Android Graph Library for creating zoomable and scrollable line and bar graphs.


Chart and Graph Library for Android

Project maintainer wanted! For time reasons I can not continue to maintain GraphView. Contact me if you are interested and serious about this project. [email protected]

What is GraphView

GraphView is a library for Android to programmatically create flexible and nice-looking diagrams. It is easy to understand, to integrate and to customize.

Supported graph types:

  • Line Graphs
  • Bar Graphs
  • Point Graphs
  • or implement your own custom types.

Top Features

  • Line Chart, Bar Chart, Points
  • Combination of different graph types
  • Scrolling vertical and horizontal . You can scroll with a finger touch move gesture.
  • Scaling / Zooming vertical and horizontal . With two-fingers touch scale gesture (Multi-touch), the viewport can be changed.
  • Realtime Graph (Live change of data)
  • Second scale axis
  • Draw multiple series of data . Let the diagram show more that one series in a graph. You can set a color and a description for every series.
  • Show legend . A legend can be displayed inline the chart. You can set the width and the vertical align (top, middle, bottom).
  • Custom labels . The labels for the x- and y-axis are generated automatically. But you can set your own labels, Strings are possible.
  • Handle incomplete data . It's possible to give the data in different frequency.
  • Viewport . You can limit the viewport so that only a part of the data will be displayed.
  • Manual Y axis limits
  • And much more... Check out the project page and/or the demo app

How to use

  1. Add gradle dependency:
implementation 'com.jjoe64:graphview:4.2.2'
  1. Add view to layout:
        android:id="@+id/graph" />
  1. Add some data:
GraphView graph = (GraphView) findViewById(;
LineGraphSeries<DataPoint> series = new LineGraphSeries<DataPoint>(new DataPoint[] {
          new DataPoint(0, 1),
          new DataPoint(1, 5),
          new DataPoint(2, 3),
          new DataPoint(3, 2),
          new DataPoint(4, 6)

Download Demo project at Google Play Store

Showcase GraphView Demo App

More examples and documentation

Get started at project wiki homepage

To show you how to integrate the library into an existing project see the GraphView-Demos project! See GraphView-Demos for examples.
View GraphView wiki page

  • GraphView on Android Studio

    GraphView on Android Studio

    Hi, I can not load the library on android study also having followed the steps and still get this error: cannot resolve method. Please help me. Import only this "import com.jjoe64.graphview.GraphView;"

    opened by davix10 18
  • GraphView No Horizontal Labels

    GraphView No Horizontal Labels

    Hello- I am new to GitHub, but I am trying to use GraphView 4.0 for an app and for some reason the horizontal labels do not display. Below is the code I am using:

    GraphView graph = (GraphView) chrtView.findViewById(; LineGraphSeries series = new LineGraphSeries(new DataPoint[] { new DataPoint(0, 1), new DataPoint(1, 5), new DataPoint(2, 3), new DataPoint(3, 2), new DataPoint(4, 6) }); graph.addSeries(series);

    And the following XML which is imbedded in a linear layout.

        android:id="@+id/graph" />

    I am not including the .jar file in my library folder but instead include the following statement with my dependencies in my build.gradle:

    compile 'com.jjoe64:graphview:4.0.0'

    This is basically the exact code that included in the documentation. Doe anyone have any suggestions what I might be doing incorrectly?


    prio-high type-bug 
    opened by hydrophylic 17
  • Sample select callback and multi-line X axis labels.

    Sample select callback and multi-line X axis labels.

    Hi Jonas, Thanks for making this nice and intuitive way to quickly draw graphs on Android. I am developing an app which is using GraphView and added some features which were useful for me. My updates are:

    1. Provided a callback mechanism to notify user when a sample point is selected.
    2. X axis labels can now be multi-line (I needed 2 lines). This pull request covers both the above changes. Do review and take in if possible.

    Thanks, Narendra

    opened by nma83 17
  • added support for missing values and added buffered drawing (great performance improvement)

    added support for missing values and added buffered drawing (great performance improvement)

    Added support for missing values (if Y value is NaN it is not drawn, datapoint between two NaN values are drawn as a dot)

    Added buffered drawing (great performance improvement!)

    ToDo: move the creation of the bitmap/canvas away from the OnDraw event (should only be done at initialisation or orientation change) ToDo: manage scaling when only NaN datapoints are in the series. (skip scaling completely perhaps, or scale to a default range)

    prio-low type-feature 
    opened by mberntsen 14
  • ConcurrentModificationException


    I am using appendData() to create a realtime graph. I call this method during a Bluetooth notification callback which is not running on the main UI thread. This creates a ConcurrentModificationException because the LineGraphSeries is being accessed by my thread to add a new DataPoint, and also an iterator in the onDraw routine of the GraphView. I've been able to work around the problem by pushing my call to appendData() onto the UI thread, but a better solution would be to protect the LineGraphSeries storing the DataPoints inside GraphView using synchronization. This would allow any thread to add data to the graph without pushing the work onto the UI thread. Something like this might work:

    List list = Collections.synchronizedList(new ArrayList(...));

    opened by RobSenix 13
  • Logarithm Scale

    Logarithm Scale

    At the moment graphview doesnt support logarithic scale. However this can be accomplished, by doing the following:

    First let's add some points:(Note all values, must be greater then 0, because of log)

      //Creates an ArrayList
      ArrayList<DataPoint> testList = new ArrayList<>();
      //Populates the arrayList whit some values
      float value1 = (float) (Math.log10(1));
      float value2 = (float) (Math.log10(1000));
      float value3 = (float) (Math.log10(30));
      testList.add(new DataPoint(0, value1));
      testList.add(new DataPoint(1,value2));
      testList.add(new DataPoint(2, value3));
      testList.add(new DataPoint(3,value3));
      testList.add(new DataPoint(4, value2));
      //Converts ArrayList<DataPoints> to DataPoints[] array
      DataPoint[] test = new DataPoint[testList.size()];
      test = testList.toArray(test);
      //Adds the dataPoint array to the graph
      LineGraphSeries<DataPoint> seriesLine = new LineGraphSeries<>(test);

    Second we gonna add our max value, take in notice this use log so, when we set the max value to 1600 doesn't mean the max value will be exactly 1600 but an aproximation to that value.(Complain float numbers not me).

        //Defines graph structure

    Finaly we format the Y value so that now replace the log values by the wanted values:

    graphExample.getGridLabelRenderer().setLabelFormatter(new DefaultLabelFormatter() {
         public String formatLabel(double value, boolean isValueX) {
             if (isValueX) {
                 return super.formatLabel(value, isValueX);
             } else {
                 String yValue=super.formatLabel(value, isValueX).replaceAll(",",".");
                 Float yLogValue = (float)Math.floor((Math.pow(10, Float.valueOf(yValue))));
                 return (value<=0)? "-∞":String.valueOf(yLogValue);
    opened by Yvtq8K3n 12
  • Support for android 4.4, 4.4.2

    Support for android 4.4, 4.4.2

    Hi, I used this awesome library, and it worked for my device, except for my nexus 5 (api 19). I saw in the manifest and the project properties that there is no support for api 19. Can you fix it please? The only problem I noticed is that the graph is not scalable and scrollable.

    Thanks, you do a greate job!


    prio-low type-support 
    opened by Golanhershku 12
  • GraphView must be used in hardware accelerated mode

    GraphView must be used in hardware accelerated mode

    when i try to take a snapshot of my screen in which GraphView has been used, it throws me an error. "GraphView must be used in hardware accelerated mode" Even though i make it hardware "acceleration =true" on the required Activity and even on Application still the problem persists. I am using version Graphview 4.1.0

    opened by BplAndroid 11
  • Import with Eclipse failed: Plugin with id 'android-library' not found

    Import with Eclipse failed: Plugin with id 'android-library' not found

    I'm new to Gradle so please excuse me, if this is just a noob asking sth. obvious:

    Since we still use Eclipse for our day-to-day Android programming, we need to somehow import your lib with the Eclipse Gradle Plugin (by the Spring guys). Uppon clicking the "Build Model" button on Gradles import wizard, the error from the title occurs.

    Can you give me some advice, how to solve this without a necessity of installing Android Studio? And please not just by "Install Android Studio"...

    Thank you in advance, Daniel

    opened by bgmf 9
  • BarGraphView


    Hello. I have some issues with BarGraphView; (vertical lines count and barwidth)

    There are quick fixes:

    // //float colwidth = (graphwidth - (2 * border)) / values.length; float colwidth = graphwidth / values.length;

    // // horizontal labels + lines int hors = horlabels.length; for (int i = 0; i <= horlabels.length; i++) { paint.setColor(Color.DKGRAY); float x = ((graphwidth / hors) * i) + horstart; canvas.drawLine(x, height - border, x, border, paint); paint.setTextAlign(Align.CENTER); if (i < horlabels.length) { paint.setColor(Color.WHITE); canvas.drawText(horlabels[i], x + (graphwidth / hors) / 2, height - 4, paint); } }

    prio-high type-support type-bug 
    opened by lexius 9
  • Unexpected freeze with real time updates

    Unexpected freeze with real time updates

    My app requires drawing graph from real time data. I have thread with all the communication that is providing the data. In main thread I am reading this data and simply use mSeries1.appendData(new DataPoint(counter,data[0]),true,100); where counter is int that is incremented after each update.

    Unfortunately at some point it freeze. I've tried putting it in synchronized block or changing the line of code to mSeries1.appendData(new DataPoint(counter,counter),true,100); and still this same result.

    This is how the memory looks like during app running and when it freezes: memory

    Is that some library error or there is something wrong in my code?

    prio-low type-documentation 
    opened by s-peryt 8
  • Title of second scale is not displaying.

    Title of second scale is not displaying.

    Hello everyone! Unfortunately, method 'drawVerticalAxisTitle' in class 'SecondScale' has protected modifaction. I tryed to make inhereter of class SecondScale for calling this method, but constructor of class 'SecondScale' has private modification. How can I display the title for the second y-axis? Help me, please.

    opened by Fortrend96 0
  • Does Real Time/Live Data need to be like the example?

    Does Real Time/Live Data need to be like the example? What if i create threads or handler? or service listener register interface etc? like got services that when they get data they send instantly and these i use to update the graphs etc.

    In the past i used threads and handlers and it laged like hell then i used your example in link and it was fine and also its fine with the last way i described. Any ideas why so much lag? i though becase in library when iappend data it uses ArrayList but now it is fine i just dont know why it lags so much and now not.

    opened by PanagiotisJunMobileDev 0
  • Realtime


    Hi & thanks for your useful library

    I cant understand how to draw real-time graph. I read the related page but I don't know where to use those codes. Are they written in a new java class or added to my own activity class?

    New to android, sorry for beginner question.

    opened by smmss79 0
  • App Crash

    App Crash

    Hello everyone,

    I am using this library for plotting real-time coming data. I clean the graph each 2000 samples reiceved in order to not stress the visualization capability. I also activate Log.v in some parts of my code. At some point in a randomly way I got this error from my Log:

    V/Plot 1: OK V/Plot 3: OK V/Plot 2: OK V/Plot 1: OK V/Plot 3: OK V/Plot 2: OK D/AndroidRuntime: Shutting down VM E/AndroidRuntime: FATAL EXCEPTION: main Process: com.example.myapplication.exo_app, PID: 2918 java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke interface method 'double com.jjoe64.graphview.series.DataPointInterface.getX()' on a null object reference at com.jjoe64.graphview.series.BaseSeries.getLowestValueX( at com.jjoe64.graphview.Viewport.calcCompleteRange( at com.jjoe64.graphview.GraphView.onDataChanged( at com.jjoe64.graphview.Viewport.scrollToEnd( at com.jjoe64.graphview.series.BaseSeries.appendData( at com.jjoe64.graphview.series.LineGraphSeries.appendData( at com.jjoe64.graphview.series.BaseSeries.appendData( at com.example.myapplication.exo_app.MainActivity$Thread2$ at android.os.Handler.handleCallback( at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage( at android.os.Looper.loop( at at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method) at$ at I/Process: Sending signal. PID: 2918 SIG: 9

    Based in my code in

    if (data[7]%plot_freq==0) { series.appendData(new DataPoint(x, pitch_1),true,500); Log.v("Plot 1","OK"); } if (data_2[7]%plot_freq==0) { series_2.appendData(new DataPoint(x, pitch_2),true,500); Log.v("Plot 2","OK"); } if (data_3[7]%plot_freq==0) { series_3.appendData(new DataPoint(x, pitch_3),true,500); Log.v("Plot 3","OK"); }

    It means that I got error before appending 3rd series. Has anyone has an idea?


    opened by valerio-arcobelli 0
  • GraphView not getting any Data, Lines etc.

    GraphView not getting any Data, Lines etc.

    Hey guys, i am really new in this and I have to make an app for a project in my school.. the thing is I am trying to put some Data in the GraphView but it´s not showing anything in the app.. I see the GraphView with default values only and my values don´t get shown in there.. i am using the bottom navigation tab and GraphView is in the i made a public class (own file) under .ui.home and wrote this code : ` public class GraphActivity extends FragmentActivity {

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        GraphView graph = (GraphView) findViewById(;
        LineGraphSeries<DataPoint> series = new LineGraphSeries<>(new DataPoint[]{
                new DataPoint(0, 1),
                new DataPoint(1, 5),
                new DataPoint(2, 3),
                new DataPoint(3, 2),
                new DataPoint(4, 6)});

    } ` i´m not getting any errors just the data is not being shown... thanks in advance

    opened by mglbvc8 0
  • GridLabelRenderer humanRound causes data to be hidden

    GridLabelRenderer humanRound causes data to be hidden

    In GridLabelRenderer.adjustHorizontal the call to humanRound is hardwired to false for the second argument. This means that the increments between labels will always round down. That leads to data being truncated from the graph.

    An easy way to see this is a one-line modification of the all-XML example given here. Replace the last line of

            app:seriesData="0=5;2=5;3=0;4=2" />


            app:seriesData="100=5;150=5;200=0;250=2" />

    and you will see that the data, which runs from 100 to 250, is truncated at 180, hiding two of the four points. GraphTruncated

    There are several ways to address this I suppose, including

    • Just hardwire the value to true. This may waste a little screen space, but should not hide data.
    • Make the value user-configurable.
    • Adjust both the step size and number of labels for a possibly better compromise.
    opened by VeloSteve 0
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