3039 Repositories
Android R2D2-Endor-AccesoDatos-Kotlin Libraries
API que converte uma planilha do excel para o banco de dados, utilizando Kotlin + Spring.
API Excel2DB 📈 Uma API que tem como objetivo facilitar a carga de dados nos formatos .xlsx ou .xls para um banco de dados. Nessa situação, como o foc
Workout Journal is a mobile app based on Multi-Module and Clean Architecture for those who want to track their progress over a workout and a calendar period.
Workout-Journal Workout Journal is a mobile app for those who want to track their progress over a workout and a calendar period. The app allows you to
😳 This app shows a recyclerView grid list with images from Picsum Photos API 🖥️
GalleryImagesWithRecyclerView 😳 This app shows a recyclerView grid list with images from Picsum Photos API 🖥️ 📐 ✏️ Architeture Components MVVM View
Proof-of-Concept messaging and "voice over IP" server that uses microservices
bullets THIS IS A WIP PROJECT. Proof-of-Concept messaging and "voice over IP" server that uses microservices. The project uses many technologies. Such
🚧 General-Purpose Module System for Kotlin.
🚧 Modules: General-Purpose Module System A module system & loader for Kotlin. Made for me to use. Architecture Module is a building block for this sy
An implementation of Weighted Randoms using Kotlin
WeightedRandoms-Kotlin An implementation of Weighted Randoms using Kotlin Descri
mCache for android with kotlin
mCache How do I use it? Create it. via Java: public class App extends Applicatio
LAB : Criando um app de conversor moedas/cambio com Kotlin
LAB - Criando um app de conversor moedas/cambio com Kotlin. Projeto da DIO. Melh
Nice String in Kotlin
Nice String We'll say a string is nice if at least two of the following conditio
👄 The most accurate natural language detection library for Java and the JVM, suitable for long and short text alike
Quick Info this library tries to solve language detection of very short words and phrases, even shorter than tweets makes use of both statistical and
A state container for Java & Kotlin, inspired by Redux & Elm
Bansa This is my take on Redux, the state container for JavaScript apps. It's oriented toward developers who like building React-style apps and Kotlin
Easy to use and concise yet powerful and robust command line argument parsing for Kotlin
This is a library for parsing command-line arguments. It can parse both options and positional arguments. It aims to be easy to use and concise yet po
🧩 Shape-Safe Symbolic Differentiation with Algebraic Data Types
Kotlin∇: Type-safe Symbolic Differentiation for the JVM Kotlin∇ is a type-safe automatic differentiation framework written in Kotlin. It allows users
Kotlin mathematics extensions library
KMath Could be pronounced as key-math. The Kotlin Mathematics library was initially intended as a Kotlin-based analog to Python's NumPy library. Later
Kotlift is the first source-to-source language transpiler from Kotlin to Swift
Kotlift Kotlift is the first source-to-source language transpiler from Kotlin to Swift. Kotlift helps you to write business logic once, and reuse most
JVM game engine based on Swing/JavaFX.
FriceEngine CI status Travis CI AppVeyor CircleCI CodeShip An easy, light, native game engine running on JVM. Why easy? A flappy bird game uses just 5
Easily build reactive web-apps in Kotlin based on flows and coroutines.
fritz2 is an extremely lightweight, well-performing, independent library to build reactive web apps in Kotlin heavily depending on coroutines and flow
Vert.x for Kotlin
Vert.x for Kotlin This is the repository for Kotlin language support for Vert.x 3. The following modules are available in this project: vertx-lang-kot
Functional companion to Kotlin's Compiler
Λrrow Meta Functional companion to Kotlin's Compiler Getting started Λrrow Meta is a meta-programming library that cooperates with the Kotlin compiler
Korio: Kotlin cORoutines I/O : Virtual File System + Async/Sync Streams + Async TCP Client/Server + WebSockets for Multiplatform Kotlin 1.3
Korio Kotlin I/O : Streams + TCP Client/Server + VFS for Multiplatform Kotlin Full Documentation: https://korlibs.soywiz.com/korio/ Use with gradle: r
🗝️ Dotenv is a module that loads environment variables from a .env file
🗝️ dotenv-kotlin A port of the Ruby dotenv project for Java and Kotlin. Load environment variables from a .env file. Looking for the pure Java versio
An Android, JavaFx, JS multiplatform datavisualization library with comprehensive DSL
Isomorphic dataviz Data2viz is a data visualization toolbox for Kotlin Multiplatform. You can pick what you need in the different modules and use them
Hamcrest for Kotlin
HamKrest - Hamcrest for Kotlin A reimplementation of Hamcrest to take advantage of Kotlin language features. Note: as of version, you must add
A minimalist web framework for building REST APIs in Kotlin/Java.
Kanary A minimalist Kotlin web framework for building expressive REST APIs fun main(args: ArrayString) { val app = KanaryApp() val server =
Pure Kotlin CSV Reader/Writer
kotlin-csv Pure Kotlin CSV Reader/Writer. Design goals 1. Simple interface easy to setup use DSL so easy to read 2. Automatic handling of I/O in Java,
A nice parser combinator library for Kotlin
better-parse A nice parser combinator library for Kotlin JVM, JS, and Multiplatform projects val booleanGrammar = object : GrammarBooleanExpression(
Pure Kotlin GraphQL implementation
KGraphQL Disclaimer I am no longer able to maintain this project. Please go to https://github.com/aPureBase/KGraphQL, where KGraphQL is still develope
An intuitive Date extensions in Kotlin.
khronos An intuitive Date extensions in Kotlin. Usage Add durations to date val today = Dates.today val nextWeek = today + 1.week val dayBeforeYesterd
Komputation is a neural network framework for the Java Virtual Machine written in Kotlin and CUDA C.
Komputation Komputation is a neural network framework for the Java Virtual Machine written in Kotlin and CUDA C. Maven Komputation is available throug
A simple and modern Java and Kotlin vert.x web framework
Cloudopt Next is a very lightweight and modern, JVM-based, full stack kotlin framework designed for building modular, easily testable JVM applications
Spring Data JPA Specification DSL for Kotlin
Spring Data JPA Specification DSL for Kotlin This library provides a fluent DSL for querying spring data JPA repositories using spring data Specificat
A scientific computing library for Kotlin
Koma Koma is a scientific computing environment for Kotlin. Project goals: Create a scientific programming environment that is similar in style to Num
Simple config properties API for Kotlin
Konfig - A Type Safe Configuration API for Kotlin Konfig provides an extensible, type-safe API for configuration properties gathered from multiple sou
A type-safe cascading configuration library for Kotlin/Java/Android, supporting most configuration formats
Konf A type-safe cascading configuration library for Kotlin/Java/Android, supporting most configuration formats. Features Type-safe. Get/set value in
NoSQL database query and access library for Kotlin
Kotlin NoSQL Kotlin NoSQL is a reactive and type-safe DSL for working with NoSQL databases. Status Under development (POC). The following NoSQL databa
Predictable state container for Kotlin apps
Redux Kotlin Redux Kotlin is a predictable state container for Kotlin apps. It is a direct port of the original Redux library for JavaScript, which ha
CGPA Calculator app Kotlin
CGPA-Calculator-app CGPA-Calculator-app-Kotlin Trip-Budget-planner CGPA-Calculat
A quote app built with Kotlin
QUOTE. App Content AppContent.mp4
Scan and view your e-receipts
ReceptsKeeper Scan and view your e-receipts Main features: Display list of receipts sorted by date Adding receipts by scanning Entering a captcha, if
To illustrate the clean architecture and modularisation with other components.
CleanNews A news app that provides data from mediastack API using clean architecture, kotlin coroutines, architectural pattern (MVI) with Mavericks. .
🚀 Sample Android Clean Architecture on Rorty App focused on the scalability, testability and maintainability written in Kotlin, following best practices using Jetpack.
Android Clean Architecture Android Clean Architecture in Rorty is a sample project that presents modern, approach to Android application development u
I'm leraning Android with Kotlin!
AndroidJourney A simple repo with some of my code during learning Android with Kotlin. But...why? Because I would like to learn it. Something new, oth
Not so deep text reader inspired by BORIS, written in Kotlin
Barnable Reader Prototype Deep text reader library that generates a semantic model from a short input text. At the moment it is very primitive and is
Android app for gerber viewing
Gerber Viewer Simple Android application for Gerber files viewing How to use Just add gerber file (one or more) from your device with "+" button and s
A pure Kotlin UI framework for the Web.
A pure Kotlin, UI framework Single Language Doodle is written entirely in Kotlin and so are its apps. Doodle Web Applications do not use HTML, CSS sty
YAML support for kotlinx.serialization
kaml What is this? This library adds YAML support to kotlinx.serialization. YAML version 1.2 is supported. Usage samples Parsing from YAML to a Kotlin
Dependency Injection for Kotlin
Notice: Kodein and Injekt, much of the same Since Injekt and Kodein both ended up in a very similar implementation (object registry approach to inject
Idiomatic persistence layer for Kotlin
Krush Krush is a lightweight persistence layer for Kotlin based on Exposed SQL DSL. It’s similar to Requery and Micronaut-data jdbc, but designed to w
Kotlin extensions for Java 8 java.time API
kxdate This library contains various Kotlin extensions for the Java 8 java.time API. Rails Style Date Constants kxdate supports the Rails-style syntax
Language extension for notepad++
Notepad++ extension Some languages' highlight config in Notepad++. Hope this tool will help you. 😄 Contribution is always welcomed. Just find what yo
Kotlin Native/JS/JVM Annotation Processor library for Kotlin compiler plugins
MpApt - Kotlin (Native/JS/JVM) Annotation Processor library Introduction 🙋♂️ 🙋 I wrote an annotation processing libary that can detect annotations
Kwery is an SQL library for Kotlin
Kwery Overview Kwery is an SQL library for Kotlin. Kwery consists of three major modules (core, mapper and fetcher) that when combined provide similar
Generate realistically looking fake data such as names, addresses, banking details, and many more, that can be used for testing and data anonymization purposes.
Generate realistically looking fake data such as names, addresses, banking details, and many more, that can be used for testing and data anonymization purposes.
A Kotlin wrapper for Typesafe Config
Config4k Config for Kotlin. Config4k is a lightweight Typesafe Config wrapper for Kotlin and inspired by ficus, providing simple extension functions C
Strongly typed SQL in Kotlin
Kuery - strongly typed SQL in Kotlin The library is a strongly typed alternative to plain text SQL. The main goal of this project is to make database-
A handy Database access library in Kotlin
KotliQuery KotliQuery is a handy RDB client library for Kotlin developers! The design is highly inspired by ScalikeJDBC, which is a proven database li
Lightweight library allowing to introspect basic stuff about Kotlin symbols
kotlinx.reflect.lite This library provides an API to introspect Kotlin symbols at runtime. Its main feature is the small size which makes it possible
🚀 The Rapid and Delightful Kotlin Web Framework. Easy, elegant, and productive!
Alpas - The Rapid and Delightful Kotlin Web Framework. Easy, elegant, and productive! 🚀 Alpas is a Kotlin-based web framework that gets you creating
Library for executing .kts files from regular Kotlin code
KtsRunner KtsRunner is a light-weight tool that allows the execution of .kts (Kotlin Script) files from ordinary Kotlin programs. It's enabled by JSR
BDD assertion library for Kotlin
Expekt Expekt is a (work in progress) BDD assertion library for Kotlin, inspired by Chai.js. It works with your favorite test runner such as JUnit and
Kotlin language support for VS Code
Kotlin Language Syntax support for the Kotlin programming language. This extension adds basic features to help make writing Kotlin much more pleasant
Humanizer.jvm is an adaptation of the humanizer framework for .Net which is made for the jvm and is written in Kotlin.
Humanizer.jvm is an adaptation of the humanizer framework for .Net which is made for the jvm and is written in Kotlin. Humanizer.jvm meets all your jv
GraphQL request string builder written in Kotlin
Kraph In short, this is a GraphQL request JSON body builder for Kotlin. It will generate the JSON string for request body that work with GraphQL Serve
Sublime Text 2 Package for Kotlin Programming Language
Kotlin Sublime Text Package This is Sublime Text package for Kotlin programming language. Overview The following modules already implemented: Kotlin S
A Kotlin multiplatform library for arbitrary precision arithmetics
Kotlin MP BigNum library Kotlin Multiplatform BigNum library is a pure kotlin implementation of arbitrary precision arithmetic operations. It follows
Writing full-stack statically-typed web apps on JVM at its simplest
Welcome to Vaadin-On-Kotlin Vaadin-on-Kotlin is a web-application framework that includes everything needed to create database-backed web applications
Three.js port for the JVM (desktop)
three.kt (Work in progress) Kotlin/JVM port of the popular three.js 3D library (r106). Be warned, while the basics works, such as: Primitives, Points
Examples ported in JOGL from "Learning Modern 3D Graphic Programming" by J.L.McKesson
modern-jogl-examples This porting is free but needs your support to sustain its development. There are lots of desirable new features and maintenance
Minimalist dependency injection library for Kotlin.
Kapsule Minimalist dependency injection library for Kotlin. Why create another dependency injection library? Here are the objectives pursued by Kapsul
Set of extensions for Kotlin that provides Discrete math functionalities
DiscreteMathToolkit Set of extensions for Kotlin that provides Discrete Math functionalities as an Kotlin extension functions. To stay current with ne
Unofficial Actions on Google SDK for Kotlin and Java
Actions On Google Client Library This is a port of the official Node.js SDK to Kotlin. This can also be used from Java and any JVM language. Quick Fac
Snapshot Testing framework for Kotlin.
KotlinSnapshot Snapshot Testing framework for Kotlin. What is this? Snapshot testing is an assertion strategy based on the comparision of the instance
Library for creating blur effects under Android UI elements
BlurTutorial Meet BlurTutorial, an Android-based library made by Cleveroad Hurry to check our newest library that helps to blur the background in Andr
A mix of random small libraries for Kotlin, the smallest reside here until big enough for their own repository.
klutter Random small libraries, usually extensions making other libraries happier. Versions later than 2.x are for JDK 8 and newer only. Maven Depende
JVM Open Asset Import Library (Assimp)
assimp JVM porting of Assimp This port is being written trying to stick as much as possible close to the C version in order to: minimize maintenance t
DaggerHilt Dagger-Hilt in this Repo i have demonstrated the use of the following in android Kotlin Dagger2 Room Persistence Retrofit2 MVI / MVVM Archi
Make your device sip only small amounts of battery when not in use.
trickle Make your device sip only small amounts of battery when not in use. What Automatically place your device into battery-saver mode when the scre
Android Sample Kotlin+ MVVM + Coroutines + Retrofit +Hilt+ Junit + Mockito
NTimes AppSample NY Times Most Popular Articles simple app to hit the NY Times Most Popular Articles API and show a list of articles, that shows detai
A Tetris game written in Kotlin using JOGL.
A Fast Tetris Game Written in Kotlin Using JOGL. Note: This game is unfinished. Controls Arrow Key Left / Right - Move the tetromino along the x-axis
kotlin.runCatching playground with retrofit
runCachingPlayground In this repository I have tried some tricks to handle exceptions in a more kotlin way. I have made http calls with Retrofit2 in d
KMM RSS Reader: an open-source, mobile, cross-platform application built with Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile.
KMM RSS Reader This is an open-source, mobile, cross-platform application built with Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile. It's a simple RSS reader, and you ca
Build a simple timer application with kotlin
3. Build a simple timer application which provides below features: a. A simple U
Kotlin script to prevent invalid conversion errors in projects with many localization files
Localization-Patterns-Checker Kotlin script to prevent invalid conversion errors
Mobile App that shows Random Products in a Nested Recyclerview for Android [Kotlin] Developer Role at Edvora
EdvoraAndroidTest An simple Android App for Edvora Android Assessment. It consum
Buggy buggy kotlin MVVM starter project
贪吃蛇 - MVVM - Kotlin Introduciton project was inspired and initialized by youtube
Simple android application that consumes Rick and Morty API to display characters,episodes,Location
Rick and Morty Compose An android app built using Kotlin that consumes Rick and
An observables framework for Kotlin
Snail-Kotlin 🐌 A lightweight observables framework, also available in Swift Download You can download a jar from GitHub's releases page. Jitpack allp
Korim: Kotlin cORoutines IMaging, Bitmap and Vector graphics for Multiplatform Kotlin
Korim Kotlin cORoutines IMaging utilities for Multiplatform Kotlin Full Documentation: https://korlibs.soywiz.com/korim/ Use with gradle: repositories
A {K}otlin g{ra}mmar for data {vis}ualization
kravis - A {k}otlin {gra}mmar for data {vis}ualization Visualizing tabular and relational data is the core of data-science. kravis implements a gramma
Kotlin hashids hash function
Hashids.kt A Kotlin class to generate YouTube-like hashes from one or many numbers. Ported from Java Hashids.java by fanweixiao (is port of javascript
Spotify Web API wrapper for Kotlin, Java, JS, and Native
Spotify Web API wrapper for Kotlin, Java, JS, and Native - Targets JVM, Android, JS (browser), Native (Desktop), and Apple tvOS/iOS. Includes a Spotify Web Playback SDK wrapper for Kotlin/JS, and a spotify-auth wrapper for Kotlin/Android.
Kotlin port of OpenGL Mathematics (GLM), a header only C++ mathematics library for graphics software based on the OpenGL Shading Language (GLSL) specifications.
This is the Kotlin port of OpenGL Mathematics (GLM), written by g-truc (repository), a header only C++ mathematics library for graphics software based
A web crawling framework written in Kotlin
About Krawler is a web crawling framework written in Kotlin. It is heavily inspired by crawler4j by Yasser Ganjisaffar. The project is still very new,
A growing library of assorted data structures, algorithms and utilities for OPENRNDR
ORX (OPENRNDR EXTRA) 0.4 Note that this is a yet unreleased version of ORX. The prior released version of ORX can be found in the ORX 0.3 branch. A gr
This library provides some useful kotlin extension functions for implementing toString(), hashCode() and equals() without all of the boilerplate.
Kassava This library provides some useful kotlin extension functions for implementing toString(), equals() and hashCode() without all of the boilerpla
Monads for Kotlin
kotlin-monads An attempt to implement monads in Kotlin, deeply inspired by Haskell monads, but restricted within the Kotlin type system. The monad typ
Extension and top-level functions to use JDK7/JDK8 features in Kotlin 1.0
kotlinx.support Provides extension and top-level functions to use JDK7/JDK8 features in Kotlin 1.0. In Kotlin 1.1+ please use the standard library art
A Kotlin framework for building web applications in Javascript.
Yested Yested is a Kotlin framework for building single-page web applications in Javascript. Important This project is no longer maintained. Please ch
SimpleDNN is a machine learning lightweight open-source library written in Kotlin designed to support relevant neural network architectures in natural language processing tasks
SimpleDNN SimpleDNN is a machine learning lightweight open-source library written in Kotlin whose purpose is to support the development of feed-forwar
Type-safe library for work with Telegram Bot API
TelegramBotAPI Hello! This is a set of libraries for working with Telegram Bot API. Examples There are several things you need to do to launch example