5522 Repositories
Android Office-365-SDK-for-Android Libraries
This is a code check task for Android engineers employment in YUMEMI.
株式会社ゆめみ Android エンジニアコードチェック課題 概要 本プロジェクトは株式会社ゆめみ(以下弊社)が、弊社に Android エンジニアを希望する方に出す課題のベースプロジェクトです。本課題が与えられた方は、下記の概要を詳しく読んだ上で課題を取り組んでください。 アプリ仕様 本アプリは
Nice and simple DSL for Espresso Compose UI testing in Kotlin
Kakao Compose Nice and simple DSL for Espresso Compose in Kotlin Benefits Readability Reusability Extensible DSL How to use it Create Screen Create yo
DevStories Africa App
DevStories Africa App This app is for sharing updates on upcoming events, previous events and call for story tellers i.e developer, data scientist, ne
📌This repo contains the kotlin implementation of TensorflowLite Example Android Apps🚀
TensorflowLite Examples Kotlin This repo contains the kotlin implementation of TensorflowLite Example Apps here, which are mostly implemented in java
Android Offline Music Player
Howl Music Player A sleek and minimal offline music player made wit. Features Sleek and responsive UI , following material design Minimal layout with
Simple and lightweight UI library for user new experience, combining floating bottom navigation and bottom sheet behaviour. Simple and beautiful.
Simple and lightweight UI library for user new experience, combining floating bottom navigation and bottom sheet behaviour. Simple and beautiful.
Flutter plugin for Juspay Payment SDK
juspay_flutter A flutter plugin for juspay payment SDK. Flutter Setup Add plugin dependency in pubspec.yaml dependencies: juspay_flutter: git:
This is a Project made for HackX Hackathon by Scalar
MyLedger MyLedger is a personal finance assistant android application which prevents the user from exceeding their expense limits and also recommends
ComposeKit with MVVM, DI, Coroutines,Flow
ComposeKit ComposeKit with MVVM, DI, Coroutines,Flow ComposeKit Kotlin Multiplatform project using Jetpack Compose and SwiftUI Note: Intital implement
This repo demonstrates how to work on CI/CD for Mobile Apps 📱 using Github Actions 💊 + Firebase Distribution 🎉
Android-CICD This repo demonstrates how to work on CI/CD for Mobile Apps 📱 using Github Actions 💊 + Firebase Distribution 🎉 Getting Started We are
SOFE4640U - Mobile Application Development Assignment 1: The purpose of this assignment is to create an Android mobile application where the user can calculate their equated monthly installment (EMI) based on the mortgage amount tenure and the interest rate.
MAD_A1 SOFE4640U - Mobile Application Development Assignment 1: The purpose of this assignment is to create an Android mobile application where the us
A android application to create personalise movie list
WatchBox An android app to create personalize list of Movie or TvSeries API Free API is used from https://www.omdbapi.com/ to fetch movie list Archite
Android View Lifecycle Extensions
Android View Lifecycle Extensions Extensions for Android View class that let you access a view lifecycle without having to create a custom view (exten
A scalable cluster computing proof-of-concept that calculates prime numbers upto 2^32!
Project Crumbler An proof-of-concept of oppurtunistic computing which also uses cluster computing This serves as a project as part of the Cloud Comput
Este é um projeto desenvolvido durante o curso de Desenvolvimento Android do professor Jamilton Damasceno na Udemy.
Pedra_Papel_Tesoura_App 📋 Índice Sobre Tecnologias utilizadas Preview 🖥 Preview 2021-10-16-18-42-09.mp4 📖 Sobre Este é um projeto desenvolvido dura
A demo of Rongcloud uniapp sdk integration for compiling debug-apk in Android Studio
Rongcloud-uniapp-sdk-demo A demo of Rongcloud uniapp sdk integration for compiling debug-apk in Android Studio 这是一个为了给uniapp在Android平台打出debug-apk的demo
Android Mobile Application for Movie Reservation System.
Movie-Reservation-Android-App Android Mobile Application for Movie Reservation System Brief Description of the Project 👇 “BlueSky Cinema” is an onlin
A simple implementation of rectangle detector on Android using OpenCV.
A simple implementation of rectangle detector on Android using OpenCV.
Implement Webpage in Android App
This is the application for add a webpage in a android app and act like a browser
XClipper is a clipboard manager for Windows & Android which helps to track clipboard activities and makes it easier to interact with them.
XClipper XClipper is a clipboard manager for Windows & Android which helps to track clipboard activities and makes it easier to interact with them ❤️
Unstoppable Wallet For Android
Unstoppable Wallet We dream of a world… A world where private property is untouchable and market access is unconditional. That obsession led us to eng
Terror Cellar Android app create using Kotlin
Terror_Cellar Technologies Used Kotlin, Firebase (authentication), Room ORM (database) About the Project This was the main project of a Mobile Computi
JUnit 5 Studies For Android
Estudos sobre JUnit 5 Objetivo A proposta desse projeto é estudar a documentação do JUnit 5 traduzindo-a com exemplos e com a meu entendimento sobre a
Android app which fetches a sample movies list to display. Built using Kotlin and latest Android tech stack, with an approach to clean architecture.
movies-sample-app This is an Android app which fetches a sample movies list to display. Built using Kotlin and latest Android tech stack, with an appr
A Mars Photos app for Android using NASA APIs with MVVM + Clean Architecture
Mars Photos App 🚀 Mars Photos App for Android that display a list of photos taken from cameras from different rovers - Made with Hilt, Coroutines, Re
Inspection tools for native android apps
InspectElement This project was just an exercise based on Android Developer Assistant, I have used AccessibilityService for inspecting, You can change
LoadApp This is my submission for the "Building an Advanced Android App"
LoadApp This is my submission for the "Building an Advanced Android App" project of the Udacity Android Kotlin Developer nanodegree. (C) Jaldhar H. Vy
AutoPlayer - A player based on ExoPlayer for play video automatically in RecyclerView, when an item is visible.
A player based on ExoPlayer for play video automatically in RecyclerView, when an item is visible.
An android Quiz App in kotlin framework and uses Appwrite as backend
Quiz App Intro An android Quiz App in kotlin framework and uses Appwrite as backend How to clone and run the project: Cloning : git clone https://gith
Format numbers using a string pattern with this simple number formatted like ##-####-##
AndroidPattern Format numbers using a string pattern with this simple number formatted like ##-####-## Installation To get a Git project into your bui
The code for the Congression App Challenge Webinar.
Getting-Started-with-Android-Studio-and-Kotlin-CAC-Webinar A webinar hosted by the Congressional App Challenge and theCoderSchool The code for the Con
Light library to check internet connection in android apps easily.
check-internet-android Light library to check internet connection in android apps easily. It checks real internet connection by connecting to Google's
A Simple Android Library for Kenyan Counties
A Simple Android Library for Kenyan Counties
Extension functions over Android's callback-based APIs which allows writing them in a sequential way within coroutines or observe multiple callbacks through kotlin flow.
callback-ktx A lightweight Android library that wraps Android's callback-based APIs into suspending extension functions which allow writing them in a
A 2FA android client based on Jetpack Compose
EzLogin A 2FA android client based on Jetpack Compose Features Material Design Import via QR Code Technology stack Jetpack Compose Hilt Navigation Roo
NextPay Kotlin SDK
Welcome to nextpay-kt 👋 Connect to NextPay.ir payment gateway in easy way. 🏠 Homepage Setup Kotlin KTS 1- Add mavenCentral() to your repositories se
Location Service Manager for Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile iOS and android
Location Service Manager for Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile iOS and android Features Provides simple permission settings Dramatically reduce the amount o
A sample app illustrating Android development using Kotlin with MVVM architecture, Android Jetpack, and other commonly used libraries.
Anime Facts A sample app illustrating Android development using Kotlin with MVVM architecture, Android Jetpack, and other commonly used libraries. Ani
remote technical interview Android challenge app
Android challenge We would like to learn more about how you approach a challenge as an Android Engineer. There is a simple app that isn’t made with be
Android Material Design Components
Android-Material-Design-Components Material design is a comprehensive guide for visual, motion, and interaction design across platforms and devices. G
This is the toy app for Lesson 9 of the Android App Development in Kotlin course on Udacity.
Behind the Scenes - DevByte Viewer App This is the toy app for Lesson 9 of the Android App Development in Kotlin course on Udacity. DevByte DevByte Vi
Handy library to send & receive command with payload between subscribers for Android.
Commander Handy library to send & receive command with payload between subscribers for Android. Features Subscription based No dependency on Framework
A minimalistic Face Recognition module which can be easily incorporated in any Android project.
Real Time Face Recognition with TfLite A minimalistic Face Recognition module which can be easily incorporated in any Android project. Key Features Fa
A utils to change statusbar for Android.
StatusBar 一个Android状态栏工具类,可以设置状态栏颜色、文字深浅、是否隐藏状态栏。 效果预览 注意 最低支持版本为Android5.0(minSdkVersion 21) 本项目仅提供AndroidX版本 在setContentView()之后调用 特点 支持状态栏颜色修改 支持状态
Sample android setup for deploying libraries on maven central
Perfect-android-library-template This is how I prefer my android setup. This setup has a sample app and a deployable library that deploys to maven cen
Android app and Python library for turning mobile phone into a WebSocket-based, remotely controllable Barcode/QR code reader
Remote Barcode Reader suite Android app and Python library for turning mobile phone into a remotely controllable Barcode/QR code reader. It exposes a
Android library to calculate sun phases like golden hour, blue hour, sunrise, sunset etc
Solarized This is Android library to calculate sun phases like golden hour, blue hour, sunrise, sunset etc Features first / last light golden hour blu
android lightweight graphql library
android lightweight graphql library
Indicator like tachometer View Library for Android
Tachometer Android Indicator like tachometer View Library for Android GIF Sample Preview Setup Step 1. Add Jitpack repository to your project build.gr
An app architecture for Kotlin/Native on Android/iOS. Use Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile.
An app architecture for Kotlin/Native on Android/iOS. Use Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile. 项目架构主要分为原生系统层、Android/iOS业务SDK层、KMM SDK层、KMM业务逻辑SDK层、iOS sdkfra
Visual Studio App Center Sample App for Android
Visual Studio App Center Sample App for Android The Android application in this repository and its corresponding tutorials will help you quickly and e
eCommerce app developed with Android Jetpack and Kotlin
garden-shed eCommerce app developed with Android Jetpack and Kotlin This is my first mobile application. Garden Shed is a simple application for buyin
❤ 轻量 kotlin工具库 & Android工具库
轻量 kotlin工具库 & Android工具库 安装 添加仓库 //in build.gradle(Project) allprojects { repositories { maven { url 'https://jitpack.io' } } } // 新
HBluetooth 封装了支持经典蓝牙和低功耗蓝牙扫描,连接,以及通信的库。附带使用例子。该库后续会持续升级维护,敬请关注... 一.集成方式 To get a Git project into your build: Step 1. Add the JitPack repository to y
Modern Android Development with Android Jetpack libs.
GithubSquareRepos 🚧 In Progress 🚧 The GithubSquareRepos application is sample based on MVVM architecture. Fetching data from the network via reposit
🎯 Einsen is a prioritization app that uses Eisenhower matrix technique as workflow to prioritize a list of tasks & built to Demonstrate use of Jetpack Compose with Modern Android Architecture Components & MVVM Architecture.
🎯 Einsen Einsen is a prioritization app that uses Eisenhower matrix technique as workflow to prioritize a list of tasks & built to Demonstrate use of
A library for calculating on string data.
FookCalc What is FookCalc? A library for calculating on string data. Gradle Add the following to your project's root build.gradle file repositories {
Android app with advanced usage of Epoxy library
Epoxy Advanced Best practices and advanced usages (EditText & Forms) of Epoxy library written in accordance with the Modular and Clean Architectures.
Android application to preview, record (MediaRecorder), and fetch each image from both front and rear cameras simultaneously
DuoCamera 🚀 Overview Android application to preview, record (MediaRecorder) and fetch each image from both front and rear cameras simultaneously. The
Android App for Classroom Interaction
即時課堂互動 Classroom Interaction App (畢業專題 2017) 指導教授: 趙一芬 組員: 許宸瑜, 謝子晏, 范植貿, 周易凱 Poster: png Report: word Slides: pdf 專題動機 : 往往電機系給人的印象是半導體、IC設計,而近年來,因為資
The Android application is a list of the most popular TV series written in Java using the mvvm pattern.
Tv show application The Android application is a list of the most popular TV series written in Java using the mvvm pattern. This project was written f
Small utility used to add Homewizard Energy Socket tiles to Android Quick Settings
TileWizard [Alpha! Unstable!] Settings Result Functionality: Add up to 5 Wi-Fi Energy Sockets to Android Quick Settings. What do you need: Android dev
Composablee function for simulate a 360º photo view
🐝 What's up! 🐱👤 Bugs360 🦟 🐞 Simulating a 360º view 🐛 🦗 With this you can work with pack of photos, simulating a 360º view 🦂 🕷 Made in 🦋 🐜
NewsApp is a an android project based on modern Android application tech-stacks and MVVM architecture.
NewsApp NewsApp is a an android project based on modern Android application tech-stacks and MVVM architecture. This project is for focusing especially
The Android Version in Kotlin of The Dialer App (in SwiftUI)
Dialer An intuitive USSD client to handle most of the common actions for you. Contains common MTN Rwanda USSD activation codes, which drastically simp
Money Manager app that helps you to add your daily small incomes and expenses and track them easily.
Simple Money Manager This app is a simple money manager app which helps you to add your daily small incomes and expenses and track them easily. Screen
This library will make it easier to pass arguments between screens in Jetpack Compose.
Compose Navigation This library will make it easier to pass arguments between screens in Jetpack Compose Setup allprojects { repositories { ...
IconabTextView - Android UI component library with stateful
IconabTextView - Android UI component library with stateful
Git history is an android application that simply tracks GitHub repository's issues.
Git History About Git history is an android application that simply tracks GitHub repository's issues. You can search for user and get all public repo
WebRTC Android App Example
This repo is part of WebRTC examples, see also: WebRTC Signaling server in Ktor - https://github.com/artem-bagritsevich/WebRTCKtorSignalingServerExamp
adds an option to the Android Sharesheet that allows you to save files to your device.
Save On Device adds an option to the Android Sharesheet that allows you to save files to your device. Download Get the app from the Google Play Store
Aplicativo Android que consulta a Books API e exibe a lista dos livros mais vendidos.
NY Books API - The Books API provides information about book reviews and The New York Times Best Sellers lists. Aplicativo Android cuja proposta foi m
PicPay Clone Mentoria DIO Android Master
APP que simula funcionalidades do PicPay para mentoria de Android + Jetpack com Kotlin da Digital Inovation One (https://digitalinnovation.one/). O ap
A special view that can contain other views (called children)
A ViewGroup is a special view that can contain other views (called children.) The view group is the base class for layouts and views containers. There
Digital Covid Certificate SDK
Digital Green Certificate SDK Read this in other languages: English. 📄 Leggi la documentazione dettagliata Indice Contesto Installazione Uso Contribu
Sample app demonstrating interop between Jetpack Compose and the Android UI toolkit, including SurfaceView
Wake Me Up Wake Me Up is a sample app showcased in the Google I/O 2021 Developer Keynote that demonstrates interoperability between Jetpack Compose an
Kotlin Multi Platform SDK
Xeon SDK (work-in-progress 👷 🔧️ 👷♀️ ⛏ ) Development Version Release This Is Latest Release ~ In Development $version_release = ~ What's New?? * I
Makes Google play in app purchase library (BillingClient) into a flowable that can easily be used in compose world
Billy the android Our goal is to make a modern api of BillingClient so that it is easier to use in compose world. This library is still early beta and
NewsApp - Modern Minimalistic Design, MVVM, Pagination, Retrofit, Coroutines, Room, Glide, Navigation Component (Clean Architecture)
NewsApp is a modern news android application which features virtually ALL recent and recommended android development tech stack and tools used
📲💬 react-native-fontext is a lightweight library to integrate fonts in your React Native application that works seamlessly in android and iOS devices.
React Native Fontext react-native-fontext is a lightweight library to integrate fonts in your React Native application that works seamlessly in androi
Ini adalah Launcher SAMP untuk android, ini hanya untuk mengganti nama dan kemungkinan di update lanjutnya akan mendukung download client.
SAMP-Launcher-Android Ini adalah Launcher SAMP untuk android, ini hanya untuk mengganti nama dan kemungkinan di update lanjutnya akan mendukung downlo
An Open Source App which enables users to drop all their professional handles and projects at one place.
An Open Source App which enables users to drop all their professional handles and projects at one place. This is a Beginner Friendly Repository made for Open Source Enthusiasts who can contribute to the App during HacktoberFest 2021.
A lightweight synchronizer between Android's TabLayout and RecyclerView.
TabSync A lightweight synchronizer between Android's TabLayout and RecyclerView. The behavior of the synchronizer is that as you scroll through the Re
MVVM News Application with clean code architecture & android jetpack components.
Android - Clean Architecture - Kotlin The purpose of this repo is to follow up Clean Architecture principles by bringing them to Android. The repo con
Membuat Multiple Marker dan Pencarian Lokasi dengan Android Studio
Multiple Marker Membuat Multiple Marker dan Pencarian Lokasi dengan Android Studio Tutorial Build with Android Studio https://youtu.be/6ZHbxZgps9A Tut
An advanced DEX editor for Android.
An advanced DEX editor for Android.
🔪 AOP development framework implemented through *Annotation + ASM + Gradle Transform API* for Android🤖
🔪 AOP development framework implemented through *Annotation + ASM + Gradle Transform API* for Android🤖
A weather app for Android using OpenWeatherMap with MVVM + Clean Architecture
Weather App 🌤 Weather App for Android that shows 16 days forecast for Paris, France - Made with Hilt, Coroutines, Retrofit, ViewModel, Navigation bas
Demonstration of calling requestFocusFromTouch() in WebView is changing colors in Android app
webview-changing-colors-bug Demonstration of calling requestFocusFromTouch() in WebView is changing colors in Android app This is the problematic code
Example Android library project that works with jitpack.io
android-example Example Android library project that works with jitpack.io. See this Tutorial on how to publish an Android Library with JitPack. For m
Make SIP calls from react-native using Linphone SDK
react-native-sip Make SIP calls from react-native using Linphone SDK Installation npm install react-native-sip Usage import { multiply } from "react-n
An android app that demonstrates Snapchat's Creative kit integration with Jetpack compose
Snap Creative kit Sample An android app that demonstrates Snapchat's creative kit integration with Jetpack compose 💻 Requirements To try out this sam
Compose app with dummy data which serves as a playground to try out new things in the Android world.
Music Event Manager Compose app with dummy data which serves as a playground to try out new things in the Android world. Description The app primarily
A Simple Android Library for Kenyan Counties
KenyanCounties A Simple Android Library for Kenyan Counties Step 1. Add the JitPack repository to your build file Add it in your root build.gradle at
This is a sample Rive app for Android.
rive_piggy This is a sample Rive app for Android. The RiveAnimationView view is great for simple use cases, but in this example we want to shows how t
Movie app that receives popular movies and allows the user to search for the specific movie through the Rest API with help of retrofit library &MVVM architecture.
MovieClue Millions of movies, TV shows and people to discover. Explore now Movie app that recieves popular movies and allow the user to search for spe
A secure, open source web browser for Android.
README Styx Browser Help to Translate To help us translate Styx, press the image below. We would be very happy if you help us with the translation. In
This application is android port to desktop applicaton Scrcpy.
scrcpy-android This application is android port to desktop applicaton Scrcpy. This application mirrors display and touch controls from a remote androi
This application features - Modern Minimalistic Design, MVVM, Pagination, Hilt, Retrofit, Room, Data Store, Flow, Live Data, Navigation Component (Clean Architecture)
NewsFly NewsFly is a modern news android application which features virtually ALL recent and recommended android development tech stack and tools used