Keep track of the people you have recently been with

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Open-source app to keep track of the people you have recently been with

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Be aware that this version, while it matches that on Google Play, doesn't support automatic updates.

Summary 📋

Contact Diary is a simple app that allows you to keep a record of the people you have met and the events you have attended to recently. In the undesired event that you test positive for COVID-19, Contact Diary is a place where to quickly find who you must warn about the situation.

How it works 🔨

Every day Contact Diary will prompt you to insert the events you have attended and the people you have been with during the day. Through some simple forms you will be able to store the essential information about your contacts, in case you need to retrieve it. Just that. Simple, right? ;)


  • Configurable notification time, so the prompt does not interfere with your daily workflow.
  • Show only potentially risky contacts.
  • Automatic removal of entries older than 15 days.
  • Export your latest contacts to a CSV file that you can share with the authorities.
  • JUST ONE PERMISSION, that needed for the app being able to notify you after device restarts. Nothing else.
  • In particular, NO INTERNET permission. The information entered is yours, and it never leaves your device.

Privacy 🔒

This app has no ads and requests no unnecessary permissions.

Contact Diary doesn't send any data to a cloud and not having permission to access the internet is a strong guarantee of that.

Questions & Issues 🤔

  • Wait, isn't this what Governments' contact tracing apps are doing? No. The goals of Governments' contact tracing apps and of Contact Diary are inherently different. Governments' contact tracing apps notify you when you have been at risk, and Contact Diary serves to remember who you must notify if you test positive.

  • Is this app BETTER than Governments' contact tracing apps? No. Governments' contact tracing apps may account for contacts that you may not be aware of, like the person sitting in a neighboring table at a restaurant, or that other person using the same bus to go to work. Contact Diary IS NOT A REPLACEMENT TO GOVERNMENTS' CONTACT TRACING APPS.

  • Is this app WORSE than Governments' contact tracing apps? No. Government's contact tracing apps crucially rely on all persons interacting to have the app in order to do proper notifications. With Contact Diary, you just need yourself to keep track, and you can easily notify people (or places) that do not use conventional contact tracing apps.

  • Will this app share the information I input? NO. The app has no permissions other than that necessary for the notification system. In particular, there is no way that it can connect to the internet. The information you insert will never leave your device. Even more, entries in the diary are automatically eliminated when they become older than 15 days.

If you still haven't found an answer, please create a new issue on GitHub.

Donations ❤️

If you would like to support this project's further development, the creator of this project or the continuous maintenance of this project, feel free to donate. Your donation is highly appreciated. Thank you!

PayPal Donation

Bitcoin: 3EiWPF4x98SUEeqLqKqZGNDDj3rfaDcdJL
Ethereum: 0x71A8dBE4e99aaB4413b443541537d589ffC347A2

Contributing 👍

If you found a bug, have an idea how to improve the Contact Diary app or have a question, please create a new issue or comment an existing one. If you would like to contribute code, fork the repository and send a pull request.


You can translate the in-app texts of Contact Diary on Crowdin. If your language is not listed, please please create a new issue on GitHub, or send me an email.

Language Contributors
Chinese (Traditional) walfrido42
Czech Lukas Novotny
Dutch TonyinspaceHeimen Stoffels
Finnish Mikko95
French matthusMarco LoiodiceRaiZ
German GenosseFlosseFlo EdelmannjensMFLeso_KNmkamp
Hungarian mondstern
Indonesian Habib Roman
Italian Igorlrt84
Japanese ysakamoto_mamarama9904
Polish Robert W
Portuguese (Brazilian) Iuri Rezende Souza
Russian Dmitry Gaich
Swedish Johannes Nilsson
Turkish Boran PerTonyinspace
Ukrainian tabaks

Screenshots 👀

image missing image missing image missing image missing

License 📄

Contact Diary is licensed under the GPL v3, see LICENSE file for full notice.

Copyright (C) 2020  Alex Pozas-Kerstjens <>

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program.  If not, see <>

Thanks 👍

Incredible thanks to openScale, FairEmail, pildorasinformaticas, Prabeesh R K and, of course, the StackOverflow community. Without them, this project would have never been realized.

  • Events and contact attributes not saved

    Events and contact attributes not saved

    Hi! The values "relative or close fried" - "yes", "encounter type" - "indoors" and "kept the distance" - "no" are not saved correctly with the event/contact. Instead, the values revert to "no", "outdoors" and [nothing].

    Reproduce: tap create a new contact enter name, place, date. tap "yes", "indoors" and "no". tap check mark icon to save tap entry for the newly created contact in the list -> values "no" and "outdoors" are selected, and nothing on the third question.

    bug good first issue 
    opened by diesendungmitdermaus 14
  • [Request] Usage of face masks

    [Request] Usage of face masks


    thank you very much for this app, I use it on a daily basis for three weeks now.

    I like that you focus on the essential features and resist to add bloat. This keeps the app clean and easy to use.

    Having said that, there is one feature I do miss, though. I'd like to note whether the people were wearing a face mask while I met them. One might argue than this is somehow covered by the "did you keep distance" part. Anyways, and this might be a matter of personal taste, I prefer to note this information separately.

    For now, I use the notes field for that purpose. However, I think t would be more convenient to have a radio button for face masks.

    Keep up the good work.

    opened by smanz 13
  • Suffix breaks F-Droid autoupdate

    Suffix breaks F-Droid autoupdate




    opened by licaon-kter 11
  • [Bug] Import of CSV file not possible on different phone

    [Bug] Import of CSV file not possible on different phone

    Contact Diary version 1.3.0 Exported CSV file on old phone. Copied to file new phone (via PC), Samsung A51, Android 10, stock OS. Tried to import the file into a fresh install.

    ContactDiary.csv cannot be read, it remains greyed out in the choose file to import menu. It does not work on the SD card, or on the internal memory. Importing the file on the old phone works. Exporting a csv file on the new phone and trying to re-import it also fails. Looking at the file on the PC: it looks just fine, strings separated by tabs, tab 0x0A at the end of the lines.

    I can manage -- I'll copy the data into a paper calendar:-) -- but this behaviour is unexpected.

    opened by LeicesterTriangle 10
  • [Request] Support sharing of UK NHS Venue QR Code scans

    [Request] Support sharing of UK NHS Venue QR Code scans

    Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe. Lots of places in the UK display a NHS QR code poster (including some required by law such as eateries but they are mostly closed right now due to lockdown). That code is intended to be read by their official app which only works on some devices, because it requires the bluetooth exposures API and closes itself otherwise, so people with older phones cannot use the scanner. It would be great to be able to scan this with a regular QR app (such as SecScanQR) and use it to start a Contact Diary entry.

    Describe the solution you'd like Enable Contact Diary as a target for the Share function and if the Share is text starting "UKC19TRACING:" then extract the second dot-delimited part, base64-decode it to get the JSON and use the id and opn fields as the Event Name and pc (postcode) field as the Place, with the current Date and Time as the start time. Maybe put "Shared from UKC19TRACING. You still need to register your details at the venue." in the Notes field.

    Describe alternatives you've considered Coding it myself but I would be replicating Contact Diary's functions.

    Additional Context An explanation of the QR code format is included near the top of before most of the criticism of it.

    opened by mjray 9
  • [Bug] App version 1.4.0 crashes on start

    [Bug] App version 1.4.0 crashes on start

    Description of the bug App crashes on start, rendering it completely unusable.

    To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

    1. Open the app. Version 1.4.0.
    2. Get a message saying that the app

    Expected behavior A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen.

    Screenshots Attached Screenshot

    System information (please complete the following information):

    • Device: Samsung S7 Edge
    • Android version: 8.0.0
    • OS: Not a custom rom (if this is your question). Kernel version is 3.18.91
    • App version 1.4.0
    opened by riuri 9
  • Cannot store a contact or event accross different dates

    Cannot store a contact or event accross different dates

    Use case: need to store contact event ending the day after the start. E.g. an event starting to 01/09/21 20 PM and ending on 02/09/21 2 AM.

    Currently I can either end the event at 23:59 same day or store two different events.

    I would like both the start and end dates to be shown in the main screen if they're different.

    opened by igor-cali 8
  • [Request] Dark mode

    [Request] Dark mode

    My eyes would love to see a dark mode or black theme inside your great app. This could save battery and preserve somebody's eyes from burning, especially in dark environments.

    opened by revuwa 8
  • Add import/export function

    Add import/export function

    Hi thanks for this helpfull app. One feature that I'm missing is the possibility to export the contacts e.g. in case the health department request my contacts it would be handy if I could just export an CSV or something else. Thanks and keep up the great work!

    opened by TheBiostarfly 8
  • Add duration of events and contacts

    Add duration of events and contacts

    Hi! First, I really like the app and I really appreciate the time and effort that has been put into its development so far!

    Regarding the tracking of time, I think it would be good to add an end time and separate it from the default start time of an event or contact. I think the duration is useful information for contact tracing in public spaces and it can be used as a factor in classifying the intensity of a contact.

    enhancement good first issue 
    opened by davidhelbig 8
  • [Request] FAB should respond when keyboard is showing

    [Request] FAB should respond when keyboard is showing

    Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe. When editing contact / event details, the Floating Action Button (FAB) is nicely positioned above the keyboard, so I always press it after I completed the last input field (with the keyboard still showing). But instead of saving and closing the entry as expected, it merely closes the keyboard. So in effect, you need to press it twice.

    Describe the solution you'd like The FAB should respond with saving&closing the entry, even when the keyboard is showing. This is the expected behavior.

    opened by ltGuillaume 7
  • [Request] Change required fields

    [Request] Change required fields

    First off, thank you so much for making this app! I think this is the kind of contact tracing that will be most effective. While Apple/Google's solution may work, it requires a lot of things many people aren't comfortable with, like leaving Bluetooth on 24/7.

    My only problem with the app is that sometimes, I don't want to put in all of the information the app currently requires for a contact (event, close contact, relative/close friend, etc.). It's not a matter of security, as that information can't be transfered easily without network access.

    The problem is simply one of convenience. As a college student, I want to keep track of who I'm in contact with. I wish I could just enter a friend's name, have the date autofill, and just leave it at that. I don't necessary want to have to enter all of the info each and every time I enter someone's name, especially if I'm entering multiple friends' names. I'd like to enter their name and leave it at that. That is all I need to (or want to) keep track of.

    I just want to use this app to make a list of everyone I'm I'm close contact with so I can text them all if I catch covid. I don't always need to know if I was in contact with them inside or outside - if i catch covid, either I'll need to text them or not.

    This could either be implemented as an option. Users would choose which fields are required. The easier fix is to only require the person's name, but that allows for less customisability.

    opened by 2br-2b 9
  • [Request] Read contacts and events from phone, suggest old values

    [Request] Read contacts and events from phone, suggest old values

    Have you thought about adding support to read phone contacts, so you can add them to events? Have you thought about adding support to import events from the calendar?

    Ofc, this will stand against the privacy focus of this app.

    opened by a123qwertz567 7
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