Expandable Recyclerview makes it easy to integrate nested recycler view...🔨 📝



Expandable Recyclerview make it easy to integrate nested recyclerview

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  • Simple and easy to use ( no complex adapter required )
  • Just extend BaseRecyclerAdapter and good to go.
  • Get onClick event for parent recycler item as well child item.
  • Customize where you want to collapse/expand effect.

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Expandable RecyclerView Expandable RecyclerView Expandable RecyclerView


  1. Extend BaseRecyclerAdapter in recycler adapter and implement below methods.
class ListAdapter : BaseRecyclerAdapter<ListDataModel, ChildDataModel>() {
// Pass parent and child model in BaseRecyclerAdapter

    override fun getLayoutIdForType(): Int = R.layout.item_parent  // Provide parent recycler item id

    override fun getLayoutIdForChild(): Int = R.layout.item_child  // Provide child recycler item id

    // Click event fot parent recycler item
    override fun onParentItemClick(triple: Triple<Int, Any, View>, viewDataBinding: ViewDataBinding) {
        val data = triple.second as ListDataModel // Here you can get parent item data for clicked item
        val position = triple.first // Get position of clicked item
        val view = triple.third // Get view of clicked item

        when (view.id) {
            R.id.text_movie_year -> {
                // Call this function where you want to expand collapse childView
                expandCollapse(triple.first, viewDataBinding)

    // Click event for child rectycler item
    override fun onChildItemClicked(triple: Triple<Int, Any, View>, parentIndex: Int) {
        val data = triple.second as ChildDataModel // Here you can get child item data for clicked item
        val position = triple.first // Get position of clicked item
        val view = triple.third // Get view of clicked item

        when (view.id) {
            R.id.img_download_movie -> {
                // Here you can perform your action
  1. Create variables in parent recycler item as par below and bind it as per requirement.
            name="data" // Variable name should be same
            type="com.expandable.recyclerview.model.ListDataModel" />
            name="clickHandler" // Variable name should be same
            type="android.view.View.OnClickListener" />
            name="adapter" // Variable name should be same and give type  BaseChildRecyclerAdapter
            type="com.expandable.recyclerview.base.BaseChildRecyclerAdapter" />
            name="isVisible" // Variable name should be same
            type="Boolean" />
        <import type="android.view.View" />
  1. SetUp child recyclerview with adapter and visiblty like this
                android:visibility="@{isVisible ? View.VISIBLE : View.GONE }" // Important line
                app:setAdapter="@{adapter}" //Important line
                .... />
  1. Create variables in child recycler item as par below and bind it as per requirement.
            name="data" // Variable name should be same
            type="com.expandable.recyclerview.model.ChildDataModel" />
            name="clickHandler" // Variable name should be same
            type="android.view.View.OnClickListener" />
        <import type="android.view.View" />
  1. Assign click handler where you want to recive click event
        android:onClick="@{clickHandler::onClick}" /> // Important line

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Copyright 2021 Simform Solutions

 Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 You may obtain a copy of the License at
 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
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