Github Browser
Pick any of your favorite github repository and create a mini android app showing its details on an android app.
Screens navigation graph
Tech stack & Open-source libraries
- Android Studio
- Insomnia - used for apis instead of Postman
Android Software Development Kit
- Target level 31
- Minimum level 23
Jetpack Libraries
- Recyclerview - for creating dynamic lists
- Room Persistence - an abstraction layer over SQLite
- Navigation - a framework for navigating between 'destinations'
- Lifecycle - lifecycle-aware components
- ViewModel - is designed to store and manage UI-related data in a lifecycle conscious way.
- LiveData - an observable data holder class.
- ViewBinding
Open-source Libraries
- Dagger Hilt - a dependency injection library for Android
- Retrofit - a type-safe HTTP client for Android and Java
- Glide - a fast and efficient open source media management and image loading framework for Android
- CircleImageView - a fast circular ImageView perfect for profile images.
Test Libraries
- JUnit - a simple framework to write repeatable tests
- Espresso - Android UI tests
- MockK - a mocking library for Kotlin
How to run the application in your studio?
- Open the project in latest android studio.
- Wait for gradle build process.
- Once build connect your phone/ or AVD device.
- Run the application.