library to implement and render emojis For Android


Android Gems

Android Arsenal emojicon on Maven Central AppVeyor branch

Release Notes


SuperNova-Emoji is a library to implement and render emojis. Minimum SDK Level: 9 (2.3)



alt text alt text alt text

Java Usage

To use default colors : EmojIconActions(Context ctx,View rootView,EmojiconEditText emojiconEditText,ImageView emojiButton)

EmojIconActions  emojIcon=new EmojIconActions(this,rootView,emojiconEditText,emojiButton);


To use custom color : EmojIconActions(Context ctx,View rootView,EmojiconEditText emojiconEditText,ImageView emojiButton,String iconPressedColor,String tabsColor,String backgroundColor)

EmojIconActions  emojIcon=new EmojIconActions(this,rootView,emojiconEditText,emojiButton,"#495C66","#DCE1E2","#E6EBEF");


To Listen to keyboard status

emojIcon.setKeyboardListener(new EmojIconActions.KeyboardListener() {
public void onKeyboardOpen() {

public void onKeyboardClose() {

To use the device default emoji



XML Usage

        emojicon:emojiconSize="28sp" />


  • EmojiconTextView: a TextView which can render emojis.
  • EmojiconEditText: a EditText which can render emojis.
  • EmojiconMultiAutoCompleteTextView: a MultiAutoCompleteTextView which can render emojis.

Building in IntelliJ

Via Gradle:

repositories {
    maven { url '' }
compile 'com.github.hani-momanii:SuperNova-Emoji:1.1'


Based on Hieu Rocker's library Emojicon Github.

Emojicon is using emojis graphics from


Copyright 2016 Hani Al-Momani

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
  • double click it in the first time to get show emoji's

    double click it in the first time to get show emoji's


    When I open the activity for the first time and try to open the emoji's I have to tap the button twice. do you know why it's happens?

    Thanks, Idan

    opened by droididan 4
  • Estimation of library size?

    Estimation of library size?

    I started integrating this library in my app but I quit when I realised of the size added to the app is about 5M. My app is 3.5M and increasing 5M just because emoji is oversized.

    Can you please confirm this fact? Any way to reduce library size and estimation of final size?

    On the other hand, adding

    compile 'hani.momanii.supernova_emoji_library:supernova-emoji-library:0.0.2'

    to my code did not hep to compile the library so I needed to download the files as a zip.

    opened by pellyadolfo 4
  • Calling EmojiconTextView.setText() is causing the RecyclerView to lag whilst it's scrolling

    Calling EmojiconTextView.setText() is causing the RecyclerView to lag whilst it's scrolling

    If I call EmojiconTextView.setText() whilst the RecyvlerView is scrolling the RecyclerView lags, but when I use the same data set and replace the EmojiconTextViews with TextViews the RecyclerView doesn't lag whilst is scrolling, so it seems that calling EmojiconTextView.setText() whilst the RecyclerView is scrolling is the cause of the RecyclerView lagging while it's scrolling.

    opened by Meeks91 4
  • Emoji keyboard opening instead of normal keyboard

    Emoji keyboard opening instead of normal keyboard

    When emojIcon.setUseSystemEmoji(true); is there and clicked on editText, emoji keyboard is opening instead of normal keyboard. It should open emoji keyboard only when clicked on emoji icon. Same behaviour is there for emojIcon.setUseSystemEmoji(false);.

    When commenting emojIcon.setUseSystemEmoji(true); works well, but I want to display system emojis only.

    opened by activesince93 3
  • Can you help me in the following?

    Can you help me in the following?

    First of all thanks for your library its great, but i am facing very strange problem.

    On server side, i have datatype for image is utf8mb4 i am sending emoji to user using chat application.

    he and me can say emojis first time, but whenever we close app and open chat screen again. all the emojis i send converted to ud3ud8udccud etc without / (slash)

    i also tried EmojitTextView for chat bubbles.

    Thanks Regards Yasir Ameen

    opened by YasirAmeen 3
  • Not Convert emoji to unicode

    Not Convert emoji to unicode

    Sir, I need your help, please sort out from this issue I am converting emoji to String toServerUnicodeEncoded = StringEscapeUtils.escapeJava(message);

    with the help of this compile 'org.apache.commons:commons-lang3:3.4' dependency but its not working

    opened by amit016verma 3
  • Both emoji and keyboard open at same time

    Both emoji and keyboard open at same time

    hey guys i was using your library from two was working fine but now from two days when i click on the emoji icon to open emoji pop up both emoji pop up and key boards open at the same time. can u please help me out.

    opened by deepakandroiddeveloper 3
  • Speed up. Greatly reduce size of library.

    Speed up. Greatly reduce size of library.

    Do not request emojicon resource identifier if we already know it is not exists.

    Convert 32-bit lossless PNGs to 8-bit lossy (reduced library size from 5MB to 1.7MB)

    opened by IlyaGulya 2
  • Emoji Keyboard not hiding softkeyboard

    Emoji Keyboard not hiding softkeyboard

    Hi I follow the example code, but when I press the emoji icon it doesnt close the softkeyboard, it just display the emoji keyboard on top. Is there a way to fix this?

    opened by alecrespo 2
  • Emojis showing first, instead of keyboard when calling ShowEmjoIcon

    Emojis showing first, instead of keyboard when calling ShowEmjoIcon

    Thanks for building this lib - I really like it, it works and was easy to implement.

    My only issue is that users must turn off emojis initially to use the keyboard, instead of the regular keyboard showing up first. Is there a way around this?


    opened by daerimin 2
  • Orientation Changes Support

    Orientation Changes Support

    Hi, I am not getting same behavior of EmojiconEditText as that of normal EditText when used in same activity with setting android:configChanges="orientation|screenSize". Normal editText works fine and retains data but EmojiconEditText looses data on orientation change,

    opened by TeamSCube 1
  • class not found after adding dependency

    class not found after adding dependency

    I have added this library in my project according to the given instructions in its documentation... But the library is not found after adding it in my project

    opened by AbdullahProgrammer426351 0
  • Android Image insertion from keyboard Not working

    Android Image insertion from keyboard Not working

    I am using SuperNova-Emoji for showing emoji icon in my app and now I tried to implement by this official guide but even after following official code with the library i am using it doesn't support image insertion and also make library's edit text unaware of any text.

    Image Insertion Code From My Fragment.

    Link of stack overflow question

    opened by varun7952 0
  • I'm getting this error can any one solve this?

    I'm getting this error can any one solve this?

    Could not GET ''. Received status code 403 from server: Forbidden

    opened by aakashpatel7979 3
  • keyboard is showing on back of the emoji view. is there any solution for this issue.

    keyboard is showing on back of the emoji view. is there any solution for this issue.

    Screenshot_20210430-093139_HOW Hi @hani-momanii I need a help as I am facing this weird issue. When I open the emojiview. the keyboard is still open at the back and its first row is visible at the back so it cause issue. If you have any workaround to solve this then it will be a great help.

    Kindly note this issue is only on 10+ android OS versions. ( I have checked with samsung galaxy M31s and RealMe 3 Pro)

    opened by payaladbiz 4
  • EmojiconEditText Multiline issue

    EmojiconEditText Multiline issue

    first time when i input text it working perfect but after send message i set text ("") blank in edit text and then after i started to work in edit text multi line is not working. here is my code of XML,

    <hani.momanii.supernova_emoji_library.Helper.EmojiconEditText android:id="@+id/etMessageInput" style="@style/edit_text_medium" android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:layout_centerVertical="true" android:layout_marginStart="@dimen/padding_small" android:layout_toStartOf="@+id/btnAttach" android:layout_toEndOf="@+id/btnSmily" android:background="@android:color/transparent" android:cursorVisible="true" android:hint="@string/str_type_a_message" android:inputType="textMultiLine" android:maxLines="5" android:minLines="1" android:paddingTop="@dimen/padding_small" android:paddingBottom="@dimen/padding_small" android:scrollbars="vertical" android:textColor="@color/gray_txt" android:textIsSelectable="true" />

    but if i hide keyboard and then again start to write in edit text it working fine.

    opened by ChintanABC 0
  • 1.1(Apr 5, 2017)

    This release related to these issues: #22 My Android Studio can't open project SuperNova-Emoji-master. #11 Support for Multiple EditText with one emojiButton. #8 EmojiconEditText is very slow ! . #2 emojiAlignment parameters doesn't work. #3 Coffee image in not showing in tab of coffee . #15 Estimation of library size? .

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
Hani Al-momani
Android Ninja 👾 👨🏻‍💻
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