OMagnifier is an Android APM SDK that can be used to monitor the app performance.
Features Support
- Frame rate monitor: floating window for showing fps
- Memory usage metrics monitor: monitor and collect the memeory usage metrics
- Memory usage viewer
- Battery usage monitor
Frame rate monitor
- Start frame rate monitor
.lowPercentage(40 / 60f) // show red tips, (2.0f / 3.0f) by default
.mediumPercentage(50 / 60f) // show yellow tips, (5.0f / 6.0f) by default
.refreshRate(60f) // defaultDisplay.refreshRate by default
- Stop frame rate monitor
Memory usage monitor
The mectrics we support now:
: heap memory and vss/pss memoryFileDescriptorInfo
: file readlink and max open file countThreadInfo
: thread count and thread stack trace
- Start Memory usage metrics monitor
.enableExceedLimitSample(0.8f, // the benchmark for Exceed_Limit type sampler, if we reach out 80% the max, collect the metrics, 0.8f by default
10000 // the threshold for Exceed_Limit type sampler, 10s by default
.enableTimingSample(60 * 1000) // threshold for the timing checker, 1 min by default
.onSampleListener(object : MemoryMonitor.OnSampleListener {
override fun onSampleHeap(
heapMemoryInfo: HeapMemoryInfo,
sampleType: MemoryMonitor.SampleType
) {
Log.d(TAG, "heapMemoryInfo:$heapMemoryInfo,sampleType:$sampleType")
override fun onSampleFile(
fileDescriptorInfo: FileDescriptorInfo,
sampleType: MemoryMonitor.SampleType
) {
Log.d(TAG, "fileDescriptorInfo:${fileDescriptorInfo.fdMaxCount},sampleType:$sampleType")
override fun onSampleThread(
threadInfo: ThreadInfo,
sampleType: MemoryMonitor.SampleType
) {
Log.d(TAG, "threadInfo:${threadInfo.threadsCount},sampleType:$sampleType")
- Collect the memory usage metrics immdiately
Magnifier.dumpMemoryImmediately(object : MemoryMonitor.OnSampleListener {
override fun onSampleHeap(
heapMemoryInfo: HeapMemoryInfo,
sampleType: MemoryMonitor.SampleType
) {
Log.d(TAG, "heapMemoryInfo:$heapMemoryInfo,sampleType:$sampleType")
override fun onSampleFile(
fileDescriptorInfo: FileDescriptorInfo,
sampleType: MemoryMonitor.SampleType
) {
Log.d(TAG, "fileDescriptorInfo:${fileDescriptorInfo.fdMaxCount},sampleType:$sampleType")
override fun onSampleThread(
threadInfo: ThreadInfo,
sampleType: MemoryMonitor.SampleType
) {
Log.d(TAG, "threadInfo:${threadInfo.threadsCount},sampleType:$sampleType")
- Stop frame rate monitor
The demo is under Module app.
- Install the app
- Run the app
- Click the button for testing
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Security reporting
Code of conduct
Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Licensed under the MIT license.