An open source Android library that allows the visualization of large images with gesture capabilities



ByakuGallery is an open source Android library that allows the visualization of large images with gesture capabilities. This lib is based on AOSP Camera2.

Sample Screenshot Sample Animation

The name was inspired by the Byakugan from Naruto series :)


  • The image is split in small tiles and only the visible portion is allocated on memory, avoiding OutOfmemoryError.
  • Full gesture capabilities: Click, LongClick, DoubleTap, Pan, Fling and Pinch Zoom.
  • Smooth animations.
  • Can easily be placed inside a parent View with scrolling (e.g. GalleryViewPager).

Sample Application

Get it on Google Play

The sample app project code is also included on this repository.


The ByakuGallery was designed to be the simplest possible to use. Also, the two main classes TileBitmapDrawable and TouchImageView were designed to be independent. That means you can use them separately if you want to :)

Here are the few steps needed to setup:

  1. Add the TouchImageView to your xml file:

    android:layout_height="match_parent" />
  2. Them add these lines to your java code (usually on your Activity.onCreate() or Fragment.onCreateView() method):

    TouchImageView myImage = (TouchImageView) findViewById(;
    InputStream is = getResources.openRawResource(R.raw.image);
    TileBitmapDrawable.attachTileBitmapDrawable(myImage, is, null, null);
  3. And that's all! For a complete implementation, you can take a look at the sample project.


Add the following dependency to your build.gradle file:

dependencies {
    compile 'com.diegocarloslima:byakugallery:0.1.+@aar'

Used by

Let me know if you are using this lib in your app. I'll be glad to put your app name here :).


Pull requests with bug fixes or new features are always welcome :), but please, send me a separate pull request for each bug fix or feature. Also, you can contact me to discuss a new feature before implementing it.

Developed By

Diego Carlos Lima:


Copyright 2013 Diego Carlos Lima

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
  • OutOfMemoryError


    When i use GalleryViewPagerSampleActivity (with fast scroll and zoom in) on Galaxy S3, it show error:

    02-05 15:49:29.094: E/AndroidRuntime(20628): FATAL EXCEPTION: AsyncTask #4 02-05 15:49:29.094: E/AndroidRuntime(20628): java.lang.RuntimeException: An error occured while executing doInBackground() 02-05 15:49:29.094: E/AndroidRuntime(20628): at android.os.AsyncTask$3.done( 02-05 15:49:29.094: E/AndroidRuntime(20628): at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask$Sync.innerSetException( 02-05 15:49:29.094: E/AndroidRuntime(20628): at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.setException( 02-05 15:49:29.094: E/AndroidRuntime(20628): at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask$Sync.innerRun( 02-05 15:49:29.094: E/AndroidRuntime(20628): at 02-05 15:49:29.094: E/AndroidRuntime(20628): at android.os.AsyncTask$SerialExecutor$ 02-05 15:49:29.094: E/AndroidRuntime(20628): at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker( 02-05 15:49:29.094: E/AndroidRuntime(20628): at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$ 02-05 15:49:29.094: E/AndroidRuntime(20628): at 02-05 15:49:29.094: E/AndroidRuntime(20628): Caused by: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError 02-05 15:49:29.094: E/AndroidRuntime(20628): at Method) 02-05 15:49:29.094: E/AndroidRuntime(20628): at 02-05 15:49:29.094: E/AndroidRuntime(20628): at 02-05 15:49:29.094: E/AndroidRuntime(20628): at 02-05 15:49:29.094: E/AndroidRuntime(20628): at com.diegocarloslima.byakugallery.lib.TileBitmapDrawable$InitializationTask.doInBackground( 02-05 15:49:29.094: E/AndroidRuntime(20628): at com.diegocarloslima.byakugallery.lib.TileBitmapDrawable$InitializationTask.doInBackground( 02-05 15:49:29.094: E/AndroidRuntime(20628): at android.os.AsyncTask$ 02-05 15:49:29.094: E/AndroidRuntime(20628): at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask$Sync.innerRun( 02-05 15:49:29.094: E/AndroidRuntime(20628): ... 5 more 02-05 15:49:29.144: D/skia(20628): ---- fAsset->read(757392) returned 0

    opened by mangareader 7
  • fix crash bug on black rectangle.

    fix crash bug on black rectangle.

    Hi. ByakuGallery is very useful for me. Thank you, Thank you!!

    In some cases, the crash bug occurs. I had to add a test case to bug. And add a code for fix it. Please review my code.

    opened by azki 3
  • Don't throw exception on failure

    Don't throw exception on failure

    • Instead of throwing the exception when BitmapRegionDecoder.newInstance fails, trigger an onError(Exception) callback.
    • Update compile SDK and grade version
    • Add a way to clear the bitmap cache as it can fill up rather quickly

    Most of the conflicts are due to the formatter be run.

    opened by Kennyc1012 2
  • Display image from bitmap

    Display image from bitmap

    Thanks you for awesome library. But I have a question. Do this library support load image from a bitmap.

    Because I have a use case : download image from universal image loader, and get a bitmap from it. But I can't use your library to display from bitmap

    opened by luckymancvp 1
  • fix of memory leaking

    fix of memory leaking

    Using your library I found an issue of memory leak. That's because ViewPager does not remove ImageView from FragmentManager. You can see that printing dump of FragmentManager. So I remove a link between ImageView and Bitmap. Please check it. Best Regard.

    opened by denys-kravchuk 0
  • Scale Type FitCenter and Extra zoom required

    Scale Type FitCenter and Extra zoom required

    I am making an application with a requirement of initial scale as fitCenter and ability to zoom beyond actual pixel size of image,

    Unfortunately since this library throws exception if any scale type other than matrix is selected plus it does not let zoom beyond pixel limit

    opened by noumantahir 1
  • How to use for Eclipse project

    How to use for Eclipse project

    I use MuPDF library, in which we provide pdf's to the library and it gives me bitmaps.Now I need to tile this bitmaps.How to use this library according to my requirement in Eclipse.Thank you

    opened by saipavan1223 0
  • How to limit imageview's min scale in x

    How to limit imageview's min scale in x

    Now i have a picture, it's size is 990 X 18464 , when first load picture into imageview, it's's very small. I onDoubleTap it ,it looks better. I had seen mMaxScale in TouchImageView, but no mMinScale , please help me , thank you

    opened by t2314862168 1
  • Images are sampled too much and look grainy

    Images are sampled too much and look grainy

    I am passing image paths from my photo gallery to this library, when it loads them in gallery view in the sample provided, the image is not sharp it is down sampled too much.

    How can I stop it from making the image too low quality?

    I played around with InitializationTask in TileBitmapDrawable and set options.inSampleSize = 1 as well as other things but it made no difference

    opened by Brblol 0
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