6359 Repositories
Android Bottom-App-Bar-with-Bottom-Navigation-in-Jetpack-compose-Android Libraries
DiceRoller - A simple android dice roller app
DiceRoller A simple android dice roller app License Copyright 2022 Srihitha Tadi
Youtube-dl UI - Youtube-dl ui built with kotlin and jetpack compose
youtube-dl_UI youtube-dl ui built with kotlin and jetpack compose.
LoginValidation - A simple login app with password validation
LoginValidation A simple login app with password validation License Copyright 20
LoginApp - A simple android login app where the username can be shared
LoginApp A simple android login app where the username can be shared. License Co
Automated-build-android-app-with-github-action - CI/CD Automated Build Android App Bundle / APK / Signed With Github Action
Automated Build Android With Using Github Action Project Github Action Script Us
Lbc-test-app - Test Android Senior Leboncoin
Test Android Senior Leboncoin 🤖 Mathieu EDET Overview Min API version : 24 This
Tv-Movie - Android application Tv&Movie that uses TMDB API
Tv&Movie This is an android application that shows lists of popular movies, popu
WeatherInfo - A simple weather forecast app Using OpenWeatherMap API to fetch current weather and next 38 hour forecast weather data
WeatherInfo WeatherInfo is a simple weather forecast app Using OpenWeatherMap AP
Calendar - A component for compose desktop
日历 一个用于compose-desktop的日历组件。 截图 feature DayPicker的动画 月份选择器错误提示 点击非本月的时间会跳到上个月 to
JCompose-weatherapp - A Weather app built with Jetpack Compose
Weather App Weather App UI designer = https://dribbble.com/shots/14328625-Weathe
WallPaperApplication - An android wallpaper app which displays images
WallPaperApp App description An android wallpaper App which displayes free image
Echo is a lightweight and minimal music player for Android, built with Android Studio and written in Kotlin
Echo - Echo, A light-weight, minimal music player for Android, with shuffle, favorites and audio visualization
Test-compose-for-desktop - Hello World in Compose for Desktop
Testing Run from command line: ./gradlew run Regular build: ./gradlew packageUb
Drawing App: A simple drawing application that allows the user to draw using a pencil or using shapes
Drawing-App Drawing app is a simple drawing application that allows the user to
Cleanarchitecture MVVM Hilt base - Android Clean Architecture example project
Android Clean Architecture example project Note: This is project based on MVVM c
HairBook - App for booking hair appointments for hair salons with a booking view for the customer and appointments view for the hairdresser
HairBook App for booking hair appointments for hair salons with a booking view f
Foldable-chat-android - Foldable chat Android demonstrates adaptive and responsive UIs with Jetpack WindowManager API
Foldable Chat Android A foldable chat Android demonstrates adaptive and responsi
Smart-flight - This app was created to learn and practice Kotlin language
Smart Flight This app was created to learn and practice Kotlin language. Works o
Minimum-mvvm-room-database - MVVM With Simple Room Database
Minimum MVVM Koin (Kotlin Dependency Injection) Coroutines View Model Lifecycle
Backarrow-animation-example - Animate back arrow to close button in Compose using animated drawables
Animate Back Arrow to Close Icon in Compose This is a simple demo for animated v
NewsFeedApp - An android news-feed-app which shows latest news of various sources
NewsFeedApp An android news-feed-app which shows latest news of various sources
Mi-FreeForm - An APP that is activated through Shizuku/Sui and can display most apps in the form of freeform
Mi-FreeForm 简体中文 Mi-FreeForm is an APP that is activated through Shizuku/Sui and
SmartClient is a library that contains the default implementations to idenify a client.
SmartClient is a library that contains the default implementations to idenify a client.
Pluto Logger is a Pluto plugin to manage and share your Debug logs
Pluto Logger Plugin Pluto Logger is a Pluto plugin to manage and share your Debug logs. It also comes with Timber support. 🖇 Integrate plugin in your
MVVM with simple HTTP Request Example
Minimum MVVM Koin (Kotlin Dependency Injection) Coroutines View Model Lifecycle News API Retrofit Rx Java Rx Android OkHttp Client Result ScreenShot 1
App for viewing passwords for the Nextcloud Passwords app.
Nextcloud Passwords WARNING: This app is still in progress, and thus some features like password editing or creation are not done yet. This app connec
This is a GitHub template repository intended to kickstart development on an Android application.
Android App Template This is a GitHub template repository intended to kickstart development on an Android application. This project comes set with a h
Glycemic Index Android App
Glisemik İndeks Android Uygulaması Bu uygulama günlük hayatta yaygın olarak kullanılan besinleri, yanlarında Glisemik İndeks, Kalori ve Karbonhidrat d
Recruitment Task App - record time which a user spends on tasks defined by himself
Recruitment-Task The purpose of this application is to record time which a user spends on tasks defined by himself. The user can add new tasks. New ta
Andromeda is a open-source design language system implemented in Jetpack Compose.
Andromeda Andromeda is a open-source design language system implemented in Jetpack Compose. Catalog app Table of Contents About the Project Getting St
An inline hook library for Android apps.
android-inline-hook README 中文版 shadowhook is an inline hook library for Android apps. shadowhook is a module of "the android-inline-hook project". Fea
restrict the URLs that the user enters in their browser.
Accessibility Service example Filter url from browser by using accessibility service Accessibility services should only be used to assist users with d
An app for developers which contains more than 2.4k+ resources , with 1.2k+ free public API documentation
ResourceUp We often spend a lot of time finding good resources to get started with our project right? ResourceUp aims to provide all useful resources
Instagram clone App in android using Kotlin, LiveData, MVVM, Dagger, RxJava and Retrofit.
Instagram-Project-in-android-with-MVVM-architecture Project from MindOrks Professional Bootcamp with self practice work and added some additional feat
A Gradle plugin that helps you speed up builds by excluding unnecessary modules.
🧘 Focus A Gradle plugin that generates module-specific settings.gradle files, allowing you to focus on a specific feature or module without needing t
Projeto simples criado com o intuito de praticar os conceitos básicos do desenvolvimento Android.
🚀 Projeto simples criado com o intuito de praticar e revisar alguns conceitos básicos do desenvolvimento Android com Kotlin. O app é um Quiz sobre as
An easy-to-use CSML API Client for Android.
CSML Android SDK An easy-to-use CSML API Client for Android. Overview CSML (Conversational Standard Meta Language) is an Open-Source, Domain-Specific
Redirect outgoing calls to Signal/Telegram/Threema.
Red Redirect outgoing calls to Signal/Telegram/Threema. Tiny app to redirect outgoing calls to Signal/Telegram/Threema if available. You can cancel re
An Android project to showcase a multi-brand design system.
Table of contents Introduction Structure Architecture Implementation Testing Roadmap Introduction This is an Android showcase project based on Pokémon
vShell (Virtual Shell) — a successor of Termux project which provides an alternate implementation of the Linux terminal emulator for Android OS
vShell (Virtual Shell) — a successor of Termux project which provides an alternate implementation of the Linux terminal emulator for Android OS
An android app make a one-stop solution for finding the desired reading or research partner, sell their own products, and also be a tutor
The purpose of this project is to make a one-stop solution for finding the desired reading or research partner, sell their own products, and also be a tutor.
A Jetpack Compose library for handling calendar component rendering.
Compose Calendar Compose Calendar is a composable handling all complexity of rendering calendar component and date selection. Due to flexibility provi
Framework for Mobile test automation (Native app and Browser) on Android and IOS devices
Appium Mobile Automation Framework Framework for Mobile test automation (Native app and Browser) on Android and IOS devices 📱 🚀 Quick Start - Appium
A library to receive and show notification for Android.
Basalam Notification A library to receive and show notiffication for Android. Register or unregister user to your server. Receive Notifictation per 15
STxMobile is a proof of concept of an Android app for remotely controlling the Raymarine ST2000+ tiller pilot from an Android phone.
STxMobile STxMobile is a proof of concept of an Android app for remotely controlling the Raymarine ST2000+ tiller pilot from an Android phone. The app
An android application to make students life easier by reducing their backpack weight.
Smart-Schooling An android application to make students life easier by reducing their backpack weight. Dont forget to ⭐ the repo Overview Almost every
WeatherAndroidApplication - An Android Application, it will check the weather in the USA using Zip Code
WeatherAndroidApplication This is an Android Application, It will check the weat
TicTacToe - An android Tic-tac-toe, also known as noughts and crosses
Tic Tac Toe An android Tic-tac-toe, also known as noughts and crosses, or Xs and
TimeTrackerWearOs - Compose for Wear OS Starter Sample
Compose for Wear OS Starter Sample Demonstrates a simple "Hello, World" starter
Android-easy-permissions-kt - EasyPermissionsKt - A lightweight Android library that abstracts all runtime permission boilerplate code to simplify the system permissions managemen
Easy Permissions Kt EasyPermissionsKt is a lightweight Android library that abst
Multidex - The goal with Multidex is to create a Kotlin multiplatform project that shares code across Android, iOS, Desktop, Web, and JVM
Multidex The goal with Multidex is to create a Kotlin multiplatform project that
Compose-html - An Android library which provides HTML support for Jetpack Compose texts
HtmlCompose An Android library which provides HTML support for Jetpack Compose t
Modern-android-lab - Kotlin Language learning lab
kotlin-code-labs Kotlin Language learning lab Run the code with Kotlin Compiler:
TaskScheduler - A concise practical task management tool for scheduling tasks for Android
TaskScheduler A concise practical task management tool for scheduling tasks for
Silky - Android application to convert videos from applications such as YouTube, Facebook, Twitter into audio (.mp3)
Silky Español (actualmente la app se encuentra en desarrollo ) Descripcion Aplic
Earthquake - Earthquake app built with kotlin
Earthquake Earthquake app provides features below: Lists the recent 200 earthqua
Criminal-Intent - An android app used to record office crimes
What is Criminal Intent? CriminalIntent records the details of “office crimes” –
ComposeTestApplication - Simple android application by Jetpack Compose
Compose Test Application TL;DR A simple Android application by Jetpack Compose.
A set of TestRules and ActivityScenarios to facilitate UI Testing under given configurations: FontSizes, Locales
AndroidUiTestingUtils A set of TestRules, ActivityScenarios and utils to facilit
Weather-app - Making Weather application using retrofit from api
weather-app Motivasyon Hava Durumu uygulamasını api'den retrofit kullanarak yapm
Enemigos5 - Recyclerview-ViewModel-LiveData on Android with Kotlin
Enemigos5 Recyclerview-VievModel-LiveData on Android with Kotlin. Es muy simple:
DesignLogin-Register - Design Login and Register With Kotlin
Diseños de Login en XML En esta ocasión vengo a presentar diseños de inicio de s
MS-Science-Bowl-App - An app that trains a user for the National Science bowl by presenting questions (provided by NSB) in quiz app form
MS-Science-Bowl-App An app that trains a user for the National Science bowl by p
Nech9ev - Tinkoff Fintech test app
Тестовое задание в Тинькофф Финтех Скриншоты Latest category Top category Прилож
Clipeus - Tiny app to clean clipboard
Clipeus Clipboard cleaner. Tiny app to clean clipboard. No UI. Click on the app
Tictactoe-android-app - Simple TicTacToe Android app written in Kotlin
TicTacToe Android App This is a simple example of TicTacToe game as Android app
Onboarding - Jetpack Compose Onboarding Library
Jetpack Compose Onboarding Library SVID_20220205_221448_1.mp4 Implementation Add
Jetpack-compose-uis - A collection of some UIs using Jetpack Compose. built using Katalog
Jetpack Compose UIs This is a collection of some UIs using Jetpack Compose. It i
Fingerprint Biometric Authentication Android
Fingerprint-BiometricAuthentication-Android Preview Authentication Succeeded Aut
Viewmodel-lifecycle - ViewModel Lifecycle allows you to track and observe Jetpack ViewModel's lifecycle changes
ViewModel Lifecycle 🌳 ViewModel Lifecycle allows you to track and observe Jetpa
Happy-Birthday - Design and implement a single screen app that displays information
Happy Birthday Android App | Android Basics in Kotlin Course Solution code for t
Test android startup time fluctsdk
Test android startup time fluctsdk
A small and simple, yet fully fledged and customizable navigation library for Jetpack Compose
A small and simple, yet fully fledged and customizable navigation library for Jetpack Compose
Implement Text Recognition using MLKit in Jetpack Compose using Kotlin
Implement Text Recognition using MLKit in Jetpack Compose using Kotlin. The application is built using Kotlin Programming Language with Jetpack Compose Navigation.
CarWashApp - Car Wash App With Kotlin
CarWashApp การใช้งาน #อัพเดทแอพ
Starter-Android-Library - Starter Android Library is an Android Project with Modular Architecture.
Starter-Android-Library - Starter Android Library is an Android Project with Modular Architecture.
Joker-App - List application tha make requests to a Chuck Norris Api
Joker App About • Technologies • Features • Author • License 📚 About the Projec
KDoctor - A command-line tool that helps to set up the environment for Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile app development
KDoctor is a command-line tool that helps to set up the environment for Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile app development.
Jetlime - A simple library for TimeLine view in Android
JetLime ⏱️ A simple yet highly customizable library for showing a TimeLine view
Movies-db-example - Sample Android application that loads movies data from a remote server
Movies Application Sample Android application that loads movies data from a remo
Kotlin Multiplatform is an SDK for cross-platform mobile development, which enables teams to use the same business logic in both Android and iOS client applications.
Kotlin Multiplatform is an SDK for cross-platform mobile development, which enables teams to use the same business logic in both Android and iOS client applications.
Funstuff - Minimal Kotlin Multiplatform project with SwiftUI, Jetpack Compose, Compose for Wear OS, Compose for Desktop
PeopleInSpace Minimal Kotlin Multiplatform project with SwiftUI, Jetpack Compose
Tmdb - An Android app which displays data from The Movie Database API
TMDB - The Movie Database This is my first android app! This project is an Andro
MovieStreaming - Movie Streaming is a streaming app and developed with Kotlin and Koin Dependency injection
MovieStreaming Movie Streaming is a streaming app and developed with Kotlin and
Submission - Belajar membuat aplikasi android untuk pemula
Submission - Belajar membuat aplikasi android untuk pemula
MemoryGame - An Android memory game with customizable options
MemoryGame An Android memory game with customizable options Open source librarie
Compose-video-player - Video player for Android Compose powered by ExoPlayer
Compose Video Player Video player for Android Compose powered by ExoPlayer. Addi
Gits-android-extensions - A collection of Kotlin extensions to simplify Android development
gits-android-extensions A collection of Kotlin extensions to simplify Android de
An android library to highlight different features of the app built using Jetpack Compose.
An android library to highlight different features of the app built using Jetpack Compose.
A simple Android project using modern Android development tools and libraries.
A simple Android project using modern Android development tools and libraries.
BookSearchApp - Book Search App With Kotlin
BookSearchApp IT Book Search App Search IT books with keyword and view informati
Compose-navigation - Set of utils to help with integrating Jetpack Compose and Jetpack's Navigation
Jetpack Compose Navigation Set of utils to help with integrating Jetpack Compose
All-money-converter-app - A currency converter App built a free Currency API Dependency injection
This a currency converter App built a free Currency API Dependency injection . T
Cdalf - Compose Desktop Android-like Framework
Compose Desktop Android-like Framework Simple framework/library designed to make
Something - A simple Github template that lets you create an Android/Kotlinproject and be up and running in a few seconds
i said go away. there's nothing interesting for you.
ViewModel-Lifecycle - ViewModel Lifecycle allows you to track and observe Jetpack ViewModel's lifecycle changes
ViewModel Lifecycle 🌳 ViewModel Lifecycle allows you to track and observe Jetpa
Mpesa-UI-clone-JetpackCompose - A Mpesa Ui Clone using Jetpack Compose
Mpesa-UI-clone-JetpackCompose Let's Challenge ourselves and build this Mpesa App
KoreanChosungSearch - Android library for KoreanChosungSearch
KoreanChosungSearch Android library for KoreanChosungSearch. 한글 초성 검색을 위한 안드로이드