViewById(;

mPieChart.addPieSlice(new PieModel("Freetime", 15, Color.parseColor("#FE6DA8")));
mPieChart.addPieSlice(new PieModel("Sleep", 25, Color.parseColor("#56B7F1")));
mPieChart.addPieSlice(new PieModel("Work", 35, Color.parseColor("#CDA67F")));
mPieChart.addPieSlice(new PieModel("Eating", 9, Color.parseColor("#FED70E")));


Line Chart

ValueLineChart mCubicValueLineChart = (ValueLineChart) findViewById(;

ValueLineSeries series = new ValueLineSeries();

series.addPoint(new ValueLinePoint("Jan", 2.4f));
series.addPoint(new ValueLinePoint("Feb", 3.4f));
series.addPoint(new ValueLinePoint("Mar", .4f));
series.addPoint(new ValueLinePoint("Apr", 1.2f));
series.addPoint(new ValueLinePoint("Mai", 2.6f));
series.addPoint(new ValueLinePoint("Jun", 1.0f));
series.addPoint(new ValueLinePoint("Jul", 3.5f));
series.addPoint(new ValueLinePoint("Aug", 2.4f));
series.addPoint(new ValueLinePoint("Sep", 2.4f));
series.addPoint(new ValueLinePoint("Oct", 3.4f));
series.addPoint(new ValueLinePoint("Nov", .4f));
series.addPoint(new ValueLinePoint("Dec", 1.3f));



Project Wiki



  • Made some little additions to vertical barchart


  • Added support for vertical barchart


  • Fixed many bugs and added zooming for LineCharts and scrolling for BarCharts if there are many values.

I had those things on my HDD for some months and never had the time to release it or to polish it. I think this should be stable and release it for you guys. I know there are some open issues and I really want to fix those error or implement new features, but I am not able to do anything of those as I am completely busy with my university and work. In addition to that I made a lightweight variant of the library for my work which can be downloaded as the version 1.2.5l. This removes every physical interaction with the library and only provides displaying functionality. Most of the work went into the ValueLineChart as it now has a X-Grid with 4 stages. I don't know when I have some time again to implement new stuff or fix bugs, but i hope it won't be so long as my last absence. Happy using :)


  • added missing getter and setter for new attributes


  • fixed issue #24


  • added dynamic scaling for ValueLineChart with the attribute egUseDynamicScaling and the scaling factor can be set with egScalingFactor which should be between 0 and 1 (When only high values are given, the chart scales them down to achieve a better presentation without any loss of information)
  • added Scrolling in BarCharts
  • PieCharts animations are now running properly on Android 2.3 devices (Autocenter and scrolling)


  • removed the egStandardValueIndicatorStroke and egStandardValueColor attributes and created an extra StandardValue class, which contains all these information. Doing this enabled the support for multiple StandardValues
  • fixed issue #23
  • fixed bug in ValueLineChart when inserting an empty series, the previous indicator is still shown even when there is no data available.
  • fixed bug in PieChart when an InnerPadding is activated, the animated inner circle sometimes is a little smaller than the PieChart which led to colored edges.
  • tweaked the legend generation algorithm
  • added Comparable interface for BarModel, PieModel, ValueLinePoint


  • did a complete code restructuring. Now adding the graph, graph overlay and legend view is done by the BaseChart class and only calls methods which can be overwritten in the child graph classes. This reduced many redundancies and the layout generation of the views is handled in one location.
  • based on the restructuring, the padding attributes are now drawn and interpreted correctly and no chart has to include the padding in the calculation as it is handled in the layout generation.


  • fixed bug in VlaueLineChart where the egActivateIndicatorShadow was not usable
  • added the possibility to change colors for the legend
  • added a toggle which activates the drawing of the currently selected ValueLineChart point beneath the indicator (egActivateIndicatorShadow)


  • PieChart's inner value and ValueLineChart's indicator value now can be extended with an unit. (PieChart: egInnerValueUnit ValueLineChart: egIndicatorTextUnit)
  • (ValueLineChart) removed egIndicatorColor and made separate attributes for indicator line and text (egIndicatorLineColor and egIndicatorTextColor)
  • (ValueLineChart) the indicator now support a shadow layer (egActivateIndicatorShadow, egIndicatorShadowStrength, egIndicatorShadowColor)


  • made egShowDecimal attribute available for every chart


  • Values in bar chart are now always above the bar
  • Added InnerPaddingColor attribute


  • fixed onCLick Listener for BarChart


  • Added "showValues" for BarChart
  • fixed issue #2 and made BarCharts clickable
  • little adjustments and fixes


  • documented complete sourcecode
  • refactored the code and fixed some minor bugs


  • added support for Android API Level 9 and higher (added nineoldandroids library to support animations on older devices)


  • fixed Issue #7
  • fixed bug in ValueLineChart (NegativeOffset wasn't updated)


  • fixed bug in PieChart's current item calculation and autocenter


  • fixed bug in BarCharts, when layout size changed and the chart tried to calculate positions for empty elements.


  • LineChart's value will now set its position the the left of the indicator, if it doesn't fit on the screen
  • fixed bug where the LineChart GraphOverlay wasn't updated when new values are imported


  • the opening animation can now be opened clockwise or counterclockwise (use attribute "egOpenClockwise"


  • added possibility to use a custom set inner value in PieChart


  • added x-axis for Line Charts
  • Line Charts now support negative values


  • added standard value for line chart and the corresponding XML-attributes
  • fixed some calculation bugs which caused some displaying errors when a lot of data is inserted
  • added clearing methods for Charts
  • fixed the legend calculation function


  • added 'eg' namespace for attributes


  • initial commit of this library


I would love to see people contributing to this project. So just go ahead. If you think you did something amazing and your feature should be implemented in this library, make a pull request! Do not hesitate.


Apps using EazeGraph:


Copyright (C) 2015 Paul Cech

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
  • Error inflating class org.eazegraph.lib.charts.PieChart

    Error inflating class org.eazegraph.lib.charts.PieChart

            LayoutInflater inf = (LayoutInflater) mContext.getSystemService(Context.LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE);
            LinearLayout ll = (LinearLayout) inf.inflate(R.layout.layout_pie_chart, null, false);


    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <LinearLayout xmlns:android=""
        <org.eazegraph.lib.charts.PieChart xmlns:app=""
            app:egValueTextSize="36sp" />


    Caused by: android.view.InflateException: Binary XML file line #6: Error inflating class org.eazegraph.lib.charts.PieChart

    Inflate in AsyncTask

    opened by itvdonsk 12
  • Themed graph

    Themed graph

    How declare attrs of graph in style.xml? I want decrare this attrs in style.xml and dynamically create charts with this attrs

    opened by itvdonsk 4
  • Optional legend

    Optional legend

    It would be nice to have a way to prevent the Legend object to be added to the charts. I need the pie chart without any legend but can't get rid of that triangle ;)

    opened by j4velin 3
  • Did not find this attribute

    Did not find this attribute

    No resource identifier found for attribute 'egIndicatorLineColor' in package

    when I add this attribute in layout xml I got above error,how can I solve this issue,thanks

    opened by leon456 2
  • Vertical barchart

    Vertical barchart

    Hi. Any ability to display barchart in Vertical mode?

    [-------------------------------] [------------------] [------------------------------]

    Instead of _ I I _ I I I I I I I_ I_

    opened by alorma 2
  • Overlap fill bug

    Overlap fill bug

    I've found some strange behaviour with the setUseOverlapFill(boolean) method for the ValueLineChart. If only one serie is added to the ValueLineSeries it always fills the area under the graph, even when mUseOverlapFill is set to false.

    I don't know if this is intended behaviour, but it feels kind of strange. I believe it can be fixed in line 801 of the ValueLineChart class by removing the seriesCount check:

    if (mUseOverlapFill || seriesCount == 1) {
        path.lineTo(mGraphWidth, usableGraphHeight);
        path.lineTo(0, usableGraphHeight);
        path.lineTo(firstX, firstY);
    opened by jdegroot 1
  • setValueTextColor() & setLegendColor() unfunctional

    setValueTextColor() & setLegendColor() unfunctional

    e.g: pieChart.setValueTextColor(Color.parseColor("#ffffff")); pieChart.setLegendColor(Color.parseColor("#ffffff"));

    They don't work. Even calling pieChart.update(); doesn't update the colours. Calling these functions before pieChart.startAnimation(); also renders the functions unresponsive.

    opened by Rob-- 1
  • Resource entry ic_launcher is already defined

    Resource entry ic_launcher is already defined

    I got some error like this: res\drawable-hdpi-v4\ic_launcher.png:0: error: Resource entry ic_launcher is already defined. res\drawable-hdpi\ic_launcher.png:0: Originally defined here. res\drawable-mdpi-v4\ic_launcher.png:0: error: Resource entry ic_launcher is already defined. res\drawable-mdpi\ic_launcher.png:0: Originally defined here. res\drawable-xhdpi-v4\ic_launcher.png:0: error: Resource entry ic_launcher is already defined. res\drawable-xhdpi\ic_launcher.png:0: Originally defined here. res\drawable-xxhdpi-v4\ic_launcher.png:0: error: Resource entry ic_launcher is already defined. res\drawable-xxhdpi\ic_launcher.png:0: Originally defined here.

    Should you rename the 'ic_launcher'?

    opened by xuniu 1
  • changed getDataSize() to getData()

    changed getDataSize() to getData()

    replaced getDataSize() method with getData(), which returns a list of BaseModels, on which size() can be called to get the same effect. And made those methods public as they might be useful for the app using this library as well

    sorry for the double pull-request (, something went wrong with my remote branches in the other request

    opened by j4velin 1
  • Unable to add dependency using gradle

    Unable to add dependency using gradle

    My build.gradle contains the following:

    repositories { mavenCentral() maven { url '' } }

    dependencies { // Charting library compile 'com.github.blackfizz:eazegraph:1.0.10-SNAPSHOT@aar' }

    Error:A problem occurred configuring project ':app'.> Could not resolve all dependencies for configuration ':app:_debugCompile'.

    Could not find com.github.blackfizz:eazegraph:1.0.10-SNAPSHOT.

    opened by ghost 1
  • Line chart interval values of Y axis are not the same & curve height not correct if egUseCubic is true

    Line chart interval values of Y axis are not the same & curve height not correct if egUseCubic is true

    I am using the latest non-interactive version of EazeGraph, which I think is really simple and amazing. But I need some help on the following issues.

    From the picture above, we can tell that the Y values are 0, 1, 3, 5, instead of 0, 2, 4, 6. And the highest point of the red curve is a little bit lower than expected(the actual value is 7.5).

    Besides, when app:egUseCubic="true", this deviation becomes larger as the value of app:egCurveSmoothness goes higher. Below is a graph whose app:egCurveSmoothness is 0.4. qq 20160603202007

    Here is a part of the XML layout file:

            app:egXAxisStroke="0.1dp" />

    So is there anything I missed to do this right? Thank you in advance.

    opened by ppoffice 0
  • How to remove the pointer at the bottom of the piechart?

    How to remove the pointer at the bottom of the piechart?


    My issue is that I would like to remove the pointer at the bottom of the piechart but can't seem to figure it out. I don't think there's a built in way, but maybe I just missed it?

    Also a second, but less important issue, regarding the text in the middle of the piechart. Can that be changed in any way?

    opened by mirceaculita 0
  • In the VerticalBarChart, can't you set the LegendLabel to the left?

    In the VerticalBarChart, can't you set the LegendLabel to the left?

    In the VerticalBarChart, can't you set the LegendLabel to the left?

    chart1.addBar(new BarModel('label','value', 0xFFECC502));

    I want that label value to be displayed on the left ... please let me know if there is a way

    opened by ParkSongSal 0
  • Could not get unknown property 'GROUP' for object of type org.gradle.api.publication.maven.internal.deployer.DefaultGroovyMavenDeployer.

    Could not get unknown property 'GROUP' for object of type org.gradle.api.publication.maven.internal.deployer.DefaultGroovyMavenDeployer.

    I want to use blackfizz/EazeGraph in my project and for that I downloaded it and imported it as a module to my empty "hello world" Android project. I am using android studio v3.5.3 using sdk manager v26. But when I import that I'm getting this error message: FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.

    • Where: Script 'C:\Users\HP\Documents\Testchartline\EazeGraphLibrary\gradle_mvn_push.gradle' line: 48

    • What went wrong: A problem occurred configuring project ':EazeGraphLibrary'.

    Could not get unknown property 'GROUP' for object of type org.gradle.api.publication.maven.internal.deployer.DefaultGroovyMavenDeployer.

    • Try: Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. Run with --scan to get full insights.

    • Get more help at

    CONFIGURE FAILED in 1s ERROR: Could not get unknown property 'GROUP' for object of type org.gradle.api.publication.maven.internal.deployer.DefaultGroovyMavenDeployer.

    opened by hamadasafi 0
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