Comparison among Java, Groovy, Scala, Kotlin in Android Development.


中文版 日本語


A simple Android application written in Java, Groovy, Scala and Kotlin in order to find out what is the better language for Android development.


  • 2017-03-30 Update versions: Android Sdk -> v25, Gradle Plugin -> v2.2.0, Kotlin -> v1.1.1, Groovy -> 2.4.10
  • 2016-07-30 Update Scala, SBT, sbt-android versions
  • 2016-05-19 Update Kotlin from v1.0.0 to v1.0.2

How to Compare?

Only import the minimal dependencies.

Dependence Report

  • In Java
    • Import
  • In Groovy
    • Import
    • Import org.codehaus.groovy:groovy:2.4.10:grooid
    • Import org.codehaus.groovy:groovy-json:2.4.10
  • In Scala
    • Import
    • Import org.scala-lang:scala-library:2.11.8
  • In Kotlin
    • Import
    • Import org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-stdlib:1.1.1

Analysis Report

Line Counter

Language Files Blank Lines Comment Lines Code Lines
Java 3 20 9 157
Groovy 3 23 9 140
Scala 3 32 9 127
Kotlin 3 23 9 136

Size Counter

Language Disable Proguard (bytes) Enable Proguard (bytes)
Java 1,438,673 893,137
Groovy 3,395,936 1,982,125
Scala 3,277,007 1,349,352
Kotlin 1,833,258 903,566

Method Counter

Language Disable Proguard Enable Proguard
Java 17,416 7,608
Groovy 47,982 24,379
Scala 67,608 20,109
Kotlin 23,587 7,656

Build Speed

Test on MacBook Pro (Retina, 15-inch, Mid 2014 & APPLE SSD SM0256F Media)

Gradle task: ./gradlew :app:clean :app:assembleDebug SBT task: sbt app/clean app/android:package

Language Gradle Plugin Time (secs) SBT Time (secs)
Java 2.2.0 ≈ 8 0.13.12 ≈ 10
Groovy 2.2.0 ≈ 20 0.13.12 -
Scala 1.3.1 ≈ 28 0.13.12 ≈ 17
Kotlin 2.2.0 ≈ 9 0.13.12 ≈ 20

Coding Comparison

Find View


TextView title = (TextView)view.findViewById(;


def title = view.findViewById( as TextView


With Typed Resources enabled (include in Android SDK Plugin for SBT)

val title = view.findView(TR.text1)

Note: as a fallback, one can use the more traditional cast-based approach:

val title = view.findViewById([TextView]


With Kotlin Android Extensions enabled (no extra dependencies needed):

val title = view.text1

Note: as a fallback, one can use the more traditional cast-based approach:

val title = view.findViewById( as TextView



button.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
    void onClick(final View v) {
      //  do something


button.onClickListener = {
    //  do something


button.onClick((v: View) =>
    //  do something


button.setOnClickListener {
    //  do something



public interface FindCallback {
    void onFinish(List<String> results, Exception e);
private void findCountries(FindCallback doneCallback) {
    try {
        //  a long time mission
        doneCallback.onFinish(results, null);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        doneCallback.onFinish(null, e);
findCountries(new FindCallback(){
    void onFinish(List<String> results, Exception e){
      //  handle result


def findCountries(Closure doneCallback) {
    try {
        //  a long time mission
        doneCallback(results, null)
    } catch (e) {
        doneCallback(null, e)
findCountries{ List<String> results, Exception e ->
  //  handle result


def findCountries(doneCallback: (ArrayBuffer[String], Exception) => Unit):Unit = {
    try {
        //  a long time mission
        doneCallback(results, null)
    } catch {
        case e: Exception => doneCallback(null, e)
findCountries((names: ArrayBuffer[String], e: Exception) =>
  //  handle result


fun findCountries(doneCallback: (List<String>?, Exception?) -> Unit) {
    try {
        //  a long time mission
        doneCallback(results, null)
    } catch (e: Exception) {
        doneCallback(null, e)
findCountries{ list, e ->
  //  handle result



object AndroidContext {

  implicit class RichContext(ctx: Context) {
    def toast(msg: String) = Toast.makeText(ctx, msg, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show()

    def progress(): ProgressDialog = {
      val progressDialog = new ProgressDialog(ctx)


import AndroidContext._


fun Activity.toast(message: CharSequence?, duration: Int = Toast.LENGTH_SHORT) {
    Toast.makeText(this, message, duration).show()

fun Activity.progress() = ProgressDialog(this).apply {



String result;
switch (obj) {
    case 1:
        result = "Result is 1";
    case 10:
        result = "Result is 10";
        result = "Default result";


def result
switch (obj) {
    case 0:
        result = "Object equals"
    case 11..20:
        result = "Range contains"
    case [1, 2, 3]:
        result = "List contains"
    case Float:
        result = "Class instance"
    case { it % 3 == 0 }:
        result = "Closure"
    case ~'[0-9]{3}':
        result = "Pattern match"
        result = "Default"


val result = foo match {
  case 0 => "Object equals"
  case i if i == 10 || i == 11 => "Expression"
  case i: Int => s"Class instance holds $i"
  case List(1, 2, _*) => "List contains"
  case Number(n) => s"Case class holds $n"
  case t: {def length: Int} => "Duck type"
  case _ => "Default"


var result = when (foo) {
    0 -> "Object equals"
    3, 10 -> "Or"
    in 11..20 -> "Range contains"
    is Date -> "Class instance"
    !in 4..30 -> "Range not contain"
    else -> "Default"

3rd Party Libraries



Who use these languages?


Community Support

  • Java Native Support
  • Groovy Official Support
  • Scala No Support
  • Kotlin Official Support


The futher comparison to be continue...

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  • Create SBT builds for all Java, Scala and Kotlin projects

    Create SBT builds for all Java, Scala and Kotlin projects

    Created an SBT build for all 3 languages, I could have used sbt-android-gradle but I wanted to demonstrate the full sbt experience: shorter build files, faster builds. Fixes #1

    java 8 seconds kotlin 15 seconds scala 18 seconds

    Full output included below


    [pfnguyen@galactica AndroidDemoIn4Languages] $ cd JavaAndroid/
    [pfnguyen@galactica JavaAndroid] $ sbt app/clean app/android:package
    [info] Loading global plugins from C:\Users\pfnguyen\.sbt\0.13\plugins
    [info] Loading project definition from C:\Users\pfnguyen\src\AndroidDemoIn4Languages\JavaAndroid\project
    Resolving default:javaandroid-build:0.1-SNAPSHOT
    Resolution done
    Fetching artifacts
    Fetching artifacts: done
    [info] Set current project to javaandroid (in build file:/C:/Users/pfnguyen/src/AndroidDemoIn4Languages/JavaAndroid/)
    [success] Total time: 0 s, completed May 5, 2016 10:55:32 AM
    Resolving app:app:0.1-SNAPSHOT
    Resolution done
    Fetching artifacts
    Fetching artifacts: done
    [info] Collecting resources
    [info] Performing full resource merge
    [info] Processing resources
    [info] Rebuilding all classes because has changed
    [info] Compiling 6 Java sources to C:\Users\pfnguyen\src\AndroidDemoIn4Languages\JavaAndroid\app\target\android\intermediates\classes...
    [info] Packaging C:\Users\pfnguyen\src\AndroidDemoIn4Languages\JavaAndroid\app\target\android\intermediates\classes.jar ...
    [info] Packaging resources: resources-debug.ap_
    [info] Done packaging.
    [info] Generating dex, incremental=true, multidex=false
    [warn] Android SDK updates available, run 'android:update-sdk' to update:
    [warn]     Intel x86 Atom System Image
    [warn]     Google APIs Intel x86 Atom_64 System Image
    [warn]     Intel x86 Atom_64 System Image
    [warn]     Intel x86 Atom System Image
    [warn]     Intel x86 Atom_64 System Image
    [warn]     Intel x86 Atom_64 System Image
    [warn]     Intel x86 Atom System Image
    [warn]     Intel x86 Atom System Image
    [warn]     Google APIs Intel x86 Atom System Image
    [info] dex method count: 15676
    [info] Packaged: app-debug-unaligned.apk (1.10MB)
    [info] Debug package does not need signing: app-debug-unaligned.apk
    [info] zipaligned: app-debug.apk
    [success] Total time: 8 s, completed May 5, 2016 10:55:41 AM


    [pfnguyen@galactica JavaAndroid] $ cd ../KotlinAndroid/
    [pfnguyen@galactica KotlinAndroid] $ sbt app/clean app/android:package
    [info] Loading global plugins from C:\Users\pfnguyen\.sbt\0.13\plugins
    [info] Loading project definition from C:\Users\pfnguyen\src\AndroidDemoIn4Languages\KotlinAndroid\project
    Resolving default:kotlinandroid-build:0.1-SNAPSHOT
    Resolution done
    Fetching artifacts
    Fetching artifacts: done
    [info] Set current project to kotlinandroid (in build file:/C:/Users/pfnguyen/src/AndroidDemoIn4Languages/KotlinAndroid/)
    [success] Total time: 0 s, completed May 5, 2016 10:56:01 AM
    Resolving app:app:0.1-SNAPSHOT
    Resolution done
    Fetching artifacts
    Fetching artifacts: done
    [info] Collecting resources
    [info] Performing full resource merge
    [info] Processing resources
    [warn] Android SDK updates available, run 'android:update-sdk' to update:
    [warn]     Intel x86 Atom System Image
    [warn]     Intel x86 Atom System Image
    [warn]     Intel x86 Atom System Image
    [warn]     Intel x86 Atom System Image
    [warn]     Intel x86 Atom_64 System Image
    [warn]     Intel x86 Atom_64 System Image
    [warn]     Google APIs Intel x86 Atom_64 System Image
    [warn]     Intel x86 Atom_64 System Image
    [warn]     Google APIs Intel x86 Atom System Image
    [info] Rebuilding all classes because has changed
    [info] Compiling 3 Kotlin sources
    [warn] Variable 'holder' initializer is redundant
    [info] Compiling 3 Java sources to C:\Users\pfnguyen\src\AndroidDemoIn4Languages\KotlinAndroid\app\target\android\intermediates\classes...
    [info] Packaging C:\Users\pfnguyen\src\AndroidDemoIn4Languages\KotlinAndroid\app\target\android\intermediates\classes.jar ...
    [info] Packaging resources: resources-debug.ap_
    [info] Done packaging.
    [info] Generating dex, incremental=true, multidex=false
    [info] dex method count: 23185
    [info] Packaged: app-debug-unaligned.apk (1.50MB)
    [info] Debug package does not need signing: app-debug-unaligned.apk
    [info] zipaligned: app-debug.apk
    [success] Total time: 15 s, completed May 5, 2016 10:56:16 AM


    [pfnguyen@galactica KotlinAndroid] $ cd ../ScalaAndroid/
    [pfnguyen@galactica ScalaAndroid] $ sbt app/clean app/android:package
    [info] Loading global plugins from C:\Users\pfnguyen\.sbt\0.13\plugins
    [info] Loading project definition from C:\Users\pfnguyen\src\AndroidDemoIn4Languages\ScalaAndroid\project
    Resolving default:scalaandroid-build:0.1-SNAPSHOT
    Resolution done
    Fetching artifacts
    Fetching artifacts: done
    [info] Set current project to scalaandroid (in build file:/C:/Users/pfnguyen/src/AndroidDemoIn4Languages/ScalaAndroid/)
    [success] Total time: 0 s, completed May 5, 2016 11:00:17 AM
    Resolving app:app_2.10:0.1-SNAPSHOT
    Resolution done
    Fetching artifacts
    Fetching artifacts: done
    [info] Collecting resources
    [info] Performing full resource merge
    [info] Processing resources
    [info] Rebuilding all classes because has changed
    [info] Regenerating TR.scala because has changed
    [warn] action_bar_root was reassigned: =>
    [warn] status_bar_latest_event_content was reassigned: android.widget.RelativeLayout => android.widget.RelativeLayout => android.widget.LinearLayout
    [info] Compiling 4 Scala sources and 4 Java sources to C:\Users\pfnguyen\src\AndroidDemoIn4Languages\ScalaAndroid\app\target\android\intermediates\classes...
    [error] [NewApi] target\android\intermediates\classes\com\bookislife\android\scalademo\TypedResource$$anon$2.class:Call requires API level 11 (current min is 9): android.animation.AnimatorInflater#loadAnimator
    [error] lint found 1 error, 0 warnings
    [info] Packaging C:\Users\pfnguyen\src\AndroidDemoIn4Languages\ScalaAndroid\app\target\android\intermediates\classes.jar ...
    [info] Packaging resources: resources-debug.ap_
    [info] Done packaging.
    [info] Finding dependency references for:
    [info] Finding dependency references for: [info] Finding dependency references for:
    [info] Finding dependency references for: ProGuard, version 5.0
    ProGuard is released under the GNU General Public License. You therefore
    must ensure that programs that link to it (android, ...)
    carry the GNU General Public License as well. Alternatively, you can
    apply for an exception with the author of ProGuard.
    Reading input...
    Reading program jar [C:\Users\pfnguyen\android-sdk-windows\extras\android\m2repository\com\android\support\support-annotations\23.1.1\support-annotations-23.1.1.jar] (filtered)
    Reading program jar [C:\Users\pfnguyen\.android\sbt\exploded-aars\\libs\internal_impl-23.1.1.jar] (filtered)
    Reading program jar [C:\Users\pfnguyen\.android\sbt\exploded-aars\\] (filtered)
    Reading program jar [C:\Users\pfnguyen\.coursier\cache\v1\https\\maven2\org\scala-lang\scala-library\2.10.6\scala-library-2.10.6.jar] (filtered) Reading program jar [C:\Users\pfnguyen\.android\sbt\exploded-aars\\] (filtered)
    Reading program jar [C:\Users\pfnguyen\src\AndroidDemoIn4Languages\ScalaAndroid\app\target\android\intermediates\classes.jar] (filtered)
    Reading library jar [C:\Users\pfnguyen\android-sdk-windows\platforms\android-23\android.jar]
    Reading library jar [C:\Users\pfnguyen\android-sdk-windows\platforms\android-23\optional\org.apache.http.legacy.jar]
    Ignoring unused library classes...
      Original number of library classes: 3880
      Final number of library classes:    988
    [warn] Android SDK updates available, run 'android:update-sdk' to update:
    [warn]     Intel x86 Atom System Image
    [warn]     Intel x86 Atom System Image
    [warn]     Google APIs Intel x86 Atom System Image
    [warn]     Intel x86 Atom System Image
    [warn]     Intel x86 Atom_64 System Image
    [warn]     Intel x86 Atom_64 System Image
    [warn]     Google APIs Intel x86 Atom_64 System Image
    [warn]     Intel x86 Atom_64 System Image
    [warn]     Intel x86 Atom System Image
    Removing unused program classes and class elements...
      Original number of program classes: 6439
      Final number of program classes:    1323
    Writing output...
    Preparing output jar [C:\Users\pfnguyen\src\AndroidDemoIn4Languages\ScalaAndroid\app\target\android\intermediates\proguard\classes.proguard.jar]
      Copying resources from program jar [C:\Users\pfnguyen\android-sdk-windows\extras\android\m2repository\com\android\support\support-annotations\23.1.1\support-annotations-23.1.1.jar] (filtered)
      Copying resources from program jar [C:\Users\pfnguyen\.android\sbt\exploded-aars\\libs\internal_impl-23.1.1.jar] (filtered)
      Copying resources from program jar [C:\Users\pfnguyen\.android\sbt\exploded-aars\\] (filtered)
      Copying resources from program jar [C:\Users\pfnguyen\.coursier\cache\v1\https\\maven2\org\scala-lang\scala-library\2.10.6\scala-library-2.10.6.jar] (filtered)
      Copying resources from program jar [C:\Users\pfnguyen\.android\sbt\exploded-aars\\] (filtered)
      Copying resources from program jar [C:\Users\pfnguyen\src\AndroidDemoIn4Languages\ScalaAndroid\app\target\android\intermediates\classes.jar] (filtered)
    [info] Creating proguard cache: proguard-cache-f75b3a6d5279987c664b74dc929a9f07ade81fe1.jar
    [info] Generating dex, incremental=false, multidex=false
    [info] dex method count: 11536
    [info] Packaged: app-debug-unaligned.apk (946.57KB)
    [info] Debug package does not need signing: app-debug-unaligned.apk
    [info] zipaligned: app-debug.apk
    [success] Total time: 18 s, completed May 5, 2016 11:00:35 AM
    opened by pfn 1
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