598 Repositories
Android react-native-navigation-bar Libraries
A flutter plugin allows you to create native android floating window.
A flutter plugin allows you to create native android floating window.
Building Web Applications with React and Kotlin JS Hands-On Lab
Building Web Applications with React and Kotlin JS Hands-On Lab This repository is the code corresponding to the hands-on lab Building Web Application
ShopApp - A Native Android Shop app with kotlin
A Native Android Shop app. Light Theme Dark Theme I've used: Kotlin The MVVM architecture pattern Jetpack Compose Hilt for dependency injectio
Zakadabar Application Template
Zakadabar Application Template This repository contains an application template which you may use to start a new application project based on Zakadaba
A Flutter plugin that retrieves images and videos from mobile native gallery
Photo Gallery A Flutter plugin that retrieves images and videos from mobile native gallery. Installation First, add photo_gallery as a dependency in y
📊 A Minimal Expense Tracker App built to demonstrate the use of modern android architecture component with MVVM Architecture
Expenso 📊 A Simple Expense Tracker App 📱 built to demonstrate the use of modern android architecture component with MVVM Architecture 🏗 . Made with
Weather App With Jetpack Compose
Weather-App-With-Compose In this repository i made weather app with using Jetpack Compose. Datas is coming from internet. You can look in here. Librar
D-KMP Architecture official sample: it uses a shared KMP ViewModel and Navigation for Compose and SwiftUI apps.
D-KMP architecture - official sample This is the official sample of the D-KMP architecture, presenting a simple master/detail app, for Android, iOS an
Bar Service Kotlin Client
A simple starter service client written in Kotlin against generated models (protos)A simple starter service client written in Kotlin against generated models (protos)
Spring Native Bookcase Backend Example
Spring Native Bookcase Backend Example Simple example for bookcase backend. Saves bookcases and list them (simple CRUD). set database connection prope
Finder Job simple app using (Retrofit , Dagger hilt , coroutines , navigation components)
Job Finder I'm finished building a simple project Job Finder App technology used [dagger hilt, coroutines, navigation components, LiveData, Skelton pa
A flutter plugin to add Mapbox Navigation into flutter app
mapbox A new Flutter project. Getting Started This project is a starting point for a Flutter plug-in package, a specialized package that includes plat
FirestoreCleanArchitectureApp is an app built with Kotlin and Firestore that displays data in real-time using the MVVM Architecture Pattern. For the UI it uses Jetpack Compose, Android's modern toolkit for building native UI.
FirestoreCleanArchitectureApp FirestoreCleanArchitectureApp is an app built with Kotlin and Cloud Firestore that displays data in real-time using Andr
Kotlin, MVVM, Navigation Component, Hilt, Jetpack Compose, Retrofit2
What is this project? This course will replace my old java mvvm introduction: https://codingwithmitch.com/courses/rest-api-mvvm-retrofit2/. Watch the
Android PopupMenu and iOS14+ UIMenu components for react-native.
Android PopupMenu and iOS14+ UIMenu components for react-native. Falls back to ActionSheet for versions below iOS14.
A plugin for Termux to use native Android GUI components from CLI applications.
Termux:GUI This is a plugin for Termux that enables command line programs to use the native android GUI. In the examples directory you can find demo v
A Simple App to implement Navigation Architecture Component.
Android Navigation codelab Content: https://codelabs.developers.google.com/codelabs/android-navigation/ License Copyright 2018 The Android Open Source
[ACTIVE] Simple Stack, a backstack library / navigation framework for simpler navigation and state management (for fragments, views, or whatevers).
Simple Stack Why do I want this? To make navigation to another screen as simple as backstack.goTo(SomeScreen()), and going back as simple as backstack
Tugas Fragment Codelab Navigation Pemrograman Mobile
AndroidTrivia - starter code Starter code for Android Kotlin Fundamentals codelab 3.1: Create and add a fragment. Introduction The AndroidTrivia app a
ROOM Database Example with MVVM in Kotlin[Fragments,Navigation]
RoomDatabase_SampleApp Room Database Sample App Overview Of This Room Database Application In this app, we can do operation on room database | Insert,
A reliable android app that shows upcoming fixtures, updated league tables, and top goal scorers in a Premier League and French Ligue 1
RapidScore Screenshots Table of Contents Description Dependencies API Reference Lessons Learnt Contributing Roadmap Google Playstore License Author In
CKlib is a gradle plugin that will build and package C/C++/Objective-C code for Kotlin/Native.
C Klib CKlib is a gradle plugin that will build and package C/C++/Objective-C code for Kotlin/Native. The Problem When you want to access C-etc code f
This directory contains the model files (protos) for the Bar ServiceThis directory contains the model files (protos) for the Bar Service
This directory contains the model files (protos) for the Bar ServiceThis directory contains the model files (protos) for the Bar Service
An Android project template with MVVM, Hilt, Navigation and Compose
compose-android-template An Android project template with MVVM, Hilt, Navigation and Compose 🔴 Status UNDER ACTIVE DEVELOPMENT 📄 Terminologies Termi
This is a practical project for Professional Android Developers that covers clean Architecture basics using the following: skills: Real-like coding with Kotlin, MVVM Design pattern, Kotlin Coroutines, Room database, Navigation Controller, Jetpack compose, Use cases, and Dependency injection using Dagger-Hilt.
Note App This is a practical project for Professional Android Developers that covers clean Architecture basics using the following: skills: Real-like
The application is developed using Modern tools/libraries with UI implementations with Navigation architecture
This is mobile application which actual users will interact with. The application is developed using Modern tools/libraries with UI implementations with Navigation architecture. It connects with the Dog API to retrieve data. more detail of api can be found here - https://dog.ceo/dog-api/documentation/random This project a basic example of Retrofit and mvvm
Android Application sample in Compose demostrating the power of Paging
UserList Android Application sample in Compose demostrating the power of Paging Screenshots License Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, cl
Sample to grasp screen transition flow using Navigation and BottomNavigationView.
NavigationFlowSample Navigation + BottomNavigationView を使用した画面遷移で、Destinationのフローを把握するためのサンプルです。 画面遷移時にバックグラウンドで動作しているの処理を切り替える際に有効かもしれません。 Code class
Ricky and Morty episode guide using KMM and Apollo GraphQL Native
Ricky And Morty Episodes - Kmm Ricky and Morty episode guide using KMM and Apollo GraphQL Native This is a simple guide on how to create an KMM projec
A Weather Mobile or Android Native App, in Kotlin built to see the current weather of suggested countries of Europe and in my current position. In this case, Maputo/Mozambique #WitChallenge #Asked #Option1
Witweather_android This is a challenge assigned by Wit, which aimed to build an Android App to visualize the temperature in my current location, in th
This is my first Spring Boot with Kotlin project and used React as frontend.
༒☬༒ ꜱᴘʀɪɴɢ ʙᴏᴏᴛ + ᴋᴏᴛʟɪɴ ༒☬༒ This project is simple course enrolment site built with React with Typescript and Spring boot with Kotlin. Frontend - Ove
NTabLayout is a simple tab bar custom view under android which has click-sliding and scaling up animation effect.
NTabLayout Brief NTabLayout is a simple tab bar custom view under android which has click-sliding and scaling up animation effect. This tab bar's effe
Simple and lightweight UI library for user new experience, combining floating bottom navigation and bottom sheet behaviour. Simple and beautiful.
Simple and lightweight UI library for user new experience, combining floating bottom navigation and bottom sheet behaviour. Simple and beautiful.
Inspection tools for native android apps
InspectElement This project was just an exercise based on Android Developer Assistant, I have used AccessibilityService for inspecting, You can change
Extension for Voisek App on React Native
react-native-voisek-app-extension Voisek App Extension for React Native Installation npm install react-native-voisek-app-extension Usage import Voisek
Examples of custom recycler view items. Automatically detecting a dominant color of an image using Picasso and Palette libraries
custom-image-list-item Examples of custom RecyclerView items using Data Binding Features: Loading images urls with the help of a Picasso library Autom
An app architecture for Kotlin/Native on Android/iOS. Use Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile.
An app architecture for Kotlin/Native on Android/iOS. Use Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile. 项目架构主要分为原生系统层、Android/iOS业务SDK层、KMM SDK层、KMM业务逻辑SDK层、iOS sdkfra
A Kotlin client for the gRPC based Bar Service
Bar Service Kotlin Client Overview This directory contains a simple bar service client written in Kotlin against generated models (protos) You can fin
This library will make it easier to pass arguments between screens in Jetpack Compose.
Compose Navigation This library will make it easier to pass arguments between screens in Jetpack Compose Setup allprojects { repositories { ...
Kotlin wrapper for React Test Renderer, which can be used to unit test React components in a Kotlin/JS project.
Kotlin API for React Test Renderer Kotlin wrapper for React Test Renderer, which can be used to unit test React components in a Kotlin/JS project. How
NewsApp - Modern Minimalistic Design, MVVM, Pagination, Retrofit, Coroutines, Room, Glide, Navigation Component (Clean Architecture)
NewsApp is a modern news android application which features virtually ALL recent and recommended android development tech stack and tools used
📲💬 react-native-fontext is a lightweight library to integrate fonts in your React Native application that works seamlessly in android and iOS devices.
React Native Fontext react-native-fontext is a lightweight library to integrate fonts in your React Native application that works seamlessly in androi
MVVM News Application with clean code architecture & android jetpack components.
Android - Clean Architecture - Kotlin The purpose of this repo is to follow up Clean Architecture principles by bringing them to Android. The repo con
Make SIP calls from react-native using Linphone SDK
react-native-sip Make SIP calls from react-native using Linphone SDK Installation npm install react-native-sip Usage import { multiply } from "react-n
This application features - Modern Minimalistic Design, MVVM, Pagination, Hilt, Retrofit, Room, Data Store, Flow, Live Data, Navigation Component (Clean Architecture)
NewsFly NewsFly is a modern news android application which features virtually ALL recent and recommended android development tech stack and tools used
DSC Moi University session on using Navigation components to simplify creating navigation flow in our apps to use best practices recommended by the Google Android Team
Navigation Components Navigate between destination using safe args How to use the navigation graph and editor How send data between destinations Demo
Generate helper methods for compose navigation using KSP
Compose NavGen Generate helper methods for compose navigation using KSP. 🚧 You can try it now, but it's still under development. 🚧 TODO Support defa
JetPackMvvm 一个Jetpack结合MVVM的快速开发框架,基于MVVM模式集成谷歌官方推荐的JetPack组件库:LiveData、ViewModel、Lifecycle、Navigation组件
🐔 🐔 🐔 JetPackMvvm 基于MVVM模式集成谷歌官方推荐的JetPack组件库:LiveData、ViewModel、Lifecycle、Navigation组件 使用kotlin语言,添加大量拓展函数,简化代码 加入Retrofit网络请求,协程,帮你简化各种操作,让你快速请求网
Non-official Library Genesis (Libgen) Android mobile client.
Aurora If my noble work has helped you, consider becoming a . This is a non-official Library Genesis mobile client. The project is completely independ
Wallum is a superfast ⚡ lightweight wallpaper app, built using Kotlin, Retrofit, MVVM, Paging 3, Hilt, and Navigation Components
Show some ❤️ and star the repo to show support for the project Wallum Android App Wallum is a super-fast 🚀 , lightweight wallpaper app built purely w
A lightweight library to help you navigate in compose with well typed functions.
TypedNavigation A lightweight library to help you navigate in compose with well typed functions. Installation: You can add this library to your projec
A Kotlin library to use Jetpack Compose in Android and iOS. Allow to write UI for both in Kotin. Still experimental as many compose features are not yet available.
Multiplatform Compose A Kotlin library to use Jetpack Compose in Android and iOS. Allow to write UI for both in Kotin. Still experimental as many comp
Use Fragment like Activity
Fragivity : Use Fragment like Activity English | 中文文档 Fragivity is a library used to build APP with "Single Activity + Multi-Fragments" Architecture R
Simple Jetpack Compose Charts for multi-platform. Including Android, Web, Desktop.
compose-charts Simple Jetpack Compose Charts for multi-platform. Including Android, Web, Desktop. Graph Effects How to use? 1, show Pie Chart in Jetpa
🐶 Beautiful Puppy adoption app with Jetpack Compose #AndroidDevChallenge
Wiggles 🐶 Beautiful Puppy adoption app built to Demonstrate the Jetpack Compose UI for Android Dev Challenge Made with love ❤️ by Spikeysanju Try lat
GraphQL based Jetpack Compose and SwiftUI Kotlin Multiplatform project
MortyComposeKMM Kotlin Multiplatform sample that demonstrates use of GraphQL + Jetpack Compose and SwiftUI
A lightweight Trakt API.
This library is a lightweight Trakt API. It supports Swift, Kotlin, and JavaScript by setting up as a Kotlin Multiplatform project.
Jetpack Compose BottomDrawerScaffold (Material Bottom Drawer)
BottomDrawerScaffold Current Compose Version: 1.0.2 Compose BottomDrawerScaffold which implements the Material Bottom Drawer https://material.io/compo
Learn Jetpack Compose for Android by Examples. Learn how to use Jetpack Compose for Android App Development. Android’s modern toolkit for building native UI.
Learn Jetpack Compose for Android by Examples. Learn how to use Jetpack Compose for Android App Development. Android’s modern toolkit for building native UI.
Yet another ToDo app, but the UI completely written in Jetpack Compose!
Yet another ToDo app, but the UI completely written in Jetpack Compose!
A 2020s compatible React Native keyboard avoiding view for Android and iOS that just works.
react-native-keyboard-shift Example Snack coming soon Until then: Clone this repo: git clone https://github.com/FullStackCraft/react-native-keyboard-s
News app sample with Retrof't
Android App Sample (ViewModel + LiveData + Kotlin + Retrofit + Dependency Injection (Hilt) + Coroutine) - News App Project Description In this project
Odyssey it's a declarative multiplatform navigation library for Multiplatform Compose
Odyssey Odyssey it's a declarative multiplatform navigation library for Multiplatform Compose 🚧 WARNING! It's an early preview, so you use it with yo
An Android Template with MVVM and Clean Architecture
MVVMTemplate 🧞 A simple Android template that lets you create an Android project quickly. How to use 👣 Just click on button to create a new repo st
A simple navigation library for Android 🗺️
Enro 🗺️ A simple navigation library for Android "The novices’ eyes followed the wriggling path up from the well as it swept a great meandering arc ar
又一款虚拟Dom渲染引擎for Android
Lu-Another [Lu-Another]是一款我用业余时间开发的的 基于Virtual DOM的原生UI渲染框架 类似[Weex]、[ReactNative], 但不是对他们的复制,而是独立开发从底层写起 设计开发理念是实现一个极简的, 界面渲染各种业务逻辑全部在JS中, 实现了App的动态化
A multi back stack android navigation
Labyrinth A multi back stack android navigation MIT License - Copyright (c) 2020 Abanoub Milad Nassief Hanna abanoubcs@gmail.com @Linkedin @Github Scr
Kotlin Multiplatform lifecycle-aware business logic components (aka BLoCs) with routing functionality and pluggable UI (Jetpack Compose, SwiftUI, JS React, etc.), inspired by Badoos RIBs fork of the Uber RIBs framework
Decompose Please see the project website for documentation and APIs. Decompose is a Kotlin Multiplatform library for breaking down your code into life
Android interval timer app using compose + compose navigation, dagger hilt, room, kotlin coroutines + flow and mvvm design pattern.
What's InTime? ⏳ InTime is an interval timer application using android jetpack components and a long running service. The purpose of this project is t
Yet another ToDo app, but the UI completely written in Jetpack Compose!
Yet another ToDo app, but the UI completely written in Jetpack Compose!
Kodein-DB is a Kotlin/Multiplatform embedded NoSQL database that works on JVM, Android, Kotlin/Native and iOS.
Kodein-DB is a Kotlin/Multiplatform embedded NoSQL database that works on JVM, Android, Kotlin/Native and iOS. It is suited for client or mobile applications.
Small code generating library for safe Jetpack Compose navigation with no boilerplate.
Compose Destinations A KSP library to use alongside compose navigation. It reduces boilerplate code and is less error-prone since passing arguments be
Native android app made with Kotlin & Compose with example usage of Ktor, SqlDelight.
Delight-Playground 🎉 Native Android application built with Kotlin and Jetpack Compose. This app also illustrates the usage of advance libraries such
Custom Progress bar with stages developed in kotlin.
Custom-Progress-SeekBar A fully Customizable Semi Circle Arc Progress Bar. You can customize the the width and color of both progress and progress pla
Clothes shop native android app
ShopApp I built this clothes shop native android app in which I tried to implement clean architecture principles and use Jetpack Compose to create the
Small Android project demonstrating some navigation components for Jetpack Compose.
Small Android project demonstrating some navigation components for Jetpack Compose. Created this for presenting about this topic for a GDG meetup.
A reliable android app that shows upcoming fixtures, updated league tables, and top goal scorers in a league
SwiftScore A football stats and livescore app built with Kotlin,MVVM architecture,Retrofit, Coroutines and Navigation Components Demo Screenshots API
Android 11 Jetpack Masterclass Udemy Course by Denis Panjuta 🧑🏻💻
🍔 Jetpack Masterclass 🍟 Android 11 Jetpack Masterclass Udemy Course by Denis Panjuta 🧑🏻💻 🥇 MAD Score 📚 Tech stack & Open-Source Libraries Glid
Netflix inspired OTT Home Screen, Contains implementation in Reactjs, Kotlin React Wrapper, Jetpack Compose Web
Netflix-Clone-React Practising React by building Netflix Clone Requirements TMDB api key : Add TMDB API key to AppApi.kt Learning Resourcce Build Netf
A simple & curved & material bottom navigation for Android written in Kotlin with ♥ .
A simple & curved & material bottom navigation for Android written in Kotlin with ♥ .
💰 Expense Manager is simple, intuitive, stable and modern app that is just designed for you.
Expense Manager is simple, intuitive, stable and modern app that is just designed for you. Everything you need at your fingertips to manage the expenditures and budgets.
An app to detect color palettes in the real world - powered by VisionCamera
Colorwaver An app to detect colorwaves (swatches/palettes) in the real world - powered by VisionCamera and Reanimated. I wrote this app in less than a
Recipes app with using Jetpack Compose.
RecipesComposeApp In this repository i made recipes app with using Jetpack Compose. Datas is coming from my other json repository. You can look in her
Android 11 Jetpack Masterclass Udemy Course by Denis Panjuta 🧑🏻💻
🍔 Jetpack Masterclass 🍟 Android 11 Jetpack Masterclass Udemy Course by Denis Panjuta 🧑🏻💻 🥇 MAD Score 📚 Tech stack & Open-Source Libraries Glid
A feature rich staged progress bar with modifiable steps in between its stages.
StageStepBar A staged progressbar that you can use if you want finer control of the steps in between its stages. You can customize: Number of steps be
Practising React by building Netflix Clone
Netflix-Clone-React Practising React by building Netflix Clone Requirements TMDB api key : Add TMDB API key to AppApi.kt Learning Resourcce Build Netf
A react native interface for integrating payments using PayPal
react-native-paypal Getting started Installation npm install react-native-paypal Android Specific Add this to your build.gradle maven { url "https:
A clone of hn.premii.com implemented in KMP with Web (React), iOS (Swift UI), Android and Desktop (Compose) UIs
An clone of hn.premii.com implemented in Kotlin Multiplatform with shared Android/Desktop Compose UI, SwiftUI on iOS and React for Web This example su
New style for app design Online Sunglasses Shop App UI made in Jetpack Compose.😉😎
JetSunglassUI-Android New style for app design Online Sunglasses Shop App UI made in Jetpack Compose. 😉 😎 (Navigation Components, Dagger-Hilt, Mater
Implementing bottom navigation in jetpack compose
Compose-Bottom-Navigation Implementing bottom navigation in jetpack compose Add the Navigation dependency Open the app's build file, found at app/buil
The JeTrivia is built on a modern Android Development tech stack with MVVM architecture. Kotlin, Coroutine, Flow, StateFlow, Jetpack Compose, Navigation, Room, Hilt, Retrofit2, OkHttp3, kotlinx.serialization, MockK, Truth
JeTrivia 🚧 In Progress 🚧 The JeTrivia application is sample based on MVVM architecture. Fetching data from the network via repository pattern and sa
Daily Doc is a Productivity Note App utilizing Jetpack Compose
Daily Doc is a productivity app to help you keep track of your daily progress inspired by 100-day-challenges.
🍃 Organic Maps is an Android & iOS offline maps app for travelers, tourists, hikers, and cyclists based on top of crowd-sourced OpenStreetMap data and curated with love by MapsWithMe founders.
🍃 Organic Maps is an Android & iOS offline maps app for travelers, tourists, hikers, and cyclists based on top of crowd-sourced OpenStreetMap data and curated with love by MapsWithMe founders. No ads, no tracking, no data collection, no crapware.
A small navigation library for Android to ease the use of fragment transactions & handling backstack (also available for Jetpack Compose).
A small navigation library for Android to ease the use of fragment transactions & handling backstack (also available for Jetpack Compose).
Swift-friendly api generator for Kotlin/Native frameworks
MOKO KSwift KSwift it's gradle plugin for generation Swift-friendly API for Kotlin/Native framework. Kotlin sealed interface/class to Swift enum Kotli
A simple app demonstrates using Jetpack compose with other Jetpack libraries.
Android Pokemon Compose This repository is a simple app that make request to https://pokeapi.co and display them in the paginated lists. It demonstrat
🌄 Photo editor using native modules for iOS and Android. Inherit from 2 available libraries, Brightroom (iOS) and PhotoEditor (Android)
React Native Photo Editor (RNPE) 🌄 Image editor using native modules for iOS and Android. Inherit from 2 available libraries, Brightroom (iOS) and Ph
Template for building CLI tool in Kotlin and producing native binary
Kotlin command-line native tool template This template allows you to quickly build command-line tool using Kotlin , Clikt and build a native binary fo
Check out the new style for App Design aims for the Vegetable Order Service using jetpack compose...😉😀😁😎
VegetableOrderUI-Android Check out the new style for App Design aims for the Vegetable Order Service using jetpack compose... 😉 😀 😁 😎 Screenshots