Kotlin hashids hash function



A Kotlin class to generate YouTube-like hashes from one or many numbers.

Ported from Java Hashids.java by fanweixiao (is port of javascript hashids.js by Ivan Akimov)

What is it?

Hashids (Hash ID's) creates short, unique, decryptable hashes from unsigned (long) integers.

This algorithm tries to satisfy the following requirements:

  1. Hashes must be unique and decryptable.
  2. They should be able to contain more than one integer (so you can use them in complex or clustered systems).
  3. You should be able to specify minimum hash length.
  4. Hashes should not contain basic English curse words (since they are meant to appear in public places - like the URL).

Instead of showing items as 1, 2, or 3, you could show them as U6dc, u87U, and HMou. You don't have to store these hashes in the database, but can encrypt + decrypt on the fly.

All (long) integers need to be greater than or equal to zero.


Import the package

import org.hashids;

Encrypting one number

You must pass a unique salt string so your hashes differ from everyone. I use "this is my salt" as an example.

val hashids = Hashids("this is my salt")
val hash: String = hashids.encode(12345)

hash is now going to be: NkK9


Notice: during decryption, the same salt value has to be used:

val hashids = Hashids("this is my salt")
val numbers: LongArray = hashids.decode("NkK9")
val numver: Int = numbers[0]

numbers is now going to be: [12345] number is: 12345

Decrypting with different salt

Decryption will not work if salt is changed:

val hashids = Hashids("this is my pepper")
val numbers: LongArray = hashids.decode("NkK9")

numbers is now going to be: []

Encrypting several numbers

val hashids = Hashids("this is my salt")
val hash: String = hashids.encode(683L, 94108L, 123L, 5L)

hash is now going to be: aBMswoO2UB3Sj

Decrypting is done the same way

val hashids = Hashids("this is my salt")
val numbers: String = hashids.decode("aBMswoO2UB3Sj")

numbers is now going to be: [683, 94108, 123, 5]

Encrypting and specifying minimum hash length

Here we encode integer 1, and set the minimum hash length to 8 (by default it's 0 -- meaning hashes will be the shortest possible length).

val hashids = Hashids("this is my salt", 8)
val hash: String = hashids.encode(1)

hash is now going to be: gB0NV05e


val hashids = Hashids("this is my salt", 8)
val numbers: String = hashids.decode("gB0NV05e")

numbers is now going to be: [1]

Specifying custom hash alphabet

Let's set the alphabet that consist of only four letters: "0123456789abcdef"

val hashids = Hashids("this is my salt", 0, "0123456789abcdef")
val hash: String = hashids.encode(1234567)

hash is now going to be: b332db5

Repeating numbers

val hashids = Hashids("this is my salt")
val hash: String = hashids.encode(5, 5, 5, 5);

You don't see any repeating patterns that might show there's 4 identical numbers in the hash: 1Wc8cwcE

Same with incremented numbers:

val hashids = Hashids("this is my salt")
val hash: String = hashids.encode(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10);

hash will be: kRHnurhptKcjIDTWC3sx

Incrementing number hashes:

val hashids = Hashids("this is my salt")
val hash1: String = hashids.encode(1) /* NV */
val hash2: String = hashids.encode(2) /* 6m */
val hash3: String = hashids.encode(3) /* yD */
val hash4: String = hashids.encode(4) /* 2l */
val hash5: String = hashids.encode(5) /* rD */


Follow me @leprosus, @IvanAkimov, @fanweixiao, @spuklo


MIT License. See the LICENSE file.

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     * @Author: iLvc
     * @Date:Create in 14:23 2017/8/25
     * @Description:
    import java.util.ArrayList
    import java.util.regex.Pattern
     * Hashids developed to generate short hashes from numbers (like YouTube).
     * Can be used as forgotten password hashes, invitation codes, store shard numbers.
     * This is implementation of http://hashids.org
     * @author leprosus <korolyoc.denis@gmail.com>
     * @license MIT
    public class Hashids(salt: String = "", length: Int = 0, alphabet: String = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ1234567890") {
        private val min: Int = 16
        private val sepsDiv: Double = 3.5
        private val guardDiv: Int = 12
        private var seps: String = "cfhistuCFHISTU"
        private var guards: String? = null
        private var salt: String
        private var length: Int
        private var alphabet: String
        init {
            this.salt = salt
            this.length = if (length > 0) length else 0
            this.alphabet = alphabet.unique()
            if (this.alphabet.length < min)
                throw IllegalArgumentException("Alphabet must contain at least " + min + " unique characters")
             * seps should contain only characters present in alphabet;
             * alphabet should not contains seps
            val sepsLength = seps.length - 1
            for (index in 0..sepsLength) {
                val position = this.alphabet.indexOf(seps.elementAt(index))
                if (position == -1) {
                    seps = seps.substring(0, index) + " " + seps.substring(index + 1)
                } else {
                    this.alphabet = this.alphabet.substring(0, position) + " " + this.alphabet.substring(position + 1)
            this.alphabet = this.alphabet.replace("\\s+".toRegex(), "")
            seps = seps.replace("\\s+".toRegex(), "")
            seps = consistentShuffle(seps, this.salt)
            if ((seps == "") || ((this.alphabet.length / seps.length) > sepsDiv)) {
                var sepsCount = getCount(this.alphabet.length, sepsDiv)
                if (sepsCount == 1)
                if (sepsCount > seps.length) {
                    val diff = sepsCount - seps.length
                    seps += this.alphabet.substring(0, diff)
                    this.alphabet = this.alphabet.substring(diff)
                } else {
                    seps = seps.substring(0, sepsCount)
            this.alphabet = this.consistentShuffle(this.alphabet, this.salt)
            val guardCount = getCount(this.alphabet.length, guardDiv)
            if (this.alphabet.length < 3) {
                guards = seps.substring(0, guardCount)
                seps = seps.substring(guardCount)
            } else {
                guards = this.alphabet.substring(0, guardCount)
                this.alphabet = this.alphabet.substring(guardCount)
         * Encrypt numbers to string
         * @param numbers the numbers to encrypt
         * @return The encrypt string
        fun encode(vararg numbers: Long): String {
            if (numbers.size == 0)
                return ""
            for (number in numbers)
                if (number > 9007199254740992)
                    throw IllegalArgumentException("Number can not be greater than 9007199254740992L")
            var numberHashInt: Int = 0
            for (i in numbers.indices)
                numberHashInt += (numbers[i] % (i + 100)).toInt()
            var alphabet = this.alphabet
            val retInt = alphabet.toCharArray()[numberHashInt % alphabet.length]
            var num: Long
            var sepsIndex: Int
            var guardIndex: Int
            var buffer: String
            var retString = retInt + ""
            var guard: Char
            for (i in numbers.indices) {
                num = numbers[i]
                buffer = retInt + salt + alphabet
                alphabet = consistentShuffle(alphabet, buffer.substring(0, alphabet.length))
                val last = hash(num, alphabet)
                retString += last
                if (i + 1 < numbers.size) {
                    num %= (last.toCharArray()[0].toInt() + i)
                    sepsIndex = (num % seps.length).toInt()
                    retString += seps.toCharArray()[sepsIndex]
            if (retString.length < length) {
                guardIndex = (numberHashInt  + (retString.toCharArray()[0]).toInt())    % guards!!.length
                guard = guards!!.toCharArray()[guardIndex]
                retString = guard + retString
                if (retString.length < length) {
                    guardIndex = (numberHashInt + retString.toCharArray()[2].toInt()) % guards!!.length
                    guard = guards!!.toCharArray()[guardIndex]
                    retString += guard
            val halfLength = alphabet.length / 2
            while (retString.length < length) {
                alphabet = consistentShuffle(alphabet, alphabet)
                retString = alphabet.substring(halfLength) + retString + alphabet.substring(0, halfLength)
                val excess = retString.length - length
                if (excess > 0) {
                    val position = excess / 2
                    retString = retString.substring(position, position + length)
            return retString
         * Decrypt string to numbers
         * @param hash the encrypt string
         * @return Decrypted numbers
        fun decode(hash: String): LongArray {
            if (hash == "")
                return longArrayOf()
            var alphabet = alphabet
            val retArray = ArrayList<Long>()
            var i = 0
            val regexp = "[" + guards + "]"
            var hashBreakdown = hash.replace(regexp.toRegex(), " ")
            var hashArray = hashBreakdown.split(" ")
            if (hashArray.size == 3 || hashArray.size == 2) {
                i = 1
            hashBreakdown = hashArray[i]
            val lottery = hashBreakdown.toCharArray()[0]
            hashBreakdown = hashBreakdown.substring(1)
            hashBreakdown = hashBreakdown.replace("[" + seps + "]".toRegex(), " ")
            hashArray = hashBreakdown.split(" ")
            var buffer: String
            for (subHash in hashArray) {
                buffer = lottery + salt + alphabet
                alphabet = consistentShuffle(alphabet, buffer.substring(0, alphabet.length))
               // retArray.add(unhash(subHash, alphabet))
                unhash(subHash, alphabet)?.let { retArray.add(it) }
            var arr = LongArray(retArray.size)
            for (index in retArray.indices) {
                arr[index] = retArray.get(index)
            if (encode(*arr) != hash) {
                arr = LongArray(0)
            return arr
         * Encrypt hexa to string
         * @param hexa the hexa to encrypt
         * @return The encrypt string
        fun encodeHex(hexa: String): String {
            if (!hexa.matches("^[0-9a-fA-F]+$".toRegex()))
                return ""
            val matched = ArrayList<Long>()
            val matcher = Pattern.compile("[\\w\\W]{1,12}").matcher(hexa)
            while (matcher.find())
                matched.add(java.lang.Long.parseLong("1" + matcher.group(), 16))
            val result = LongArray(matched.size)
            for (i in matched.indices) result[i] = matched.get(i)
            return encode(*result)
         * Decrypt string to numbers
         * @param hash the encrypt string
         * @return Decrypted numbers
        fun decodeHex(hash: String): String {
            var result = ""
            val numbers = decode(hash)
            for (number in numbers) {
                result += java.lang.Long.toHexString(number).substring(1)
            return result
        private fun getCount(length: Int, div: Double): Int = Math.ceil(length.toDouble() / div.toDouble()).toInt()
        private fun getCount(length: Int, div: Int): Int = getCount(length, div.toDouble())
        private fun consistentShuffle(alphabet: String, salt: String): String {
            if (salt.length <= 0)
                return alphabet
            var shuffled = alphabet
            val saltArray = salt.toCharArray()
            val saltLength = salt.length
            var integer: Int
            var j: Int
            var temp: Char
            var i = shuffled.length - 1
            var v = 0
            var p = 0
            while (i > 0) {
                v %= saltLength
                integer = saltArray[v].toInt()
                p += integer
                j = (integer + v + p) % i
                temp = shuffled.elementAt(j)
                shuffled = shuffled.substring(0, j) + shuffled.elementAt(i) + shuffled.substring(j + 1)
                shuffled = shuffled.substring(0, i) + temp + shuffled.substring(i + 1)
            return shuffled
        private fun hash(input: Long, alphabet: String): String {
            var current = input
            var hash = ""
            val length = alphabet.length
            val array = alphabet.toCharArray()
            do {
                hash = array[(current % length.toLong()).toInt()] + hash
                current /= length
            } while (current > 0)
            return hash
        private fun unhash(input: String, alphabet: String): Long? {
            var number: Long = 0
            var position: Long
            val inputArray = input.toCharArray()
            val length = input.length - 1
            for (i in 0..length) {
                position = alphabet.indexOf(inputArray[i]).toLong()
                number += (position.toDouble() * Math.pow(alphabet.length.toDouble(), (input.length - i - 1).toDouble())).toLong()
            return number
        fun getVersion(): String {
            return "1.0.0"
        fun String.unique(): String {
            var unique = ""
            val length = this.length - 1
            for (index in 0..length) {
                var current: String = "" + this.elementAt(index)
                if (!unique.contains(current) && current != " ")
                    unique += current
            return unique
    opened by ilvc 0
  • java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException


    Hi, I'm getting this error:

    java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: length=2; index=2
            at org.Hashids.guardIndex(Hashids.kt:88)
            at org.Hashids.addGuardsIfNecessary(Hashids.kt:186)
            at org.Hashids.encode(Hashids.kt:58)

    Here is the code I which cause this issue:

    val hashids = Hashids("Turbo Quiz, c'est fun !", 3)
    val questionId = hashids.encode(0)

    It works with a minimum length of 0, 1 and 2, but from 3 it raise this error

    Edit: It seems that it occurs specifically when I'm trying to encode 0

    opened by justin-mottier 0
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