5479 Repositories
Android android-fbdownload Libraries
Improved project template for Android Studio
Improved project template for Android Studio Unfortunately the default Android Studio template has a lot of unnecessary stuff that has to be removed e
Android-application used as an introduction to Android development and Android APIs.
Android-application used as an introduction to Android development and Android APIs. This application is an implementation of the game Thirty and written in Kotlin.
MarsRealEstate is a simple demo app using ViewModel & LiveData with Retrofit, Glide and Moshi in Kotlin.
Android-NASA-Real-Estate-Mars Is Android app that uses Kotlin and MVVM architecture is a simple app that uses Coroutines, LiveData with Retrofit, Glid
Starter code for the second independent project for Android Basics in Kotlin
Dogglers - Starter Code Starter code for the second independent project for Android Basics in Kotlin. Introduction This is the starter code for the Do
Android PopupMenu and iOS14+ UIMenu components for react-native.
Android PopupMenu and iOS14+ UIMenu components for react-native. Falls back to ActionSheet for versions below iOS14.
This repository contains the source code for the PokeApi Android app.
PokeApi App This repository contains the source code for the PokeApi Android app.
An android app that lists all planets in our solar system and brings some information about them.
SolarSystem This application was developed in Android Studio and uses Kotlin as programming language. In short, it is an app that lists all the planet
A plugin for Termux to use native Android GUI components from CLI applications.
Termux:GUI This is a plugin for Termux that enables command line programs to use the native android GUI. In the examples directory you can find demo v
Simple ws subscription Android App.
UDWebSocketExample This is a simple web socket (ws) app which logs a local rest subscription to ISY and Polisy Installation Go to https://github.com/U
2017 Android Associate Developer Exam
Bug-Master-Android-Application This was the application I built to pass the Google Android Associate Exam in 2017. The app involved syncing with an in
Liten android-app for å se bysykkel-stasjoner i Oslo
bysykkel-kodeoppgave Liten android-app for å se bysykkel-stasjoner i Oslo Bruk av appen Applikasjonen består av én skjerm med: en liste over bysykkel-
This is a News Application for android mobiles, fetching news through Guardian API.
News-In-Hand This is a NEWS FEED APP which gives a user regularly-updated news from the Internet. To achieve this, I use the Guardian API. This is a w
A Simple App to implement Navigation Architecture Component.
Android Navigation codelab Content: https://codelabs.developers.google.com/codelabs/android-navigation/ License Copyright 2018 The Android Open Source
Menyimpan source code tugas User Interaction and Control, mata kuliah Pemrograman Mobile Teori, semester lima tahun 2021.
android-uic About This Project Android-uic adalah sebuah aplikasi sederhana yang dibuat untuk menyelesaikan tugas dua mata kuliah pemrograman mobile.
plugin to use to replace text in android studio
replace-text-plugin Template ToDo list Create a new IntelliJ Platform Plugin Template project. Get known with the template documentation. Verify the p
Starter code for the second independent project for Android Basics in Kotlin.
Dogglers - Starter Code Starter code for the second independent project for Android Basics in Kotlin. Introduction This is the starter code for the Do
Jetpack Compose android app that gets random footballer data from REST API. Retrofit, Dependency Injection...
random-footballer Jetpack Compose android app that gets random footballer data from REST API. Retrofit, Dependency Injection... Random Footballer Demo
Vbmeta Patcher is an Android app that toggles the disable flags of the vbmeta partitions.
Vbmeta Patcher Vbmeta Patcher is an Android app that toggles the disable flags of the vbmeta partitions. Usage If either vbmeta_a or vbmeta_b are unpa
App de recetario para Android
Recetario-Kotln App de recetario para Android Capturas de pantalla Menú principal de la aplicación Lista de Recetas que se muestra al seleccionar cual
Android-приложение, отображающее с помощью стандартных контейнеров флаги стран.
FunWithFlags Задача Необходимо с помощью стандартных контейнеров (FrameLayout/LinearLayout/ConstraintLayout) отобразить на экране флаги следующих стра
Lightning fast, open-source, 200kb Android launcher
Lightning fast, open-source, 200kb Android launcher
Bitcoin Market app shows you the current Bitcoin market price and price chart of different time intervals 💰
Bitcoin Market 💰 Bitcoin Market app shows you the current Bitcoin market price and price chart of different time intervals Tech stack and whys 🏗 Kot
second submission in Belajar Fundamental Aplikasi Android Class from Dicoding Indonesia
GithubUserApp2 Before I explain how this application works and submission checklist, I want to say thank you to Dicoding Indonesia for providing "Bela
A simple android sound recorder which let's users record audio and listen to it
Android-Sound-Recorder A simple android sound recorder which let's users record audio and listen to it. Getting started To get started just clone or f
A simple music player for Android
RSShool2021-Android-task6-Music-App Цель - реализовать простой музыкальный плеер на Android 🎵 Требования: Данные о треках считываются с JSON-файла. П
[ACTIVE] Simple Stack, a backstack library / navigation framework for simpler navigation and state management (for fragments, views, or whatevers).
Simple Stack Why do I want this? To make navigation to another screen as simple as backstack.goTo(SomeScreen()), and going back as simple as backstack
Kotlin Android object for global applicationContext
ContextProvider Kotlin Android object for global applicationContext Usage In your Aplication class class YourApp : Application() { override fun o
On-Device ID Card & Passport & Driver License Recognition SDK for Android
ID Card, Passport, Driver License Recognition SDK for Android On-Device & Offline, Robust, ID Card, Passport, Driver License OCR SDK for Android 🎉
An example of a test task for creating a simple currency converter application for the Android platform. The app is developed using Kotlin, MVI, Dagger Hilt, Retrofit, Jetpack Compose.
Simple Currency Converter Simple Currency Converter Android App by Isaev Semyon An example of a test task for creating a simple currency converter app
Primeiro aplicativo desenvolvido na linguagem kotlin, durante o Hackathon no curso de Android Kotlin da Cel.Lep em parceria com Estação Hack from Facebook
Tela Splash: Nome do aplicativo e uma imagem: Tela Main, principal tela do aplicativo: Um campo para o usuário informar a medida; Um spinner com os ti
lab2 android
Задание Разработать приложение, которое считает сколько секунд пользователь провел в приложении, т.е.: Приложение считает секунды, когда оно отображае
Ivy Wallet is an Open Source money manager app for android that you can either build or download from Google Play.
Ivy Wallet is an Open Source money manager app for android that you can either build or download from Google Play.
Android Application built using MVVM + Retrofit + Hilt + Clean + Room to shown several movies from "The Movie DB" platform.
MovieHunter Android Application built using MVVM + Retrofit + Hilt + Clean + Room to shown several movies from "The Movie DB" platform. Contribution I
ListView Example with custom Adapter Using Kotlin in Android Studio
Kotlin-ListView ListView Example with custom Adapter Using Kotlin in Android Studio Steps to follow : Build ListView with Custom Adapter in Kotlin Add
Android app simulates an emergency alerting mechanism, for falls, earthquakes and fires.
smart_alert This Android application simulates an emergency alerting mechanism, for falls, earthquakes and fires. Users can abort an emergency alert c
Aplicación desarrollada en Kotlin. Una aplicación Android donde se puede ver a todos los pokemons existentes, realizar búsquedas y revisar en detalle cuáles son las principales características de un Pokémon. Tiene una vista detallada de cada pokemon y paginación.
pokeapp Aplicación desarrollada en Kotlin. Una aplicación Android donde se puede ver a todos los pokemons existentes, realizar búsquedas y revisar en
Android background tint test project
Android Background Tint References https://developer.android.com/reference/android/view/View#attr_android:background https://developer.android.com/ref
android project themplate including network(retrofit), utils(image, permission, etc), etc
Template-Android When starting a new Android project, it is boring to write some codes such as permission verification, network interface creation, wh
Detect-My-Mask: An android app which runs along with a TensorLite ML Model which detect whether a person is wearing mask or not.
Detect-My-Mask About : Detect My Mask is an Android Application which is powered by a TensorLite ML Model which is programmed and trained to detect wh
Neat little beginner android app for calculating restaurant tip.
TipCalAndroidApp Check it out on the playstore https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.confuseddevs.tipcal This is the first app I published
A lightweight library for using Material Colors in Android Jetpack Compose Project 🚀🚀🚀
How To Use Step 1: Add the JitPack repository to your build file. Add it in your root build.gradle / build.gradle.kts at the end of repositories: Groo
App Android News API With Kotlin
App-Android-News-API Wireframe page principale (Tout les articles): Wireframe page d'un article: Tecnologigie choisie - Android Studio avec Kotlin -R
A customize multiple state layout for Android.
MultiStateLayout 🌀 A customize multiple state layout for Android. (中文文档) Preview Download the sample apk to see more: Sample APK. Setup Add the multi
Esito ambition is to be your return type for suspending functions.
Esito ambition is to be your return type for suspending functions.
Fragments: Advanced Reusable Interfaces on Android
LIVE #016 - Fragments: Interfaces reutilizáveis avançadas no Android (Atualizado com Jetpack) Código fonte do projeto criado na live #016, ensinando c
Suhuf is an android library that is used to build bottom sheets in an elegant way.
Suhuf is an android library that is used to build bottom sheets in an elegant way.
Dealing with Android Text by simple way to get high performance.
Gapo Android RichText RichText supports Hashtag, Mention, Url, Phone Number, Email, Markdown, Custom Span, SeeMore/SeeLess by limited line or length,
This project was created as a demo project for implementing latest frameworks, Android APIs, tools, and techniques.
IWeather Android Application This project was created as a demo project for implementing latest frameworks, Android APIs, tools, and techniques. It fo
A reliable android app that shows upcoming fixtures, updated league tables, and top goal scorers in a Premier League and French Ligue 1
RapidScore Screenshots Table of Contents Description Dependencies API Reference Lessons Learnt Contributing Roadmap Google Playstore License Author In
Kotlin Multiplatform Sample - Android, iOS, Web, Desktop
KMP-Sample Kotlin Multiplatform Sample Android iOS Web (Compose for web) Desktop (Compose for desktop) 💎 Structure Diagram 🛠 Build At least android
A set of Android-UI components to make it easier to request permission in a user friendly way.
Permission UI A set of Android-UI components to make it easier to request permission in a user friendly way. Access background location A jetpack comp
Remote Notification Manager for Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile iOS and android
Remote Notification Manager for Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile Features Super easy to use APNs and FCM in one interface Dramatically reduce code to write
WatchStore Ecommerce app using MVVM, Kotlin, Firebase Firestore, Coroutines, Dagger Hilt
WatchStore Sanple App Like Ecommerce App Developed using Kotlin. Features used: Firebase Firestore Navigation Component. MVVM Architecture RecyclerVie
A local storage management library for Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile iOS and android
A local storage management library for Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile iOS and android Features iOS and Android local storage in one interface Provides ge
CodeLab for the workshop: A Composable New World
A Composable New World! Compose is here! 🙌 I've created a codelab where you can follow step by step the development of android application using Comp
An android app built using Kotlin that consumes TMDB API to display current trending, upcoming and popular movies 🍿 .
Flick An android app built using Kotlin that consumes TMDB API to display current trending, upcoming and popular movies 🍿 .It has been built followin
K5-compose is a sketchy port of p5.js for Jetpack Compose
k5-compose k5-compose is a sketchy port of P5.js for Jetpack Compose Desktop. This library provides you a playground to play with your sketches so you
The only wallpaper app you need. No ads, Completely free ! I promise
WallUp An awesome app to download wallpapers for your phone. No ads ! I promise. Explore the docs » Report Bug · Request Feature Table of Contents Abo
F-Droid client with Material UI.
Droid-ify A quick material F-Droid client. 📖 Features Material F-Droid style No cards or inappropriate animations Fast repository syncing Standard An
A sample repo to play with modern Android technologies
MarvelCompose Marvel + Compose. Table of Contents Introduction Features Feedback Introduction This is a sample repo to play with modern Android techno
REST countries sample app that loads information from REST countries API V3 to show an approach to using some of the best practices in Android Development.
MAJORITY assignment solution in Kotlin via MVVM Repository Pattern. REST countries sample app that loads information from REST countries API V3 to sho
Introduction App Project For Android .
Installation Open Aide : Please at the first open AIDE app on your mobile . Download Libraries : At first turn on your filterBreaker and then download
A Simple Calculator For Android With Java .
Installation Open Aide : Please at the first open AIDE app on your mobile . Create XML files : Copy XML files from the [ Res ] folder and paste them i
simple projet for implementation detekt for android
Simple DETEKT implementation others KTLint DeteKT Spotless gradle-code-quality-tools-plugin Tutorials medium Config detekt config.yml Gradle Build Scr
Starter code for Android Basics codelab - Store the data in a ViewModel
Unscramble App Starter code for Android Basics codelab - Store the data in a ViewModel Unscramble is a single player game app that displays scrambled
android project based on declarative UI (jetpack compose)
jetpack_compose_mvvm jetpack compose Coroutines and flows Dependency Injection with Koin Library. Model View Intent Architecture - MVI. Clean Architec
Starter code for Android Kotlin Fundamentals Codelab 7.4 Interacting with RecyclerView items
TrackMySleepQuality with RecyclerView - Starter Code for 7.4 Starter code for Android Kotlin Fundamentals Codelab 7.4 Interacting with RecyclerView it
Starter code for the first independent project for Android Basics in Kotlin
Project: Lemonade App - Starter Code Starter code for the first independent project for Android Basics in Kotlin Introduction This is the starter code
GoogleMaps with its all feature implemented.
In this project, I have implemented Map Style Pointer On Map Long Press pointer add On Option Item Selected on Map Option Menu Location Enable Button
An Android Application which provides meanings for words searched.
An Android Application which provides meanings for words searched. It also displays some examples, synonyms and antonyms of the searched word.
android application for plant identification and blogging
flaurapedia Description: An android application for plant identification and blogging Notice: This app is not on GitHub for distribution but rather fo
A multi module app, for improve knowledges
MultiModuleApp App multimódulos para estudos Aqui existem vários apps simples (1 em cada módulo) e está sendo construído por: App multi módulos Consum
Booking - Android Architecture Sample
Booking - Android Architecture Sample A simple app that loads information from REST API to show one approach to using some of the best practices in An
BuildConfiguration information for use in multi-module, or Kotlin Multiplatform common code
component-build-configuration A small library supporting Kotlin Multiplatform for utilizing BuildConfiguration details from common code and across mod
The coding challenge elbotola android test
Introduction The coding challenge(s) below will be used to assess your familiarity with the Android development environment, relevant Android related
Android application to perfectly cook your eggs
Timeggz Table of Contents About Architecture and frameworks CI Linter Contributing License About Timeggz is an android application to perfectly cook y
Android app that show the palette of material theme based on your wallpaper
Material-You-Palette Android app that show the palette of material theme based on your wallpaper Show color blocks and names in on color Few Samples W
An Android project template with MVVM, Hilt, Navigation and Compose
compose-android-template An Android project template with MVVM, Hilt, Navigation and Compose 🔴 Status UNDER ACTIVE DEVELOPMENT 📄 Terminologies Termi
Clean Architecture - Kotlin, MVVM, Use cases
CleanArchitecture Is Clean Architecture only MVVM ? NO, MVVM is a part of clean architecture. MVVM includes Model, View and ViewModel and in addition
android-engineer-assignment-2021-miguelaboliveira created by GitHub Classroom
Memory Android Engineer Interview Assignment Hello and welcome to the Memory Android Engineer interview assignment! There can be no demo app that does
Kalam is an app that gives people a chance to write their stories on the app.
Kalam is an app that gives people a chance to write their stories on the app. This app gives a good story for the story readers and gives good story writers a chance to write their own story
Android application that implements location and network related Android APIs
Location and network data collection Location and network data collection with Android's telephonyManager class. Introduction Technologies Android's A
🚀A powerful android clean architecture that helps you build your apps faster.
IMStudio 📖 Table of Contents Project Structure Convention RxJava Common Scripts Technical Stack Dependencies Library Architecture Case Study Authors
Currency converter Android application using MVVM architecture
Currency Converter Currency conversion using live exchange rates. Demo Screenshots API service
Keep My Notes App Android MVVM architecture
Keep My Notes My Notes. lien PlayStore Screenshots Architecture This app implements the MVVM architectural . Built with ViewModel - A class designed t
This is a practical project for Professional Android Developers that covers clean Architecture basics using the following: skills: Real-like coding with Kotlin, MVVM Design pattern, Kotlin Coroutines, Room database, Navigation Controller, Jetpack compose, Use cases, and Dependency injection using Dagger-Hilt.
Note App This is a practical project for Professional Android Developers that covers clean Architecture basics using the following: skills: Real-like
Android app for Ribbit, Broker API Reference App
Ribbit Reference Implementation (Android) The reference implementation for designing the Android user interface of a broker-dealer trading application
An Android library that solves a lot of Android's Bluetooth Low Energy problems
A library that makes working with Bluetooth LE on Android a pleasure. Seriously.
An Android Library for in-app switching between environment variables
android-env-picker An Android Library for in-app switching between environment variables. Central use case is picking a desired endpoint for backend c
Analytics Tools for Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile iOS and android
Index Features Example Introduce Architecture Installation Configure Using Screen Mapper Initialization Implementation Delegate Parameters ATEventPara
Meu primeiro aplicativo Android desenvolvido com Kotlin e Android Studio.
Cálculos 3 em 1 Este é um aplicativo Android que oferece três tipos de cálculos: calcular o IMC, calcular o valor do IPVA e converter medidas. Esse ap
Memory Android Engineer Interview Assignment
Memory Android Engineer Interview Assignment Hello and welcome to the Memory Android Engineer interview assignment! There can be no demo app that does
School project: Weather forecast application made in android studio using Kotlin, SQLite and OpenWeatherMaps free API.
A*star 4-cast School project made in android studio using Kotlin, SQLite and free API from OpenWeatherMap.org. A weather forecast app with C(U)RD oper
Android game to beat a Halloween Monster named Marnus! :)
RandomNumberGame I am developing a simple game to fight against the Halloween Monster Marnus for Halloween Pumpkins .Let's see who wins more Pumpkins
A news app made using android studio in Java with features like favourite news, Location detector for local news, and especially made with HUAWEI APIs
HuaweiGlobalNewsApp A news app made using android studio in Java with features like favourite news, Location detector for local news, and especially m
Create Android Demo with TCP/IP Protocol.
DEMO说明文档 本demo为Java 编写的给Android手机或平板使用TCP方式控制Dobot协作机器人CR(以下简称CR)的DEMO DEMO系统要求 Android 4.3版本以上即可 工程文件说明 工程文件需要使用Android Studio打开,请使用4.0版本的Android Stu
Android Crud com Img
Android_Crud_Image Projeto que envolve todo o Processo de desenvolver uma aplicaçao com os principios basicos de entradas e saidas de dados ! ✓Add/Upd
Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile demo for Android and iOS - app for viewing Cat pictures
CatViewerDemo Android demo iOS demo Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile demo for Android and iOS. App for viewing Cat pictures from Cats API. This sample show