Kotlin Specification Framework

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Specifications for Kotlin.

Basic Structure

class TheMostAmazingAnimalSpec: KSpec() {
    override fun spec() {
        describe("the most amazing animal in the universe") {
            val animal = GetMostAmazingAnimal()
            it("should be a panda") {
                assertThat(animal.type, equalTo("panda"))
            context("not a panda") {
                it("nope, not going to accept it") {
                        assertThat(animal.type, not(equalTo("panda")))
                    }, thrown(EndOfTheWorldException::class))


KSpec is heavily inspired by RSpec, Context is synonymous to RSpec's scopes.


The test method in JUnit and created using it.


Groups similar examples together (they might be testing the same Subject - more on this later) and is created by using describe or context. Be cautious in placing logic code in them as they are eagerly evaluated


KSpec provides before, beforeEach, afterEach and after callbacks for each context.


Just like RSpec, KSpec also support subjects.

class TheMostAmazingAnimalSpec: KSpec() {
    override fun spec() {
        describe("the most amazing animal in the universe") {
            subject {
                return@subject GetMostAmazingAnimal();
            it("should be a panda") {
                assertThat(subject.type, equalTo("panda"))
            context("not a panda") {
                it("nope, not going to accept it") {
                        assertThat(subject.type, not(equalTo("panda")))
                    }, thrown(EndOfTheWorldException::class))

Shared Examples

Sometimes it's convenient to reuse examples - like testing a subclass.

class CalculatorSpec: KSpec() {
    override fun spec() {
        describe(Calculator::class) {
    companion object {
        fun calculator() = sharedExample<Calculator> {
            describe("add") {
                it("1 + 1 = 2") {
                    assertThat(subject.add(1, 1), equalTo(2))

class AdvancedCalculatorSpec: KSpec() {
    override fun spec() {
        describe(AdvancedCalculator::class) {


You can write specs in advance, KSpec will ignore them during execution.

class SomeSpec: KSpec() {
    override fun spec() {
        xdescribe("a pending group") {
            it("won't be executed") { }

        xcontext("another pending group", "some reason")

        xit("a pending example") { }


KSpec supports focusing execution only on several contexts. Use fdescribe and fcontext to create a focused group, and fit to create a focused example. KSpec will only run focused contexts if there are any, othewise it will run everything.




This allows to control which contexts to run. It can be configured per spec (by overriding configure) or by using Shared Configurations.

class SomeSpec: KSpec() {
    override fun configure(config: KSpecConfig) {
       // config.filter.<filter> = tags


Only include contexts having at least one of the tags specified.


Exclude any contexts having at least one of the tags specified.


Similar to the include filter, the only difference is that if there is no match run everything.

Shared Configurations

Declare shared configurations by extending Configuration and apply it to a spec via @Configurations.

class SharedConfiguration: Configuration {
    override fun apply(config: KSpecConfig) {

class AnotherConfiguration: Configuration {
    override fun apply(config: KSpecConfig) {

// use it
class SomeSpec: KSpec() {


Console Runner



Currently you need to use a JUnit4 Runner to be able to run specs with gradle. Make sure to annotate your test classes with @RunWith(JUnitKSpecRunner::class).

repositories {

dependencies {
    testCompile "io.polymorphicpanda.kspec:kspec-core:<kspec-version>"
    testCompile "io.polymorphicpanda.kspec:kspec-junit-runner:<kspec-version>"

Development version


repositories {
    maven {
        url "http://oss.jfrog.org/artifactory/oss-snapshot-local/"
  • Provide infrastructure for writing IDE and build tools plugin

    Provide infrastructure for writing IDE and build tools plugin


    Currently the only way to get IDE and build tools support is via JUnitKSpecRunner. This approach is very limited as you cant run a specific spec.

    Possible solutions

    1. JUnit 5 looks promising, especially the test-engine-api and the launcher. If all goes well with it, we don't even need to write any plugins (someone may already did).
    2. Write a custom test engine for KSpec. Currently exploring it, you can checkout this branch.
    opened by raniejade 13
  • Improve ContextVisitor

    Improve ContextVisitor

    Introduce ContextVisitResult that control the tree traversal. There are still some checks missing like when preVisitExampleGroup returns SKIP and handling for the return value of postVisitExampleGroup.

    opened by raniejade 2
  • Add infrastructure to support writing IDE and build tool plugins

    Add infrastructure to support writing IDE and build tool plugins

    Resolves #32.

    Broken down kspec-core into several modules.

    • kspec-core - core classes.
    • kspec-engine - defines the runtime behaviour of KSpec.
    • kspec-launcher - provides infrastructure in writing IDE and build tool plugins.
    • kspec-console-runner - console runner for KSpec (uses kspec-launcher).
    opened by raniejade 1
  • Implement focused and pending groups

    Implement focused and pending groups

    This resolves #19, resolves #21 and bring a lot of changes internally. Example groups can now be tagged and its children will automatically inherit those tags. before, after and around hooks now gets called for every example group as well.

    opened by raniejade 1
  • Implement focused examples

    Implement focused examples

    Resolves #14

    Added filtering via tags when running examples.

    config.filter.include(tag1, tag2) // run only examples with tag1 or tag2
    config.filter.exclude(tag1, tag2) // exclude examples with either tag1 or tag2
    config.filter.matching(tag1, ...tagn) // same as filter.include but will only apply if
                                          // any example matches the given tags

    focus() tag is provided and is the default value for config.filter.matching. To focus an example tag it with focus() or use fit(...) instead of it(...).

    opened by raniejade 1
  • Improve junit reporting

    Improve junit reporting

    Current runner extends ParentRunner, which treats the class containing the @RunWith annotation to be the root test suite. As an improvement we can make every Given clause as the root test suite.


    class TestSpec: Speck({
        Given("this foo") {
            When("this bar") {
                Then("foobar") { 

    Current runner will have this hierarchy:

      --> Given this foo
          --> When this bar
             --> Then foobar

    What we really want is:

    Given this foo
    --> When this bar
       --> Then foobar
    opened by raniejade 1
  • Support shared configurations

    Support shared configurations

    Specs can be configured by overriding configure:

    class SomeSpec: KSpec() {
        override fun configure(config: KSpecConfig) {

    Configuration can be shared via inheritance however it's not that flexible. Allow specifying configurations via an annotation (@Configurations) which can contains an array of Configuration classes, e.g:


    class SharedConfiguration: Configuration {
        override fun apply(config: KSpecConfig) {


    class SomeSpec: KSpec() {

    Configurations are applied in the order they are listed.

    opened by raniejade 0
  • Implement focused and pending groups

    Implement focused and pending groups

    This resolves #19, resolves #21 and bring a lot of changes internally. Example groups can now be tagged and its children will automatically inherit those tags. before, after and around hooks now gets called for every example group as well.

    opened by raniejade 0
  • Rework pending examples

    Rework pending examples

    #17 introduces the ability to filter examples before a run, we can rework pending examples to take advantage of that. Implementation should be the same as how focused examples are implemented.

    opened by raniejade 0
  • Implement focused groups

    Implement focused groups

    Support fdescribe and fcontext, semantics is the same with fit.

    With #24 we can do a lot more processing, move tags property up the hierarchy to Context.

    opened by raniejade 0
  • Implement hooks

    Implement hooks

    This can be done per spec basis.

    class SomeSpec: KSpec() {
        override fun configure(configuration: KSpecConfiguration) {

    Provide the following methods:

    • [x] before(example) - invoked before an example is executed.
    • [x] after(example) - invoked after an example is executed.
    • [x] around(example) - provide a way to wrap an execution of an example (e.g. run in a different thread - timeout?)
    opened by raniejade 0
  • Property-based testing

    Property-based testing

    Does KSpec support any form of property based testing. There are no examples I have found so far.

    Property-based testing is testing à la QuickCheck, Hypothesis, ScalaCheck, KotlinTest, Specks, Spock/Spock Generator, etc.

    opened by russel 0
  • Intellij Integration with JUnitKSpecRunner

    Intellij Integration with JUnitKSpecRunner

    It would be good nice if individual KSpec blocks could be run but the intelliJ test runner, without needing to use fit, fdescribe etc.

    Is anyone working on this now?

    opened by jasonm23 3
  • Use local delegated properties with subjects

    Use local delegated properties with subjects

    So Jetbrains just announced Kotlin's Post 1.0 Roadmap and one of the planned features is local delegated properties. This can be very useful with subjects!

    describe(Foo::class) {
        val foo by subject() // using no-arg constructor
    // or
    describe(Foo::class) {
        val foo by subject {
            return@subject Foo(1, 2)

    This is very similar to RSpec's memoized helpers, heck we can even support let.

    describe("foo") {
        var count = 0
        val something by let {
            return@let ++count
        it("it should be 1") {
            assert(something == 1)
        it("it should be 2") {
            assert(something == 2)
    opened by raniejade 0
  • Introduce lambda constructor parameter to shorten specification.

    Introduce lambda constructor parameter to shorten specification.

    Here is a small sample that introduces an intermediate class that shortens specification classes. We lose flexibility a bit (no way to change the runner via @RunWith) and it also clashes the name with the Spec interface. This was inspired by https://github.com/JetBrains/spek/pull/71.

    import com.natpryce.hamkrest.assertion.assertThat
    import com.natpryce.hamkrest.equalTo
    import io.polymorphicpanda.kspec.KSpec
    import io.polymorphicpanda.kspec.describe
    import io.polymorphicpanda.kspec.it
    import io.polymorphicpanda.kspec.junit.JUnitKSpecRunner
    import org.junit.runner.RunWith
    open class Spec(private val definition: Spec.() -> Unit) : KSpec() {
        override fun spec() {
    class ExampleSpec : Spec({
        describe("a group") {
            it("example") {
                assertThat(2 + 3, equalTo(5))
    opened by hastebrot 1
Ranie Jade Ramiso
Maintainer of @spekframework
Ranie Jade Ramiso
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