This is a very simple library for Android that allows you to stick an header to a scrollable view and easily apply animation to it



This is a very simple library for Android that allows you to stick an header to a ListView and easily apply animation to it


To use the StikkyHeader library, you just need 3 lines:

    .setHeader(, containerLayout)

that's all, folks!

Header Animator

Using the StikkyHeader you can create easly some nice animations extending the HeaderStikkyAnimator and using the utility AnimatorBuilder. The animations available are Translation, Scale and Fade and can be combined to build an animation during the translation of the StikkyHeader.


public class IconAnimator extends HeaderStikkyAnimator {

    public AnimatorBuilder getAnimatorBuilder() {

        View viewToAnimate = getHeader().findViewById(;
        Point point = new Point(50,100) // translate to the point with coordinate (50,100);
        float scaleX = 0.5f //scale to the 50%
        float scaleY = 0.5f //scale to the 50%
        float fade = 0.2f // 20% fade

        AnimatorBuilder animatorBuilder = AnimatorBuilder.create()
            .applyScale(viewToAnimate, scaleX, scaleY)
            .applyTranslation(viewToAnimate, point)
            .applyFade(viewToAnimate, fade);

        return animatorBuilder;

and then set the animator to the StikkyHeader:

    .setHeader(, containerLayout)
    .animator(new IconAnimator())

ViewGroups supported

The StikkyHeader supports:

  • ListView
  • RecyclerView
  • ScrollView

How to integrate

Grab via Gradle:

repositories {
  maven { url "" }
dependencies {
  compile 'com.github.carlonzo.stikkyheader:core:0.0.3-SNAPSHOT'

or via Maven:



Example 1 Example 2


here the [link][1] to the emulator to try few examples. [1]:

  • Doubling image on header

    Doubling image on header

    My header is doubling the size. But one is my image header and other is a blank image. How can I solve that? screenshot_2015-03-08-18-01-08 screenshot_2015-03-08-18-01-00

    code XML:

                android:src="@drawable/alimentacao" />

    code Android:

                    .setHeader(, parent)
                    .animator(new ParallaxStikkyAnimator())
    opened by GHEEV 12
  • visual bug after items on adapter change

    visual bug after items on adapter change

    Hi, I've correctly added the header to a recycler view and everything works fine - also with animation. But, after I go to another activity, make an action that modifies the number of items on the recycler adapter (add one item at a specific position) and go back, the content is reloaded, showing the new item, but it appears a blank area at top.

    Is there something I have to do? I've tried to scroll to the top (even if it's not what I want), but it's still broken.

    onResume I just reload the content, than set the new content on the adapter and call notifyDataSetChanged().

    Any help will be appreciated.

    opened by rehacktive 6
  • Access ItemDecoration

    Access ItemDecoration

    I would like to remove item decoration created by StikkyHeader so I need to access it by reference.

    EDIT: I created a pull request for that

    opened by pawegio 3
  • Gradle error

    Gradle error

    Does anyone know how to fix the following error: Error:Module version com.github.carlonzo.stikkyheader:core:0.0.2-SNAPSHOT depends on libraries but is not a library itself

    Thanks in advance, Dorin

    opened by dorinsimina 3
  • problems after switching to another activity

    problems after switching to another activity

    Hi, I'm using your library in this way: -a main activity with viewpager; -each fragment contains an header and a recyclerview, animated through your library;

    It works perfectly unless I go from a fragment to another activity, when I go back all the scroll is messed up, the header is gone somewhere and there's a lot of "empty" space.

    I can provide more details or code if you need, but basically I only do:

                .setHeader(, (ViewGroup) getView())
                .animator(new ParallaxStikkyAnimator())

    and the animator is:

    private class ParallaxStikkyAnimator extends HeaderStikkyAnimator {
        public AnimatorBuilder getAnimatorBuilder() {
            View mHeader_image = getHeader().findViewById(;
            return AnimatorBuilder.create().applyVerticalParallax(mHeader_image);

    Is there some specific command to "restore" the recyclerview to a "good" status?

    opened by rehacktive 3
  • Added header and item decoration accessors

    Added header and item decoration accessors

    I added accessors in case to remove & add again header on action expand & hide:

     MenuItemCompat.setOnActionExpandListener(searchMenuItem, object : MenuItemCompat.OnActionExpandListener {
                override fun onMenuItemActionExpand(item: MenuItem): Boolean {
                    return true
                override fun onMenuItemActionCollapse(item: MenuItem): Boolean {
                    return true
    opened by pawegio 2
  • How to use allowTouchBehindHeader?

    How to use allowTouchBehindHeader?

    Hi I am using this library for one of my use.

    I tried to modify your parallax sample code. I dont want the parallax effect on the image so i put that into back. I am able to achivie what i want in UI perspective. Thanks for that. But I want to add few buttons on the header and which should be clickable. Could you please let me know how to achieve this?

    Following is the xml.

    <FrameLayout xmlns:android=""
                android:src="@drawable/image1" />
                android:background="#ffffff" />
                    android:text="Hello World!"
                    android:textSize="30sp" />
            android:layout_height="match_parent" />

    Below is the code in java file.

                    .setHeader(, (ViewGroup) getView())
                    //.animator(new ParallaxStikkyAnimator())
        public void onClick(View v) {
            if (v.getId() ==
                Log.e("" , "Button clicked");
        public boolean onTouch(View v, MotionEvent event) {
            Log.e("" , "view touched");
            return false;
    opened by arams 2
  • RecyclerView scrollToPosition makes header go to wrong place

    RecyclerView scrollToPosition makes header go to wrong place

    Hi there, congrats for the library, it's really easy to use and works great. I'm having a small issue: whenever I do a scrollToPosition on my recyclerview the sticky header don't refresh itself. In other words if I'm at the beginning of the recyclerview and execute a scrollToPosition to the last position of the recyclerview the whole header remains in screen, event the part that is not supposed to be sticky. I can attach some images if that is not clear enough. Can someone help me? Thanks in advance.

    opened by mazoni 2
  • Notify when animation completes

    Notify when animation completes

    Hello, Thanx for your fabulous library.

    I am using it in one of my projects. Is there any way to get notified when header animation get completed.

    I mean we pass minimum height to header and scrolling gets stopped on reaching that height so is there any kinda method is there through which we could get that animation completed because I want that.

    opened by virenpurohit 1
  • Fade doesnt work

    Fade doesnt work

    animateOnScroll (

    case FADE: animatorBundle.mView.setAlpha(boundedRatioTranslationY);

    should get the final value from animatorBundle.mValues[0] and calculated the one to apply

    opened by carlonzo 1
  • Comments for applyTranslation methods

    Comments for applyTranslation methods

    It took me some effort to figure out the meaning of translateX and translateY parameters. It wasn't clear relative to what are these parameters. Are they relative to headers top left or to the view's top let. Also I would've changed parameter names to something like finalTranslationX.

    opened by rongi 0
  • How can I integrate it with Xamarin Android code

    How can I integrate it with Xamarin Android code

    Is there a nuget package for this library so that it can be consumed by Xamarin.Android code. Currently it looks like it can be consumed by only java code.

    opened by dpjha84 0
  • How to release memory

    How to release memory

    I ran your example and found that, when I click on tab "Simple stickky header" then I press back to home screen, the memory usage increase (Seen on Android Studio IDE -> Monitor -> Memory Allocated). Then -> click the same tab -> back to home .... memory increase continuously. How to release this memory? Thank you very much!

    opened by ancuop 1
  • bug when add fragment to backstack

    bug when add fragment to backstack

    i have fragment it has a header and recyclerview if i did scroll down and clicked on item the application change the fragment but when click back and return to first fragment it shows the header full size but the recyclerview scrolled to the last position before change the fragment. and when i scroll it weird behaviors happened

    opened by mahmoudgalal2015 2
  • Force header height to min

    Force header height to min


    My layout is as follow :

    |_ HEADER
    |_ PAGER
       |_ MapView
       |_ RecyclerView
    |_ Floating action button

    When pushing the FAB, I want to animate the header to min height (if necessary) and show the map view. When pushing the FAB again, I would like to show the recycler view again (and leave the header minimized)

    Any way to do that?

    opened by vpratfr 0
  • Maven central

    Maven central


    Can you add a Release version in the maven central, please ? It's a little bit difficult for some project to include your project in snapshot version.

    Thanks. Regards.

    opened by Richou 0
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