Vector map library and writer - running on Android and Desktop.


Maven Central Build Status License: LGPL v3


See the integration guide and changelog. And read through how to contribute guidelines.

If you have any questions or problems, don't hesitate to ask the Discussions for help.


Mapsforge library is under LGPL v3 license, with an important simplification: the constraints mentioned in sections LGPL v3 §4(d) and §4(e) are waived.

This means that you are allowed to convey a Combined Work without providing the user any way to recombine or relink the application and without providing any shared library mechanism.

In other words, you are allowed to include Mapsforge library in your Android application, without making your application open source.


  • Native crash at /system/lib/

    Native crash at /system/lib/

    We received reports from users about Mapsforge native crash with Skia on Android 6.


    Report: "as soon as you move on the map app crashes. only happened after upgrading to Marshmallow".

    #00 pc 001febe8 /system/lib/ (NofilterDXExecutionBuffer565::GenerateUpscaleProgram(int, int, int, int)+128)
    #01 pc 001ff604 /system/lib/ (NofilterDXExecutionBuffer565::GenerateProgram(int, int, int, int)+132)
    #02 pc 001ff704 /system/lib/ (NfDXEB565Cache::prepareShaderProc32(int, int, int, int)+232)
    #03 pc 001fd4b0 /system/lib/ (SkBitmapProcState::beginRect(int, int, int)+336)
    #04 pc 001fdcb4 /system/lib/ (SkARGB32_Shader_Blitter::blitRect(int, int, int, int)+1568)
    #05 pc 0011ec33 /system/lib/
    #06 pc 0011ecfb /system/lib/ (SkScan::FillIRect(SkIRect const&, SkRegion const*, SkBlitter*)+194)
    #07 pc 0011edc5 /system/lib/ (SkScan::FillRect(SkRect const&, SkRegion const*, SkBlitter*)+138)
    #08 pc 0011eeb5 /system/lib/ (SkScan::FillRect(SkRect const&, SkRasterClip const&, SkBlitter*)+56)
    #09 pc 000f9f83 /system/lib/ (SkDraw::drawRect(SkRect const&, SkPaint const&, SkMatrix const*, SkRect const*) const+522)
    #10 pc 000fb5db /system/lib/ (SkDraw::drawBitmap(SkBitmap const&, SkMatrix const&, SkRect const*, SkPaint const&) const+452)
    #11 pc 000f2d19 /system/lib/
    #12 pc 000f2e29 /system/lib/ (SkCanvas::onDrawBitmap(SkBitmap const&, float, float, SkPaint const*)+184)
    #13 pc 00051edf /system/lib/
    #14 pc 0008a617 /system/lib/
    #15 pc 02a64181 /system/framework/arm/boot.oat (offset 0x1fde000)
    opened by devemux86 43
  • Multithreaded Rendering: rendering errors

    Multithreaded Rendering: rendering errors

    The new multi-threaded renderer does not play well with labels/icons across tile borders.

    For the original discussion see:!msg/mapsforge-dev/x19w0iPealM/K3SgbhwdcowJ

    opened by ludwigb 43
  • Missing country map files on FTP server

    Missing country map files on FTP server

    From on June 01, 2012 19:10:24

    Related: Issue 127 ( )

    There are still version 0.3.0 map files for some European countries missing on the ftp server. On first glance I found Denmark and Belgium missing. There might be more. I guess this is not high priority, but as developers are starting to transition away from 0.2.4 it would be nice to have them all.

    Original issue:

    opened by mapsforge 37
  • Xml Themes: support Android scoped storage and custom ressource providers

    Xml Themes: support Android scoped storage and custom ressource providers

    As agreed with @devemux86 in

    This is a PR to introduce scoped storage support also for resource provisioning into mapsforge.

    MapsForgeViewer is adapted as well to give usage examples.

    opened by eddiemuc 34
  • Writer language improved parsing

    Writer language improved parsing

    The language matcher in only handles the alpha-2 code of ISO 639-1:

    private static final Pattern NAME_LANGUAGE_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("(name)(:)([a-z]{2})");

    However, I've found language specifiers in OSM data which contain more than two characters... e.g.

        <tag k="name:zh-py" v="Gāoxióng Shì"/>

    In the OpenStreetMaps wiki, there is also an example

    name:ko_rm=Mweonga (the name in Romanised Korean)

    which is later corrected to


    The pattern matcher should just allow arbitrary characters. I would rewrite it myself, but I am not very good with regular expressions.

    opened by lincomatic 31
  • Peculiar behavior of new label layer

    Peculiar behavior of new label layer

    The new label layer shows a peculiar behavior ...

    That's the result with the label layer (only a few house numbers):

    bildschirmfoto 2016-01-30 um 22 18 27

    And this is the result without the label layer (nearly all (but not all) house numbers are visible):

    bildschirmfoto 2016-01-30 um 22 19 07

    And this is the situation in OSM:

    bildschirmfoto 2016-01-31 um 08 48 47

    The problem occurs with Cruiser (1.4.0 - 20160130) and with Atlas (1.2.0-20160130).


    opened by Klaus-Tockloth 30
  • Missing Tunnels

    Missing Tunnels


    In the attached bitmap, which is in Berlin, Germany, a tunnel is missing. The upper rendering is with Atlas Beta, using the latest Berlin map downloaded from the mapsforge server. The bottom rendering is from Notice in the bottom rendering, there is a tunnel labeled "Tunnel Ortsteil Britz." It is missing from the Mapsforge rendering. I have not yet investigated whether it is an issue with missing data or with the built-in OSMARENDER theme, pending finding out if this is a known issue or not.

    opened by lincomatic 28
  • Being able to render tile by tile

    Being able to render tile by tile

    Regarding DatabaseRenderer:

    • the purpose is to render tiles
    • in the context of a visible map
    • being called by an instance of MapWorkerPool

    But that doesn't match a slightly different way of seeing things: a simple "give me that tile". Because DatabaseRenderer:

    • interacts with MapWorkerPool so that it forces a display refresh (MapWorkerPool.this.layer.requestRedraw();), that we don't want here
    • includes some optimizations, like not writing twice the same label (cf. Set<MapElementContainer> undrawableElements), that provokes side-effects (cf.
    • in this last case, potentially because of a bug - as elements are never removed from tileDependencies except in MapWorkerPool, that we don't want to use because of the display refresh

    My suggestion is to create a dedicated class that extends StandardRenderer. The purpose is to have the same level of quality as DatabaseRenderer, but in a simpler context where we will avoid side-effects. The name will be something like DirectRenderer.

    opened by monsieurtanuki 26
  • Setup Travis continuous integration.

    Setup Travis continuous integration.

    To enable it, all the mapsforge account owner needs to do it log in on and flip the enable switch for the mapsforge repository.

    In a future update, we could add other forms of notifications. Currently, it notifies via GitHub (very convenient!) and I think email.

    A preview can be seen on my account: If you want to try out how pull requests work, just open a PR against my GitHub repo and you'll see the Travis integration.

    opened by schildbach 24
  • Invalid Number of Way Nodes

    Invalid Number of Way Nodes

    It is a common occurrence to get a warning message from this block in

            if (numberOfWayNodes < 2 || numberOfWayNodes > Short.MAX_VALUE) {
                LOGGER.warning("invalid number of way nodes: " + numberOfWayNodes);
                // returning null here will actually leave the tile blank as the
                // position on the ReadBuffer will not be advanced correctly. However,
                // it will not crash the app.
                return null;

    with numberOfWayNodes == 0. I'm guessing it's a bug in the map writer. An example is in, in the block where z=4,x=13,y=6

    opened by lincomatic 22
  • Persistent cache 2

    Persistent cache 2

    Includes improvements discussed with Emux and Ludwig:

    • Read entire cache dir when initializing a persistent cache
    • Reliably enforce cache size for persistent cache (data from previous instances is now included in the count)
    • Fixed NPE which occasionally occurred in FileSystemTileCache#containsKey() when persistence was enabled
    • Added test case for persistent tile cache
    • Added missing compatibility constructors and helper methods for apps migrating from 0.5.0
    • Use file timestamp to determine age of map file
    • Changed TTL to TimeToLive in identifiers
    • Comment for default TTL (86400000 millis = 1 day)
    • Changed default Mapnik TTL to 8279s (current OSM setting) and added comment

    As mentioned before, in order to enforce cache size (and also to fix the NPE Ludwig found) I now examine the entire cache dir when the cache is initialized and enter anything I find there in the lruCache. This might affect startup performance if the cache dir holds a large number of files.

    opened by mvglasow 22
  • 0.18.0(Jun 18, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • Update cgeo link and include WhereYouGo by @Lineflyer in
    • Update Gradle by @devemux86 in
    • Multiple maps: optimize deduplicate by @devemux86 in
    • Update SVG Salamander by @devemux86 in
    • Validate coordinates option by @devemux86 in
    • AwtUtil: improve getMinimumCacheSize by @devemux86 in
    • AwtUtil: improve getMinimumCacheSize by @devemux86 in
    • AwtUtil: improve getMinimumCacheSize by @devemux86 in
    • Update Gradle by @devemux86 in
    • MapView: add try / catch for child views by @devemux86 in

    New Contributors

    • @Lineflyer made their first contribution in

    Full Changelog:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 0.17.0(Jan 3, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • tag-mapping: add place=neighbourhood by @devemux86 in
    • Render themes: add place=neighbourhood by @devemux86 in
    • Update by @telemaxx in
    • Add charging station symbol by @devemux86 in
    • Update Android by @devemux86 in
    • Update android.yml by @devemux86 in
    • Fix compile warnings by @devemux86 in
    • Samples: fix warnings by @devemux86 in
    • Gradle 7 by @devemux86 in
    • Add parking motorcycle symbol by @devemux86 in
    • Fixes svg cache hashing algo when working with resource providers by @eddiemuc in
    • AwtCanvas fill color with alpha by @devemux86 in

    Full Changelog:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
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