SVG rendering library for Android



AndroidSVG is a SVG parser and renderer for Android. It has almost complete support for the static visual elements of the SVG 1.1 and SVG 1.2 Tiny specifications (except for filters).

AndroidSVG is licensed under the Apache License v2.0.

More information, including downloads and documentation, is available at the main AndroidSVG site.

Find a bug?

Please file a bug report and include as much detail as you can. If possible, please include a sample SVG file showing the error.

If you wish to contact the author with feedback on this project, you can email me at [email protected].

Using AndroidSVG in your app?

If you have found AndroidSVG useful and are using it in your project, please let me know. I'd love to hear about it!

  • Feature request: replace colours

    Feature request: replace colours

    The svg-android library allows you to substitute one colour for another at 
    parse time.  Each of the parser methods have a variant that takes two extra 
    parameters: searchColor and replaceColor.
    This feature has been requested in AndroidSVG as well.
    Some additional thoughts:
    1. Having just a single search and replace color seems a bit limiting.
      I would imagine that having a new method:
      SVG.replaceColour(searchColour, replaceColour);
      that could be called multiple times to build up a colour map would be more useful.  Or perhaps:
       SVG.getColourMap().add(searchColour, replaceColour);
    2. Perhaps other colour transformation options like:
       Would that be useful to anyone?
    3. Another possibility would be adding support for SVG Parameters 
    Please upvote and comment if you need, or would use, colour mapping 
    Your feedback is appreciated.

    Original issue reported on by [email protected] on 19 Jul 2013 at 9:50

    opened by GoogleCodeExporter 30
  • Impossible to include with Android Studio

    Impossible to include with Android Studio

    When I try to add this library to Android Studio I follow the following method:
    1. Download zip of androidsvg lib
    2. Unzip
    3. (From Android Studio) File -> Import Project...
    4. Select the proper input folder
    5. Select the proper output folder
    6. Leave all settings checked as default
    When the importation ends, the androidsvg package still does not appear in the 
    interface and no errors are reported.

    Original issue reported on by [email protected] on 8 Apr 2014 at 10:15

    feature request auto-migrated 
    opened by GoogleCodeExporter 29
  • Invalid Layer Save Flag - only ALL_SAVE_FLAGS is allowed

    Invalid Layer Save Flag - only ALL_SAVE_FLAGS is allowed

    I am getting the exception below occasionally when trying to execute the following code with compileSdkVersion 28 and Java 7. I am using com.caverock:androidsvg:1.2.1.

                    .listener(new SvgSoftwareLayerSetter())
    public class SvgDrawableTranscoder implements ResourceTranscoder<SVG, PictureDrawable> {
        public Resource<PictureDrawable> transcode(@NonNull Resource<SVG> toTranscode,
                                                   @NonNull Options options) {
            SVG svg = toTranscode.get();
            Picture picture = svg.renderToPicture();
            PictureDrawable drawable = new PictureDrawable(picture);
            return new SimpleResource<>(drawable);
    public class SvgDecoder implements ResourceDecoder<InputStream, SVG> {
        public boolean handles(@NonNull InputStream source, @NonNull Options options) {
            return true;
        public Resource<SVG> decode(@NonNull InputStream source, int width, int height,
                                    @NonNull Options options)
                throws IOException {
            try {
                SVG svg = SVG.getFromInputStream(source);
                return new SimpleResource<>(svg);
            } catch (SVGParseException ex) {
                throw new IOException("Cannot load SVG from stream", ex);
    public class SvgModule extends AppGlideModule {
        public void registerComponents(@NonNull Context context, @NonNull Glide glide,
                                       @NonNull Registry registry) {
            registry.register(SVG.class, PictureDrawable.class, new SvgDrawableTranscoder())
                    .append(InputStream.class, SVG.class, new SvgDecoder());
        // Disable manifest parsing to avoid adding similar modules twice.
        public boolean isManifestParsingEnabled() {
            return false;


    07-12 22:20:14.474 10798-10847/com.example.n1try.myapp E/GlideExecutor: Request threw uncaught throwable
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Invalid Layer Save Flag - only ALL_SAVE_FLAGS is allowed
            at com.caverock.androidsvg.SVGAndroidRenderer.pushLayer(
            at com.caverock.androidsvg.SVGAndroidRenderer.render(
            at com.caverock.androidsvg.SVGAndroidRenderer.render(
            at com.caverock.androidsvg.SVGAndroidRenderer.renderChildren(
            at com.caverock.androidsvg.SVGAndroidRenderer.render(
            at com.caverock.androidsvg.SVGAndroidRenderer.renderDocument(
            at com.caverock.androidsvg.SVG.renderToPicture(
            at com.caverock.androidsvg.SVG.renderToPicture(
            at com.example.n1try.myapp.utils.svg.SvgDrawableTranscoder.transcode(
            at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodePath.decode(
            at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.LoadPath.loadWithExceptionList(
            at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.LoadPath.load(
            at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodeJob.runLoadPath(
            at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodeJob.decodeFromFetcher(
            at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodeJob.decodeFromData(
            at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodeJob.decodeFromRetrievedData(
            at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodeJob.onDataFetcherReady(
            at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DataCacheGenerator.onDataReady(
            at com.bumptech.glide.load.model.FileLoader$FileFetcher.loadData(
            at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DataCacheGenerator.startNext(
            at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodeJob.runGenerators(
            at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DecodeJob.runWrapped(
            at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
            at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
            at com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.executor.GlideExecutor$DefaultThreadFactory$
    bug bug in android 
    opened by muety 19
  • Rendered SVG Picture is blurry.

    Rendered SVG Picture is blurry.

    What steps will reproduce the problem?
    1. read sv resource from 
    input stream stored inside a jar file
    2. renderToPicture
    3. set PictureDrawable to a ImageView.
    What is the expected output? What do you see instead?
    The image renders, however the image is blurry. 
    What version of the product are you using? On what operating system?
    news beta version. android 4.02
    Please provide any additional information below.

    Original issue reported on by [email protected] on 3 Jul 2014 at 4:27

    opened by GoogleCodeExporter 18
  • Sometimes uncorrectly loads embeded images

    Sometimes uncorrectly loads embeded images

    What steps will reproduce the problem?
    1. Load attached "test1.svg" in SVGImageView. 
    What is the expected output? What do you see instead?
    It contains three embeded pngs. Opening this svg in IE9 shows embeded pngs 
    correctly any time i load svg.
    What i see:
    Sometimes after rendering images, i see "trashed" images instead of real. 
    What version of the product are you using? On what operating system?
    OS: Android 4.1.2.
    Hardware Galaxy Note 10.1 (2012 year)

    Original issue reported on by [email protected] on 17 Dec 2013 at 10:07


    opened by GoogleCodeExporter 17
  • svg attribute not recognized when using the lib from Maven repository through Gradle

    svg attribute not recognized when using the lib from Maven repository through Gradle

    I've replaced the local copy of the sources (from google code) with the link to "compile 'com.caverock:androidsvg:1.2.1'" (or 1.2.2-beta1) and during build I'm getting the following error:

    Error:(54) No resource identifier found for attribute 'svg' in package ''

    The namespace is set to


    in the root LinearLayout, and the image view looks like this


    Naturally, this all works when the project is compiled from source together with the main app but when I want to use the reference to a binary from Maven repository, the build errors appear. I've tried a few simple things but none of them worked. Like, removing the namespace will compile correctly but crash during runtime, etc. The main issue is that the simple replacement does not work out of the box. I will look into this a bit more when I find some time.

    More info: using Android Studio with Gradle

    opened by alensiljak 16
  • SVGImageView crashes on Android 5.0 and higher

    SVGImageView crashes on Android 5.0 and higher

    What steps will reproduce the problem?
    Using the following code will crash 5.0 and above with a segfault from the OS:
    private FrameLayout mIdCardContainer;
    private SVGImageView mIdCardBackImage;
    private SVGImageView mIdCardFrontImage;
    mIdCardFrontImage = new SVGImageView(getActivity());
    // Setup special SVGImageViews for back of card
    mIdCardBackImage = new SVGImageView(getActivity());
    SVG frontSvg = SVG.getFromString( idCard.getCardFrontData() );
    SVG backSvg = SVG.getFromString( idCard.getCardBackData() );
    What is the expected output? What do you see instead?
    Some devices crash immediately on setting the images others fail miserably when 
    the two images are flipped with an animation front -> tap -> back -> tap -> 
    What version of the product are you using? On what operating system?
    Please provide any additional information below.
    This works fine on 4.1-4.4.2
    This does not work at all on Genymotion, or on certain devices.
    The crash after flipping back to the front image crashes on the Samsung S6 
    running 5.0.2, but works on a nexus 5 running 5.0.

    Original issue reported on by [email protected] on 7 May 2015 at 6:47

    invalid wont fix auto-migrated 
    opened by GoogleCodeExporter 15
  • ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException


    I have encountered this exception with your library, which is pretty great, by the way.

    Line of code that throws: W/System.err: at com.caverock.androidsvg.SVGAndroidRenderer.arcTo(

    Full stacktrace: W/System.err: java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: length=0; index=-2 W/System.err: at com.caverock.androidsvg.SVGAndroidRenderer.arcTo( W/System.err: at com.caverock.androidsvg.SVGAndroidRenderer.access$700( W/System.err: at com.caverock.androidsvg.SVGAndroidRenderer$PathConverter.arcTo( W/System.err: at com.caverock.androidsvg.SVG$PathDefinition.enumeratePath( W/System.err: at com.caverock.androidsvg.SVGAndroidRenderer$PathConverter.( W/System.err: at com.caverock.androidsvg.SVGAndroidRenderer.render( W/System.err: at com.caverock.androidsvg.SVGAndroidRenderer.render( W/System.err: at com.caverock.androidsvg.SVGAndroidRenderer.renderChildren( W/System.err: at com.caverock.androidsvg.SVGAndroidRenderer.render( W/System.err: at com.caverock.androidsvg.SVGAndroidRenderer.renderDocument( W/System.err: at com.caverock.androidsvg.SVG.renderToCanvas( W/System.err: at com.caverock.androidsvg.SVG.renderToCanvas( ------- My code ------- W/System.err: at android.os.AsyncTask$ W/System.err: at W/System.err: at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker( W/System.err: at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$ W/System.err: at

    For your reference, here is the svg data I am trying to parse so you can test. Zip of SVG

    opened by hellaandrew 13
  • Crashes Proguard

    Crashes Proguard

    Problem: I'm getting the following error for Android SVG when using proguard:

    Warning: com.caverock.androidsvg.SVGImageView: can't find referenced class com.caverock.androidsvg.R$styleable
    Warning: com.caverock.androidsvg.SVGImageView: can't find referenced class com.caverock.androidsvg.R$styleable
    Warning: com.caverock.androidsvg.SVGImageView: can't find referenced class com.caverock.androidsvg.R

    Using the following configuration fixes the issue:

    -dontwarn com.caverock.androidsvg.**

    Request: It'd be nice if there was a recommended proguard config. I believe they can even be packaged with android libraries so that your users wouldn't even have to think about it, but would automatically be imported.

    feature request 
    opened by ScottPierce 13
  • NullPointerException when points attribute is missing in polyline/polygon elements.

    NullPointerException when points attribute is missing in polyline/polygon elements.

    An exception thrown java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to get length of null array at com.caverock.androidsvg.SVGAndroidRenderer.render( at com.caverock.androidsvg.SVGAndroidRenderer.render( at com.caverock.androidsvg.SVGAndroidRenderer.renderChildren( at com.caverock.androidsvg.SVGAndroidRenderer.render( at com.caverock.androidsvg.SVGAndroidRenderer.renderDocument( at com.caverock.androidsvg.SVG.renderToCanvas( at com.caverock.androidsvg.SVG.renderToCanvas(

    opened by cbukenya 12
  • Large SVG(1000x1000) does not load on Software Layer

    Large SVG(1000x1000) does not load on Software Layer

    Glide Version: 4.12.0

    Integration libraries:

    Device/Android Version: Pixel 4 API 30 emulator and misc android physical devices

    Issue details / Repro steps / Use case background: If you run on a Pixel 4 API 30 emulator in portrait the android image displays. In landscape it does not show the image but instead just the background.

    Actual: Landscape with the sample project with aspect ratio 3:2 does not display image

    Expected: Landscape with sample project with aspect ratio 3:2 does display android icon

    Important Note: If you choose aspect ratio 3:1 it works

    Glide load line / GlideModule (if any) / list Adapter code (if any):

            val requestBuilder = GlideApp.with(this)

    All code copied from

    Layout XML: <androidx.constraintlayout.widget.ConstraintLayout xmlns:android="" xmlns:app="" xmlns:tools="" android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="match_parent">

        tools:background="#0289A0" />


    Stack trace / LogCat: N/A

    opened by DavidCorrado 11
  • Corner case bug - gradient radius 0 on Android SDK 31+ leads to NullPointerException

    Corner case bug - gradient radius 0 on Android SDK 31+ leads to NullPointerException

    Describe the bug In this line in SVGAndroidRenderer, if SUPPORTS_RADIAL_GRADIENT_WITH_FOCUS is true (we're on Android SDK 31 or above), then the colours array will be null, which will throw a NullPointerException.

    To Reproduce I've found this when checking the code, so haven't reproduced this in practice, but in theory it would be:

    1. Render an SVG that contains a radial gradient with radius 0, on Android 31 or above

    Expected behavior 2. Rendering works

    Stack traces

    SVG file



    • Android SDK 31 or above

    Additional context

    opened by attilatanyi 1
  • Text rendering rewrite

    Text rendering rewrite

    The rendering of text is being completely rewritten. Among the improvements:

    • Correct handling of nested layout with differing text properties (includes fix for #241 etc)
    • Proper text shaping. At least for non-txtPath elements
    • Correct handling for RTL text
    • Support for writing-mode and vertical text (see #151)
    • etc

    Not yet confirmed:

    • Support multi-value text geometry attributes feature request (#248)
    • Support alignment-baseline and dominant-baseline feature request (#247)
    • textLength attribute is not used feature request (#216)
    • support @font-face (#206)
    opened by BigBadaboom 0
  • Support multi-value text geometry attributes

    Support multi-value text geometry attributes


    I find this question when load svg file.

    normal image23

    But lost the '<' when useing this library to load the svg: image


       private void enumerateTextSpans(TextContainer obj, TextProcessor textprocessor)
          if (!display())
          Iterator<SvgObject>  iter = obj.children.iterator();
          boolean              isFirstChild = true;
          // get the array of x info
          List<Length> xList = null;
          int size = 0;
          if (obj instanceof Text){
             xList = ((Text) obj).x;
             size = xList.size();
          while (iter.hasNext())
             SvgObject  child =;
             if (child instanceof TextSequence) {
                final String text = ((TextSequence) child).text;
                //When the length of the string is greater than 1 and consistent with the length of the X coordinate array, each character needs to be drawn separately
                if (text.length() > 1 && text.length() == size){
                   for (int i = 0;i < text.length();i++){
                      String s = text.substring(i,i+1);
                      if (textprocessor instanceof PlainTextDrawer){
                         ((PlainTextDrawer) textprocessor).x = xList.get(i).value;
                }else {
                   textprocessor.processText(textXMLSpaceTransform(text, isFirstChild, !iter.hasNext() /*isLastChild*/));
             } else {
                processTextChild(child, textprocessor);
             isFirstChild = false;
    feature request 
    opened by zhang-hai 1
  • Support alignment-baseline and dominant-baseline

    Support alignment-baseline and dominant-baseline

    The library unsupported vertical alignment text


    <?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
    <svg height='40' width='40' viewBox='0 0 40 40' xmlns=''>
      <rect x="0" y="0" width="40" height="40" fill="white" stroke="black"/>
      <path d="M 0 20 H 40" stroke="black"/>
      <path d="M 20 0 V 40" stroke="black"/>
      <text x='20' y='20' text-anchor='middle'
        alignment-baseline='middle' dominant-baseline='middle'

    The resulting picture

    [Library picture]1

    Picture in browser

    [Browser picture]2

    feature request 
    opened by anton-shchyrov 3
  • Text-Anchor isn't being respected in the SVG

    Text-Anchor isn't being respected in the SVG

    I am downloading the following SVG over a network request

    <svg xmlns="" id="rectangle-white-2" width="60" height="42" viewBox="0 0 20 14">
        <path d="M0,0 H20 V14 H0 Z" fill="none"/>
        <path d="M3,1 H17 C17,1 19,1 19,3 V11 C19,11 19,13 17,13 H3 C3,13 1,13 1,11 V3 C1,3 1,1 3,1" fill="none" stroke="hsl(230, 18%, 13%)" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-miterlimit="4px" stroke-width="2px"/>
        <path d="M3,1 H17 C17,1 19,1 19,3 V11 C19,11 19,13 17,13 H3 C3,13 1,13 1,11 V3 C1,3 1,1 3,1" fill="hsl(0, 0%, 100%)"/>
      <text x="10px" y="10px" font-weight="bold" font-family="Arial">
      	<tspan text-anchor="middle" fill="black" font-size="9">123</tspan>

    Once I get the SVG above, I render it to a Bitmap and then use it with a normal ImageView.

    Actual output

    As seen in the android app Screen Shot 2021-12-03 at 6 28 18 PM

    Expected output

    As seen in a SVG viewer Screen Shot 2021-12-03 at 6 22 38 PM

    opened by abhishek1508 5
Use a jar executable to create a Drawable class to display a SVG on Android.

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