3039 Repositories
Android R2D2-Endor-AccesoDatos-Kotlin Libraries
Do comprehensions for Kotlin and 3rd party libraries [STABLE]
Komprehensions Komprehensions is a library to reduce boilerplate and simplify your call chains. Rationale As your code starts getting more and more fu
A Kotlin compiler plugin that removes the `copy` method of data classes.
NoCopy Compiler Plugin A Kotlin compiler plugin that removes the `copy` method from data classes and enables using them as value-based classes. Usage
Simple, Expressive, Extensible Testing for Kotlin on the JVM
Minutest JUnit multiplied by Kotlin Why Another Test Framework? JUnit is great for quickly writing and running tests as part of a TDD workflow, but tr
A REST request routing layer for AWS lambda handlers written in Kotlin
lambda-kotlin-request-router A REST request routing layer for AWS lambda handlers written in Kotlin. Goal We came up lambda-kotlin-request-router to r
Joda Time and Java 8 Time Extensions for Kotlin
koda-time Joda Time Extensions in Kotlin supply arithmetic operation (+,-,*,/) for joda-time DateTime in Kotlin language Usage val now = DateTime.
Gson TypeAdapter & Factory generator for Kotlin data classes
An annotation processor generates Gson TypeAdapter from Kotlin Data Classes Motivation By default, Gson uses reflection to read/write data from JSON.
Kottpd - REST framework written in pure Kotlin.
kottpd Kottpd - REST framework written in pure Kotlin. It is available from maven central repository. It supports plain HTTP and secured HTTPs. d
Flexible and easy to use config library written in kotlin
Overview Cfg4k is a configuration library made for Kotlin in Kotlin! Features Automatic reload Interface binding Ability to handle data classes automa
A collections of extension functions to make the JVM Future, CompletableFuture, ListenableFuture API more functional and Kotlin like.
kotlin-futures A collections of extension functions to make the CompletableFuture API more functional and Kotlin like. [ Table of Contents kotlin-futu
Balin is an automation library for Kotlin. It's basically a Selenium-WebDriver wrapper inspired by Geb.
Balin Balin is a browser automation library for Kotlin. It's basically a Selenium-WebDriver wrapper inspired by Geb. Rationale Geb is a wonderful libr
A collection of useful Kotlin Extension
KrazyKotlin is a collection of useful Kotlin Extension - inspired by SwifterSwift. More extensions are on the way. If you have any requests, create an
unsigned support for Kotlin via boxed types and unsigned operators
kotlin-unsigned Unsigned operators and boxed types (Ubyte, Uint, Ulong and Ushort) for unsigned support. To have a quick idea what this library offers
Headless Chrome DevTools Protocol Client (RxJava3 + Kotlin)
chrome-reactive-kotlin v0.7.1 chrome-reactive-kotlin is a low level Chrome DevTools Protocol client written in Kotlin and leveraging RxJava3 for easy
Write your asynchronous Network / IO call painlessly in Kotlin !!
Asynkio : Write asynced IO/ Network calls painlessly on android ⚠️ Warning ⚠️ This library is no longer being maintained. Please make your code to use
A syntax highlighting template for the Kotlin language in LaTeX listings.
Kotlin for LaTeX Listings Currently, I am writing my bachelor thesis with Kotlin and need to document some code in LaTeX. The lstpackage does not supp
Testing tools for kotlinc and kapt
kompile-testing A library for testing kotlinc compilation with kotlin annotation processors(kapt) which is strongly inspired by google/compile-testing
Simple TlsLibrary written in Kotlin - Provides DSL for creating TLS connections
SeKurity - Kotlin powered TLS library This library provides an API for creating basic SSL/TLS connections with standard Java Secure Socket Extension,
Portable Game Window for Kotlin for JVM, Android and HTML5
Korui With Korui you can create your UI once, and run it in HTML5, Java AWT and Android. Support korgw If you like korgw, or want your company logo he
Type-safe dimensional analysis and unit conversion in Kotlin.
units-of-measure Type-safe dimensional analysis and unit conversion in Kotlin. Project Status Stable and safe for production. Building UOMs for the fi
Pi4J Kotlin bindings for the Raspberry Pi GPIO.
Pi4K Pi4J Kotlin bindings. Demo Make sure to check Examples.kt. fun blink() = digitalOutput(GPIO_01) { while (true) { toggle() del
Guice DSL extensions for Kotlin
kotlin-guice Guice extensions for Kotlin. This provides extension wrappers and extension methods for providing a better Guice DSL experience from Kotl
Data Structure library for Multiplatform Kotlin 1.3
Kds is a Data Structure library for Multiplatform Kotlin. It includes a set of optimized data structures written in Kotlin Common so they are availabl
A Multiplatform Kotlin SVG image DSL.
Kotlin Multiplatform SVG DSL I had a Kotlin microservice that needed to produce a simple heatmap chart on an HTML page to a large audience very rapidl
Kotlin compiler plugin to hide secret data
Sekret Kotlin compiler plugin that hides data class properties in generated toString() method Motivation In 2019 Facebook and Google admitted a leakin
A utility to make Kotlin/Java tests random yet reproducible
Elmyr Elmyr is a Kotlin library providing tools to generate “random” values, specifically useful for tests Being an adept of testing code, I write a l
A kotlin library for refactoring code. Port of GitHub's scientist.
Scientist A kotlin library for carefully refactoring critical paths in your application. This library is inspired by the ruby gem scientist. How do I
A library to print colored strings, with Kotlin.
kolor A library to print colored strings, with Kotlin. Example Foreground: println("We all live in a yellow submarine".yellow()) // Or println(Kolor.f
A Gradle plugin to apply ktfmt to your builds, and reformat you Kotlin source code like a glimpse 🧹🐘
ktfmt-gradle 🧹 🐘 A wrapper to apply ktfmt to your Gradle builds, and reformat you Kotlin source code like a glimpse. How to use 👣 ktfmt-gradle is d
Kotlin DSL for Selenium. Provide a possibility to write tests in Kotlin type-safe builders style
SeleniumBuilder DSL for Selenium. Provide a possibility to write tests in Kotlin type-safe builders style Sample driver(ChromeDriver()) { get("ht
Object notation in pure Kotlin!
KTON Object notation in pure Kotlin! Gradle compile 'org.jire.kton:KTON:1.0.1' Maven dependency groupIdorg.jire.kton/groupId artifactId
Detection of design principle violations in Kotlin as a plugin to detekt.
detekt-hint (Attention: Looking for developers) Detection of design principle violations in Kotlin added as comments on pull requests. Getting started
Kotlin-CLI - command line interface options parser for Kotlin
kotlin-cli Kotlin-CLI - command line option parsing suite for Kotlin Usage import com.evalab.core.cli.Command import com.evalab.core.cli.exception.Opt
This repository contains a detailed sample app that implements MVVM architecture using Hilt, Coroutines, Retrofit and Compose
Saber News App sample project to explain how to build solid, clean architected App using MVVM and repository architecture Techniques Kotlin Clean arch
Spring Boot built using Kotlin, H2, Postgres, Hibernate and JPA
Spring-Boot-Kotlin-Sample Spring Boot built using Kotlin, H2, Postgres, Hibernate and JPA Getting Started Reference Documentation For further referenc
STG mobile game made in Android
Neon Info This project is STG mobile game made in Android. It is a fun project I
Bigger Number Game With Kotlin
Bigger Number App Vaidansh Bhardwaj Bigger Number App (aka "Cal Admission Test")
Samsung Firmware Downloader with kotlin
Notice Manual firmware downloads and downloading from the firmware history featu
Greatly simplifies the complexities of Kotlin's reflection of Java
CatReflect 这是一个可以极大简化 Java 反射的复杂操作的工具,适用于 Kotlin & Java This is a tool that grea
The Sleep tracker app for lesson 6 of the Udacity: Developing Android Apps with Kotlin Course
App Architecture-Presistence This is the Sleep tracker app for lesson 6 of the U
Android App using Kotlin, MVVM, ViewModel, LiveData, Coroutines, Room and DataBinding
Words Android App using Kotlin, MVVM, ViewModel, LiveData, Coroutines, Room and
An application used to view StackOverflow questions
Questionnaire Play Store Link Download APK Questionnaire is an Android applicati
xCloud player for Google Chromecast with Google TV
XCTV Player An awesome Microsoft xCloud player for Google Chromecast with Google
Microservice kotlin micronaut
Arquitetura de Microserviços Instruções Criando rede no docker: docker network c
MVVM Android Studio Kotlin Project Dog Images
MVVM Android Studio Kotlin Project Dog Images This project implement: MVVM Retro
SmartLens uses Google's ML Kit for Barcode scanning, Face recognition, Text recognition, and Image labeling.
SmartLens SmartLens uses Google's ML Kit for Barcode scanning, Face recognition, Text recognition, and Image labeling. 📷 Screen Shots 🔥 Features It
Slack app example for Heroku deployment, written in Kotlin, using Bolt framework.
slack-kotlin-heroku-example Slack app example for Heroku deployment, written in Kotlin, using Bolt framework. You need to configure your Slack app to
Solution to the 2021 Advent of code challenge in Kotlin. aoc-2021-in-kotlin
advent-of-code-2021 Welcome to the Advent of Code1 Kotlin project created by aniobistanley using the Advent of Code Kotlin Template delivered by JetBr
SayHi! is an instant messaging app that allows users to send text messages to other people using the app
SayHi SayHi! is an instant messaging app that allows users to send text messages to other people using the app 📷 Screen Shots 🔥 Features OTP Verific
PrimeCalendar provides all the java.util.Calendar functionalities for Persian, Hijri, and Japanese dates
PrimeCalendar ⚡ PrimeCalendar provides all the java.util.Calendar functionalities for Persian, Hijri, and Japanese dates. PrimeCalendar can be used in
Lenses for Kotlin
klenses Lenses for Kotlin. Lenses are property references with some extra abilities: they can also be used to create a copy of an object with the prop
🌶 A simple Kotlin web framework inspired by Clojure's Ring.
kog A simple, experimental Kotlin web framework inspired by Clojure's Ring. A kog application is a function that takes a Request and returns a Respons
Arbitrater is a Kotlin library for creating arbitrary instances of classes by reflection for use in testing
Arbitrater Arbitrater is a library for creating arbitrary instances of classes by reflection, for example to use in testing. It was designed primarily
Kotlin extension to pluralize and singularize strings
kotlin-pluralizer kotlin extension to pluralize and singularize strings Show some love Usage Pluralization: "person".pluralize() # = "people"
KickAss Configuration. An annotation-based configuration system for Java and Kotlin
KAConf 2016-2020 Mario Macías KickAss Configuration v0.9.0 is an Annotation-based configuration system inspired in the wonderful Spring Boot. Its stro
Embeddable and standalone Kotlin Multiplatform MQTT broker
KMQTT KMQTT is a Kotlin Multiplatform MQTT 3.1.1/5.0 Broker, with the objective of targeting the most possible build targets. Features ✖️ = TODO ✔️ =
A type-safe implementation for collections that cannot be empty. Life is too short for emptiness-checks!
NonEmptyCollections Making the world a little more type-safe 🌍 🏆 Reduce the need for emptiness checks and reduce unsafe APIs with NonEmptyCollection
AR-based library for Android which is capable of detecting faces and overlaying images above the user’s head
ARFaceDetection Meet ARFaceDetection by Cleveroad We’re glad to share with you our latest AR-based library for Android. It’s designed with ARCore tech
Collection of Kotlin extension functions and utilities.
Katlib Successor of Ktoolz. Collection of Kotlin extension functions and utilities. This library does not have any dependency. Using Katlib Katlib is
Assembler library for Kotlin
Kasm is a runtime assembler library for Kotlin. It allows to assemble and execute machine code at runtime.
Aspen is a simple test runner for Kotlin that allows you to write tests using your own DSL.
Aspen is a JUnit runner for Kotlin. It's inspired by Ruby's RSpec syntax, the default DSL has a lot more restrictions, but you can create your own DSL
Zeko SQL Builder is a high-performance lightweight SQL query library written for Kotlin language
Zeko SQL Builder Zeko SQL Builder is a high-performance lightweight SQL library written for Kotlin language. It is designed to be flexible, portable,
A JVM implementation of the Pair Adjacent Violators algorithm for isotonic regression
Pair Adjacent Violators Overview An implementation of the Pair Adjacent Violators algorithm for isotonic regression. Written in Kotlin but usable from
Aleksa is a small framework for writing Alexa Skills in Kotlin
Aleksa Aleksa is a small framework for writing Alexa Skills in Kotlin. Warning This framework uses an old version of the Alexa SDK - skills built with
This is the Kotlin port of the original OpenGL Image (GLI), written by g-truc (repository)
This is the Kotlin port of the original OpenGL Image (GLI), written by g-truc (repository), a header only C++ image library for graphics software. GLI
Property-based testing library for Kotlin
Kwik Property-based testing library for Kotlin. Main features: Test-engine agnostic Multiplatform No reflection Configurable built-in generators Easy
Kotlin port of the tutorial of Joey De Vries: "Learn OpenGL"
learn OpenGL Kotlin port of the tutorial of Joey De Vries: "Learn OpenGL" (website and repository) How to get it running: clone synchronize Gradle run
You might have thought that Kotlin cannot get any better - but now you have found this library.
You might have thought that Kotlin cannot get any better - but now you have found this library.
Thelema - 3D graphics engine, written in Kotlin. Based on sources of libGDX.
Thelema Engine Thelema is multiplatform 3d graphics engine on Kotlin. It was based on libGDX sources and completely redesigned. Download Enter your cr
A framework designed around Kotlin providing Restful HTTP Client, JDBC DSL, Loading Cache, Configurations, Validations, and more
tekniq A framework designed around Kotlin. Modules include tekniq-core (click for more info) A suite of tools that have no dependencies on other libra
Mongo BSON support for kotlinx.serialization.
kbson What is this? This adapter adds BSON support to kotlinx.serialization. BSON types supported: Double String Array Binary UUID ObjectId Boolean Da
JVM OpenVR Wrapper
JVM OpenVR Wrapper (synchronized with 1.2.10) OpenVR SDK This is a kotlin wrapper of OpenVR, which is an API and runtime that allows access to VR hard
Kotlin DSL for Litho ComponentLayout Builders.
Litho Kotlin Kotlin DSL for Litho Component.Builders. Usage Import Copy Litho.kt into your project under com/makeramen/litho. Add any definitions for
A simple Kotlin option parser
Kopper A simple Kotlin option parser kopper is the simple Kotlin option parser library. kopper-typed extends the kopper library to support delegated p
A simple Kotlin library to Query over Json Data.
kotlin-jsonq A simple Kotlin library to Query over JSON Data Installation Gradle, allprojects { repositories { ... maven { url "ht
Library for using Crontab-like syntax in scheduling of some Kotlin Coroutines tasks to do from time to time
krontab Library was created to give oppotunity to launch some things from time to time according to some schedule in runtime of applications. How to u
Secure Kotlin scripting and binary lambda-scripts
keplin Extended Kotlin Scripting Gradle /Maven With Kotlin 1.2.+ in your classpath, add: artifact GAV keplin-core uy.kohesive.keplin:keplin-core kepli
State Machine Construction Kit for Kotlin
Stateful for Kotlin State Machine Construction Kit for Kotlin This is Stateful ported to JVM. I could have re-implemented this in Java but there would
A lightweight coroutine based persistent job/cron scheduler written in Kotlin
kjob A coroutine based persistent background (cron) scheduler written in Kotlin. Features Persist scheduled jobs (e.g. mongoDB) Cron jobs Nice DSL for
sponge is a website crawler and links downloader command-line tool
sponge - A website crawler and links downloader command line tool How to build and run it? You will need a Java JDK 8+ and maven 3.3.9 or above. mvn c
Mathematical expression engine written in Kotlin, running on JVM.
KFormula ภาษาไทย Mathematical expression engine written in Kotlin, running on JVM. With KFormula, you can parse simple mathematical expression text an
Starter project for Kotlin
kotlin Starter project for Kotlin. quick preview This project contains: A simple hello world application with an optional name parameter Integration t
An acceptance test library for Kotlin
Konsent An acceptance testing library for Kotlin. KonsentExampleTests shows how to write a test. @RunWith(Konsent::class) @Preamble( "As a develop
Simple unit conversion library for Kotlin
KtUnits Simple unit conversion library for Kotlin. Usage Conversion You can convert units easily: fun foo() { val m = 100.minutes.toMilliseconds //
Zero-overhead 2D rendering library for JOGL using Kotlin
JOGL2D Zero-overhead 2D rendering library for JOGL This library is licensed under Apache License 2.0. JOGL2D is an open source Kotlin library that pro
A JSON library written in pure Kotlin
fluid-json A JSON library written in pure Kotlin. Table of Contents Installation Basic Usage Annotation Customization Examples Manual Coding Error Han
Generate unit testing boilerplate from kotlin files.
TestIt While TDD is a better approach for development, many projects don't practice it and end up with low test coverage. This project is here to help
Port of waifu2x to pure kotlin + opencl. Anime-style upscaler and noise reductor based on convolutional neural networks using coffee trained models
Waifu2x implementation in pure Kotlin Waifu2x is a upscaler/noise-reductor for anime-style images based on convolutional neural networks. Original imp
Gender Checker app built using Kotlin, MVVM, Genderize.io API. Take this as a reference for MVVM and Genderize.io API 🚀
Gender-Checker 👀 Gender Checker app built using Kotlin, MVVM, Genderize.io API Enter a name and the app will guess the gender 🤩 ✨ Highligts: API : G
An attendance recorder app for teachers. Its a part of Android Study Jams 2021 @ GDSC-NITA
Attendance-Pad An attendance recorder app for teachers, build for Android using Kotlin. This project is a part of Andoird Study Jams 2021 @ GDSC-NITA.
My solutions for advent of code challenges 2021.
advent-of-code-2021 Welcome to the Advent of Code1 Kotlin project created by hiteshchalise using the Advent of Code Kotlin Template delivered by JetBr
These files are included in an Android Studio Project for a Magic the Gathering Life Counter app. The app was written in Kotlin.
Magic-Life-Counter These files were created in Android Studio using Kotlin. Usage This app was made to keep track of life totals while playing the tra
simple Kotlin logging: colorized logs for Kotlin on the JVM
sklog - simple Kotlin logging Kotlin (JVM) logging library for printing colorized text to the console, with an easy upgrade path to the popular kotlin
Jetbrains advent of code 2021 in kotlin
jetbrains-advent-of-code-2021-in-kotlin Welcome to the Advent of Code1 Kotlin project created by matvs using the Advent of Code Kotlin Template delive
Simple bottom navigation with side navigation drawer using Jetpack navigation UI made in Kotlin
BottomNavWithSideNavApp simple bottom navigation with side navigation drawer usi
Created Classic TicTacToe using JavaFX & Kotlin
Tic Tac Toe Created Classic TicTacToe using JavaFX & Kotlin. Hope you all enjoy
Some fancy custom views for kotlin
CoolCustomViews 1. Neruromorphic ProgressBar Resources Documentaion and Other So
A command-line student management system in Kotlin
Student Management System Done as a part of NITK GSDC Android Study Jams 2021 Th
Car Shop App Built With Kotlin
Car Shop O aplicativo conta com 2 telas no total sendo elas a home(Tela principa
Wiroforce godot plugin for kotlin
Wiroforce Godot Plugin The purpose of this project is the creation of a plugin f
Kotlin implementation of WalletConnect v2 protocol for Android applications
WalletConnect V2 - Kotlin Kotlin implementation of WalletConnect v2 protocol for