755 Repositories
Android Simple-Claim-Form Libraries
Simple Caching application from @CodinginFlow
SimpleCaching Simple app that fetches data from a REST API using Retrofit, and caches this data for offline use in an SQLite database using the Room p
Simple ToDo app designed for GDSC [Delhi Technical Campus]
Simple ToDo Simple ToDp app will help manage your daily tasks and don't forget about important things! ⏰ This app is developed by (Inzemamul Haq) me o
Simple use of Micronaut + Kotlin, implementation of UserContext
Micronaut 3.1.4 Documentation User Guide API Reference Configuration Reference Micronaut Guides Feature jdbc-hikari documentation Micronaut Hikari JDB
Dice 🎲 is a simple, intuitive, minimalistic and ad-free dice-roll application
Dice 🎲 Dice 🎲 is a simple, intuitive, minimalistic and ad-free dice-roll application 📱 with which you can play your favourite board games, built to
Make interesting books for your kids, usint text and images from simple.wikipedia.org
Baby Book Builder Baby Book Builder is an Android app and a website for creating books to help your growing child learn. Contributing Donations Baby B
Weatherapp is a simple weather forecast app
Weatherapp Weatherapp is a simple weather forecast app, which uses some APIs to fetch 5 day / 3 hour forecast data from the OpenWeatherMap and to fetc
A simple game that was developed using Kotlin
TruthOrDare About the App: A simple Android game that reminds you of your childhood . How to use? 1 - Clone or download the Project to your machine. 2
PokeDexApi is a simple version of PokeApi with search functionality.
PokeDex Api PokeDexApi is a simple version of PokeApi with search functionality based on KTOR. Documentation Base Url https://poki-dex.herokuapp.com E
A form validation library for android jetpack compose
A form validation library for android jetpack compose
Remindi is a simple lecture reminder app made for GDSC ASJ'21
Remindi - Lecture Reminder App Images Problem Statement Being in college one thing we all can agree on is that we miss our lectures. The idea is to cr
Simple Note App Created with Jetpack Compose for Android
JetNote An app created to learn how to use Jetpack compose. This app uses the MVVM pattern. JetNote allows the user to create new notes and remove the
A Simple Todo App for Codepath
Project 1 - Simple Todo Simple Todo is an android app that allows building a todo list and basic todo items management functionality including adding
Jetpack-linear-chart - A simple way to draw linear chart using Jetpack Compose
jetpack-linear-chart A simple way to draw linear chart using Jetpack Compose We
MiHawk 🦅👁️ is simple and secure 🔒 Android Library to store and retrieve pair of key-value data with encryption , internally it use jetpack DataStore Preferences 💽 to store data.
MiHawk MiHawk 🦅 👁️ is simple and secure 🔒 Android Library to store and retrieve pair of key-value data with encryption , internally it use jetpack
A simple, opensource weather app for Android.
Forecastie A simple, copylefted libre software weather app for Android. It gathers data from OpenWeatherMap, via their public API. Features Simple des
A simple Android webbrowser based on webview.
"FOSS Browser" is a fully free (as in freedom) open source Android browser: privacy-friendly with a modern user interface. - Your privacy - your data.
A simple xposed module that helps you fully control your location.
FuckLocation An simple xposed module that helps you fully control your location. 一个可以帮助你完全控制位置授权的模块 Currently, you may return custom location to speci
A simple adversarial game
cantstoptherock A casual game collection / engine. Drop balloons onto the play field, usually. Try and stop the rock from rolling on through your ball
Simple and beautiful memory game for kids
Memory Game We just wanted a simple memory game for kids 4+ age. No ads, no complicated screens, but a straightforward nice looking, working and open
A simple plane game in android.
Android PlaneGame This is a demo of plane game. Demo 豌豆荚下载:http://www.wandoujia.com/apps/edu.njupt.zhb.planegame Demo Pic Usage Step 0 Eclipse + ADT g
Traditional roguelike game with pixel-art graphics and simple interface
Pixel Dungeon Traditional roguelike game with pixel-art graphics and simple interface. Pixel Dungeon on GooglePlay: https://play.google.com/store/apps
A simple sound recording app implementing Material Design
Easy Sound Recorder A simple sound recording app implementing Material Design. Screenshots: Credits / Libraries used: https://github.com/makovkastar/F
Marvel - A simple application to display information about the characters of the Marvel universe
Marvel Characters 'Marvel characters' is a simple application to display informa
PopularMovieApp - A simple project to Chiper challenge taken data from The Movie DB based on Kotlin MVVM clean architecture
A simple project to Chiper challenge taken data from The Movie DB based on Kotli
A simple android app written in Kotlin to get defination of word entered from Free Dictionary API.
FlashCard A simple android app written in Kotlin to get defination of word entered from Free Dictionary API. Problem Statement Many of students don't
GBooks - A simple android app written in Kotlin to read books from the Google Book Api
G-Books A simple android app written in Kotlin to read books from the Google Boo
Simple, lightweight and fast event bus tailored for Android
This project is @deprecated in favor of RxJava. It offers the same event-driven programming model as TinyBus, but it's more capable and offers better
🎲 A powerful and simple-to-use guilded wrapper made in Kotlin.
🎲 deck [WIP] Deck is a powerful yet simple-to-use guilded wrapper made entirely in Kotlin with support to multiplatform. Implementating In case you'r
A simple MQTT Service that will keep running for the duration of your Android application using the Paho Java MQTT Client.
DEPRECATED I would strongly recommend using the official Paho Android client. Setup Make sure to add the service to your AndroidManifest.xml Edit the
Library that allows you to easily and quickly create forms in Android with little code
NexusDialog Simple Form Generator for Android NexusDialog is a library that allows you to dynamically generate forms in Android with little code. It's
Generic form builder in Kotlin
This is a Kotlin port of FormMaster Examples Full Screen Partial Screen Login Documentation https://thejuki.github.io/KFormMaster Java Compatibility T
A simple, lightweight and powerful field validation library for Android.
Convalida Convalida - (Italian for "validation") Convalida is a simple, lightweight and powerful field validation library for Android. Documentation G
A simple Android library that applies shadows of any color to views and allows easy manipulation of edges.
ComplexView A simple Android library that applies shadows of any color to views and allows easy manipulation of edges. ComplexView now supports shadow
KdGaugeView is a simple and customizable Gauge / Speedometer control for Android.
KdGaugeView KDGaugeView is a simple and customizable gauge control for Android inspired by LMGaugeView Motivation I need some clean Guage view for my
LiveStream is a simple class which makes communication easy among different modules of your application.
LiveStream-Kt (Android) 📱 LiveStream is a data holder class which can observe change of data in real-time and emit values too. Unlike other observabl
Simple library for creating bottom tab layout. Made by Stfalcon
BottomTabLayout Simple library for bottom tab layout Download Download via Gradle: compile 'com.github.stfalcon:bottomtablayout:0.3' or Maven: depend
AsyncSport - AsyncSports Async sports is very simple application that shows athletes video feeds
AsyncLabs Interview Solution 👀 Writing AsyncLabs Interview Solution App using A
Integral-Calculator-App - Android app developed for Hackerschool's recruitment to evaluate simple definite Integrals using Simpson's Rule
Integral-Calculator-App Android app developed for Hackerschool's recruitment to
HiltTest - Simple hilt dependency injection android kotlin
Using Hilt in your Android app This folder contains the source code for the "Usi
Weatherapp: a simple weather forecast app, which uses some APIs to fetch 5 day / 3 hour forecast data from the OpenWeatherMap
Weatherapp Weatherapp is a simple weather forecast app, which uses some APIs to
A simple cool text carousel for Android
AnimatedTextCarousel A simple cool text carousel for Android Installation: Add it in your root build.gradle at the end of repositories: allprojects {
A ready-made pretty interactive card form that can be included in your Android app, making it easy to accept credit and debit cards.
ANDROID CARD FORM A better Android credit/debit card interactive form without writing a lot of code CardForm can be used as a simple credit card valid
🔥 An android library to get simple menu options on steroids 💪
Pager 🔥 An android library to get simple menu options to 💪 . Inspired by AndroidResideMenu. GIF AndroidPub(Medium) Post You can read the AndroidPub
simple light weight android library for displaying tabulated data
LegacyTableView simple light weight android library for displaying tabulated data This is a simple android library that will help you include tables i
A simple cool animated edit text with a expandable animation for Android
AnimatedExpandableEditText A simple cool animated edit text with a expandable animation for Android Installation: Add it in your root build.gradle at
Fole is a simple library to collapse and expand a TextView.
Fole Fole is a simple library that handles a toggle for you, to expand and collapse a TextView. Please, star this repo if you find it useful. 🙃 Demo
📱 Simple library which adds beautiful animation to views 💥
Boom ⭐ A lightweight library written in Kotlin to implement elastic touch effect in your project. Supports ❤ Feel free to give your support by contrib
A simple cool dismissal animation for activities
AnimatedDismissableActivity A simple cool dismissal animation for activities Installation: Add it in your root build.gradle at the end of repositories
Simple 2D platform game.
FloreProject Simple 2D platform game. Supported platforms OS Support Android ❌ Not playable Windows ✅ Full support Linux ✅ Full support MacOS ✅ Full s
⏰ A powerful and simple-to-use guilded wrapper made in Kotlin.
⏰ guilded-kt [WIP] A powerful yet simple-to-use guilded wrapper made entirely in Kotlin with supporting multiplatform. Take a look at an example of th
StoryGen - A simple story generator (or it will be eventually) to learn Kotlin
StoryGen A simple story generator (or it will be eventually) to learn Kotlin. To
Simple card app for Udacity's Android Basics: User Interface course
just-because-card Simple card app for Udacity's Android Basics: User Interface c
A simple custom view class to enter otp
otpview A custom view class to enter a four digit code which is used often these days for authentication. How to integrate the library in your app? Gr
A simple e-market application that allows users to view the store details and products, add products to the basket, and place an order.
E-Market Application Features : Store details & products screen Fetch the store detail from an endpoint and display this upper part of the screen. Fet
A simple library to display a horizontal calendar with custom start and end date, and mark events with a background
Horizontal Calendar View A simple library to display a horizontal calendar with custom start and end date, and mark events with a background Installat
🌠 Simple way make your beautiful dialog (Bottom Sheet Dialog)
Bottom Flux Dialog BottomFluxDialog, Simple way make your beautiful dialog Download Demo ScreenShot Setup The simplest way to use BottomFluxDialog is
A simple android library to play with GIF
EasyGifView A simple android library to play with GIF Usage Gradle 1 Add it in your root build.gradle at the end of repositories allprojects { re
Android contact extractor library is entitled to provide, simple contacts extraction API's to fetch contact from 'Contact' application
Android-Contact-Extractor-Library Extract all the contacts from android 'Contacts' application by using simple easy-to-use apis. It helps to remove th
NetworkConnection is a simple library to http request support.
NetworkConnection Overview NetworkConnection is a simple library to http request support. this mean goal is to provide a very simple interface to deve
A Simple horizontal date selector build using android Paging 3 and RecycleView.
Horizontal Calendar Paging A Simple horizontal date selector build using android Paging 3 and RecycleView. No need to add any other 3rd party librarie
Android M Permissions - Fast & Simple.
Android Permission Check Library Status [](http
Simple Logger for Android
EzyLogger-Android Simple Logger for Android Gradle allprojects { repositories { ... maven { url 'https://jitpack.io' } } } dependencies {
BlueNote-Android - an android app that provides simple notes and answer
BlueNote AnswerSheet Blue Note is an android app that provides simple notes and
Uppics - A simple app that authenticates a user and allows them to post images which can then be upvoted or downvoted
UpPics A simple app that authenticates a user and allows them to post images whi
Android-livedata-validation - DataBinding ViewModel form validation library for Android ♻
Support/Features Supports TextView, EditText, AppCompatEditText, TextInputEditText, TextInputLayout and CheckBox Combine different types of error mess
APIServiceLibrary - Minimized API library which is used call the server request in andorid.
Minimized API Service Library This is a optimized custom library for server communication. References taken from VOLLEY library. We can reduce the cod
This will provide food data in JSON form and display it using RecyclerView and CardView.
retrofit-with-food2fork.com This will provide food data in JSON form and display it using RecyclerView and CardView. NOTE:Please register at foot2fork
Pagination-RecyclerView - Simple and easy way to Paginating a RecyclerView
Pagination-RecyclerView Simple and easy way to Paginating a RecyclerView Android
Simple-todo-app - Simple Memo App using SQLite
Judul Aplikasi Aplikasi Memo Sederhana menggunakan SQLite. Fitur Aplikasi Memo y
BottomSheet-Android - A simple customizable BottomSheet Library for Android Kotlin
BottomSheet-Android A simple customizable BottomSheet Library for Android Kotlin
MaterialPickers-in-android - A simple android project that shows how to create material pickers for date and time
MaterialPickers-in-android A simple android project that shows how to create mat
Register-Yourself - This app uses SQLite database to sign-up and register a user
Register-Yourself This Android app uses SQLite database to sign-up and register a user. Short description This is a basic application where a user sig
HowsTheWeather - 🌄 Your typical weather app, made really simple.
How's The Weather This is a simple Android app made with the purpose of learning how to access external APIs. It displays the data fetched from this A
NguyenThienAn06105 - This repository consist of the code to read camera data on ESP8266 and a simple Android application to visualize the …
MLX90640-HeatCamera This repository consist of the code to read camera data on ESP8266 and a simple Android application to visualize the result. There
A Glitch in the Data - a no-nonsense android library for form validation/validate and string matching
A Glitch in the Data A no-nonsense Android Library for Form Validation and String Matching - - 📺 Preview 📱 Compatibility 💻 Usage 📩 Download 📋 Fea
Torch is a simple-use library for Android hepls you to have an access on the flash light.
Torch Torch is a simple-use library for Android hepls you to have an access on the flash light. Gradle Step 1. Add the JitPack repository to your root
ConstraintSetChangesTest - Simple project showing Changes of ConstraintSet value as part of mutable state in JetpackCompose.
ConstraintSetChangesTest Simple project showing Changes of ConstraintSet value as part of mutable state in JetpackCompose. Version: implementation
SimpleToDo - Simple "To-Do" App for CodePath Prework Assignment
Project 1 - Simple ToDo App Simple ToDo is an android app that allows building a todo list and basic todo items management functionality including add
SimpleToDo - A Simple To-Do App
Project 1 - Simple Todo Simple Todo is an android app that allows building a todo list and basic todo items management functionality including adding
Crunch-Mobile - A Food Delivery Mobile App which uses Modern App Architecture Pattern, Firebase And a Simple Restful Api
Crunch-Mobile This is a Food Delivery Mobile App which uses Modern App Architect
Wynncraft API Wrapper - Simple wrapper to get Wynncraft Stats of a player or a guild and more in Java
WynncraftAPIWrapper Simple wrapper to get Wynncraft Stats of a player or a guild
Simple-Claim-Form - Android App for creating a simple dynamic form with MVVM architecture
Simple-Claim-Form Android App for creating a simple dynamic form with MVVM archi
Javalin - A simple web framework for Java and Kotlin
Javalin - A simple web framework for Java and Kotlin Javalin is a very lightweight web framework for Kotlin and Java which supports WebSockets, HTTP2
PetAdoptionStore - A simple CRUD app for pet adoption
petAdoptionStore A simple automated CRUD app for a pet adoption store. #The idea
Sally - Simple Algebraic Linear equations solver
Sally Sally is a simple solver for Simple Algebraic Linear equations. Platform-a
A simple Kotlin class to use to connect to a MongoDB collection.
mongodb-kotlin A simple Kotlin class to use to connect to a MongoDB collection. Once you have created a MongoDB project, choose Build a Database: Next
Plannr is an organizational platform developed using Java, in the form of an Android app, that helps university students coordinate their everyday routine.
Plannr Plannr is an organizational platform developed using Java, in the form of an Android app, that helps university students coordinate their every
The Functional toolkit for Kotlin HTTP applications. http4k provides a simple and uniform way to serve, consume, and test HTTP services.
http4k is a lightweight but fully-featured HTTP toolkit written in pure Kotlin that enables the serving and consuming of HTTP services in a functional
A sample code taking picture in android with app permission and simple ui
Android Taking Picture Sample Just sample code taking picture in android with ap
Notes is a simple and private notes app. Organize your thoughts, discoveries, and ideas and simplify planning important moments in your life with your digital notepad.
Notes Example Download Download the latest version of the Android app from this link. Building Using Android Studio Clone the repo, open it in Android
A simple and modern Java and Kotlin vert.x web framework
Cloudopt Next is a very lightweight and modern, JVM-based, full stack kotlin framework designed for building modular, easily testable JVM applications
Simple config properties API for Kotlin
Konfig - A Type Safe Configuration API for Kotlin Konfig provides an extensible, type-safe API for configuration properties gathered from multiple sou
A truly hackable editor: simple, lightweight, understandable
kanvas A very simple editor built in Kotlin and intended to be extended and hacked. It is very simple to customize it to handle a language defined usi
Simple access to Firebase Realtime Database.
FbRemoteDb Simple access to Firebase Realtime Database. Everything is inside a Bucket, there you can store your items. This is for simplifying the acc
Build a simple timer application with kotlin
3. Build a simple timer application which provides below features: a. A simple U
Simple android application that consumes Rick and Morty API to display characters,episodes,Location
Rick and Morty Compose An android app built using Kotlin that consumes Rick and
Solr / SolrCloud running in high performance server - tiny, fast startup, simple to configure, easy deployment without an application server.
solr-undertow Solr and SolrCloud running in high performance server - Tiny, fast, easy, standalone deployment, simple to configure, and without an app
Simple, Expressive, Extensible Testing for Kotlin on the JVM
Minutest JUnit multiplied by Kotlin Why Another Test Framework? JUnit is great for quickly writing and running tests as part of a TDD workflow, but tr
Simple TlsLibrary written in Kotlin - Provides DSL for creating TLS connections
SeKurity - Kotlin powered TLS library This library provides an API for creating basic SSL/TLS connections with standard Java Secure Socket Extension,