Simplify Adapter creation for your Android ListViews.

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Adapter FunDapter

FunDapter takes the pain and hassle out of creating a new Adapter class for each ListView you have in your Android app.

It is a new approach to custom adapter creation for Android apps. You get free ViewHolder pattern support, field validation so you don't get bit by trivial bugs and best of all - you get to keep it DRY!

What's new?

  1. Gradle support now only contains a JAR archive instead of AAR which wasn't needed. Just add compile 'com.github.amigold.fundapter2:library:1.01' to your dependencies in the build.gradle file in your project.

What you used to do:

  1. Subclass BaseAdapter or copy existing adapter you already wrote.
  2. Create a ViewHolder static class a define all the views in it.
  3. Write (Copy.. don't fool yourself!) the whole ViewHolder creation code from somewhere.
  4. Write all the "findViewById" lines.
  5. Start filling data in the views inside the getView method.

Well that was boring! I feel your pain!

What FunDapter lets you do:

  1. Create a new BindDictionary
  2. Add fields.
  3. Create a new FunDapter instance, supplying the BindDictionary, layout resource file and item list.

Getting Started

This is the Product class we'll create an adapter for:

public class Product {
	public String title;
	public String description;
	public String imageUrl;
	public double price;

Create a new BindDictionary instance:

BindDictionary<Product> dict = new BindDictionary<Product>();

Adding a basic text field:

	new StringExtractor<Product>() {

	    public String getStringValue(Product item, int position) {
			return item.description;

Notice how you simply provide the id of the TextView and an implementation of the StringExtractor which will be used to get the correct String value from your Product.

Now a more complicated text field:

	new StringExtractor<Product>() {

	    public String getStringValue(Product item, int position) {
			return item.title;

Notice how you can chain calls to get some more complex behaviours out of your views. typeface() will set a typeface on the view while visibilityIfNull() will change the visibility of the field according to the value being null or not.

What about our image?? Lets add that as well:

	new StringExtractor<Product>() {

	    public String getStringValue(Product item, int position) {
			return item.imageUrl;
	}, new DynamicImageLoader() {
	    public void loadDynamicImage(String url, ImageView view) {
			//insert your own async image loader implementation

In here the StringExtractor grabs the URL from the Product item while the ImageLoader gives you a reference to the view and the URL you extracted so you can use your own custom lazy image loading implementation.

Finally, create the adapter:

FunDapter<Product> adapter = new FunDapter<Product>(getActivity(), productArrayList,
		R.layout.product_list_item, dict);

What is supported so far:

  • ViewHolder pattern and more performance optimizations
  • Switching data using funDapter.updateData()
  • Alternating background colors for the list items. Use funDapter.setAlternatingBackground()
  • Text fields:
    • typeface
    • visibility if null
    • changing textcolor based on a boolean condition - chain conditionalTextColor() when setting the field
  • Image fields (that load from the web)
  • ProgressBar fields - for showing user progress or xp.
  • Conditional visibility views - views that are shown or hidden according to some boolean value. (Good for decorations such as "sale" banners)
  • All fields support setting an OnClickListener by chaining onClick()
  • ExpandableListAdapter is supported

What next?

  • Support for ViewPagerAdapter
  • Support for Favorite toggle buttons (where you provide your own implementation for the data persistence)
  • Whatever else I can think of!

Gradle Support

Just add compile 'com.github.amigold.fundapter:library:1.0' to your dependencies in the build.gradle file in your project.


(The MIT License)

Copyright (c) 2012-2013 Ami Goldenberg

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the 'Software'), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:

The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.


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    staticImageField question

    I have a question. I was looking to add an image from my res/drawable folder and not from url so i found this method addStaticImageField() but i dont know how to use it and there is no documentation or example on how it is used properly. Anything i could've missed?

    opened by geoplin 6
  • Get view from BindDictionary

    Get view from BindDictionary

    Hello! Can i get view from BindDictionary, for example there is visibilityIfNull, that can make my view invisible, but is there some mechanism, that in case that Integer is less than some threshold, i can make the TextView( with the integer number) red for example.

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  • Manipulate view

    Manipulate view

    Is there a way to manipulate the view inside BindDictionary()?

    Or how can I add an click event for a image view for instance? Can I do this inside BindDictionary function?

    opened by devloe 2
  • onItemClickListener



    I'm currently using FunDapter in a project, but I think I found a bug, and it's when I have a button and try to setOnItemClickListener, the clickEvent it's not being registered. Why is this happening?

    opened by NemesisDoom 1
  • Import Error in MyExpandableActivity AND missing support-v4 lib

    Import Error in MyExpandableActivity AND missing support-v4 lib

    MyExpandableActivity imports "com.ami.fundapter.ChildExtractor", this should be "com.ami.fundapter.extractors.ChildExtractor".

    Also support-v4 is missing in the libs folder

    opened by renevanderlende 1
  • Dependency error

    Dependency error

    Try to import and I get this error: Error:Module version com.github.amigold.fundapter:library:1.01 depends on libraries but is not a library itself

    Already added the support library.

    opened by fxsalazar 0
  • Where is ChildExtractor?

    Where is ChildExtractor?

    In the "MyExpandableActivity" of your "Sample", there is a "com.ami.fundapter.ChildExtractor" can't be resolved. Did you forget to commit it ?

    Of course, I've already checked the package "com.ami.fundapter" in the "library" project.

    My library is the version you commit at Sep 16, 2013. Thanks for your awesome work.

    opened by pcqpcq 0
  • how to use get filter for adapter

    how to use get filter for adapter

    hi i am using fundapter and show j son data in list view now i want to put a edit text and filter list view by inserting a text by user the method adapter.getfilter().filter () does not work for me i will appreciate if you help me what to do

    opened by davoodkaz 0
  • How to get the value of Object

    How to get the value of Object

    Hello Friend, i made this program to fetch data from Mysql database now i want to access the value of (**item.praveen)**object from which we fetch data from server. please tell me how to get the value of that object and use where i want.

    public void getuserType(){ String URL3 = "http://xyz/xyz/xyzs.php?user_id="+userName; PostResponseAsyncTask readData3 = new PostResponseAsyncTask(this, new AsyncResponse() { @Override public void processFinish(String u) { if (u.contains("Fail")) { Toast.makeText(newAdd.this, "Something went wrong sorry", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); } else { task3(ctx,u); } } }); readData3.execute(URL3); }

    public void task3(Context ctx,String u) {
        userd = new JsonConverter<userId>().toArrayList(u, userId.class);
        BindDictionary<userId> allReviews = new BindDictionary<userId>();
                new StringExtractor<userId>() {
                    public String getStringValue(userId item, int position) {
                        **return item.praveen;**
        FunDapter<userId> detailsAdapter = new FunDapter<>(newAdd.this, userd, R.layout.userid_single, allReviews);
    opened by PraveenGaur1987 0
  • hide any view from list

    hide any view from list

    how to hide any view from listview. kindly help me regarding this issue if any one knows the solution. otherwise suggest another way to set id and status of every list item. thank you.....

    opened by riz1ahmad 0
  • Identification question

    Identification question


    can you help me how to find a certain item's textView. For example I have a listView with some items and every item is made of 3 textViews (name, price, description). Now i want to change the value of the "price" textView with and updateView(int index) method. How do I identify the correct textView in the correct item?

    Let's say i have 5 items (product1, ..., product5). now i want to update the price of the 3rd product (product3). I call updateView(3) My updateView(int index) method so far

    private void updateView(int index){
            // thats how I get the row
            View v = lvProduct.getChildAt(index); 
            // here I want to find the tvPrice in that row
            // but I'm not sure how to go about this
    opened by geoplin 0
  • Manifest merge for ic_launcher icon

    Manifest merge for ic_launcher icon

    Hi Ami, I used your library and found out that you used the ic_launcher icon as well. It wouldn't compile, unless I did a change with the icon or add xmlns:tools="" and tools:replace="android:icon". I made a blog about yours at Hope you fix it.

    opened by kosalgeek 0
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